Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did ICE bi's & tri's. I did a bunch of walking lunges and stretches. I can't believe it is almost New Year's.

Belinda - KB was one of the workouts I was considering today;) I will try one of the Lifts you wrote down:)

Kristin - I have been in NYC covering but didn't think their were as many police. DH said they may have undercover police. Your right so many tourists. Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Hey guys. This morning I met my friend and we did a 5-mile run. Then we went to Crossfit. The workout was insane. Burned a ton of calories. I cannot believe the week is over and I only have two more days of vacation left. I hate when the holidays end because we will now just have weeks and weeks of cold air and early dark nights. Cannot wait for April, lol. I hate running in the dark. Today's run was cold and gray, then it started snowing. It was pretty. Anyway. . . thinking of what my resolutions/goals should be. Not sure yet. Do you ladies have any resolutions for the year?

Deb- Maybe because we were at the tourist spots we saw more police? The tree, Penn Station, Times Square. . . they were very visible everywhere.

Belinda- Is Lift a Beachbody series? The caverns sound cool. I love to go on little adventures like that. When we were in Cooperstown this summer, I wanted to go to the caves, but we never had time to do so.


Hi guys,

Cleaned my house today, kids left yesterday. DH and I needed a break we went for a walk with dog.
What are your plans for New Year? DH and I will celebrate New Years in DC with my kids. We have 4 course dinner reservations.

Kirstin - yes, it's a beach body workout. After I am done with this round I will do another one. We wanted to visit the caves a few years ago, the line was rapped around the parking lot. We left, found another smaller cave. Which was really nice too. Maybe one day you have time to visit one.

Debbie - I love kickboxing workouts. I did one from youtube. I really liked it. I really wanted to visit NY, but it looks to crowed for me. Maybe another time.

Good night, everyone!

Today I did Kickmax, I haven't done that in a long time and it felt good. I didn't do the leg drills will add on in the next couple of days. Tomorrow we will go to my in-laws and I will cook with my SIL. New Year's Day we will stop by my in-laws but spend the day at home.

Belinda - I've been to a couple of caves and it is really cool. You have been very busy!

Kristin - It must be hard to do CF after a run. I'm not sure what my resolutions are but the one thing I will do is write them down in a journal and come up with a plan. I'm hoping that will help me stick to it.

Hi guys,

W8 Day 1 Chest/Back Circuit is done. My chest is fried.

Round 1: 3x
Rotating Chest Pess 20's
Decline Press 20's
DB Pullovers 25's
Wide Rows 20's

Round 2: 3x
Chest Press 20's
Flys 20's
Dumbbell rows 20's
Reverse Flys 12's

Burnout round: 3x
Regular Pushups - 30 sec
Back Extensions - 30 sec
Wide Pushups - 30 sec

Core: 3x
Dumbbell Prayer Crunch - 30 sec
Floor to Celling Leg Lifts - 30 sec

Debbie - nicely done with kickmax . I enjoy visiting caves.

Happy New Year, everyone!
Happy New Year!

I took DS to CF with me today. We did a 12 station circuit, 4 minutes each. Some stations were more cardio based, some were more lifting-based. It was an overall great workout. My girlfriend and her family are coming over later, so I am going to walk the dog and clean up and get ready. I cannot believe 2018 is over. DH and I were talking about New Year's Resolutions. We have decided that we are going to really budget our money more. So my first resolution is a joint one with DH. Here are my resolutions:

1. (joint resolution with DH) When I get paid, take out cash for the week (gas, food, etc.), rest stays in bank. 1a. continue to pay off credit card debt (we started this last year and we paid off two cards, three more to go).
2. Thankful journal- every day for 365 days I am going to spend 5 minutes in the morning to write down one thing I am thankful for. I feel as if lately I have been feeling down and out (family, etc.). I want to remind myself every day that I have it pretty good.

3. Let go of the fights I have lost. I lost a friend (I thought she was a friend) this year due to a union issue I handled. She did not like that I did the right thing by the union, and it has been bothering me for months. I am letting it go. I refuse to give it any more of my time or thoughts.

I am not going to write down a resolution for health. I plan on continuing to run races and Crossfit. I will clean up my diet in the New Year. and that is it.

Belinda- I love your New Year's plans! A four-course dinner with your kids sounds wonderful. Do tell us what you order and how it is!

Deb- Kickmax is an oldie but goodie. Nice job! You have good plans for New Year's as well. Tomorrow I have to plan my lessons. I put it off all vacation, lol.


Happy New Year!!!

Today I went to hot yoga it felt really good:) Time is just going by too quickly. I'm leaving for my in-laws soon.

Belinda - Your workout looks good! Enjoy dinner with your family, sounds like fun:)

Kristin - Great resolutions, I really like the thankful journal!! Our yoga teacher had us think of 3 things we are thankful for, and I thought of more but reality is I take it for granted.

Happy New Year, everyone!

DH and I had a great time in DC yesterday. Dinner was amazing. Couldn't eat it all.

DH and I will fly to Florida tomorrow afternoon. My mother in law is in the ICU, it's not looking good. We will stay until Monday.

Today I did L4 Legs. I am trying to do L4 D3 tomorrow.

Debbie- great job with your hot yoga yesterday.

Kirstin - great plan! Great idea about the journal. Great job!

I will try to be back tomorrow. If not, I will post when I can.
Hey guys. I went for a five-mile run today. It was a beautiful day, 55 degrees and sunny. It was windy, and I typically hate running in the wind, but I took on the challenge today. Back to work tomorrow. I am ready for it, lol!

Deb- the journal idea came to me because I feel like my positivity has been waning the last few months. The holidays were harder this year than last. I think because I miss my mom more and more (she was more with it last year) and my boys are getting bigger. . . I don't like feeling this way, so I thought the journal will keep me in a positive place. For example, tomorrow, I plan on writing that I am thankful for my job and listing all the things I love about it. . . I plan on doing this tomorrow because it is going to be hard to get up at 5 a.m. and get back to the grind!

Belinda- I am sorry to hear about your MIL. Sending prayers your way!



Today I took a rest day. We stopped by my in-laws to visit some relatives but didn't stay too long. I was up a lot last night with leg pain, starting to see a pattern when I don't eat right and am overtired it occurs:(

Belinda - Sorry to hear about your MIL (((hugs))), my thoughts are with you.

Kristin - It was a beautiful day for a run! I saw so many people out today. This year was very depressing around my in-laws they are getting worse and it is so sad. It is so much harder when it's your own Mom though, sending (((hugs))) your way.

Good morning,

L4 W4 D3 shoulders is done.

Thanks everyone!

I have to get ready for the airport. I will try to be back later.

Today I took a hot yoga class it was hard. I’m still working in NYC a few days a week, the girl is having surger. It is very slow so that’s good.

Belinda - I hope everything is ok and not too stressful. Kudos on getting your workout in:)

Kristin - I hope your 1st day wasn’t too bad.


Today I did Musclemax. I’m off tomorrow but need to do lots of catching up this weekend.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Good evening,
Quick update: My MIL is out off the ICU since Wednesday. She improved so much since then they are transferring her to a rehab center tomorrow.

Today DH and I finish L4 TB Hiit. Than we went to the River walk in Tampa. We walked almost 4 miles. We need a break from sitting all day at the hospital today. I been having a sinus headache since we landed in Fl.

Debbie- good job with your workouts

Hi Kirstin

I will try to be back tomorrow. Good night!
Good evening,
Quick update: My MIL is out off the ICU since Wednesday. She improved so much since then they are transferring her to a rehab center tomorrow.

Today DH and I finish L4 TB Hiit. Than we went to the River walk in Tampa. We walked almost 4 miles. We need a break from sitting all day at the hospital today. I been having a sinus headache since we landed in Fl.

Debbie- good job with your workouts

Hi Kirstin

I will try to be back tomorrow. Good night!
Hey guys. It was a hectic week back at work, but I got all my workouts in. Wednesday was a rest day because I had a union meeting. Thursday we did a partner circuit. DS insisted on being my partner, lol. Friday we worked on Deadlifts. We did 10 sets of 10 and worked our way up to our highest weight for 10 reps. I got up to 125#!! That is the highest weight I have ever deadlifted to date. After deadlifts we did a 1000m row for time. I came in second place for women 4:17. I also ran 3.5 miles yesterday. Today we did a circuit of 5 shoulder to overhead presses with BB, then 10 deadlifts then 15 alternate lunges, for as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes. I got 7 rounds in with a 65# BB. I am happy with the progress I am making there.

They are starting a zone challenge diet at Crossfit tomorrow. I am going to do it. The diet is a little strict, but I am hoping it will give me the push to lose a bit of weight while keeping the muscle. I am excited for it. You get a support group, a coach, scale for weighing food and a book outlining the diet for you. Everyone gets a little different diet in blocks depending on weight and body fat. I am excited to try it and see how I do.

It's raining here. For the rest of the day, I plan on cleaning and grading/planning. I will go see my mom later. Then tomorrow I will get weighed in (I haven't weighed myself in over a year) and my body fat calculations. I will food shop and prep food for the week.

Belinda- so glad to hear your MIL made good progress and is out of ICU. That is a relief, I am sure! I am sorry to hear about your sinus infections. That happens to me after being on a plane sometimes. I heard on the news there was a plane where 6 passengers all got sick! I hope it wasn't viral.

Deb- My first day back was good. Just hard to get up at 5 a.m. Sometimes I wish school started later. If it started at 9, I'd do my workouts in the morning, have more energy and then go to work.



Today I did Cathe Live, Awesome Upper body. It was a fast moving workout and I really liked it. It was a rainy day here, it looks like I have water front property!

Belinda - It's great you MIL is doing well:) We are about 45min from Tampa when we go to FL, but have never done the River Walk. I hope you feel better.

Kristin - Congratulations on coming in 2nd! The diet challenge sounds interesting, will look forward to hearing about it:) I always thought school should start later especially for the older students.


Today I took a rest day. I went to the store and picked up a lot of healthy food which I will meal prep tomorrow. Also returned some unnecessary things I bought at Christmas.

Belinda - I hope all is well with you.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

My MIL got moved to rehab. DH and I went to Clearwater, we had a wonderful time on the beach. We walked a lot. We will fly home this afternoon.

Debbie- you have to go to the River walk. We found a good pizza place

Besides walking a lot no workout.BBL
Hey guys. Started the diet officially today. When I got weighed yesterday I was a bit shocked. I knew the number was high, but not this high. It was 177! I haven't been on a scale in over a year. I thought all the running would have taken some weight off. Obviously, it didn't. Poor dieting. This diet is strict, but I am motivated to stick with it. The challenge is for 6 weeks. All I have to keep telling myself is 6 weeks!! I tried cauliflower rice. Not the greatest thing in the world, but I ate it. I also went to CF today and yesterday, keeping up with the workouts. I want to run, but today was freezing and tomorrow it is raining all day. . . Hopefully Wednesday/Thursday I can get some miles in.

Deb- The zone diet is making sure you are eating the right amounts of protein, good carbs, and fat. She gave me a 13 block diet. What that means is I get 3 3 block meals, and 2 2 block snacks. I can have 3 blocks of protein, carbs, fats for a meal. To give an example, 1 ounce of chicken breast is 1 block. 1 cup of green beans is one block, 1/3 tspn of olive oil is one block. I think I will definitely get the results I want if I stick with it, which I am determined to do.

Belinda- Glad your MIL is doing better. Safe travels!!!



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