Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did PiYo Define: Upper body. It's been so cold here but at least it's not snowing.

Belinda - Do you like the different LM combat workouts? Does it mean they have 73 combat workouts? What type of business does your dd have? It must be fun working for her.

Waves hi to Kristin

Yesterday at CF we had three 12 minute stations: station 1- 10 calories on assault bike, 10 double overhead presses with dumbbells (I used 15#, some women used 35# :eek:)- station 2- 100 burpees over the box :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O, you do 1 burpee and then jump or step over the box (20 inches) I chose the step overs, lol. station 3- 50 wall balls with 14# ball, 100 sit-ups and then 200 double unders (I did singles and a few double unders). I was dying at the end. It was a killer workout. I love it there!!!!!

The countdown to Christmas break has begun. The kids in my school are getting crazy, lol. I am reading A Christmas Carol with my students. They slowly get into the story because I read the original version by Dickens, I think it is important to expose them to the language. Anyway, today we are doing Scrooge Stations. They will read a small section of the first two chapters and analyze what it reveals about Scrooge, then move to the next station. It is a fun lesson, and I am looking forward to it, but it requires a lot of energy on my part. . . I need to mentally prepare, lol..

Anyway, I will be going for a run after work. I will come back for personals later.

Have a great day!

Good morning,

Not sure, what I will do today? Today is a rest day from L4.

Debbie - she does Public Relations(PR)/Marketing :) I love LM Combats. Their is a huge difference between all of them. They offered a free trial a few weeks ago, I signed up for it. I think I will sign up if they offer a huge discount on xmas. Which the free trial you get a lot of free contents, but not all :( LM has over 600 workouts on the free trial, not on the free trial. I guess, BB did the same with their free trial. They also play real cover music :)

Kirstin - WOW, on your workout. I would have died :) So glad you loving those workouts. They sound really brutal.It sounds like a fun lesson. I am sure all the kids will enjoy it. With all the technology it's nice to see kids still read books. My son always loved books even now. Great way to get them to read.

Good morning,

BODY ATTACK 99 full workout is done. I should have done the Express one, lol.Very fun and sweaty workout and fun moves. I had to modify a lot of the high impact moves. Still got a good workout in.

I love, love, love LM workouts.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
Four-mile run done. It was a slow, cold run. I would have gone for five but it was getting dark. Only a few other people on the mile-long trail/track with me and they were all men. I get paranoid.

Anyway. . . I saw the first video clip of the new workouts. Doesn't look like anything all that new.

Belinda- Nice job on your workouts. The CF workouts are intense and I would never think I could do them. . . there is something to be said about being told what to do and doing it with a group. I think because I'm competitive, I don't want to be the one to come in last, or quit. It is working for me, lol. I also love that I go with my older son. It's our special time together.

Deb- It's been cold here too and now there are saying there is a chance of snow tomorrow :confused:. I don't want snow yet!


Hi ladies,

I did Jessica's Smith new 4 mile Power walk this morning. I will do L4 Shoulders once DH gets home from work I will post my workout tonight.. Last night DH and I went to DC, we didn't get home until midnight. Slept in a little.

Kirstin - be careful when you run alone. I get paranoid too. Great job on keeping up with CF and spending time with your son.

Debbie - I forgot to mention...DD has 7 full time employees. She is doing really well. I am so proud of her too.

I will be back later.

I didn't realize I didn't check-in yesterday, no workout for me yesterday, today was PiYo Sweat. Today was so stressful trying to change my Horizon healthcare plan, spent hours on hold because I need to speak to a salesperson to change an existing policy??? Ugh, healthcare is all about the $$ and I pay a lot.

Belinda - It is awesome your daughter has her own business, it's nice to hear:) The LM's sound good, let me know if they end up giving a discount. Great job with your workkouts!

Kristin - I'm surprised they allow you to do anything with Christmas. When my boys were in school, they were so strict about emphasis on "Christmas". It was very sad for me. Awesome job with your workouts too!

Good morning,

L4 Legs 50/50 is done.

Debbie - yes, it's awesome DD has her own business. We are very proud of her. I will let you know if I see another discount on LM on demand. Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - have fun with your run today.


Today was PiYo Core. The NYC girl was hit by a car last night, she is ok (TG) but suffered a fractured wrist:( I needed to cover for her, it is tough because I wasn't supposed to cover her till next week, and need to get my work done too. I needed to run for the train and was so out of breath. Looking forward to a goodnight sleep:)

Belinda - You have been traveling a lot:) Great job on your workouts!

Kristin - I meant to tell you 100 burpees:eek: Is your CF party tonight?

Hi everyone,

I did iClimb today. It was a blast from the past. I need to remember to pull those out once in awhile.

Debbie - are you following the PiYo rotation? Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - holy smokes, on the 100 burpees. You are killing it!

DH and I will go to a cookie exchange :) I bought all the cookies today, I will not take any home.
Hey guys. Quick check in for me. I went to CF Friday afternoon and then the party at night. The party was a lot of fun. Had too much to drink though. Had to suck it up early in the morning to go power shopping. Both my DS's are done. Just have to get my dad a few things and I am done. DH and I agreed to not do presents this year. We need a new mattress, so will get that after the holidays. Needless to say, by the time we got home (2:00) I was not doing a workout. I sat on the couch and watched Christmas movies.

Went to CF this morning. We had ten rounds: 9 burpees over box jumps, then alternating between 10 ground to overhead presses with a dumbbell (20#), then the next round do 10 medicine ball squats. I was exhausted at the end of it.

Anyway. . . that's it. I have grading to do and then I just need to survive this week. Almost there!!!!

Belinda- I didn't know DD had her own business. that's fantastic! Nice job on your workouts.

Deb- Sounds like things are crazy at your job as well. We will get to the finish line ;). Thank God that girl is okay.


Good morning,

W5 Chest/Tricpes Circuit is done.

Kirstin - glad you had fun at the CF party. We are not doing any gift exchange this year either. I am not into the the xmas frenzy. Have fun shopping for a new mattress. We are very proud of DD :) Man, your workouts sound brutal :) Nicely done.

Debbie - where are you? Hope all is well.

I will be back later.

Sorry I’ve been MIA, about a month ago DH and I decided to take a quick trip to TN to see my nephew and his wife who just had a baby. We went to see my other nephew and his son yesterday when we landed. Today I held the newborn all day:). I forget how tiny babies are. We went on a hike with the baby and family today . We are having a good time, but will have to make up for loss time when I get back:(

Belinda - Wow, I-climb is a blast from the past! I didn’t have I-climb but did have some others. I have been following PiYo because they are shorter workouts and work during the holidays.

Kristin - Your party sounded like fun! Awesome that you were able to get your power Christmas shopping done. You must be an expert at burpees.

Hey guys,

Quick check in for me. Did CF last night. I came in first for the women on the assault bike. We had to do 1 minute all out speed. The rankings went by calories burned. I burned 22 calories in one minute and came in first all day! We then did a combination of wall balls and slam balls. My shoulders and butt is sore today.

BBL with personals.

Good evening,

My workout is done. DH's back is hurting, he took a rest day today. Hopefully he can do the back/biceps tomorrow. I was already tired before I started my workouts. Just don't have the energy to lift at night. I am still afraid to go heavier on my back. I could have gone heavier on my biceps, just didn't feel like it, lol.

D2 Back/Biceps 50/50

SS# 1 each set was done 3 rounds/30 sec
Full rows 21's
Hammer Curls 13's

SS# 2
Reverse Flys 11's
Full Curls 13's

SS# 3
Dumbbells Pullovers 26's
Wide Curls 13's

Catcher Jumps - 60 sec
Wide Mountain Climbers - 45 sec
180 Squat Jumps - 30 sec

Core :3x
Dumbbell Toe reaches - 30 sec
Straight leg bicycle crunch - 30 sec

Debbie - iTrain defiantly was a blast from the bast. Congratulations on to your nephew and his wife. Enjoy your time with your family. I would held that baby all day too.How long will you stay? I'll bet you get great results from PiYo. Those workouts may be shorter, but they are tough.

Kirstin - congratulations on coming in first for the women on the assault bike :) You are a super woman :)

That's it for me today. Good night, everyone.
Hey guys. Went to CF tonight. The workout was tough, but I was proud of myself. We had to do 75 lunges with a plate overhead, 25#. I didn't think I could do all 75. . . I contemplated doing the modification of holding the plate to the chest, but I got every rep in with the plate overhead. Then we had to do 25 calories on any machine (I did the rower). Then 50 ground to overheads with the 25# plate, then 25 calories (assault bike), then 25 russian twists with the 25# plate, I only got halfway done with the twists when the timer went off. Then. . . we had 5 minute break. . . Round 2- 35-25-15-5, 35 , you do 35 med ball squat cleans, then 35 rollouts (with ab roller), then 25 of each, then 15, then 5. You had 15 minutes to complete. I did it in 13. I am really happy with the progress I am making at CF. I am doing things I never thought I could or would do. I love the people there too.

In school today, I had the students complete a scavenger hunt as a review game for A Christmas Carol. I have a ton of grading to do, but it will get done before the break. . . that is my goal!

Belinda- thanks! I was very proud of myself. I think I am better at the cardio moves there than the heavy lifting. . . but I'll get the heavy lifting too at some point :). Nice job on your workouts too! YOu're a superwoman yourself ;).

Deb- Have fun in TN. I know we forget how tiny babies are to hold and the feeling of holding them, smelling them. I miss my cousin's baby from Florida. He is such a sweatheart! Enjoy your time there!



We leave TN tomorrow, our hotel is so big we are always lost LOL but getting so much exercise. There are so many Christmas decorations it is nice. Visiting family has been so nice.

Belinda- I hope your DH feels better myDH has problems with his back too:(. You girls still go heavier than me:)

Kristin - I’m still impressed with the different workouts you do at CF! Congratulations on being 1st too.

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

I needed new tires on my car. I only had time to do a short Barre workout.

Debbie - thank you. Hope your husband back feels better soon too. TN is beautiful. Must be nice this time of the year. The hotel we stayed in Miami was 34 floors. I got lost the first few day's. For some reason, I always too the longer route to the elevator, lol. Took me awhile to figure that one out, lol.

Kristin - you lifting 25's plate while doing 75 lunges is very impressive .You must be ripped. I can see holding 25# on each side doing 75 lunges but not over my head, lol. You are beast :)

That's it for me today. Good night.

We are back my eating was terrible (airport food) and it upset my stomach and headache. I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning and get back on track. We did so much walking today.

Belinda - The weather was nice in TN it was a nice visit. It's crazy how big they make hotels now.

Kristin - I agree with everything Belinda said;)

Hi everyone,

I forgot to post my workout this morning. I did L4 W6 shoulders. Been cleaning out my basement/gym.

Debbie - isn't it crazy how big they built hotels? I was getting dizzy looking out the balcony from the 33 floor :) Beautiful view. I hope you feel better. Welcome home.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

I will be back tomorrow.

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