Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did L4 W7 Back & bi's. At NYC Macy's they are doing a beautiful flower show. There are spring flowers and trees everywhere. I didn't know but they do this every year in the Spring for a week. I'm glad I was able to see it.

Belinda - The core exercises are tough and fun:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

D18 FB is done.

Debbie - nicely done with L4 W4 Back & Biceps. You are almost done :) I would watch the beautiful flower show too. Love flowers.

Hi Kirstin!

I have a Orthodontist appointment. Need to shower and get ready. BBL!
Hey guys.

Crazy ass week. So glad tomorrow is Friday. I have been getting my runs in. Sunday was 8 miles, Tuesday was 5 and today I did a speed workout today. . . against the wind. . . it kind of sucked. Anyway, took Baxter to vet yesterday for bloodwork to see if he could withstand sedation for x-rays. He is cleared for that. X-rays are scheduled for next week.

I am exhausted. DH has been away for two days for work. Playing single mom while also being a teacher three weeks before spring break. . . killing me!

I will be back with personals later.


Today I did Cathe Live Kickboxing workout. I had my hair done today and happy it will be Spring at least Friday and Saturday:)

Belinda - How is it going with the invisalign? My SIL just told me my nephew is having major gum problems and may need 13 teeth pulled. I mentioned he should get a 2nd opinion.

Kristin - It must be tough playing single Mom. Happy to hear that Spring break is almost here for you. Keeping my fingers crossed for Baxter.

Good morning,

I did my workout early this morning, just getting around to post. I did D19 LB. It was giant sets. Great workout.

Debbie - my Ortho appointment went well. My teeth are tacking fine. I can't believe I am already 9 month into Invisalign. Now I have to catch up with my lower tray/ I am on uneven tray#. Upper tray I am on 21 of 28, Lower I am on 16 of 28 tray's. I am going to be done with the upper trays unless I keep them in longer than 2 weeks. I am on 2 week changes. DH and I did some math yesterday to figure out how to catch up with my lower tray's. I was concerned when my Ortho told me to go ahead with the upper tray. Meaning 10 day's Upper/14 day's for the lower. It was a hot mess changing them out on 2 different day's :) Last time I saw her, I told her about it. She recommended to change both out every 14 day's at the same time. Why didn't she tell me that in the first place? :( Yesterday, she said it doesn't matter if I am done earlier on the top. Just wear the lower tray until I am finished in September. I am not just wearing one tray 24 hours a day. Or I wear the same upper tray (tray #28) for a few month. Or I could catch up with the botton tray, WTH? Now, I am playing catch up with my lower tray. DH and I did some math, so I catch up/finish at the same time with my lower tray. I was afraid this was going to happened in the first place that I will play catch up. I think, your nephew needs to get a few more other opinions. I have never heard that anyone getting that many teeth pulled? Are this teeth that bad? Did he see a dentist or an Orthodontist? The 1st visit was free. There is also a big difference in prices? I payed over $7000. I started Invisalign June 2018, I will be done the end of September this year. Unless, I stop tracking. Or need refinements. If he gets Invisalign make sure he gets Invisalign Full !!!! If he for whatever reason, needs longer or more tray's he will be covered. He he doesn't get Invisalign Full, he will not be fully covered if he needs more tray's/or his treatment takes him longer than 2 years/or whatever? I will try to sent you what is cover with Invisalign Full :) There is also a support group on FB, which I found very helpful. Maybe he wants to join and read about the struggles everyone went through. Wish I known about the FB support group before .

Kirstin - hang in there! It's hard being a single mom. You are doing amazing!

Hope you all having a great workout and day today. Gotta run! I will try to be back later tonight with personals.

Today I did walk/run on the treadmill. It was my last day in NYC, we leave for vacation on Monday:) I actually fell asleep on the train but woke up in time LOL. The conductor is good he checks to make sure people are awake for their stop, just afraid because of safety reasons.

Belinda - Great job with your workout! My nephew's gums are really bad. He is getting other opinions and most are saying there will be no need to remove his teeth. Why would a dentist even suggest that, he is so young. He has opinions of deep cleaning and even new technology with lasers. It sounds like you are going through a lot too. Why do teeth cost so much:oops: I'm sure it will be worth it:)

Kristin - Have a nice weekend:)

Good afternoon,

DH and I did cardio this morning. That is one tough workout.

Debbie - great job on your workout. LOL, you felt asleep on the train. Glad the contractor checks too. I would be afraid to miss my stop. Following the Invisalign, you read all kinds of stuff. It's always better to get a second option. Remember last year a surgeon wanted to pull one of my tooth, he thought it was cracked ? Although the special x-ray didn't see a crack :) I am glad to hear he doesn't need this teeth pulled. I still have some pain in that tooth especially when I stwich to a new tray. Other than that, Invisalign helped a lot. How long with you be in FL this time?

Alesia is coming today. Need to get ready. BBL!
Hey guys. Gorgeous day out. I went for my long run today- 10 miles. I finished in 1:37:01. Not too bad. My average pace was 9'41 a mile. If I want to get under 2 hours for the half, my pace has to be 9:10 per mile. I need to work on speed. Anyway, work was crazy yesterday, but I survived. Went to CF. Now I am going to give myself a facial, take a shower and go see my mom. The boys are with my dad for now.

Belinda- Have fun with Alesia! BTW- I had braces when I was younger and my teeth went crooked again. I wonder if I should look into Invisaling. My smile does bother me. . . Is it really expensive?

Deb- Are you still going to NYC for work or did they hire someone? I remember you saying you had told them you did not want to take over that location.



Today I took a rest day. It was a beautiful day! We even opened our windows to air out the house. DH & DS put our outside furniture back out, maybe a little premature;) I hope we get a long Spring this year.

Belinda - We will be in FL for 2 weeks and bring back the car we left down there last time. Have fun with Alesia:)

Kristin - You are real close to getting your time! How is your Mom doing? Today was the 1st time my MIL didn't recognize me, it was sad. My boss still hasn't found anyone yet. It is only 3 1/2 hours but for me I was traveling just as long so makes no sense. I was just doing her the favor.

Hey there! Went to CF this morning with my DS. I don't know if I told you this, but the owner and main trainer of the location was in serious financial trouble. He had to sell the gym. He found someone who owns another CF gym to buy him out. He will still be a trainer there, but the ownership will be different. Well today, the new owner was there with a new trainer and he was amazing. I really liked him. He helped me with my form and was great with pointers with myself and DS. Now I am relaxing before I get ready to clean the house and plan lessons. Why do the weekends go by so fast!?!

Deb- You are going to Florida? Nice! I bet it is summer-like weather there now.

Waving hello to Belinda!

Hi everyone,

Rest day for me today.

Debbie - I see! Have fun in FL tomorrow. Safe travels! I wouldn't mind going to FL on vacation right now. DH wants to take me to Hawaii in May :)

Kirstin - glad you like the new trainer and makes sure you and DS have good form. Sad your old one had to sell this gym. Usually when people had braces as kids their teeth start to shift/or they need braces again later on. Alesia had braces, her dentist recommended Invisalign.

Good night, everyone.

Getting ready for Florida, we leave tomorrow afternoon. I’m running myself into the ground so looking forward to this trip.

Belinda - Hawaii is beautiful, sounds like fun. My favorite yoga instructor plans to move there someday to teach yoga, but her Dad (our neighbor) is real sick :(

Kristin - A few gyms around here are in trouble, too many of them. I’m happy it worked out for you. Sometimes change is good:)

Good morning,

D21 TB Core is done. Almost done with phase 1.

Debbie - I always wanted to go to Hawaii. The only problem is ChuChu, he isn't doing so well. My son wants to move to Hawaii too. How fun your yoga instructor plans to move there someday to teach. Sorry to hear about her dad :(

I need to get to work, I will try to be back later. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

We made it to Florida, I’m exhausted didn’t sleep good at all last night. For some reason flying has started to make me very nervous :(

Belinda - The only thing I would suggest is not to do too many islands. We did 4 islands and I wished we had only done 1 or 2 islands. Wow, your almost done with Phase 1! It goes by quickly.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Yesterday I ran 5 miles. One mile warm up, then 3 miles were supposed to be "race pace" at 9:10 a mile. I was able to go faster than that for the three miles. Average pace 8:30. Then 1 mile slow cool down. I felt good at the pace I was going. In order to run the half marathon in under two hours, I have to have a 9:10 pace or less. I am starting to feel confident I can do it. I also went to CF yesterday. It was a core workout. Burner too. We had 30 minutes to do AMRAP (as many rounds as possible). We had to do 25 Turkish sit-ups, 50 Russian twists, 25 rollouts, and then 50 plate jumps. Ladies use a 15# plate. I was able to do five rounds.

Anyway. . . spring break is getting closer. I am hanging on for dear life, lol.

Deb- I am always nervous when I fly, so I get it. It is very stressful going through the airport and everything. Then getting on the plane. . . that's a whole other issue for me, lol. I hope you got a good night sleep last night!

Belinda- I don't know if it was all this talk about braces or invisalign, but I had a dream that all my teeth fell out! It was creepy!


Good morning,

D22 LB is done. Love the lower body workout. It's a tough on. Looks easy, but it's tough :)

Debbie - thanks for the tip! We only plan to relax on one island. Not hopping around like we did when we were younger :p I am always nervous when I fly. I agree with Kirstin. Lots of stress at the airport. I rather drive these day's. Enjoy your stay in FL.

Kirstin - sorry about the dream :) LOL! You are doing amazing with CF! You are one tough girl :)


Today we walked the beach it was cool and windy so we did a bunch of errands. The maintenance man showed us a few condos that have updated their kitchens and bathrooms. It was fun to see and gives us ideas if we decide to move here someday.

Belinda - It’s funny how the workouts look easy but are tough!

Kristin - Too funny about your dream:p You are doing great with your running times you will nail it!

Hey guys. Quick morning check in. I ran a recovery run yesterday of 4 miles. Took it slow and easy. Work was great yesterday. I’m having the kids do group discussions for the class. . . It was awesome. They acted like college students and they are 13! I’m continuing today. It was the first day in a long while I left that place feeling good.

Belinda- are you still doing 80 day obsession? I saw on Facebook autumn is doing a live 21 day fix in real time.

Deb- glad you are enjoying Florida. I love looking at remodels of kitchens and bathrooms.


Good morning,

D23 cardio is done. Need to get a stretch in later.

Debbie - my husband said the same yesterday while we were done with Booty workout w/the bands. The bands are very tough, especially if you use 2 or 3 bands at the same time. My butt hurts in a good way every time. How fun looking at condos in FL. I always wanted to move to the beach. All those sink holes. Watched a documentary on sink holes not to long ago. I guess, everywhere you have limestones you have sink holes. We have them in WV too. Had no idea until a few weeks ago :(

Kirstin - yes, DH and I am doing the program. Loving it so far. I saw Autumn is doing another new program. Looks great so far. I like her workouts. Some people find her annoying, I don't. Your discussion for the class sounds awesome. LOL, they are only 13 :) How cute! Great job on your run yesterday.

I will try to check in later. Have lots to do.

Today we took a long walk on the beach. Tomorrow I have to get a weight workout in.

Belinda - It’s funny but people in Florida joke about the sinkholes. They are scary to me.

Kristin - When does your Spring break start? Lots of families are here for Spring break but don’t think there from NY/NJ area.


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