Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


It was a rest day but so much running around, we are leaving tomorrow (2 days ahead of schedule) because of the weather so it will be a little over 2 weeks away. I will workout too long to be away without workouts:)

Belinda - Enjoy your rest day! I will do L4 and Cathe Lives when I am away when I can.

Kristin - You have been working real hard, I’m sure you are building some nice muscles! I have some lifetime movies taped can’t wait to watch them;). I didn’t realize NJ housewives was back on missed the whole season!

Good morning,

L4 Week 6 Chest & Tricpes is done.

Debbie - enjoy your vacation and safe travels.

Kirstin - what are you plans today?

I will be back later.
Good morning,

L4 Week 6 D2 Back/Bic + 2 mile walk is done.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
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Hey guys. Yesterday at CF we had a death by back squats. You could choose squat your body weight, half your body weight, or 1/4 your body weight. Whichever you chose determined the amount of reps you had to do per minute. I did half my body weight, so my barbell was 80#. Now, I did 2 reps in minute 1, 4 in minute 2, 6 in minute 3, 8 in minute 4 and failed so that was 20 reps @ 80#. Then I lowered my barbell to 65# and did 10 in minute 6, 12 in minute 7 and 14 in minute 8 and failed again. Dare I say the 65# felt easy! Today because of the snow and sleet, I stayed home and did my own countdown CF workout. Here's what I did:

100 step ups on 18 inches with 20# plate
80 sit ups
70 Russian Twists with 20# plate
60 alternate lunges
50 plank toe-touches
40 Alternate DB snatches with 20# DB
30 goblet squats with 20# DB
20 hand release push-ups
10 v-up sit-ups

I finished in 32 minutes. Maybe I should be a coach, lmao.

Anyway. . . three more days until vacation and I cannot wait!!!!

Deb- Where are you going? I hope someplace warm. Is it Florida again? So lucky! I am seeing some nice definition in my legs and back, and maybe even abs?

Belinda- nice job on your workouts! Did you get hit with snow today too?




We have been traveling for 2 days, I tried to walk and stretch whenever we stopped. The weather was bad yesterday until we reached North Carolina. I also had a migraine all day yesterday. Today was much better and did some exercising before we started our drive again. We are at my Dads now.

Belinda - I was wondering when we passed Virginia if you were getting bad weather but you are further west so maybe not. I can’t believe your at 6 weeks!

Kristin - You can be a coach, you put together a good workout! Definition is always good:)

Good afternoon,

This morning I walked 3 miles plus I did a SBF tight workout.

tried to cancel my SBF (Susanne Bowen Fitness) subscription which will expire the end of October this year. I still have 9 month left. Once they started the new site, they promised they would add more workouts. Well, she hasn't put anything out since March last year :( Oh by the way, she only has 372 workouts total online. Not to mention all the 3 to 4 min tutorial/quick target videos. She also has a lot of prenatal/kids barre videos. There isn't enough workouts to keep my interest :( I only paid $79 for the year , I was grandfathered. Everyone that signed up for the new site got grandfathered. Well, I wrote an email the other day to her monitor/administrator, she also is one that runs her FB page. Susanne stopped posting on FB in almost a year. She was going to refund me $34 for the remaining 9 month :( She said, I already used 3 mouth ($14.99 x 3 = $45. LOL! The current monthly price is $14.99. Anyway, I decided to keep my subscription until it runs out in October. I will not sign up again, not enough content on her streaming site. Her yearly membership is now $129.99, month is $14.99. Her membership almost doubled with no new contents.

Debbie - we got the bad weather. We were covered in snow/ice. Yesterday it rained, most of the snow is gone. We exception more snow :( Yeah, I am almost done with L4. Have fun in FL!

Kirstin - that is a lot of reps/pounds. WTG! How are you legs feeling today? Your workouts looks intense. They would kill me, lol :) I agree, with Debbie. You should become a coach. Great job on that workout and definition. Yes, we got hit by snow. I noticed we almost have the same weather as you guys.

Have a great workout and day, everyone.

Today was a busy day but really nice to see my Dad and his wife. It rained here and it was cold.

Belinda - I’m surprised the girl didn’t tell you why there isn’t new content? Eventually people will stop using her site. It was worth it for you to just keep till October.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

L4 Week 7 Shoulder Intervals + SBF UB 8 (12 min of planks) is done.

My DH's cousin she is over 80 years old, her daughter passed away last light :( I can't imagine what she is going through though. You never want your kids go before you. I feel so bad for her. She was our age :( So sad.

Debbie - this is what she said in an email "We fully anticipate that she wil film sometime in the future but we do not have any filmings planned that I am aware of." Considering I already paid for a full year, I will keep it and use her workouts. Not worst $129.99, IMO! I don't think they care if they lose a lot of customers. I know, a few will not sign up once their subscription runs out.

Hallo Kirstin!

Have a great workout today, everyone.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Today we took a long walk on the beach it was cool for me but lots of people out in their bathing suits. It felt good to move a lot today.

My nieces fiancé’s Dad just passed away. He had early/agressive onset Alzheimer’s and suffered an pneumonia. It is so sad but at least they have time to grieve before the wedding in September.

Belinda - I’m so sorry for your cousin, your right you shouldn’t have to bury your child:(. 12 minuets of planks is a lot!!

Kristin - One more day till your break:)

Good afternoon,

I did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post. I started cleaning my house afterwards and couldn't stop, lol.

L4 Lege HiiT + SBF Barre BC is done. I also walked 1 mile.

Debbie - thank you! I was so bummed yesterday. Hope you had a fantastic day yesterday. I wouldn't mind walking on the beach.

That's it for me today. Have a great weekend.

Today we walked on the beach and did L4 W3 shoulders. It’s crowded in Florida but it is winter break.

Belinda - Good job with your workout! When I get back from Florida I need to get back to decluttering.

Kristin - You must be happy winter break is here!

Good morning,

Debbie - I am so sorry your nieces fiancé’s Dad passed away. So sad! That is horrible just before her wedding. Sending lots of prayers. Good job keeping up with your workouts. I would take the crowds on the beach, lol. We suppose to get snow this weekend. Enjoy your stay!

Kirstin - where are you? I miss your posts!

I will be back later.

Today we took a long walk on the beach it was cool but sunny. We haven’t needed air conditioner so we can enjoy the fresh air.

Belinda - Hopefully you don’t get too much snow, last year we had so much snow in March.

Kristin - Is the CF challenge over yet?

Hey guys. I have been sick with a sinus infection since Thursday. A lot of students were coming to school sick and despite my best efforts to stay healthy, they got me. I must've used a gallon of hand sanitizer to no avail, lol. Anyway, I had to call in sick Friday. My head was pounding, my nose was all stuffed and my throat was on fire. I took Nyquil all day and night and slept it off. Today was my first workout since Tuesday. I went to Crossfit. It was a mix of movements that needed to be done in teams of three. We had 1350 single under jumpropes, 250 box jumps or step ups (I don't do box jumps, too scared), 150 Shoulder to Overhead presses with 35# barbell, 250 hang cleans with 65# barbell, 200 pushups, 100 toes to bar, or knee ups. We got everything done except the hang cleans, we were at 105 when the clock hit 30 minutes. Not bad, plus I did the abs challenge which is now 200 sit ups.

Deb- We have one week left. I totally cheated while I was sick. I basically drank orange juice and pink lemonade (my throat was on fire and I cannot drink water when I feel like this), soup and bologna sandwiches (that;s when my mom used to make me when I was sick). I have lost 10 pounds, which is great. Was hoping for more, but I did cheat here and there. . . I will continue with the zone diet and make adjustments and see how I do.

Belinda- my legs were sore for a few days. Maybe it was good that I was forced to rest, lol. I am sorry to hear about your cousin's daughter. Did you do all the new Cathe workouts? What did you think of the program.



Today we took a long walk on the beach. We went to a car show today which was fun.

Belinda - Not like you to not check-in.

Kristin - Sorry you were sick but you recovered quickly and you can enjoy your vacation:). It’s funny how we don’t forget what our Moms did for us when we were sick. You did great with the challenge!!

Good morning,

I finally got my workout in. Had a lot of internet problems this morning :( Hate when that happens.

L4 Week 7 Chest/back Circuit + 4 mile walk is done.

Debbie - your walk sounds lovely :) Glad you having fun. Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I did a stretch, than relaxed all day long. Watched a little tv, which makes me sleepy. Did you sign up for Cathe RT? The RT is on my bday this year.

Kirstin - thank you! Sorry you were so sick. Glad you feeling better again. Something is going around again. I wasn't feeling well last week, so I didn't review more workouts. I like the weight workouts, minus the music. Not sure what's up with the music :( I wrote all the exercises down, if you want to take a look at the workouts. Give them a try :) The cardio workouts are not really low impact, there are some impact . Not a big deal. Her cuing is off. Some of the background exercisers form are off especially on the shoulder work. I am glad I get to try the workouts. I probably will try them out for a week or two when I am done with L4. Do I think I need the new workouts? The answer is NO! Remember, I am trying to downsize my huge collection. I already have similar workouts. If you thinking about getting them, I would recommend trying them out OnDemand first. She offered 7 day free trial. I miss Cedie, Lorraine & Amanda.

Have a great day, everyone.
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Today we took a long walk. We went to a pier for lunch which was too far so couldn’t get weight workout in. We thought it would be fun but staying closer to Clearwater is much better.

Belinda - I am going to the RT, too funny it’s on your birthday! It’s hard when you have internet problems and you have a specific workout planned:(

Kristin - I hope you are enjoying your winter break:)

Hi everyone,

Still having lots of internet problem. They are sending someone out today. The problem is on the cables outside. I just finished L4 Week 7 Legs 50/50. These workouts kick my butt :) I also walked 1 mile.

Debbie - that is so cool you go every year to the RT and still enjoy it..How many RT's have you been so far? I think, Cathe would kill me on the RT :) Hopefully they can fix my internet today. I am a little frustrated with the issues we having lately. I want to walk on the beach, lol.

Kirstin - come back, girl!

That's it for me today.

Today we walked on the beach & did L4 W3 chest and triceps. I ordered some dumbbells from Walmart because I only had 5 & 10s. It was nice to have some different weights, The price was good and free shipping:)

Belinda - The leg workouts are hard in Lift. I must have been to about 8 RTs, it is pretty close for me and motivating.

Waves hi to Kristin


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