Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

4-mile run done today. It was hard to run outside as it was very, very windy. I felt like I was pushing myself and yet I was averaging a 10-minute mile. The wind was pushing me back, lol.

Belinda- We are doing a monthly membership, so we pay by the month. It is expensive for the two of us $160, but that is unlimited classes. We could go every day if we wanted to. Right now we are going 3X a week. I plan on upping it, but want to ease into it first.

Deb- DS comes with me most of the time, unless he has a practice for baseball the same day. We could go before his practice, but I don't want to overload him.



I didn't get a workout in today, will start tomorrow. I ended up food shopping, cooking, cleaning and bills, but happy I am caught up.

Belinda - My in-laws own the condo, but we are taking care of it because of their bad health.

Kristin - I know some people who only go 1x a week so 3x is really good. It was really windy here today too!

Hey guys. Just came back from Crossfit. Today's workout wasn't that hard, lol. However, I am using a lot lighter weight than the others in the group.

Warm up,
then 10 minutes of back squats You squat with a BB on your back, but all the way down to a med ball and up. I have never squatted so low with a BB on my back. I couldn't get up, lol. I started with a 35# BB and then moved up to 45#. I thought it would be easy. . .

Then 15 minutes of as many rounds as you can of this:
15 calories on any cardio machine, I did the rower,
10 air squats to med ball,
1 heavy deadlift. I did 75# (probably could go heavier)

I ended up doing 7 rounds.

I can feel the DOMs forming in my back from the rower. It is my favorite machine there.

Belinda- I hope your family is able to find strength in each other during this difficult time. I am keeping your family in my prayers.

Deb- CF is expensive, so if I am going to pay, I am going to go. We have unlimited classes for the month.



Today I went to hot yoga. The studio offered a unlimited classes for the month for a big discount so I went with it. I am going to mix it in with cardio and weight at home or gym.

Belinda - How is you DH doing? Will they be having a service for him?

Kristin - I do like hearing about your workouts:) I agree if I am going to get unlimited classes will take advantage of it. It actually motivates me to go.

Good afternoon,

Today I did RWH Circuit Lower Body. DH and I will leave tomorrow for my BIL service. We plan on staying a few day's and visit my husbands Italian family. They are all over Ohio. I am not sure if I get any workouts in or not? I am bringing my computer, maybe I can stream SBF.

Debbie - thanks of asking about DH. He is doing great considering. The service will be tomorrow.

Kirstin - thanks for your kind world. CF would kill me, lol. High fives, girl!

I will try to check in tomorrow. If not, I do when I can.

Today I did Gym Styles chest and triceps. It felt good to do upper body.

Belinda - It's nice to get together with family when you are grieving. I didn't realize your DH was Italian. Sometimes it's hard to get a word in LOL. It must be far for you to travel. Hopefully you can have some time to workout too.

Kristin - You must have a lot of DOMS today.

Good morning,

DH and I will be leaving this morning. Need my coffee fist.

Debbie - my husbands dad was Italian. I am excited to met them on Saturday. My BIL son lives somewhere in a small town(?) in Ohio. Friday DH and I will drive to up to Toledo Ohio another 3 hours to see his Italian family. I have a Oortho appointment on Monday. I do SBF barre workouts the rest of the week.

I will try to be back later tonight.

Today I did Gym Styles back, shoulders & bi's. I couldn't sleep last night so hoping to catch up tonight:)

Belinda - Good luck with your trip, it should be interesting.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. I have been working out but running around so much, I have not checked in. Yesterday I ran 5 miles. I did a 5 min warm up, 1 mile slow, 1 mile fast, 1 mile slow, 1 mile fast and a 5 minute cool down. Yesterday Iwent to CrossFit. I did front squats with 65# BB. Then we did the circuit, 150 meter run, 15 air squats, one clean and press. We did this for 15 minutes as many rounds as we could get. I got 11 rounds, DS got 13! The men in the gym were complimenting him. He is so damn competitive, lol.

The news has me on edge. I am so concerned about bombs being sent to prominent democrats. Right now the news is saying that Robert DeNiro was sent a package too. He also has been outspoken against Trump. I am scared for our country. I think it is more than one person doing this. . . I would have liked to see the President cancel his "rally" and had a televised speech in which he denounced this and also tone done his words and rhetoric against democrats in general. He will not do this though. I don't mean to bring politics on here. . . it is just on my mind.

BBL with personals.

Good morning everyone.

I didn't had time to workout yesterday. Today I did a short SBF UB workout with water bottles, lol.

Took us a little over 5 hours to get here. Boy it's cold in Ohio :( DH and I decided not to be a burden on our nephew, we are staying in a hotel. He is a single father of 2. I haven't seen my nephew since he was very little. We will spent time with them today, in the morning head out to Toledo to met my husbands Italian family. I didn't get much sleep last night. I never sleep well in hotels.

Debbie - thank you! Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - good job as well.

I have to hurry, we meeting up with family shortly. I will be back later. Hopefully I catch up with personals.

I took a hot yoga class today and it took all my energy. I also did some housework which took the rest of it;)

Belinda - It sounds like you and DH are having fun connecting with old family members:) It was cold here today too!

Kristin - It's good that you DS is competitive:) I agree 100% with what you said about the President, he really needs to address it. I have a feeling at some point he will tweet something mean in reference to these attacks when he is on a rant. I certainly hope not!

Hi Belinda & Kristin,

On Friday, we decided to take a ride upstate NY and walk some trails. We saw a lot of waterfalls and fall foliage, there wasn't as much color as usual, guessing because of the rain. It was also cold but we were prepared with warm clothes. We came home today because of the rain and I have very little energy.

Belinda - I always think of you when we go to this town because of the German inns, taverns and bakery. How is your visit with DH's family?

Kristin - What are you plans for the weekend?

Hey guys. I am sorry I haven't checked in the last few days. Friday was a CF workout. I was the first girl done! We had a warm up and then 5 rounds of the following: 25 ground-to-overhead presses with a 25# plate, 25 plate jumps, 25 Russian twists with 25# plate (1 rep is both sides one time), 25 plate jumps, and then 25 leg raises over the plate (1 rep is both sides once). You had to get it done in less than 30 minutes, my time was 24:18. Saturday with the storm, and my allergies out of control, I did not workout. Today I ran 7.5 miles. Tomorrow I plan on going back to CF.

Nothing else to report. Yesterday was a very lazy day. I did not feel well at all. I would sneeze every five minutes, even after taking medication. It was awful. I am still sniffly today, but much better. It was nice to run in the crisp air. 7.5 miles feels like nothing after training and running a marathon.

Belinda- How is Ohio? I hope you are getting to connect with DH's family.

Deb- I have seen a few friends on facebook going to trails with waterfalls upstate. I want to do it. It looks beautiful out there.



Today I took a rest day. I cooked a lot because ds was bringing his new gf to dinner. I also too a nap was so tired even after getting a goodnight sleep all weekend:confused: maybe it was the weather. I'm looking forward to getting an extra hour next week:)

Belinda - I hope you are having fun visiting.

Kristin - You would think the rain would help with your allergies but it's not always the way. I noticed a lot more CF gyms are popping up around here.


Today I took a TRX class, I was the only one who showed up but she still taught the class for me. I also did some leg weight machines at the gym.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Hey guys. I went to Crossfit last night, after being a chaperone on my younger son's Bronx Zoo field trip. The trip was so much fun. I had DS and two other students, who were the sweetest boys. They had never been to the zoo before. I have been there a dozen times with my boys, so I knew where everything was, and they were so appreciative of everything we saw. It was so cute. I was tired from the trip, but I went to Crossfit with my older DS.

The workout was a partner workout. One partner planks for the whole time while the other partner does 15 deadlifts, 15 airsquats and then 15 calories on the bike. Then you switch. That is one round. We had an odd number of people in our class, so DS and I got partnered up with another guy, which meant we were holding the plank longer. My entire core is sore today. And my legs. . . lol. I am going to go for a run later, unless the weather is not good. Then I will go to CF again.

Deb- With no one else showing up to the class, it's like you had a personal trainer for the day. I found out that DH had put one of the those Glade plug-ins in DS's bedroom and I am allergic to them. That explains it. He sometimes will put these in our house when he's home and I am at work to get rid of the dog smell, or in the case of DS's room, the sweaty smell. He doesn't believe me that I am allergic. Normally, my eyes just burn. . . this time it was much worse. I think he is a believer now. He better be, anyway.



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