Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I just finished my last workout in L4 (TB HiiT) :) DH and I got great results, we couldn't be happier. I defiantly will revisit the program again. Looking forward, to 80 Day Obsession. I haven't decided if I take a recovery week next week or not. I probably should take a week of lifting.

Debbie - DH and I planned on moving in a few years, not this year. Oh well! It is what it is, right? The factory doesn't have all their permits. Citizens and lawyers are fighting to stop the nonsense. Less than an half of mile they are building it? That is wrong. Regardless of what I am decluttering. I thought they toughen up the gun laws? Safe travels!

Hallo Kirstin!

I will check in later. Have a great day.

Before we flew home, we walked a couple of miles and extra cleaning around the condo. The flight home was terrible the turbulence was bad for most of the flight. Also (I think because of the turbulence) a passenger had a medical emergency and TG there was a Dr. on board. He was having chest pains. In the end they were able to get him stabilized. The pilot and crew members all greeted us when we left the plane and I thanked them for getting us home safe. I ran into one of the crew members when, we were in the terminal and you can tell he was still shaken up.

Belinda - Kudos on getting L4 done and happy with the results:) I hope everything works out, can't they build where there isn't a residential area!

Kristin - I hope your have a nice weekend:)

Good morning,

5 mile walk + SBF stretching is done.

Debbie - how scary! I would have been shaking up too. Glad you home again.

Kirstin - hope you having a nice weekend.

That's it for me today. Have a wonderful weekend.

Today I took a rest day. We woke up to 6 inches of snow, and more on Sunday eve/Monday morning. We had a Memorial to go to today for my nieces finance's Dad. I also went food shopping but it was so crowded because of all the snow coming:(

Belinda - Nice walk and stretch!

Waves hi to Kristin:)
Today I too a rest day. We also got a lot of snow.

Debbie - sorry for your loss. Hope you had a relaxing Sunday.

Hallo Kirstin! How is your mom doing.

Today I did L4 W5 Chest & triceps. Ugh, it is snowing now and by the morning we will have 6 inches. I am just so tired of the snow:( I hope this is the last snow of the season!

Belinda - I hope you enjoyed your rest day:)

Kristin - I know NYC schools are closed but not sure about Long Island?

Good morning,

This week is my recovery week. I walked 5 miles this morning. I will do a stretch later.

Debbie - I hear you on the snow. I feel the same way :( Great job on W5 chest & Back.

Hallo Kirstin :)

Have a great workout and day, everyone.

Today I didn’t get a workout in:(. Between the snow and so much catching up it was a challenge but I did get lots of steps in and closed my 3 rings. I also meal prepped so my food choices are good.

Belinda - A nice long walk!!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good evening,

This morning I did SBF UB barre + short walk.

Debbie - do you have a Apple watch? I have one and love it.

Good night.

Today I did a workout on the treadmill. It was cold today and the rest of the week the same.

Belinda - I do have an Apple watch and I love it. I wasn't sure if I would like it but I really do:) Great job with your workouts!

Hi Kristin

Good morning,

Walk and SBF LB barre is done.

Debbie - great job on the TM workout. I also love my apple watch.

I will try to be back later.

Today was L4 W4 back & bi's. I'm really tired so hoping to get a good night sleep!

Belinda - Great job with your workout:) The one thing I don't do is input my workouts into the apple watch. It doesn't give a good count for yoga or weight training. Do you?

Good afternoon,

Before I did my workout today, I CleanMax :) Today I did SBF Strong Back + 1 mile walk.

Debbie - good job with L4W4 BB. Hope you got a good night sleep. I do input my weight training and other workouts into my Apple watch. I never get a good count when I do weight training. Do you still have your RT T-shirt from Commit to get fit and lean? I still have mine, not sure what to do with it.

Kirstin - you are not checking in anymore, hah? I hope all is well.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys,

I know my posts have been sporadic at best. I have had a hard time lately. Thursday I was at a administration/union meeting that was very stressful. . . to find out when I left that my dad had called and left a message that my mom was in the hospital. They thought she had the flu. . . it turned out to be a UTI. I ran straight from the school to the hospital and stayed there until they kicked me out around 11:30. Friday I spent the whole day with her there. Saturday, I went for a long run, 7 miles, and then went to the hospital. Sunday I went to CF and then stayed home to get work done. Monday went to CF. Tuesday, ran and yesterday was a rest day.

My life has been so hectic lately, and after the last admin/union meeting, I have decided that I need to step away from being the rep. I have been the rep for four years and I need a break. I was very mad at myself that I allowed my dad's call to go to voicemail. I need to focus on my family. Plus, things have been so negative at work, I am hoping by stepping down I can relieve myself of some of the negativity. I am still a very strong believer in unionism. I just need to take a break from being a leader. A lot of these millennial teachers are naive. . . or snakes. . . one or the other. I want to think naive, but I think it's more snakes. They are all about themselves and they think they know more than us (veteran teachers). When I first started teaching I had little confidence in myself. These millennial teachers have wayyyy too much confidence.

Anyway, I am sorry I haven't been around. I have not done a Cathe workout in months and I don't even miss it. Between running and CF, I feel satisfied with my fitness lifestyle. I don't like some of the new people in the videos and I miss the older type of workouts and music. I still like checking in here though and love you both very much! You have been a part of my fitness journey since I started in 2008.

Belinda- I also love my apple watch. I am addicted to it actually. I put it on do not disturb while I am at work so that I am not distracted. Other than that, I love it. I also have a running app on it, runkeeper. It is a great app. It gives me updates as I run as far as distance, pace, time, splits, and it allows my playlists to run as well.

Deb- The snow storm was a bust on Long Island. I am looking forward to longer days and spring weather! Did you watch Real Housewives of NY last night. For rich ladies they sure all look unhappy. Makes me realize that money is not the answer to finding happiness in life.



Today I did Rev'd Up Rumble. It was cold today, but happy it will get warmer for the weekend. I'm also happy the days are getting longer and we Spring ahead this weekend:)

Belinda - I'm going to do Cleanmax tomorrow:) I'm sure I still have our RT tee but it must be buried somewhere. I not sure if it still fitso_O. This week started putting a bag together for goodwill with clothes I know I will never wear.

Kristin - I'm so sorry you are going through so much. I hope your Mom feels better. It sounds like you are making the right choice about stepping down and taking a break. You don't need the negative and it will give you time to take care of yourself and your family. I love our group too, very motivating! Post when you can, but don't stress about it, we will be here:) I didn't see the show but saw clips, they are so unhappy.

Good afternoon,

I did SBF Pretzel (glute) + 3 mile walk.

Debbie - I am done with Cleanmax :) I have to break my cleaning up in 3 day's. Our house is over 4000 SQFT. I used to clean the entire house in one day, it got too much. LOL, I doubt my RT Tee still fits :( Good for you getting rid of clothes you know you want wear again. You will make someone else happy. My entire car is loaded up with unwanted stuff. I have 2 giant bags of clothes/ one bag full of shoes for the VA. Alesia gave me a bag of clothes too. I a box full of workout tapes (I am finally getting rid of them ) and movies, we no longer use. I have a lot of household ideas/sawing machine/ curtains I will donate to habitat for humanity restore. I also have some dog ideas like training pad (when Brawler was very sick I needed them) for the animal shelter. I am sure, they could use it when they have puppies. I have some towels I no longer need/use I will donate them to the pet store. They have a bin at the entrance, all those ideas rescues/shelters will pick up. I went through my linen closet, I have so many bedsheets. Those will go either to Habitat for Humanity restore or salvation army thrift store. I also put a box together for the school with pencil, pepper, markers and cards. I am still working to fill that box up, lol. And I still have too much stuff, lol.

Kirstin - man, you have a lot going on. Sending lots healing vibes to your mom. Hope she gets out of the hospital soon. How is your dad doing? I also love you guys and our group :) I hear you on Cathe's workouts. I feel the same way. It just isn't the same anymore. I am so happy you love CF and got into running again. You go girl! I used to use Runkeeper when I was still running. I love my Appelwatch. My kids bought it for xmas. I know....we said no gifts :) They wanted me to have one too. I agree, with Debbie! You don't need all that negativity in your life. It will drag you down. Who needs all that stress! Do you still have your RT tee? Or did you got rid of yours?

My kids are coming today. I will probably not be around much this weekend. We shall see! Have a great weekend, everyone.

Today I took a hot yoga class, it was nice to get back to. I also did Cleanmax but only 1/2 of my house. I ran out of energy but wished I had my watch on to see how I did:)

Belinda - You are good, I really need to start loading my car up to, pretend that I am moving;) I don't clean my house in one time anymore, just too much! I like the sound of your workout:)

Kristin - Have a great weekend! I hope all is well with your family.

Hey guys. Today I did a 7 mile run. I was a little slow at first but picked up my pace a bit at the end. I run on this track that is really a 1.2 mile loop. It was not windy out, but wind hit me on one side every loop. I think that slowed me down, lol. Friday I was soooo tired after work, I fell asleep on the couch when I came home. So no CF workout. I am hoping to go tomorrow. My low back has been sore for days from the kettlebell swings last week. I am hoping it is better by tomorrow.

Belinda- my house needs a deep clean, but I don't have the time or desire to clean it. I am hoping a fairy will come and do it for me, lol. I like the idea of doing one room or two a day, but I never stick it.

Deb- thanks. The more I say I am stepping down as rep, the more I feel at peace with it. It is definitely the right decision for myself and my family right now.

I will be back tomorrow,

Good evening,

I walked 2 miles that's it. Having lots of with my kids. We have a new amazing vegan restaurant, we took our kids today. They all loved it. I am not a vegetarian nor I am a vegan, love the food. The food is amazing.

Debbie - I ran out of energy if I clean my entire house, lol. I am sick of cleaning. Wished I could find someone that wasn't so expensive to clean.

Kirstin - I hear you on the cleaning. I have to break my housecleaning up, my house is way to big to clean in one day. Good job on your 7 miler today. Be careful with your back.

Good night, I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took a rest day. I went food shopping and hope to prepare my lunches for the week. I am going to go to bed early and hopefully losing the hour won't feel so bad:) It was a nice day today but expecting snow/ice/rain tomorrow.

Belinda - I haven't ever been to a vegan restaurant but I bet the vegetables are really fresh and tasty!

Kristin - I'm going to try and incorporate run/walk at the gym this week. I was starting to fall asleep on the couch tonight it was so comfortable;)


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