Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did L4 W2 Chest and triceps. I like that you do 4 sets this week.

Belinda - I see you are getting colder temps like us but it is nice that it warmed up. I like Lite it is lower impact and shorter workouts but that is working for me.

Kristin - Good advice to your ds! It's good that you can run inside especially when it is so cold.

Good morning,

L4 W3 Day 3 Shoulders + 4 mile walk is done. I have SBF core on schedule for today, not sure if I can do it. My tummy is very upset from the meds. 5 more day's on that crap. I am so glad when it's over.

Debbie - I wouldn't mind if it stayed warmer. I am done with all that cold temperature. I am glad you like Lite. They do look very fun and everyone seems to like them. My friend wanted to came over and do a Lite workout with me, I was afraid of my stomach getting worst. I probably will do another one this weekend.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today. Good luck with your son's spelling bee this Friday.


Today I took a hot yoga class, it was a new instructor and so hard! I'm so tired happy it's almost the weekend:)

Belinda - Sorry you have to feel bad on the meds, hopefully the 5 days will go quickly. Nice workouts!

Kristin - Good luck tomorrow:)

Hi everyone,

This I did L4 Round 2 Legs Day 4 50/50 plus SBF Upper Tights. I also walked 2 miles.

Debbie - the last few day's my stomach been hurting so bad , I couldn't take it anymore. Last night I took myself of the meds. I was cramping up with pain :( My stomach is feeling much better today, not 100% but better. Monday I have an appointment with my doc. Nice job with your yoga last night.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today. BBL!

Today I did Lite Rev'd up Rumble. It was a stressful day helping my son deal with car insurance (long story). I didn't sign up for Cathe RT until after 3pm but I did get in:)

Belinda - It is smart of you to listen to your body! It's better to be safe. I hope you feel even better tomorrow.

Kristin - Have a nice weekend!

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

My friend is coming over in a few minutes, we will do one of Cathe's new workouts?

Debbie - RT's are not selling as fast as they used be. Maby it has something to do with the furlough? Lots of people can't afford to spent a few hundred $$$. Glad you got in. I will sign up for Cathe live, they will be streaming the RT classes, lol. Maybe I will see you. Hope everything is ok with your son?

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Today I took a rest day. DH came down with something, I hope I don't catch it. Someone crossed a double yellow line and hit my son during the holidays but he was fine. The car was very old, he was saving for a new one. It has been a nightmare for him dealing with her insurance company. Apparently she had 2 accidents in one day:confused: So I am trying to help him out.

Belinda - I really like Rev'd Up Rumble. It's nice that you have a friend who shares her workouts:)

Kristin - How is the dieting going?

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

Today I walked 5 miles.

Debbie - I hope your DH feels better soon. I hope everything works out with the insurance. You are a good mama. I gave my friend a lot of my double Cathe's dvd's. I bought a lot for DD, but she isn't using them. I figured my friend could use them and she does. Plus the dvd's are not collecting dust.

Kirstin - where are you? Hope you having a great and relaxing weekend.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I did L4 W2 Back & Bi's. I also cooked my monthly sauce. I wish it wasn't so time consuming.

Belinda - That is so nice of you to do for your friend:) You walked a lot of miles:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I had a doc appointment this morning. I had to be at the doc at the crack of dawn. DH started working again today.

We just finished our workout for today. L4 Week 4 Chest/Triceps. I really don't like working out at night. I told my husband, that was it for me. I have zero energy in the evening. I had to lower my weights to make it through the workout.

Debbie - I'll bet your monthly sauce is so much better than the store bought ones. Do you can or freeze your sauce for the month. What kinda sauce do you make? Great job on L4 W2 Back and Biceps.

Kirstin - where are you?

Good night, everyone.

Today I did Kick, Punch and Crunch. I can't believe how cold it will get mid-week, and other parts of the country will be worse:eek:

Belinda - I prefer to workout in the morning too. I'm happy to hear your DH is back to work, hopefully it lasts. I make a tomato basil sauce with meatballs and chicken and freeze it. Growing up our parents would make it every week and we would have leftovers another night. That is too much work LOL.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Lift 4 W4 D2 Biceps/back 50/50 plus 1 mile walk is done.

Debbie - haven't done KBC in ages. WTG! It's getting cold here too. I am do done with this weather. Thanks about DH. I hope it last too. We shall see. I can't imagine how much work it is to make sauce for an entire month. You must have a huge freezer. It does safe your time during the week. Good for you!

Kirstin - where are you?

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone. BBL!

Today I did L4 W2 shoulders, I really liked this workout:) It snowed here but not too much, not sure what we will wake up to.

Belinda - I like that they have a modifier in L4:) I am done with this weather too. The only thing letting me hang on is we are going to visit my Dad next month. I have a side by side refrig/freezer and the freezer is small so we have a freezer in my basement. I do need to sort/clean it out.

Kristin - I hope everything is ok?

Hi Debbie,

I did a Leslie Swason 2 mile walk and SBF Tabata.

Debbie - I do like the modifier in L4 too. Sometimes I follow the modifier, other times I use my rebounder for the HiiT workouts. I wished I would go to FL right now. I am sick of this cold. I only have a double door efrig/freezer is on the bottom. I am always afraid of freezer burn.

Kirstin - I hope all is well. You haven't checked in a long time.

Good night!

Today I did Lite Bodyweight and band workout. I liked the workout and think it would be good when traveling.

I can say after the temps dropped today I have never felt colder:oops: We are at 1 degree and it will drop through the night. I heard on the radio it is warmer in Alaska by 30 degrees:eek: I'm off tomorrow and may stay under the covers all day:)

Belinda - The rebounder is a good idea for Hiit. I don't have mine any more. Good luck with the temperature, I can't believe how much area the polar vortex covers:oops:

Kristin - I'm wondering if they will close schools tomorrow?

Good morning,

L4 W4 D3 Shoulders Intervals plus 1 mile walk is done.

Debbie - good job yesterday. I haven't done that one yet. I never use band workouts while I am traveling. I usually go for long walks or hit the gym.

Have a great day and workout, everyone. BBL!

Today I have been fighting a cold (may have caught DH's cold), so I decided to take a rest day. I survived the 1st day of negative temperatures!! By Tuesday we will be at 55 degrees:D

Belinda - Great job with your workout! I like long walks on vacation too;)

Kristin - I hope all is ok with you.


Today I took a hot yoga class. It was nice to be in the heat:)

Have a Great weekend, Belinda & Kristin

Good evening,

This morning, I did L4 W4 Legs Hiit and 4 mile walk/

Debbie - I hope you feel better soon. It's freezing cold here too. Take me with you on Tuesday. Great job on your yoga workout today.

Kirstin - where are you?

BB tomorrow. Good night!

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