Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did L4 week 1 shoulders. It was my last day covering in NYC and I'm happy:) I ended up running into the girl I was covering for no one communicated to me she was coming back today:rolleyes:

Belinda - Your right it wouldn't be a good idea to mix the weight workouts so I will do the Lite cardio. Great job with your workouts.

Kristin - I'm supposed to go to a baby shower on Long Island on Sunday, but because of the snow/ice not sure what will happen. It is in Smithtown.

I am back. Just finished L4 Round 2 shoulders

SS #1
Lateral Raise: 8's
Shouler Press: 15's
HiiT: Soccer Runs

SS #2
Front Raise: 8's
Shoulder Flies: 8's
HiiT: Catchers

SS #3
Y Front Raise: 8's
Upright Rows: 10's
HiiT: Squat Jumps - I did on my rebounder to take out the high impact.

Abs: 3 sets/30 seconds
Alternating Leg Twists
Rope Climbs
Plus a bonus 30 seconds of Alternating Leg Twists

I also did Susanne Bowen Fitness (SBF) Upper body 8. Lots of plans. Thank goodness, it was a short workout. I also did Leslie Swanson (LS) 1 mile walk. That's it for me today. Have a Orthodontist appointment. Need to get ready. BBL!

Today I did Lite Cardio Party. I liked this workout, to me it felt like a step workout without the step. I will need to do a couple of times to be more coordinated:)

Ugh, the food stores were already packed today because of the bad weather we are getting:(

Belinda - Great job with your workouts, you were very energetic today:)

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I took a hot yoga class. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin:)

Good evening,

Thought I posted this morning? Weird!
Anyway, I did L4 D4 HiiT Legs and 2 mile walk.

Debbie - great job on your hot yoga today. Are you still doing L4?

Kristin - hope you doing well.

Good night!
Good morning,

My friend came over this morning, we did Cathe LITE Cardio Party. The workout was fun, nothing new. This workout reminds of a step workout without a step. My friend wanted to add the calorie crush on the end, I skipped it. I felt very sick through my stomach. I will do a Susanne Bowen stretch later when my stomach settles.

The antibiotics I am on upsetting my stomach really bad. I feel very nauseous all day long. My doc insist I stay on it. Yesterday I had a follow up appointment. He gave me some meds for the nausea. Haven't taking it yet, it's the same meds they give to cancer patients for the nausea. I am suppose to take the antibiotics for 2 weeks.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. That's it for me today.
Hey guys. Still here. It was a bit of a crazy week at school. I went to CF Wednesday. Took a rest day Thursday and then went to CF Friday. I also went out to dinner with DH and no kids. We had a good time. I went over my allowed blocks, but I am not too concerned about it. I am back at it today. This afternoon I ran 6 miles. They were slow, but I got them in. Going to visit my mom later. Wondering what the weather will bring. We might get snow, but it will turn to freezing rain or just rain. We shall see.

Belinda- those antibiotics sound awful! I hope you are holding up okay. I think nausea is the worst feeling in the world.

Deb- Smithtown is only a few exits from me on the LIE. I live off of exit 62. I am thinking where you live is going to get hit hard compared to what we get. At least that is what it seems on the news. You live in NJ, right?


Here is Cathe Lite User/Rotation guide:

Kirstin - I am glad you still here. Sorry about the crazy week.Sometimes you need a break from the kids. Great job on your eating and sticking to your program. WTG! How is your mom doing? I agree nausea is the worst feeling in the world.

Debbie - what are you doing today? It's awful weather here.

Today I took a rest day. The weather isn't too bad yet. We are going to decide in the morning if we will go to Long Island. The good thing is it's in the morning and over by early afternoon, so we will see. We are actually on the borderline of where the snow/rain line is.

Belinda - I'm still doing L4 will get it in tomorrow. Sorry your meds are making you nausea. I heard ginger candies can help but have never tried.

Kristin - You had a busy week, you must be happy you have a long weekend:)

Good evening,

I did a Susanne Bowen Fitness 20 min Relaxation stretch.

Debbie - have fun with L4 today. I am starting Week 3 tomorrow. I can't eat or drink with the meds. Which is making it difficult. I will see if I can eat finer candies. Thanks for the tip!

Good night everyone.

Today I did L4 W1 Legs. My SIL went to the baby shower on Long Island. We saw a lot of people we haven't seen in a long time so it was nice. The weather wasn't bad we only had a couple of inches of snow and very little rain. We were home early before the temps dropped. It is so cold now 9 degrees:(

Belinda - Nice stretch workout:) I hope you feel better.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

L4 Week 3 D1 Chest/Tricpes 50/50 plus 2 mile walk is done.

Debbie - thank you! One more week on the meds. Great job on finishing L4 W1. Glad you had fun at the baby shower and saw a lot of people you haven't seen in a long time. It's always fun catching up. It's very cold here too.

Kirstin - what are you doing today?

That's it for me today.

I took a hot yoga class today, it felt good! It was so cold today, can't wait for Spring:)

Belinda - I forgot to tell you I liked the Lift leg workout. How is your invisalign?

Kristin - Is it really cold by you too?

Hey guys. It is soooooo cold here. Even with my het up on high, it is still chilly in the house. We have high ceilings and myhusband says that is to blame. He says the heat is trapped by the ceiling. I slept in sweatpants, sweatshirt and three blankets. I hope it warms up soon. I want spring!!!

Sunday was a CF workout. We did teams. It was fun, but because we had to take turns with the stations, I didn't get a high calorie burn. Yesterday, I went with my dad to his gym with a guest pass. I ran on the treadmill for 4.5 miles. Today it will be CF.

I am getting ready to go to work and need to get in a positive mindset. I don't want to go. We are giving mid-term exams this week. So because of this, mid-terms will be the first two hours of the school day. Then we have a full 9 periods, at 23 minutes each. . . I hate that. It is hard to plan a good lesson with 23 minutes, and the time is never what they say it is, BTW. It is just annoying.

Oh. . . my son is going to represent his class in the school spelling bee, so I have to take Friday off. It is at 11:00, so I cannot even take a half-day. . . Which means I am having a three day week, lol. I need to see the positives.

Belinda- you are doing a good job staying on top of your workouts while you are not feeling well! I am impressed.

Deb- I am glad you were able to go to the baby shower and had a good time!


This morning, I did L4 Week 3 Day 2 Back/Biceps circuit plus SBF cardio barre.

Kirstin - we have a huge house. We have the heater running plus the pellet stove in the basement. It's just freaking cold. I am also looking into warmer weather. I also have a German down duet comforter on my bed. They really cheap in Costco.That helps. I get cold easily. That is awesome your son is representing his class in the school spelling be.

Debbie - have fun with your workout today. L4 is kicking my butt.

Who is signing up for Cathe RT this Friday? My husband is furlough.

That's it for me today.
Hey guys. Today's workout at Crossfit was cray cray!! We started with the warm-up, no big deal. Then we had to do 50 deficit push-ups as a buy-in to the workout. The workout was 2 Turkish get-ups, walking lunges to the other side of the room, and then 20 sit-ups (10 rounds). then 50 deficit push-ups to finish as the buy-out. My entire core and upper body are sore already.

Work was crazy today with the first day of mid-terms. Mayhem! I am glad to be taking Friday off.

Belinda- my house is slightly warmer today, but it is also 24 degrees outside compared to 5 degrees yesterday.

I am exhausted. Going to watch a little t.v. and then going to bed.


Today I did Lite Metabolic Blast, I really liked this one. Metabolic workouts are my favorite. It was a little warmer with the sun out. My heating has been non-stop too, we have high ceilings too! I wouldn't buy a house with high ceilings again, unless I moved to Florida;)

Belinda - I really like L4 and combining it with the Lite workouts. The queing is really good in L4. I thinking about signing up for the RT. It is very sad about the workers are furlough, sorry you have to go through this.

Kristin - That is awesome you ds is in the spelling bee:) They talk about doing away with the testing in NJ, but it never happens. Tough workout for you today. It's great that you Dad goes to the gym:)

Hey guys. Went for an indoor run on the treadmill today at my dad's gym. Got 4.5 miles in. I did speed intervals. 1 minute fast, 2 minutes slow. Felt good. Tomorrow I am heading back to Crossfit.

Deb- He is excited to be in the spelling bee. I know he is going to be nervous. I told him to not worry about winning or making it to the next round. Just try your best.

Waving hello to Belinda!

Good evening,

I walked 3 miles and did SBF TB cardio intervals.

Debbie - I do like L4. I agree, the sequence is good in L4. How do you like Lite so far?

Kirstin - I am glad it warmed up a bit. Temperatures should drop again this weekend. I need a break. Good job with your indoor run today.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

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