Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I am super tired today:( I'm still covering for the girl in NYC and it is so tiring to do her stores and mine. Well Christmas is almost here so I can take it easy in January:)

Belinda - Is your rotation for 90 days?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Got my workout in before my DD comes. She wants to do a barre workout today.

W6 D4 Leg HiiT = 30 min. I modified all the moves.

Debbie - the rotation is 8 weeks long. I have 2 more weeks left. I probably will do another round or do a Hybrid rotation? Haven't decided. I also want do do 80 Day Obsessions afterwards.

Kristin - where are you?

I will be back later.

Today I did PiYo Full body blast. We are going out to grab a bite to eat, all I want is hot chocolate;) that kind of day!

Belinda - 80 day Obsession was fun. Have fun when DD visits! Is your son coming home for the holiday too?

Kristin - Is today the start of you Christmas vacation?


Today was a rest day for me. I'm sure you all are so busy getting ready for the holiday. I need to get so much done the next couple of days:oops:

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Had a busy day yesterday. I did get in a short barre workout and walk.

Debbie - we are keeping it simple (minimalist xmas). No big gift shopping only stacking stuffers. Minimum $25 for each person. None material things. We also going out for dinner on xmas. Stress free xmas :)

Hallo Kirstin!

I will be back later.
Hi Belinda & Kristin,

Another rest day for me, but did get in all my steps. We visited with DH's Aunt and Uncle today. Did some last minute shopping today.

Belinda - I think it is great that you do a Minimalist Christmas, it is something I would love to do. Too much stress is involved with Christmas. A lot of restaurants are closed for Christmas around here.

Kristin - How is your week going?

Marry Christmas,

L4 W7 Chsst & Back is done.

Debbie - I like having a Minimalist Christmas it's stress free and clutter free. A lot of restaurants are close here too. Merry Christmas.

Kirstin - Merry Christmas!

I am done for today.
Merry Christmas Ladies!!!!

I have been very busy trying to survive the last week of school before break, and I did. Had some shopping to do Friday night. Now trying to get the house ready for tomorrow. My dad, sister, brother-in-law and niece and nephew will be here. I kept up with my workouts. Went to a special class today with DS. 10 stations, 4 minutes each, crazy workout. Definitely needed it.

I probably will not be on here until Thursday. Thinking tomorrow will be a no workout day, lol. I am trying to make the best of this Christmas, although I miss my mom even more so this year. I visited her yesterday. I gave one aid who goes above and beyond for every resident a special card with money inside. She deserves it.

I will be back for personals after the holidays. I hope you all have a merry Christmas with your families and loved ones.


Hi Belinda & Kristin,

Merry Christmas!!!!
Today was stressful but one down with my in-laws. My DH dressed as Santa Claus our young nephew was here visiting so that was nice:) Tomorrow my Mom and brother will come for dinner. I wanted to go to hot yoga but it didn't happen:( I may try and do something tomorrow (fingers crossed).

Belinda - I was thinking about you and wishing for a Minimalist Christmas:) Great job with your workout! Enjoy your time with your family.

Kristin - That was so sweet of you to recognize your Mom's aid, I bet she will really appreciate it. Have fun with your family:)

Merry Christmas!!

This morning I did L4 Legs. This afternoon we all hiked at the Appalachian Trail.

Debbie - we had a relaxing Minimalist Christmas. No stress at all :) Next year we all plan going to a cabin with all the dogs. That should be fun. Enjoy your time with your family!

Kirstin - I know how you feel not having your mom around Christmas. It's always hard around xmas. Merry Christmas and enjoy your family!

I hope you all enjoy your time with your families. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Merry Christmas!

I was on my feet a lot today so did core/abs and stretching which felt good. Tomorrow, I'm going to NYC to cover but it's a short day.

Today was nice but stressful so much to do and my Mom wasn't happy that my older ds went to his new gfs for holidays.

Belinda - Hiking the Appalachian Trail sounds like fun! I try to get out whenever it is nice lately because there aren't too many nice days LOL. I like your families idea of going to the cabin for the holidays.

Kristin - I hope you enjoyed time with your family today:)

Rest day for me.

Debbie - it was a lot of fun hiking. Sorry about your mom not being happy about your ds.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I walked on the treadmill and lots of walking in NYC.

Belinda - You rarely take rest days . . . Enjoy!

Kristin - How did the boys like Christmas?

Good morning,

L4 W7 Shoulders and Arms is done.

Debbie - we went to Luray Caverns. We went there a few years ago, but the line to get in was rapped around the parking lot. Today we are going to Top Golf with the kids. Tomorrow we are going to a movie where you can eat dinner too. We try to do things as a family during the holiday's.

Debbie - thank you! I do need to schedule more rest day's in the new year. Good job on your workout yesterday.

Kirstin - you must be busy.

I will be back later.

Today I did ICE Shoulder and back. I'm looking forward to the weekend:)

Belinda - That is really nice that you do fun things with the family during the holidays:) How do you like Lift?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Debbie - DH and I like Lift so much we doing another round after this one. I wrote all the exercises down, you should try one. I think you would like it.

I will do L4 TB HiiT after my coffee. BBL!
Hey guys. It's been a fast week! Christmas was good. My sister and her family came, my dad slept over. It was good. I've been cross-fitting, sleeping, playing with the boys and then we went to the city on Thursday. We had a great time, but it was beyond crowded. We took the boys to see the tree. So many people. . . tourists, I heard so many different languages. Police were everywhere, which is good, but it reminds me how the city is always a target. . . Then we went to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. It was a good time, lots of steps and miles. I went to Crossfit yesterday and today, and then ran 4.5 miles. Tomorrow I plan on running and going to CF in the morning. I cannot believe tomorrow is Sunday. I go back to work on Wednesday.

BB for personals tomorrow.


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