Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Kirstin - great job on your 10 K and finishing the race. I always hated hills too. Whole Foods has excellent customer service. Besides eating later in the afternoon, we did had a good TG. Hope your was good too.

Today I took a rest day. Yesterday was a band workout and I added a bunch of walking lunges.

Thanksgiving was good but quiet. I did overcook my turkey:( it was still slightly frozen so I decided to cook longer. Also I have a double oven and was using both of them all day and it threw the temperature off (should have had the thermometer in the oven:rolleyes:. I take notes each year so hopefully it doesn't happen again LOL.

Belinda - Wow, that was a nice story about Whole Foods:) It's nice that you were able to keep the mistake, I love turkey! Nice workouts:)

Kristin - I did have Friday off, just wish it wasn't so cold;) My Mom is doing ok, she will have to get skin graphs it just sounds so painful. Great job with your runs and cf, it looks like you burned off all of your Thanksgiving meals:)

Hey guys. Went to CF for the morning workout. We were broken up into teams of 5. As a team we had to get 250 calories on the rower. While one person is on the rower, the other person is doing the barbell combo, then that person gets on the rower and the next person does the BB combo. When we reached 250 we then had to go on the bike and do 10 calories each until we got to 100 then repeat the 250 rower barbell combo. I lost count of how many times I did the combo. Here's the breakdown: 5 deadlifts, 4 cleans, 3 shoulder over head presses, 2 burpees over barbell, 1 deadlift. We got the 150 calories on the rower for the second time when the timer went off. I burned over 300 calories according to my watch. My legs are still sore from yesterday too. It is nice out, so I plan on taking Baxter for a walk and then preparing for school tomorrow.

DEb- Do you have an electric oven? I do and I find that when I bake a cake or cookies, the heat does not distribute evenly. It is quite annoying!

Belinda- thanks. The hills were crushing me. Every time we got on top, my friend would say that it was the last big one. . . then I would see another big hill, lol.



Today I did ICE shoulders, bi's and tri's. I also put up some of my Christmas decorations so it won't be so overwhelming. I spent sometime outside because it was really nice, felt more like fall!

Belinda - How was your day?

Kristin - The workouts are so different, I like that. I have an electric oven and it took some time to get used to and your right not crazy about the way it bakes.

Good morning,

DH and I will go to Miami on Thursday, it's our 35th Anniversary. I am not sure about the internet connection at the hotel. This morning I wrote down all the exercises for week 4 D 1 to see if we can do in case we run into a internet problem :) I found a timer online for the burnout set and abs. It kicked my butt this morning.

W4 D1 Chest & Tricpes:

Set 1: 10 reps/3x
Chest Press
Tricep Press
Tricep Kickbacks

Set 2: 10 reps/3x
Decline Press
Skull Crushers
Rotating Chest Press
Single Side Crushers

Burnout Round: 3 rounds/15 sec rest between each round
Wide pushups – 30 sec
Tricep pushups – 30 sec
My triceps were fried at this point.

Core: 3x
Reaching Situps– 30 sec
Bicycle Twists – 30 sec


Debbie - my day was relaxing. Hope yours was too. Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - nice job with CF. Those workouts look brutal.

I will be back later.

Today I ran/walked on the TM. This will be a busy week and wishing Christmas didn’t involve gifts LOL.

Belinda - Happy 35th Anniversary! Awesome accomplishment:). Great idea to write the exercises down and get a timer (thumbs up emoji).

Kristin- I hope you survived the rain today such a mess here.

Hey guys.

Crossfit last night. We worked on back squats. Then the workout was deadlifts until failure and then on a cardio machine for as many calories. So if you did 15 deadlifts, you had to burn 15 calories. I alternated between the bike and the rower. It was a really good workout. My legs are so sore today.

Deb- the rain was bad. It was hard to see driving last night. I took it slow.

Belinda- 35 years!!! WOW!!! That is amazing. You guys deserve to go away! BTW- I saw your FB post with the rainbows, it was beautiful and touching.


Hey everyone,

I did BollyX LIT (Low Impact) - Full Length Live Recorded Class - Boston, MA = 50 min.

Debbie - my Anniversary is Dec 1. You never know with the internet working or not, now I have all the exercises written down. I hear you on the gift. This year, instead of giving everyone a gift we will donate $$ to the animal shelter were I adopted Brawler 13 years ago. They need the gifts more than we do. It's a nonprofit organization. The lady still works there from 13 years ago, she must be in her 70's. She really cares about the animals. When we adopted Brawler he got so sick he almost died. He had Parvo, the animal shelter paid for everything. Brawler was at the animal hospital for over a week.

Kirstin - thank you! Looking forward to warmer weather and the beach. Thanks about Brawler :) I miss him so much. The double rainbow was super cool.

I will be back later to post my weight workout.
Good evening,

Just finished W3 D2 Biceps/Back.

Round 1: 10 reps/3x
Pullovers 25#/25#/20's
Top Curls 15's/15's/12's
Reverse Flys 12's
Bottom Curls 15's/15's/12's

Round 2 : 10 reps/3x
Wide Rows 12's
Wide Curls 15's/12's/12's
Rows 20's
Hammer Curls 15's

Burnout Round: 3x/30 sec
Full Bicep Curls 12's

Core: 3x/30 sec
Dumbell Crunch 10's


My upper body is fried. Loving those workouts.

Good night, everyone.
CF workout today. We did 3 rounds, 10 minutes each. Round 1 was 90 jump ropes and then 10 hand release push-ups as many rounds as you could in the 10 minutes. Round 2, 10 burpees over the barbell, then 10 calories on cardio machine (I stuck with the rower). Last round was a ladder with wall balls and sit-ups. You did 2/2, then 4/4, then 6/6, 8/8 and keep going up in reps until time is up. I got to 16/16, plus 18 wall balls when the timer went off. It was awesome. This girl that has been going there for a year told me that I was awesome. That made my day! I am 41 years old and kicking ass, lol. A lacrosse team from a local high school started working out there today. I was outpacing many of them, haha!

Belinda- I love that you are donating $$ to the animal shelter! That is a great idea! Great way to honor Brawler too!

Waving hello to Deb!

Good morning,

W3 D3 Shoulder is done. My rotator cuff been bordering me, I kept the weights light.

Round 1: 3 x/10 reps/30 sec
Front Raises 10's
Upright rows 10's could have gone heavier.
Alternating Jump Lunges

Round 2: 3x/10 reps/30 sec
Side Raises 10's
Shoulder Press 10's could have gone heavier
Speed Skaters

Round 3: 3x/10 reps/30 sec
Shoulder Chest Press 8's those are tough!
Swimmers 5's those burned big times
Squat Jumps

Core: 3x/30sec
Weighted Side Crunch
Windshield wipers


Kirstin - high fives on CF :) you are killing it with these workouts. Seeing any results?

Debbie - must be busy :) hope you had a great workout yesterday.

I will be back later. It's 31 degree outside and snowing,
I am back: I signed up for LM on Demand. They offered a free month trial.

I also did LM BODYSTEP #111 . That was a lot of fun. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the music in that one. This one had some weight workout mixed in. This one had a lot of shoulder work. My shoulders are fried. Need to read the description before I click on a workout, lol. I am so close to signing up for LM on Demand. Love the workouts, music and variety.

Is it just me or does Cathe's premixes look like they are just stung together like in her last few series? I don't see anything special than Main workout + Staggered Upper Body + Abs + stretch:confused: Maybe I am missing something? So far, I am not really impressed with the premixes. I probably will cancel my preorder once I see clips and get the downloads only. I just should have gotten the downloads instead of the dvd's in the first place.

Today I did cardio kickboxing. It was so cold today it felt like it would snow! I’m afraid to see my heating bill this winter.

Belinda- I’ll have to check fab for your post and also about the new series. It awesome you are donating to the animal shelter:). I didn’t realize LM has step workouts.

Kristin - it is great that you are doing so well with CF and others are noticing! You must be sore all the time;).

Good morning,

Week 3 D4 – Legs = 38 min is done.

R1: 10 reps/3 sets
Sumo Squat
Bridge w/2 DB's

R2: 10 reps/3 sets
Front Loaded Squat
Calf Raise

R3: 10 reps/ 3 sets
Alternating Side Lunge
Dead Lift – 10 reps

HiT: 3 sets/15 sec rest
Soccer Ball Kicks - 60 sec
Catcher Squat Jumps - 45 sec
Alternating Lunge Jumps - 30 sec

Core: 3x
Side Plank right side - 30 sec
Side Plank left side - 30 sec


I will leave this evening to drop off our dog ChuChu. Tomorrow morning we fly to Fl. I will check in when I can. I will continue to do my workouts next week. The hotel has a very nice gym.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

See you later.

I did PiYo Lower Body. I like those workouts for strength and stretching. For whatever reason today my battery on all my devices was going down so quickly. I felt like I was charging them more than using them. One reason could be I was using Waze and it uses so much battery life but it is so helpful with traffic.

Belinda - I didn’t realize LM had such a variety of workouts. I plan on trying Liift 1st but would be interested in LM down the line. Are you going on vacation to FL? Have fun:)

Kristin, Are you counting the days until Christmas break:)

Hi Belinda and Kristin,

Today I did PiYo Define: Upper body. We are going out for a quick bite tonight.

Have a nice weekend!!!

Hey guys. Sorry I didn't get a chance to get on Thursday. I ran 3.5 miles. Friday was a rest day because I was so tired. I needed the rest. My shoulders are still sore from CF, even today, lol. Today I ran 8 miles of hills with my running friends. I could never do the hills even 6 months ago. Now they were hard, but I got through them without stopping!

We are going to pick out our Christmas tree today. We are going to a place where you cut down your own tree. Never did this before. My husband is insisting. I am thinking we will be looking like the Griswolds in a few hours :p

Deb- Nice job on your workouts. How do you like Piyo? I've always wondered about that program. I think Waze wastes your battery, for sure!

BBL, I plan on doing CF tomorrow.


Today I took a rest day. So, I watched "Elf" for the 1st time it was cute and funny:) I can't believe I waited so long to watch.

Belinda - I hope your having fun in Florida.

Kristin - It sounds like you are doing really well with your running:) I wonder if CF is helping. I like Piyo it isn't too hard and I have been doing so much walking/steps at work so it is a nice fit.


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