Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Kristin - I forgot to say we cut down a tree for a couple of years when my boys were young . The tree farm closed so we just stopped cutting them down. It was fun:)
Hey guys,

I went to CF today. We had a ladder circuit, 2 rounds in under 40 minutes. It had a little bit of everything.

50 ground to overhead with 25# plate
40 sit-ups
30 box jumps or step ups (I still do step ups, running is enough impact for me)
20 double unders or 60 single jump ropes (I did the 60)
10 knee ups on bar
20 KB swings (I used a 26 #)
30 Russian twists with 25# plate
40 calories on any machine
50 weighted lunges (I used a 15# plate)

Then repeat. I finished in 38:15 and burned over 400 calories. Feeling good!

Deb- It was really enjoyable and fun. They gave out free hot cocoa too. I wish we would have started this tradition sooner. You must be so busy with the holiday season at work.



Today I did PiYo Sweat. Tomorrow we may get our tree.

Belinda- Hope you are having nice weather!

Kristin- How did cutting the tree down go?

Hey guys,

I ran 5 miles today. I had a really good pace. It wasn't cold out at all. Felt good. The weather is supposed to change now and get cold. DH is going away for work, so it'll just be the boys and me. My dad is going to sleepover so he can be here to get the boys off to school in the morning. I plan on going to CF tomorrow night, but then Wednesday and Thursday I have late nights at work, a union meeting and parent/teacher conferences, so I am planning on doing early morning runs and workouts at CF. We shall see if I can pull it off.

Belinda- nice workout! A walk on the beach sounds divine right now!

Deb- It was a fun experience. The boys really liked it.



Today I took a TRX class, the instructor announced it was her last day:( It seems like all the good instructors leave. I will try the new instructor. The weather was nice today. We picked up our tree today and it smells so good in our house.

Belinda - A walk on the beach sounds so nice!!:cool:

Kristin - I didn't see your post last night (must have been so tired). That was a tough CF workout! It is fun cutting down the tree:) I have a couple of days off because I need to go to the stores closer to the holidays but it has been crazy and will get crazy LOL.

Hey guys. CF workout today. It was a shoulder torcher! We had to do shoulder snatches from the ground to overhead (as many reps as possible) then hand release push-ups with a downward dog, then one-minute high plank, one minute low plank. You do as many rounds as you can in the 30-minute time cap, and your score is your ground to overhead snatches reps. I had 96 at the end. I did 30, 30, 20, 16. My shoulders are fried.

Deb- I love the smell of the pine tree in the house! I have not even started my holiday shopping!



Today I did PiYo buns that was a fun workout. I also did a lot around the house which felt good.

Belinda- It is so cold here, wish I was in Florida:)

Kristin- Wow, 96 is impressive! Usually you do your shopping in one weekend.

Deb- yes, usually I take the day off that I have parent/teacher conference for my son and powershop. This year the conference was early. Plus I need to wait until my next check on the 14th.

I did buy the Hess truck online.

Today I did PiYo Strong Legs. My boss came to one of my stores and we had lunch together. It was nice and also nice to have help:)

Waves hi to Belinda

Kristin - I haven’t seen this years Hess trucks, I think that’s a great gift.

Good evening,

I just got home. DH and I had a lot of fun in Miami. DH and I worked out daily. We walked almost 5 to 6 miles every day. We also finished L4 Week 4 D1, D2, D3, D4.

I will try to catch up on personals. I am tired.

Today I took a hot yoga class, it was nice to get back to it. It's been so cold here, I dread leaving the house:(

Belinda - Kudos for getting your workouts in. Miami is fun and pretty.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi Belinda and Kristin,

Today I did PiYo Full body blast. I had my haircut which was really needed. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

today I did a BC workout from youtube. I am dragging today.

Debbie - have fun at dinner tonight.

Hallo Kirstin.

Hey guys. I know I fell off the map again. It was a crazy week. DG had to go to California for work for the week and I had a union meeting plus parent/teacher conferences on two separate nights. Luckily, I had my dad sleepover to stay with the boys while I was at work. Anyway. . . I still did get in five days of workouts, so I am proud of myself.

I am really starting to see results from Crossfit. My stomach is flatter, my pants are fitting better and my back. . . my husband says I have sexy back muscles, lol. Running seems much easier too. Not sure if it is because I have been running for a year now or CF makes it easier. Definitely an improvement though. Still have not gone on the scale. I won't do so until after Christmas. Then I will start a real diet for January.

We are going to the CF holiday party on Friday. I am really looking forward to it. The owner pays for it all. So cool. I am bringing DH. I am hoping someone can convince him to try it out, lol.

Belinda- glad you had a great time in Miami. One day DH and I will get away for a long weekend and go there.

Deb- I might start buying more gifts online. My dad is having the boys sleepover Friday night. So we might go shopping early Saturday morning. We shall see.



Today I did PiYo Sculpt. I did all my Christmas cooking which is good but it took me all day:(

Belinda - Traveling and vacations can knock you out. Hope you are catching up on rest:)

Kristin - It’s nice that you have your father to help, he must enjoy spending time with the boys. Wow, I can’t believe you have been running for a year already! It’s awesome you are seeing results. That is so nice CF is having a Christmas party.

Good morning,

W5 Chest & Tricpes:

3 sets/10 reps
Chest Fly 15#
Tricep Press 12#

Rotating Chest Press 15#
Skull Crusher 12#

Chest Press 20#
Tricep Kickbacks 12#

HiiT: 3 sets/60,45, 30 seconds each exercise
Single Leg Squat Jumps
2x2 Mountain Climbers
High Knee Run

Abs – 30 seconds each:
DD Toe touches 10#
Windshield wipers

Time: 38 min. I need to up my weight next time.

Debbie - it did knock me out a little. I rested a lot. Back at my workouts. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - congrats on running a year already. Time flies. Glad your dad is helping with your boy's.

I will be back later.
Hey guys CF workout. We had to do 20 back squats without putting the barbell down, finding the weight you can do them at. I did 10 at 55# and then added another 10 #, did the 20 at 65#. My back is sore from holding the bar. Then we did 5 deadlifts plus 20 double under attempts. That is when you jump rope, but try to get the rope over 2X for one jump. I got maybe two real double unders, kepting failing. I was never that coordinated, lol.

Deb- love how you are getting your Christmas cooking done this early. Do you have much more shopping to do. This weekend is my powershopping weekend.

Belinda- That is some workout!



Today I did PiYo Define: Lower Body. I think a lot of people are taking long weekends the stores are getting busy.

Belinda - It looks like you caught up on your sleep:) Good workout!

Kristin - I use a short barbell at home, I don't think I could do squats with the ones at the gym;) I'm almost done with my shopping but really don't have to many people to shop for.

Today I did L4 W5 Biceps/Back in the morning and LM Combat #73 this evening.

Here is my workout from this morning. Back/Biceps Circuit

Round 1: 3 sets/10 reps
Arm Row 20#
Top Curl 15#
Wide Double Arm Row 15#
Bottom Curl 15#

Round 2: 3 sets?10 reps
Pullover 25#
Hammer Curls 15#
W Rows 12#
W Curl 15#

Burnout Round: 3 sets/30 sec
Bicep Curl 15#

Abs: 30 sec
Straight Leg Bicycle Twist
Low Plank rocks


My daughter owns her own business. I am her accountant. I had a lot of work to catch up on, lol. I didn't bring my computer to Miami. I been working all day long, except when I did my workouts.

Debbie - I caught up on sleep and work, lol. Great job on PiYo Define: Lower Body.

Kirstin - you sure adding lots of weight with CF. WTG, yesterday. You should do a nice stretch for your back.

Good night, everyone.

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