Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good afternoon,

I did my workout this morning, just getting around to post. Really like this one. Cathe packs a lot in a short amount of time. Didn't like the music. I also walked 2 miles before my friend came over.

Lite Strong Upper Body Stacked Sets
Warm Up;

Round 1: Triceps/Chest
Dips - 32 reps
Tricep Pushups - 12 reps/2/2 count ( she does the pushups off the edge of the step)
Rotating Kickbacks - 8's/12 reps
Close Grip Bench / Flat Bench / Combo - 10's
Chest Flys - 10's /8 reps (1.5 count) down half way, up, than come all the way up)
Plyo Pushups - 12 reps - kneeling behind the step, push off the step
Repeat on more time!

Round 2: Shoulders
Dumbbell Front Squeeze and Press ' 5's/ 12 reps
Overhead Press - 10's/ 8 reps - 1.5 counts
Lateral Raise - 5's/ 8 reps - 1.5 count
Lateral "U" Raise - 5's/8 reps - form the letter "U" with a pause on the top
Hip Huggers - 12's/16 reps - weights on the side of your hips/pull the weights up like you would pull your pants up!

Round 3: Back/Bicpes
Pullovers - 12's DB's/ 8 reps - 1.5 count
Double Arm Row - 15's/16 reps
Hip Hinge with Back Fly - do a 3 flies than hip hinge = 1 rep/ 4 total
Bicep Curls - 12's/8 reps - 2/2 count
8 Point Drop Curls - 10's DB's/ 2 sets - see not below
Hammer Curls - 12's DB's/ 8 reps - 2/2 count
Reverse Curls - 8's DB's/ 8 reps

- 8 Point Drop Curls - start at the top, than lower the curl until to a count of 8. Start at the top, lower the weight a little, come up, lower to count 2...4 should be in the middle, 8 on the bottom. Than come up 4 count slow.

- Close Crip Bench/combo = close crip press 8 reps/ chest press 8 reps/ 1 close crip/1 bench press = 1 reps/ total of 8 reps)

That's it for me today. Have a great weekend, everyone!

I took a rest day today, slept a lot I thinking my cold is breaking. I hope after a good sleep tonight, I will have energy for a workout tomorrow:) Especially since my eating won't be great tomorrow because of the Superbowl.

Belinda - I haven't done Lite stacked sets but it looks like a good workout. Do you and DH watch the Superbowl?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today is my son's 30th birthday. I am getting old. DH and I will spent the day with DS, my DIL and DD. Not sure if I get a workout in today.

Debbie - glad to hear your cold is breaking. Good thing I wear Invisalign, can't eat snack to much for the super bowl.

Kirstin - are you not checking in anymore? It's been awhile. We miss you.

I will try to be back later.

Today I did L4 Legs. I did a lot of running around for food for the Superbowl and the stores were crazy. It did't help that the weather was finally nice!! Maybe the groundhog is right Spring will come early:)

Belinda - Your not getting old! Your workouts are amazing. My older ds will be 30 in the summer too:)

Kristin - I hope everything is ok.

Hi everyone,

We had a blast yesterday. We stayed over night. Just finished my workout. L4 Week 5 D1 Chest/Triceps 50?50 + 2 mile walk is done.

Debbie - thanks for the birthday wishes for my son. Great job yesterday. Your son is my son's age :)

Kirstin - were are you? Miss your post.

I will be back later.

Today I did L4 W3 Chest & Triceps. The weather was beautiful today!

Belinda - It sounds like you had a nice time:) You only have 3 weeks left of L4!

Today I did Lite Body Weights & Bands with my friend.

Warm Up
Puddle Jumpers w/loops around the ankle- side to side (22 single, than1 single/single/double = 1/ 12 total
Fire walkers w/loos - 4 steps to the right, 4 steps to the left = 12 times total
Side to Side Sumo Squats w/ posture band pulls - LB loops+ UB w/bands- 2 side/to side/than 4 pivot to the back L+R, 4 side to side, side to side pivot to the back. 4 side to side, 4 pivot to the back, than she does 2 to the side, 2 to the back = 4 times total
Bow and Arrow w/a side Lunges to the back w/bands - 16 reps/switch side
Standing Tricep Overhead Extensions/ w bands- 1.5 count = 4 times total, 4 single, 4 half way, 4 single, 2 half way, than 2 all the way down.
Tricep Press Down - 10 reps/ 7 pulse way/4 slow/7 pulses/ 4 slow/7 pulses, 4 slow/switch to the other side
Front Raise in Tree Pose w/band -4 one arm front raise / 3 pulses= 4 sets - last set she did a tree pose with the 6 pulses/switch side
X Pattern Rear Delt Pulls w/band - 4 L + 4 R/ 7 pulses = 4 sets total - Note: Leslie does those in her walks!!!
Single Leg Deadlift with Rear Triceps Pulses w/Tubing- 3 single deadlift/ 5 rear pulses (triceps) = 1 set/1 sets with a bonus pulses/ switch to other leg
Single Arm Bicep Curls w/ tubing - of the back leg/ both handles in one hand = 16 reps/ step in w/the left leg do 16 pulses, switch sides
Standing single Overhead Press w/ tubing - 16 reps/ switch to the left side
Rear Lunges with Bicep Curls w/tubing - 2 back lunges w bicep curls/ stand up 3 bicep pulses = 4 sets, 8 bonus pulses - switch to the other side!
Upright Rows w/tubing - both feet in the band/ 1.5 count = 4 total, pulse 3/1 at the top, 1.5 count= 4 sets/pulse 3/1 count = 1 sets
Push Ups on your knees - down 3 up 1 = 8 reps/ little break/ 8 on your knees 2:2 count/ rest/ down 1 up 3 = 8 reps
Double Arm Rows sitting w/bands- criss cross the bands - 8 reps/ 32 pulse/ 8 rows/ 16 pulses
L Position Pulses w/loops - 32 pulses w/a hold 16 count hold - switch to the other side
Hip Dips with Leg Press / Inner Thigh Press w/ loop - hip dip w/ a leg press (bent knee w/a side plank) = 12 reps, change opposite leg and do inner thigh leg lifts = 32 reps/ switch position and do the other side.
Glute Squeezes w/band across your hip bone - 8 reps/ 8 high pulses, 16 pulses w/a leg lift, 8 reps/8 high pulses/ 16 pulses with the other leg, 4 slow, 8 high pulse

I also did Lite Pyramid Bonus Tricpes: workout was under 7 min.

Those are the weights Cathe used. I matcher her on all the weights. My triceps are fried.

Superset 1:
Standing Kick Backs - 5's/ 12 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 5's/ 12 reps

Superset 2:
Standing Kick Backs - 8's/ 10 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 8's / 10 reps

Superset 3:
Standing Kick Backs - 10's / 8 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 10's/ 8 reps

Superset 4:
Standing Kick Backs - 8's/ 10 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 8's / 10 reps

Superset 5:
Standing Kick Backs - 5's / 12 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 5's/ 12 reps

Review on the Lite Body Weights & Bands. I liked it. It's better than her other band workout which I never use even when I travel.Is it a must in my collection...NO! If I travel I don't want to schlepp around, tubing, bands and loops. I also used my tubing for a lot of exercises instead of the bands. For the bands press down, I used my loop instead. My Cathe green bands are tough as nails :) I don't think they ever gonna give in.

Debbie - I can't believe we are almost done with L4. Good job yesterday.

Good night.
Hey guys. I am so sorry to have fallen off the radar. Things have been crazy hectic between work and family. I don't even know where to begin. Midterms. . . the week was never ending and because we had shortened periods. . . I fell behind in grading and planning. Then report cards were due, so it was a crazy week. On top of that we have had issues with DS and his teacher, so I had to go to a meeting for that. Things seem to be back on track. I have been keeping up with my workouts and trying to stick to this diet. I am down 8 pounds, but haven't lost any more weight, which is frustrating. Last week I ate a lot of steak for my protein. This week I am doing strictly chicken. Maybe that will move the scale. I have been going to Crossfit, but with the weather being so awesome today, I ran five miles after work. I had a 9:32 pace too. I think the diet and CF is helping me with my running performance!

Belinda- thanks for reaching out to me. I am sorry I haven't checked in here. By the time I got done with everything every day, I was exhausted. I have been going to bed early to get more sleep.

Deb- sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. What did you think of the Superbowl? I was bored out of my mind. The only thing I liked was the NFL commercial at the wedding. . . at that is because I am a HUGE Joe Montana fan. Love the guy! Remember his LA Gear commercials?



Today I did Lite Metabolic Blast, this is one of my favorites from the series. I like that it gets my heart rate up (should really check to see how much) and it's a fun cardio workout. It was another beautiful day will have a hard time when winter comes back tomorrow.

Belinda - I thought it was me Cathe's green bands are tight! I dread using them, wonder if anyone has ever snapped one:oops: Great job with your workout:) I haven't checked out any of the Lite bonus workouts, looks good.

Kristin - I really liked the NFL wedding commercial too! I had to go to you-tube to check out the LA Gear commercial, but now I remember. Sorry you have been so busy. It was a nice couple of days for running, great time! Hopefully your winter break is soon:)

Good morning,

Got my workout in early, need to take my dog to the vet. I think, he is going blind. I did a 3 mile walk.

I will try to review PHA later. Hopefully I have time.

Kirstin - I hope your workout lightens up this week. Sorry about that. You are doing amazing with your training and eating. Keep it up!

Debbie - the Cathe green band are super tough. Had mine for years, don't like using it. Not sure, why Cathe's on her workouts look so super stretchy, lol. I like the bonus workouts, but wouldn't string them together for a full body workout. Give them a try. So far, the weight workouts are good.

I will be back later.
It's me again, just got done reviewing PHA2.

Great workout, time went by fast. Cathe moves from one exercise to the next with no breaks. I matched Cathe on all exercises. Could have gone heavier. So far, I really like all the weight workouts I have done. I hope I will review a few more this week.

Round 1:
Side to Side Sumo Squats - #15/12 reps (side to side counts as one rep)
One Arm row - #15/10 reps each side (alternating rows with palm facing forward and then back = 1 rep)
Forward leaning Glute Lunge - 10#12 reps each side (1 foot on topper of the step)
Pullovers on the step- 12's
Standing Squats -15's / 12 reps
Pushups - 5 reps (down 2 up 2, 2 singles = 1 rep)
Rear Lunges of the step w/3 risers - 10's/12 reps each side
Close Crip Bench Press - 15's/(5 sets ( down 2 up 2, 2 singles count = 1 set)
Repeat all exercise one more time.

Round 2;
Side Lunge - 15#/12 reps each side
Biceps curls - 12's/12 reps (2/2 count)
Elevated Push Dips with one leg on step (3 risers each side) - 8 lb DB's /12 reps/each side
Side to Front Lateral Raises - 5's/ 24 reps ( front of the hips than to the side) second time around I got this one!
Static Lunge - 15# /12 reps each side
W curls - 12's/12 reps (2/2 count)
Deadlifts 15's/ 12 reps - (2/2 count)
Lying Triceps Ext. - 10's (2/2 count) Cathe elevates her legs on the step. I didn't.
Repeat all the exercises one more time.


That is it for me today. Have a great Wednesday, everyone!

Today I did L4 Back & Bi’s. We went to go see my Mom this afternoon.

Belinda - Thanks for the reviews! Kudos for matching the weights, I can’t always do that. I hope your dog is ok.

Waves hi to Kristen

Hey guys,

Yesterday was a rest day for me. Today I went to Crossfit. It was a tough workout. For the month of February, there is an ab challenge. After every workout, you do the challenge. This week the challenge is 100 sit-ups. Next week is 150, then 200, then 250. So far I've done the 100 sit ups after each workout and they are getting a little easier.

I am so happy tomorrow is Friday. I have one more week before mid-winter break and boy am I needing it!

Deb- I had such a crush on Joe Montana when I was a little girl, lol. I was so into the Superbowl back in those days, haha.

Belinda- thanks for the reviews! PHAT from the SandS series was my favorite. It has been months since I did a dvd workout. How is your dog?



Today I did Kick Max but didn't have time for the leg drills. I can't believe how fast February is going compared to January:)

Belinda - How is your dog?

Kristin - I meant to congratulate you on your weight loss!! You have been working hard:)

Good morning,

I thought I posted yesterday :( Well, I did L4 Shoulder Intervals plus 1 mile walk.

Debbie and Kirstin - you are welcome! the vet exam ChuChu's eye's for a long time, he also took some blood test. The blood test come out normal. Chu Chu is getting old. Chu Chu turned 14 years old last Nov. He sees everything cloudy.

Debbie - good job on KM yesterday. Tough one!

Kirstin - great job on CF. I would die doing that many reps, lol. Glad you still liking it.

Off to get my workout in. BBL!

Today I took a hot yoga class, it was packed. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - Wow, Chu Chu is living a long life:) What would they even do for that? Great job with your workouts!

Kristin - Any plans for the weekend?

Have a nice weekend!
Hi everyone,

Today I did a 3 mile walk + Susanne Bowen lower body stretch. My lower body is super sore from L4 legs. Need to stretch more.

DH and I going to a Spay-ghetti & No Balls Dinner at Barrel Oak Winery tonight. It's a fundraiser for the Middleburg Humane Foundation. Last year I wanted to go, but Brawler was very sick.

Debbie - ChuChu is living a long life :) At his age, there isn't anything anyone can do. Plus, I don't want to put him through all the stress. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - have a great weekend. Come back :)

Have a great workout and weekend.

Today I took a rest day. We are driving to Florida and we were leaving on Tuesday but because of bad weather we will leave Monday morning instead. Tomorrow I will try to get everything done:oops:

Belinda - Cute name for the fundraiser, it sounds like fun. My lower body was sore today too.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. I went to CF Friday night and today. Yesterday was a rest day. I really spent most of the day on my couch doing nothing but watching movies. I was honestly too tired to do anything else. My boys slept over my dad's house last night so that DH and I could be alone for a night. We stayed in and had dinner together. I have cheated this weekend on my diet. I had pizza Friday and Saturday night! Plus I ate Doritos a little while ago. I need to get back on it. I was good all week and my weight did not move at all. I still am down 8 pounds, but that is it. I am getting frustrated. Maybe hitting the reset button tomorrow will help. I have five days until mid-winter break and I cannot wait!!! It also looks like we may get snow on Tuesday. . . snow day?

Deb- I haven't been to hot yoga in months! I pay so much for CF, I cannot justify paying for another type of fitness class. I do miss it though and I bet it feels good in this winter months.

Belinda- Friday night started week two of the ab challenge, so we had to do 150 reps. I did the challenge Friday and today. My stomach is sore, lol. I agree with Deb, the name of the fundraiser is hysterical!


Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

Taking a rest day today.

Debbie - I thought the name was cute too. Safe travels! How long will you be staying?

Kirstin - wtg, on your ab challenge. That's a lot of reps :) No wonder your abs are sore. Keep it up, girl!

I will be back tomorrow.

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