Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Kirstin - Cathe posted pictures of the crew in her new workouts on FB. Wonder why Amanda and Cedie are not in her videos anymore?

We walked on the beach and did bi’s and tri’s. My back is still not right especially after waking up, taking Bayer back & body it does help.

Belinda- I hope your back feels better!

Kristin- CrossFit sounds like fun and a really good calorie burn!

Sorry so short BBT

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

I did SBF TB circuit and a 30 min walk.

Debbie - I was hoping to start Ripped with Hiit next week. I hope your back is feeling better soon. I need to look into those meds. Great job on your biceps and triceps workout.

Kirstin - what workout will you do today?

Have a great day and workout,everyone.
Hey guys. My entire back: lats, rhomboids, shoulders, were so sore from the CrossFit workout yesterday. They are still a bit sore today. Yesterday I ran 6 miles. Today I am taking DS to a CrossFit class after school. I like doing the workout with him.

Yesterday I was feeling kind of blah, mood-wise. Just feeling a bit down. TOTM is coming so maybe it is that. Wish I could take off from work during PMS lol. Anyway. . . hoping I can get in a better mood today.

Deb- I hope your back is feeling better. My watch said I burned over 400 calories and the workout was only 30 minutes approximately. Not bad!

Belinda- I saw the pics on facebook too. I wonder why some of the favorite crew members are no longer filming it seems. I still like that Brenda and Jai are hanging around, but I miss Lorraine, Cedie, Amanda too. My workouts are moving in a different direction from dvds right now.



We are headed to see friends today. The hurricane is hitting north Florida we are only getting really rough water and storm surge, not bad!

My back isn’t 100% but it’s improving.

Belinda - The Bayer back and body has helped but I’m also not doing much so sure that helps too. Hopefully you can start your rotation next week.

Kristin - Wow you are sore already:). I want to see A Star is Born so bad!! I bet CrossFit will help your run.

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

DH wanted to get a workout in this morning. We did Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30 Minutes To Fitness Muscle Definition workout #1. I forgot how much she packs into those 30 min. By the end of the workout I was sweating like crazy. I did had to lower my weights, I didn't wanted to irritate my back. So far, it's starting to feel better. I also did SBF cardio barre. It wasn't much of a cardio, lol. More like a leg workout.

Debbie - please stay! Glad your back is starting to feel better too. Hopefully I didn't do anything crazy today to aggravate it again. I will look into Bayer back and body meds. I am icing my back and stretching.

Kirstin - I know what's up with that? I miss the old crew. Really doubt they will make an appearance in the new series. A lot of people are moving away from dvd's and moving in a different direction fitness wise. My son does Orange Theory and he loves it. I couldn't get them to workout to dvd's. I understand your decision as long as you don't stop posting here, lol:p:D

I will be back later. Have a wonderful workout and day, everyone.
Hey guys. Did my second Crossfit workout today with DS. It was fast and tough.

First we did a warm up. Then we did the main workout- 21-15-9.

21 burpees, then 21 snatch presses (think Hammer and Chisel snatch presses)
15 burpees, then 15 snatch presses
9 burpees, then 9 snatch presses

I finished in 8:15

Then you cool down for 10 minutes

Then do 100 calories on the rower.

My back muscles were still sore from Monday. I finished the rower in 8:59.

The coach/trainer said I did well. I thought I was going to die doing all those burpees. I should sleep well tonight, lol.

Deb- the hurricane looks like a nightmare, a cat 4!!! They are saying it is the worst hurricane to hit Florida, which is hard to believe. But Global Warming is a hoax :rolleyes::oops::mad:

Belinda- I love this forum and this check in and I am a creature of habit. I will definitely keep posting. I am hoping changing things up will be positive for me.


Good morning

Step Blast is done. Tough but fun!

Kirstin - wow, your workout looks intense.Changing things up is good.

Debbie - how are you doing? Hope all is well and you having lots of fun. I feel like you on the check in.

Have a great workout, everyone.
Because of the heavy rain today, I went to CrossFit instead of running. We did a warmup and then deadlifts and cling and presses. I was sweating buckets.

Today at work was something else. We had a fire emergency so the alarm went off and it was pouring rain out. Kids were out of control. I had my class under control but everyone around us was out of their minds. Some teachers went back in the building to “hide out” and got caught. Some went to their cars because they didn’t have a class, instead of helping their fellow colleagues. My principal was not happy. He said he wanted to speak with me in the morning. Fabulous. Because I’m the union rep he wants to include me in how he wants to handle it. IMO he should write the morons up.

Anyway. . . It was a day when a hard workout was needed. Glad I went. The best part is bringing my son with me. He works so hard there. I’m so proud.

Belinda- really enjoying going to CrossFit. Wonder if I’ll see some changes in my body. Nice job on step blast.


Good morning,

X Train legs is done.

Debbie - haven't seen you checking in a few day's. I hope everything is ok. If you have time please let us know you ok.

Kirstin - those Crossfit workouts sound brutal :) They would kill me, lol. I think you will see changes very quickly. Your exercise routine is completely different from dvd's. Plus you have a trainer that pushes and corrects your form. You are doing great.

Have a great day, everyone.
Hi Belinda & Kristin,

Sorry I haven’t checked in. We were visiting friends. The hurricane was really bad in North Florida but luckily not here. The water did come very close to building. The bad part was the Red Tide came back. We walked the beach and there are so many dead fish, so sad. There are even dead fish floating in water. It is also causing us to cough, watery eyes and congestion. We have been limiting our time on the beach. It is even bad by the pool.

Belinda - I’m happy your back is feeling better mine is too. Good job with your workouts:)

Kristin - it sounds like the CrossFit workouts are tough but fun! It’s nice you are doing it with your son. Good luck tomorrow at school.

Good morning,

Not sure what I will do today? Maybe take a rest day and start RWH tomorrow.

Debbie - so glad you are safe. I saw on the news a lot of people are missing form the hurricane. Horrible!
Glad your back is feeling better too.

Kirstin - how long was your CF workout?

I will be back later.
I been wanting to try Linda Barlates Body Blitz Endurance 80 Series Interval Body weight workout. Is was by far the craziest workout I have ever done. Not sure if I like or hate it, lol. I had to modify the headstand and a few other exercises. Still sweating like crazy. Linda posted she got inspired with her endurance series by Tonique workouts
Hey guys. Yesterday I did a run after work. It was a speed workout: 1-mile warm up then 1 minute fast 1 minute slow X 8, then 1.5 miles for the ending. I ran a total of 4 miles. Afterward, we dropped off the boys at my dad's house for a sleepover and went out to dinner with my girlfriend and her husband. It was a great night, except for the service at the restaurant, lol. The waitress took forever. Anyway, came home and slept until 11 a.m.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::cool: I have not slept in like that in I don't know how long. . . before kids, that is for sure. It felt good to sleep. I think I slept so much because it poured most of the morning and it was still pretty dark out. When I woke up and saw the clock I could not believe it.

Anyway, today I did a 4-mile run. I am taking DS to the movies later with my friend and her kids. Tomorrow I will go and see my mom.

My principal was so busy yesterday, we never had "the meeting."

Deb- The red tide is so scary. I cannot believe it is not on the national news every night. All the dead fish. . . the impact this has on our oceans and environment. . . it is scary. I do love working out with him and as tough as the workouts are. . . doing them in a group setting is so motivating. Everyone there is so cool and encouraging and welcoming.

Belinda- I bet you would kill it at Crossfit, lol. That workout sounds tough!


Kirstin - do you play music when you run and what kind do you like? How long does it take you to run 4 miles? I do miss running once in awhile. LOL, no way I could do CF. That would kill me. I can't do those brutal workouts anymore. I admire you for doing it. You will see results very quickly. Sorry about the bad service last night. Wow, you really needed that sleep! Good for you.

Waving Hi to Deb!

We walked the beach today, due to my back
been skipping weight workouts need to get into it.

The town cleaned the beaches all day of the dead fish and blood. It looks better and seems like a lot less fish are dying. We stayed on the beach but I am really affected by the red tide. It didn’t seem bad at all with people around us. I believe the red tide is tied to Global Warming as well as the bad weather. Hopefully funding will be put aside for it.

Belinda- Tonique are tough workouts so that must have been s good workout:) Like you I can’t do CrossFit workouts anymore but do find them interesting.

Kristin - I love sleeping in it’s nice you were able to especially on a rainy day. I’m wondering if your CrossFit workouts and running are helping you sleep better. Have a nice day with your Mom.

Goodnight :)
Good morning.

I will do a stretch today.

Debbie - it's heartbreaking to watch the news. So scary about the red tide. I didn't see anything on the news? I agree with Kirstin...I can't imagine what all the dead fish has on the ocean and the environment. I do believe Global Warming has something to do with it. There are still people out there that don't believe in Global Warming. Yesterday my sister told me it's warm in Germany. Not normal for Germany! Usually it's already cold and they need to turn the heater on.They also had a very hot summer this year. We have the heater on.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Got in an 8 mile run today. My legs are a little tight. Tomorrow I will go to Crossfit. It is beautiful out, but the temperature definitely dropped. On the trail I run, there was a single red balloon on a string tied to a fence. I was going to take a picture of it because it reminded me of the movie IT. I was going to wait until I was done with my run. Well, on one of my laps I saw a little boy with the balloon. He took it, lol. I hope IT doesn't come after him, lol.

Anyway, not much else to report. Feeling good. Need to shower, lol.

Belinda- 4 miles can take me anywhere between 35-40 minutes depending on how I am feeling. I listen to different playlists, my go to artists are Madonna, Lady Gaga and Pink. I also listen to AC/DC, Bon Jovi and Missy Elliot. I have all different kinds of tastes, lol. Lately I have been listening to songs from The Greatest Showman (movie I am obsessed with at the current moment). If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. It has become one of my favorites!

Deb- I think the combination is definitely helping me sleep better. When do you return home?
Hey guys, I did a STB stretch. That's it.

Kirstin -wow, you are fast. I love your playlist too. Sounds like something I would pick for my runs. Although Lady Gag wasn't that popular when I was running. I love up beat music even when I workout. Never heard of the Greatest Showman? Thanks of the recommendation. LOL, about the red ballon. Yeah...I would left it too.

Debbie - enjoy the rest of your stay.


Today was more walking on the beach. The red tide is gone for now, it’s nice to see the birds return and feeding in the water. The news says it is amazing how the fish will start laying lots of eggs immediately. Hopefully that is true.

Belinda - This is the hottest it’s been in Florida during the month of October, usually it’s 15 degrees cooler. Stretching sounds good!

Kristin - Great time on your runs. I loved the Greatest Showman but didn’t see IT. I don’t watch scary movies but DH wants to see the new Halloween movie. I told him I might consider it since I just read you burn 150 calories watching a 90 min scary movie LOL.


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