Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today we took a long walk on the beach. The weather has been nice here not too humid. I was so happy to hear my boss hired someone for NYC :)

Belinda - I didn’t realize the last A stood for A$$:)The grouper is real good, may try again tomorrow but from different place LOL.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Yesterday was a CF workout. We did a 21-15-9 workout. So round one is 21 reps of each, then round two 15, and the third round is 9. We did Turkish get-ups and overhead squats with a barbell (I did front squats because I cannot manage to do the overhead squats with proper form and it is scary). I did the Turkish get-ups with a 10-pound dumbell and front squats with 55#.

Here's video-link of Turkish get-ups:
They are pretty intense!

In between each round, we had to run 400m, which is 1/4 of a mile, no biggie for me these days, haha. I finished in a little under 28 minutes. It was hard, even with the 10# DB.

Today, I am going for a 12-mile run. My friend is meeting me to do 1/2 the run with me and then I am on my own for the rest.

Deb- I am happy for you that your boss finally found a replacement for that position.

Belinda- WOW! That is crazy! Sometimes I think about doing a run AND going to CF on the same day. . . but common sense tells me it is too much. I know people at CF that train there and then go to another gym. Crazy. Those GHD sit-ups are no joke too!


12 miles done. I ran the first 8 with my friend. She has not run more than 5 miles in a long time, so she slowed my pace down, but I finished strong with the last 4 miles. Going on a dinner date with DH tonight. The boys are sleeping over my dad's house. I have to clean up and get ready for later.

BB tomorrow.

Good evening.

I did D32 cardio today. This morning DH and I went to the famers market. I am so happy I get fresh from the farm produce again.

Debbie - year, the last A stand for A$$ :) My hips are sore/tight with all those moves. Enjoy your grouper today. I eat it almost daily when I am in FL. Just love it.

Kirstin - isn't it crazy! Don't overdo it. You doing great with your workouts. Great job with your 12 miler today. That's a long run. Thanks for the link. I can't do any twisting moves due to my back. I have to modify those moves.

Have a great evening.

Today was a long walk on the beach. Last minute I decided to book Chicago RT, with the extra money I earned from working in NY. DH wasn’t interested in seeing Chicago so I am going Friday morning till Sunday afternoon it will be quick.

Belinda - Our Farmers Market doesn’t open till mid June. I wished it opened sooner. That is cool yours opens early.

Kristin - Great job with your run! The Turkish get up looks hard but at least he does it slowly and with good form.

Slept in today so I didn't go to CF. I did a 3-mile run instead, with the goal of staying under a 9'10 mile pace, which I did. Overall, my average pace was 8'49 per mile. My times were: mile 1 -9'02, mile 2- 8'47, mile 3- 8'40. I wanted to go longer, but with running 12 yesterday, I stopped. I have work to do and a house to finish cleaning. It never ends! Only four days until my April break! I cannot wait!

Deb- It is almost impossible to do those Turkish get-ups any faster than the guy in the video. I struggled with my form going slow and having only a 10# dumbbell! Even the elites at my gym take them slow.

Belinda- for me the hardest part of the move is remembering all the parts to it. It is confusing and awkward to do. I did have nice DOMS in my shoulders and core from it though.


Rest day for me today. I did ended up doing a short stretch today.

Debbie - I am excited about the farmers market. We are surrounded by a lot of farms. I mean a lot of farms. They will be open until October.

Kirstin - good for you for sleeping in today. Your body probably needed it. You are fast, girl! WTG!

We took a long walk today. We are starting to get things done before we leave on Wednesday.

Belinda - I wanted to find a Farmers Market here but never researched it. I think it would be fun to see different Farmers Markets in other states.

Kristin - I forgot to say yesterday to have a good date night. It’s great you will be able to train for your race on Spring break:)

Good morning,

D33 Booty is done. I only used one loop instead of doubling up. I think my booty/hip is sore 7 day's a week from all the band/gliders workouts.

Debbie - our farmers market is right in town. Our farmers market has a lot of different varieties. A few farmers from last year are not in that one? I was told they at the next town which is Sunday's, the market is very small. Not worth driving, IMO! I did order my weekly mixed salads. Oh well! I do want to support the local farmers, wished their prices weren't so high. I get organic produce much cheaper at Whole Foods or Costco. We eat a lot of salad. At the farmers market they want for a small bag $5, it would last me one meal. At Costco I buy the organic salad less than $5 it last me 3 meals. There is grown WV "ramps" which I buy at the market. It's in season now. We really like it :)

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

I also did Cathe Total Body Stretching - Basic Stretching. I forgot how good of a lower body stretch that was. Need to pull that one out more often.
Hey guys. Today was a CF workout. Whenever it is a member's birthday, they get to pick the movements for the workout. My friend, Mike, turned 50, and he picked 3 movements: burpee box jumps, ground to overheads with a plate, and hollow rocks (ab work). You had to do 2 reps of each, then 4 reps, then 6 reps, then 8, all the way to 20 each. I modified the burpee box jumps and did burpee step ups instead. Box jumps scare me. I have never done them. I cannot afford to hurt my legs, lol. I finished in 31:08. I was dripping with sweat. It was a great workout.

Three more days until my break, not that I am counting ;).

Belinda- Thanks. I hear you on the prices at farmer's markets being higher than Costco. We get our veggies at Costco all the time. It saves us money and the quality is good, so why not?

Deb- I am looking forward to doing runs in the late morning during my break. It is the perfect time of day, lol.
That's great that you are going on the RT. Something to look forward to! It's less than a month away, right?



Today we took a long walk on the beach. We couldn’t sit out on beach the sand was flying around. We took the car to a tire place because DH thinks we may have a slow leak in one tire. They didn’t find anything but were very nice and didn’t charge us. He will keep checking the pressure and fingers crossed it will be ok for Wednesday when we leave.

I agree with the both of you Costco has nice vegetables with a great price.

Belinda - A few years ago I saw an article in our paper about ramps, I really want to try them! It said chiefs love to cook with them.

Kristin - That’s nice you get to pick the exercises on your birthday:). It is less than 3 weeks away.

Good morning,

Day 34 Cardio Core is done. Tough workout. I did all the high impact on my rebounder. I really like the different jump robe moves, so much fun on the rebounder.

Debbie - I like Ramps and buy it since I get it at the market. I don't understand the fuss about it.
Taste like a cross between an onion and garlic. I never heard of it until a few years ago. Yeah, lots of chefs like to cook with them. I am adding them in everything since I have so many. Fingers cross about the tire. Safe travels home.

Kirstin - the prices are higher at the market. I only buy like the purple (same call it blue) potatoes. I buy baby kale, spinach, baby Bok choy, arugula, pea pods (?) for sandwiches. I buy organic produce from Costco, so much cheaper. But some of their stuff is just too much for 2 people. Things we eat regular I buy in bulk.There was a lady on FB complaining about people on food stamps getting double produce for there $$. And we are paying higher prices and she hardly can afford buying from the famers market she would like too. I do agree, I want to support local farmers. There are some of the farmers that are have reasonable prices on their produce some do not. There is one older farmer I like to support, he is cheap compare to the rest. He has the best prices and he is very friendly :) He goes out of his way just to talk to us.

Off to the shower. BBL!
Quick check in for me as I’m falling asleep. Five mile run was windy out and I chose to run against the wind to challenge myself.

Good night!

Good morning,

D35 TB Core is done.

Kirstin - nice job on your run last night. LOL, about falling asleep.

Debbie - you must be excused from your trip. Hope you doing well.

Happy Hump Day everyone.
Good morning,

D35 legs is done.

I still need to do a nice stretch today. It's helping my hip.

Hope you both doing well. have a great day and workout. BBL!
Well. . . I made it. Today was our last day of school and I am officially on spring break! In celebration, I went for a 5-mile run, lol. I am pretty tired. Looking forward to NOT having to set my alarm and getting up at the crack of dawn, haha. I will be going to CF tomorrow and maybe running 2 slow miles.

Belinda- nice ob with your workouts. I hear you on the stretching. I need to do more stretching myself.

Waving hello to Deb!

BB tomorrow.


We finally made it home! We left Florida on Wednesday morning lots of traffic because of construction. We slept overnight in NC it was such a noisy hotel. I woke up to a bright flashing red light at 3AM and it was a message from the front desk. I called them back thinking the worse and they said to unplug the phone it happens all the time in that room :rolleyes: At 6:30AM there were grass cutters taking care of the property. Today the traffic was worse but was some construction, volume and accidents:( I thought maybe people going away for Easter, but DH was right when we looked around it was just 1 person in the cars not families:confused: I guess all travel has it pluses and minuses. We should have just left at 3AM.

Belinda - I hope your hip is feeling better. I agree at our Farmer's Market one farmer is very reasonable and I feel guilty not buying from the others. Another vendor who sells mushrooms and mozzarella gives me extra which is really nice.

Kristin - Enjoy your Spring break and happy it is Spring too;) DH is retired and still sets the alarm during the weeko_O Do you still do things with the boy's for Easter?


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