Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did ICE meltdown bi's and tri's. The snowstorm was a nightmare. I decided to work only 20 min away from home and headed back after DH called me and just when the snow started. I have a small SUV which is really very good in the snow but not today:confused: I avoided about 3 accidents, the ramps were slippery, slid through a stop sign and avoided a car going the wrong way (he/she didn't remove snow from their windows). It was about 2 pm when I arrived home but it was much worse for other people later in the day. They closed so many highways and it took them hours to get home:(

Belinda - You motivated me to join BB again, just not sure if I will do random workouts or pick a series to do:) I hope your snow wasn't as bad as ours.

Kristin - It sounds like they are creative in picking out CF workouts! The weathermen didn't get this storm right, hopefully it wasn't as bad by you. NYC was a mess too!

Well, no workout for me. The little dusting of snow I was supposed to get. . . ugh. . . it was an awful commute! It took me 1.5 hours to get home. . . and I got out at 3, mind you. It had not even been snowing that long and the roads were awful. Then I get home and my younger son is still not home from school. He is normally home by 4. I live by the firehouse and the firehouse alarms kept going off. I had such an awful feeling. . . 4:45, no DS. 5:00, no DS. I was crying and panicking and the bus came at 5:20. I was trying to call transportation. . . the line was busy. My son takes a minibus. . . it was a good thing I did not get through because the other minibus that goes from his school was in an accident. Awful! Everyone is okay, thank God. Just such an awful feeling.

Anyway. . . I did not venture out to go to CF. Today I will maybe run 3 miles and then go to CF.

Deb- I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee and I had it on 4 wheel drive, snow, an d I was still sliding on the road! It was awful. I am happy you made it home safe. Boy, do the weather people ever get it right?

Belinda- that workout was a killer. Never in my life did I ever think I would do so many burpees.


Good morning,

Week 1- Workout #4 – Legs LIIFT 50/50 = 40 min is done. Had a great workout. Week 1 is done. Saturday and Sunday is recovery. I will do lots of stretching and maybe try to get some steps in.

10 reps/ 3 sets
dead lift

10 reps/ 3 sets
sumo squat with 1 DB
back lunge (left lunge/right lunge counts as 1 rep)

10 reps/ 3 sets
hip bridge with 2 DB's on your hip
calf raises (1 set straight, 2nd set angled in, 3rd set angled out)

HIIT: 60 sec/rest 15 sec. I follow the modifier on the HiiT workouts.
high knee runs
bear hop
squat jumps

Abs – 30 sec/ 3 sets
planks on your elbows w/ alternating leg lifts


Debbie - we are covered in snow. The roads were icy. Lots of accidents here.

Kirstin - that is scary! I am am glad everyone is ok. I can't see doing so many do so many burpees. Hate them. I think I would through out my back if I would do them. If I do burpees, I modify the heck out of them.

Have a great Friday and weekend, everyone.

Today I took a rest day. I didn't even go out today didn't want to deal with ice/snow. We are going out for a bite to eat but I won't be driving;)

Belinda - I didn't realize the ice/ snow was by you too! Is your workout easy to modify?

Kristin - I can't imagine waiting for a child yesterday. Sorry you had to go through that:( I couldn't believe the news stories about the accidents and delays from this snowstorm.

Debbie - we also got hit with lots of snow and icy road. Everything got shut down, no school. All those workouts are easy to modify. There is a modifier in all the workouts.
Hey guys. I did a 5 mile run today. It was a little windy, but I made good time. My average pace was 9:38 a mile. Have a lot of cleaning and prepping to do over the weekend. Tomorrow I am supposed to run 8-10 miles with my girlfriend in the morning.

Belinda- yea, burpees are not my favorite. But since going to CF I do not dread them as much. It is the breakdown of the workouts I think. I could never do 128 burpees in a row, but the 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, etc, way of the workout. . . I really wasn't thinking about how many I did total until the workout was over. If we had to do 128 burpees in a row, mentally, I think I would tell myself I couldn't do it and end up quitting. This way I was not even thinking about the total. I am loving CF.

Deb- It was a crazy storm. The snow was so heavy too. I am just glad we all got home okay. I hope it is not a sign of what kind of winter we can expect.



Today I took a rest day. I have a lot of cleaning to do tomorrow for Thanksgiving! It's supposed to be so cold on Thanksgiving:(

Belinda - I may check-out the Lift workouts:)

Kristin - A good pace with your run today:)


I took another rest day today. I lost track of time cleaning and didn't have it in me to workout. I will come up with a plan for this week because I don't like to miss out on workouts.

Belinda & Kristin - I hope you stayed warm this weekend:)

Tester I ran 9 miles with my friend. Today will be CrossFit. I am off starting on Wednesday! I’ve never had the Wednesday before Thanksgiving off. I’m excited.

BBL with personals,

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in this weekend.

Week 2 Workout #5 Chest & Triceps Circuit = 39 Minutes

Round 1:
4 exercises/10 reps/3x
Decline chest with glute bridge
Skull crusher
Rotating chest press
1 Arm triceps extrensiton

Round 2:
Chest press
Close grip tricep press
Chest fly
Tricep kickbacks

Burnout round: 30 sec/ 3 sets
Wide pushup
Tricep pushup

Abs: 30 sec /3 sets
Flutter kicks with crunches holding a DB
Windshield wipers


Debbie - Aleisa is cooking TG this year. We will leave for DC on Wednesday. Thursday will do a Turkey run/s walk.

Kirstin - nice job with your run yesterday have fun at CF today.

I will be back later.

Today I did ICE shoulders and back. Sorry going to make this quick;)

Belinda - That is great that Aleisa is doing the cooking:)

Kristin - Awesome having Wednesday off, this holiday has a lot of work so takes the pressure off:)

Hey guys. Last night was CF. We did some cleans with the BB and then a 20 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible). The AMRAP was 50 sit ups, 50 shoulder tap planks, 50 V-ups, 50 toe tap planks, and then 50 goblet squats. I did the goblet squats with a 35# DB. I got through 2 rounds, lol. My core is so sore today.

Today I am contemplating going for a run or going to a 4:30 CF class. Not sure what I will do yet.

The sky was hazy here yesterday. I heard on the news that the smoke from the California wildfires has reached NY, which is causing the haze. That is crazy to me. It smells a little like something burning too, so sad and scary.

Deb- I am so thankful to have tomorrow off ;). My boys keep asking me if they can stay home with me. I just laugh and say no, haha!

Belinda- How nice your DD will be making the dinner. Enjoy!


Good morning Debbie and Kirstin,

Lift Week 2 Day 2. Back & Biceps 50/50 = 36 min is done.

Debbie - usually we have TG at our house. I will have the house full for xmas. Gives me a nice break. Alesia and I always cook together. I will be cooking/helping too.

Kirstin - your CF workouts sounds brutal, lol. High fives, for doing them and liking them. Great job!

I need to get things done before I head to DC on Wednesday. I will try to be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Last night I went to CF. We worked on burpees/thrusters, then a clean and jerk with barbell. Then the last 10 minutes was on the bike. the burpees/thrusters combo was tough. You had to do 1 burpee/10thrusters, then 3 burpees/6 thrusters, then 5/5, then 3/6, then 1/10. I kept losing count, lol. Today I am off. I went for a morning run with my running friends. It was 4:30 in the morning and the road we were on was very dark. . . I tripped in a pothole and fell. Luckily, I am fine. Just bruised my arm and scratched my leg. Kept running. We did 4 miles. Then we went to CF to get it out of the way. We worked on back squats, which I did at max weight: 75 pounds. Then we did 5 rounds of 150 jumpropes, 50 shoulder taps in plank. My abs, shoulders, and legs are still sore from previous workouts. I plan on resting for a bit and then I am baking dinner rolls for tomorrow. My dad is coming over. We are having a small turkey dinner here.

Deb- what are your plans for tomorrow? Are you off on Friday?

Belinda- Have fun in DC! I love how you and Alesia are so close!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving to both of you and your Families!

Yesterday I did ICE bi's and tri's. Yesterday we went to go visit my mom, she had surgery on her finger (related to skin cancer). She will not be able to come to my house tomorrow and doesn't want me to bring the food to her. It will just be a quiet Thanksgiving for my DH & boys. Today I worked and ran errands, tonight I started cooking. I'm tired already LOL!

Belinda - It is a nice break to not always have it at your house and fun to help cook:) I won't be as stressful tomorrow which I guess is a good thing. How are you liking Lift?

Kristin - Your CF workouts sound tough but fun! TG you didn't get hurt when you fell in the pothole:(

Enjoy your Thanksgiving tomorrow:)

Hey guys. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Yesterday I did not workout. Too cold for a run and the CF workout was too early in the morning, lol. Today I went to CF. The workout was called a Black Friday special. It was a circuit and went like this:

30 minutes

Backsquats- 30 reps
L-sit 30 seconds
Alternate lunges with kettlbell- 30 reps
Crunches- Turkish sit-ups style- 30 reps
Kettlebell swings- 30 reps

Front squats- 30 reps
Russian twists with 15# plate- r+ l = 1 rep
Inchworm push-ups- 30 reps
Deadlifts- 30 reps
Alternate Superman Planks- r+l=1 rep
You do it again!

I used a 45# BB and a 25# kettlebell. I got through one round of everything, plus the first 3 for the 2nd round before the 30-minute cap. My DS was able to do both rounds to completion. I was going to go for a run, but my legs are jello right now. Plus it is freezing out. I think I burned off enough with that workout, lol.

Deb- How is your mom doing? We had a quiet Thanksgiving here too. It was good though.


Happy Thanksgiving and good evening,

I am home again. My DD ordered a butterflied turkey breast from Whole Foods, had my daughter in law pick it up on Wednesday night. DD flight got delayed she was suppose to arrive in DC in the afternoon, well she arrived around 7 in the evening. Thanksgiving day we realized the turkey wasn't butterflied, it was a turkey breast with the bone in. DD called Whole Foods in the morning, they said her butterflied turkey is still sitting in the cooler. DD asked if they wanted the beast with the bone in back, the guy on the phone said she can keep it do what ever she wanted. When we went to Whole Foods not only did they gave us the butterflied turkey for free, but also put a surprise for the trouble inside the turkey breast :) When we open the turkey breast there were a few butterflied small turkey breasts. Whole Foods customer service is outstanding :)
DD or DS wanted the turkey breast w/the bone in, I ended up taking it home. It's in the oven right now.

Yesterday I ended up doing a Jenny Ford workout while the food was cooking. I did Lift shoulders this morning.

I will catch up tomorrow on personals. Need to check on the turkey. Good night everyone.
Good morning,

I just finished Week 2 Day 4. Legs – HIIT + SBF barre workout. I will try to write down the workouts later.

Hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving!

Off to get something done around the house. BBL!
Completed a 10K run with Crossfit crew up the Selden Hills. More like the Selden Mountains. Very steep hills. I felt good. . . more than half the crew quit at the 5K mark. My friend and I finished the whole thing. My legs are going to be sore. I rarely do hills because, well, I hate them, lol. Happy I got it done.

Belinda- Whole Foods has excellent customer service! I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving. We have been eating the leftovers for dinner every night.



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