Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did L4 W5 shoulders. We went to my Mom’s to celebrate her birthday. I was so tired from losing an hour sleep, hopefully will be more energized tomorrow.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I thought I did :( I been having a lot of headaches for the last few day's. I feel like my head is exploding. I haven't had a sinus headache like this in years. I finally took meds last night. Still woke up with a giant headache this morning.

DH and I started 80DO. Although the workouts are long, I loved it. Thank goodness for the modifier too. The workout It was Day 1 TB Core, 2 sets/15 reps = 60 min. You need 2 sets of DB's and resistance loops. You run through a lot of exercises UB/core once through, than you repeat the set again. I posted the weight Autumn is using.

Squat Rotating Shoulder Press w/10's
Lateral Bear Crawl w/loop
Plank with leg pull (loop)
Bent over Row w 10's
Renegade Row w/Twist loop
Boat Bow with Lat Pull/loop
Push Up/ Leg lift( loop)
Chest Fly 10's) w/leg Lift( loop)
Side crunch with loop kicks
Staggered Bic Curl 10's
Crunch with DB's 10's
Side Plank w/Knee Pull loops
Tricep Kickbacks 10's
Single Arm Tricep Press down w/loop
Tricep push ups BW
Repeat all the exercises one more time!

Debbie - happy birthday to your mom. I had no energy yesterday. Relaxed most of the day.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!
Hey guys. Got in a 4-mile run today. It was a gorgeous day for a run. I didn't even take my beats, I ran without music. Day felt good. And then. . . after dinner, Baxter was running around playing. He went to run up the stairs, slipped and fell (one step) and started yelping. He couldn't stand on one hind leg. I rushed him to the vet. It's not broken, but he might. . . might have a torn ACL. He cannot run or jump for two weeks. Hello, he is a BOXER. And he cannot go up and down stairs, so he cannot sleep with us. Also, he has to take pain medication. If it doesn't seem better in two weeks, I have to bring him back for sedated X-rays. If it is a torn ACL, he needs surgery. . . $4,000-$7,000. :eek::(

So please, pray for my pup and for me. I am broke and was hoping that this summer I could pay for a new oil burner. . . if he needs this surgery. . . I cannot even think about it.

Deb- I was tired all day yesterday too. I hate turning the clock back and forth. I did enjoy the longer hours of sunlight today.

Belinda- 80 Day Obsession looked really good. Let us know how you like it. It progresses, right? It gets harder as the days go on?



Today I did L4 W5 Legs. It was a beautiful day, and nice that the daylight was longer.

Belinda - I used to get migraines all the time but not so much, but when I do:( I liked that little obsession were shorter workouts. You will get used to the longer workouts but agree about the modifier:)

Kristin - I will say prayers that Baxter is ok! That is a crazy amount of money for an operation:oops: and no health insurance for dogs:( Hopefully it will work out. It was a great day for a run, great job:)

Good morning,

Day 2 Booty is done = 60 min. You do 2 rounds/15 reps. You only use a resistance loop. I loved this one. Who knew what you can do so many different exercises with the loops. The warm up and cool down was the same as D1. My Glutes are on fire. I felt the burn with each exercise. I used 2 loops instead of one, lol.

Glute Bridge -all 9 exercises are lying down on the floor.
Bridge with a Clam
Wide Bridge
Leg Lift/ next 3 exercise are done on one side, than do them on the other side
Toe Taps
Toe Taps
Press Back - those burned like crazy :)
Deadlift - all 5 exercises are standing.
Leg lifts
Press Back
Squat Side-to-Side
Duck Walk
Side Lunges

Debbie - did you do the Little Obsession? I think you would enjoy the workouts. So far, I am liking it. Time goes by fast too. I can't remember the last time I had a sinus/migraines like this? Every time I moved my head hurt like crazy. Not even my meds helped :(

Kirstin - I will pray that Baxter is ok too :( I hope the meds will help him so he doesn't need surgery. That's a lot of $$ :oops: When Brawler needed the MRI and testing, that was a lot of money too. Keep us posted! Great run yesterday.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Today I went to the gym (it's been a long time LOL) and did the elliptical and it was a struggle! DH and I went to dinner at a pizza/restaurant we haven't been in a long time and it was nice to see our friends again:)

Belinda - I did Little Obsession and 80 day Obsession and really liked both of them. I remember really liking booty workouts, would never have thought to use 2 bands and so many different exercises with the band:)

Kristin - I hope Baxter is taking Dr's orders;)

Good morning,

D3 Cardio Core is done. That one was tough. I will try write down and post the workout later. I am beat. Great workout. Thank goodness for the modifier, lol. Lot of core workout in that one.

Debbie - I didn't released you did 80DO? Those are great workouts. Liking it so far. Try to use 2 bands :) I am feeling my booty since last night. My abs are sore too. Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - how is Baxter doing?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Hey guys. Went to Crossfit today. My first time in a week and a half. My back is still a little tight, but I was able to do the workout. It was more cardio than weights. We did thrusters, and I went light with a 55# barbell. Felt good. Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous out so I might do a short run and then go to CF.

Baxter seems to be doing okay. He seems to be able to put pressure on his leg. If you look closely, you can see it is hurting him though. We are sticking with no running/jumping and going up the stairs as much as we can. I take him outside to potty on a leash. He is DESPERATE to play and run. The medicine is supposed to make him lethargic. I don't see it. This guy is like a horse!

Deb- nice job on your workout. I find that the elliptical can be surprisingly hard if you haven't done it in a while.

Belinda- did you have any pet insurance? I had it for his first year, but found they never covered anything, and so I dropped it.



Today I did Lite Metabolic Blast. I have been covering in NYC again, it's just too much traveling:( I need to talk to my boss and find out how much longer.

Belinda - I did 80 day obsession January 2018, the time seem to fly by. I think you will like it:)

Kristin - I always wonder for humans/pets if the pain meds can give you a false sense that you are healed. Tomorrow should be a really good day for a run, enjoy!

Good morning,

Dragging this morning. I will get my workout in shortly.

Debbie - did you really? LOL! I can't remember. Did you do the entire 80DO? The core workout is tough with the sliders. I do like it. Sorry about the extra work load. I hope it gets better soon. Great job on Lite Metcom yesterday.

Kirstin - I also had insurance for both our dogs through Petco. I dropped it after a year. I also felt it didn't cover anything. They always did unnecessary test on the dogs. Ended up paying more out of packet than taking the dogs to my vet. I take the dogs to the vet when they needed, which was only once a year. Well, with Brawler it was more. Dogs are expensive. It's hard to keep them still when that age. Brawler was the opposite when they gave him meds, it knocked him out. Maybe your vet needs to give him something stronger, lol. Hope he feels better soon and doesn't need surgery. Great job with your workouts. You doing fantastic with CF and your running.

Off to get my workout in. BBL!
Good morning,

D4 AAA (Arms, Abs & A$#) is done. She workouts your glutes & abs every day. Tomorrow is leg day. What a fantastic workout. I did had problems with my sliders in my gym floor :( I have no carpet downstairs.

Have a wonderful day, ladies! BBL!
Hey guys. I had a beautiful run today. I did a ladder down run. Here's the breakdown: 10 minute warmup, 1 mile fast, .25 mile slow, .75 mile fast, .25 mile slow, .50 fast, .25 slow, .25 fast, .50 slow. I ended up running 4.77 miles in 43 minutes. Not bad! I so love the longer days. I left the track at 6 and the sun was still shining. LOVE it!

Belinda- my friend gave me peppermint oil to rub on Baxter's leg. She said it will help with inflammation. The pain pills the doc gave me for him. . . she suggested 2 a day and if he can handle it, try three a day. Today is the first day we are trying 3 a day and now he does seem a bit sluggish, but in a good way.

Deb- I think the pain meds give Baxter a false sense of security, for sure. I hope your boss is able to pull you out of NY sooner rather than later. That is a lot of travelling, which wears you down.



Today I did L4 W6 Chest & triceps. My SIL had a scary moment today, her 1 year old boxer broke from the leash during a walk. She didn't find him till an hour later, and he just came running out of the woods. I'm so glad she is safe:)

Belinda - I finished 80 day obsession and even was able to do on vacation. The core workout is tough!

Kristin - It was a beautiful day for a run and your run sounded like fun! My SIL's boxer has so much energy too, maybe too much;) I love the longer days.

Good morning,

D6 Legs is done. Great I am sweating like crazy. Sorry, I have a lot of work to catch up. Not sure, if I have time to post all the exercises. Loving these workout.

Debbie - I do think those workouts would be great for traveling. I love BB for that reason, all you need are a few sets of DB's, loops & gliding disc. Unlike Cathe's workouts, I need to bring my entire gym equipment with me on vacation, lol I also like their is a modifier instead of me figuring out how to modify.

Kirstin - I am a firm believer of essential oils. I hope the peppermint will help. I hope upping the meds will help Baxter. He is a big dog. Poor thing! Hope he feels better soon. Yesterday was a beautiful day for a run. DH and I walked our dog. I didn't needed a jacket :) Summer is coming!

Have a great day and workout today. BBL!
Good morning,

D6 Cardio Flow + SBF UB + 2 mile walk is done. I need to shower and get ready to go grocery shopping.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
I am getting ready to do another purge on my workout dvd's. I have way to many dvd's, haven't used them in month. I need to let them go :) I will list them if no one on here is interested. I have brand new Beachbody sets Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, P90, 10 Min Trainer with Tony Horton just to name a few. All sets come with material and original equipments. I also have brand new Barre 3, Pure Barre, Tracey Mallett. I am also have all the Tracie Long workouts. they also new. If you are interested in any, please sent me a pm.

I thought I checked in yesterday. We celebrated my MILs 80th birthday with family it was a nice time. It's sad because not sure if she even realized:(

Today I did Cathe Lite Cardio Party, I liked that one! We are going to grab a bite to eat soon.

Belinda - I'm glad you are liking 80 day, is your DH doing them with you? I have a lot of the workouts you mentioned but will double check. I was flipping through the channel and saw a show Tiny Houses, I think it is really cool:) Have you ever seen that series?

Kristin - I hope you get some running in this week should be good after tomorrow!

Have a great weekend:)

Today I took a rest day. I can’t believe it is Spring this week

Belinda - The show Tiny Houses is on Bravo TV.

Waves hi to Kristin


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