Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I am back. I didn't get a lot of workouts in maybe 2 SBF barre workout. I didn't get a lot of steps in either. It was sad and nice at the same time visiting my DH family.

Today I did ICE BC Circuit. I haven't really played around with those workouts since it come out, lol. This week I will play around with ICE workouts.

Debbie - we did connect with my husband family. I also met and hang out my husband Aunt. She is 88 years old and smokes, lol. She looks great.

Kirstin - glad you had fun at the field trip. Good job on CF. Your husband is going too? That's cool.

Have a great day, everyone.
3 mile run today. I’m supposed to get up at 4 and go for a run with a two runner friends. I will be busy trick or treating after school tomorrow lol. I’m going to school as Wonder Woman tomorrow. The principal is letting us dress up. We will see how it goes.

Belinda- I’m glad you had a good time with DH’s family despite the circumstances that brought you together. 88 years old and a smoker! Wow! DH doesn’t go to CrossFit with me, my son comes.

Waved hi to Deb-


Today I did GS chest & triceps. I'm so happy the weather will be nice for Halloween. My candy is disappearing and it is not because of me, only had 1 piece so far ;)

Belinda - I could imagine it was both sad and happy. The rest was good for you, you workout so hard! I'm always amazed when I see an older person who smokes and is fine:oops:

Kristin - I love your Halloween costume choice:cool: That was a hard workout, like the partner idea. Years ago when I chaperoned the Bronx Zoo trip, it was the hottest day! The children wore me out LOL.

Good morning,

Today is Aleisa's birthday. DH and I will spent the day with her in DC.

I will do a SBF barre workout. They are short workout, at least I get something in.

Debbie - that is funny! So who is eating all the candy? Your husband? Good job yesterday. I was amazed when I see an older person who smokes and is fine. She also lives alone and moving around really good.

Kirstin - DH aunt was a lot of fun. Her age she really doesn't need to stop smoking. I hope I move around like his aunt when I am her age. LOL. the kids wore you out. Good job on your 3 mile run. That is great your husband is working out with you.

Happy Halloween

Today I took a rest day. I rushed around to get everything done before Trick or Treaters came so all my steps are in and then some:). It was our anniversary today but we will celebrate over the weekend.

Belinda- I always forget its Alesia’s birthday same day as my anniversary. You missed Halloween that year;). DSs are eating all the candy TG!

Kristin - I hope you had fun with your boys today:)

Good morning,

I am back from DC. Yesterday we had a lot of fun celebrating my DD 32 birthday :)

I have to unpack. Than I will do a workout. Not sure, what yet?

Debbie - happy Anniversary! Hope you had fun yesterday. Great job with your workouts.

Kirstin - you sure burned some candy off yesterday.

I will be back later to catch up on personals. BBL!
Hey guys,

Thursday ended up being a rest/recovery day. I was exhausted. I think teaching the day AFTER Halloween is harder than teaching on Halloween, lol. I went to CF Friday night. That workout was a killer. You had to do 7 rounds in 35 minutes. You could pick what you wanted to do for each round from the board, but all selections were 5 of one weight move, then 5 burpees. And you kept repeating for 5 minutes then moved on to the next. This is what I did:

Round 1: 5 barbell back squats, 5 burpees
Round 2: 5 slam balls, 5 burpees
Round 3: 5 deadlifts, 5 burpees
Round 4: 5 situps, 5 burpees
Round 5: 5 dumbbell snatches, 5 burpees
Round 6: 5 step ups, 5 burpees
Round 7: 5 Barbell powercleans, 5 burpees.

Your score was the total number of burpees. I got 120. I never thought in my life I would do 120 burpees in a workout. I was sweating buckets and felt exhausted at the end of it.

This morning I went back to CF for more, lol. It was a 20-minute workout, do as many rounds as possible.

Each round included: 10 DB snatches per arm, 20 goblet lunges, 200m run. I got in 5 rounds plus 10 DB snatches per arm in 20 minutes.

Tomorrow I am going for a run.

I am really loving CF. So glad I joined. I do see differences in my body. . . even though this week I ate a ton of candy and pizza 2X for dinner. I feel strong and good.

Belinda- high fives on your workouts. Happy belated birthday to your daughter!

Deb- Happy anniversary!


Kirstin - thank you on the belated birthday to my DD. Glad you loving CF. It would kill me, lol. Your workouts look brutal. That's a lot of burpees.

Debbie - I hope all is well.
Good morning,

SBF Stretch 5 = 25 min is done. This one is a great lower body stretch. I need to stretch more, my hips are tight. My abs are sore this morning. He thinks it's from the crawl move we did yesterday. I didn't go down on the floor, I modified.

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished my long run for the week. I did 9 miles in 90 minutes. My legs are/were very sore from Crossfit too. I watched the NYC marathon this morning. I find it so inspiring.

Belinda- nice job on your workouts. Those plank crawls are tough on the abs in Chiseled UB.

Waving hello to Deb!



Sorry I've been MIA. I haven't been feeling 100%. Yesterday we went to NYC to see the play "Pretty Woman" it was really good. NYC was so crowded, the weather was nice:) Today, I went to the outlets to Christmas shop with my SIL and nicece. I didn't even get anything but it was a nice day and did so much walking.

Belinda - You have been on the go:) Good job with your workouts!

Kristin - I don't think I could ever get 120 burpees;) I was wondering if the city was crowded because of the marathon.

Good morning,

ICE Chiseled Lower Body is done.

Not sure, if I mention it here? I ended up pre ordering Cathe's new workouts. I have regrets already :( Her last few series are so similar, the moves are all the same. I even notices the same moves in ICE. All my other Cathe workouts are collecting dust. I regret getting Fit Tower, or whatever they are called. I still have 2 still in shrink wrap. I don't know if I get pickier or my style in workouts have changed. I have so many dvd's unused. I really want to sign up for Less Mill and BB or a month or two. Since I am doing serious downsizing, it doesn't make sense to add more? Does it? Sorry for the long vent!

Debbie - sorry to hear you are not feeling 100%. Hope you feel better soon. The play sounds great. Glad you liked it. Sometimes I just go to the outlets just to look around. I hardly buy anything. I already have more than enough.

Kirstin - amazing job on your 9 miles yesterday. Alesia signed us up on Thanksgiving for a 3 mile run/walk. I am not running it but will walk with DH. Those day's me running are over. I miss it.

Have a great Monday and workout, everyone.

Today I went to the gym and did a kickboxing and TRX workout. It's so depressing to me that it gets dark early:( it looks like they may change it in Europe.

Belinda - l've been going through things and I just have too much, especially clothes. I'm going to bring a bunch of bags to goodwill this week. A Thanksgiving run/walk sounds like fun:)

Waves hi to Krisitn

Good morning,


Debbie - I hear you on having too much of everything. A few month ago I donated bags and bags of clothes. I just went through my closet again :( What is wrong with me? I bought some boots the other day, decided I don't need them. I will wear the ones I already have instead. Progress!! Nice job on your workout.

Kirstin - how was CF yesterday?

I will try to be back later.

Today I took a warm yoga class. This afternoon, I received an email from one of the owners of the yoga studio. He wants some feedback on the studio. Lately it hasn't been too crowded. I actually feel uncomfortable (will respond to him tomorrow) not sure what to say. I honestly believe they are building too many gyms, specialty gyms and studios, so people switch. In my town and surrounding towns there is just too many retail stores, gyms, banks, housing and restaurants and they keep building more:oops: More open space and parks would be nice:)

Belinda - Rock'm Sock'm good workout! I was wearing rainboots today and they are too tight, I should just donate and get comfortable ones:) I only want to buy things I love, fit and need LOL not unnecessary stuff.

Kristin - How is CF?

Good morning,

I will do a SBF workout today.

DH and I talk a small road trip starting today, not sure how long we will be gone? We drive to Virginia Beach first. The weather is suppose to be nice. Great for a walk on the beach. I will take my computer with me. I will do SBF workouts and walking while I am on the road.

Debbie - I agree, way to many retail stores, gyms, banks, housing and restaurants. Not enough parks. I would just tell him the trues. It is what it is. Great job on the yoga class.

Kirstin - where are you?

I will check in later.

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