Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did ICE meltdown bi's & tri's. It rained here today, part of the hurricane, but it wasn't too bad.

Belinda - That would be nice if your sister comes and visits:) Why buy when you can borrow;)

Kristin - I hope your ankle is getting better.

Good morning,

Patrick Goudeau - Step Up is done. Haven't done that one in years. Now I know why :) had fun doing it but it was very tricky. Got all my steps for today. I will give this another try than I will decide if I keep it.

Debbie - my friend doesn't have a lot of older Cathe's dvd's except for her newer ones. She does Cathe Live for a few month than goes back doing her dvd's or borrowing some of my dvd's. I have a huge collection, lol. I agree, why buy when you can borrow :) Good job yesterday. It was raining here too.

Kirstin - you must be busy, hah?

Have a great Tuesday, everyone.
Good morning,

Patrick Goudeau Extreme Calorie Burn is done. That one was super tough and long :(

I will be back later. Need to catch my breath.

Today I did Butts & Guts one of my favorites. The rain is finally gone and the weather is nice:)

Belinda - You are doing a nice variety of workouts:) LOL on needing to catch your breath must have been a good workout!

Kristin - Hopefully the weather will be good for your race, it seems to be getting better.

Happy Friday. What a week. I cannot believe it is Friday already! My race is a week from tomorrow. I am nervous as hell.

Wednesday I ran five miles. Thursday, last night, I did Total Body Trisets, upper body premix. Today I plan on running 5-6 miles. tomorrow I will do 10. The week leading up to the marathon is a tapering off week, very little mileage. I hope I can do this, lol.

Deb- I have been running with my ankle wrapped. That seems to help. I want to get compression socks and run in them to see it that helps. Humidity is climbing back up today a bit. I am hoping for 65 degrees no humidity on race day, lol.

Belinda- Now that you have had a break from STS, do you miss that huge rotation? After the race I am thinking I will run 3X a week and do some real weights, maybe not STS. Maybe a mix of other dvds from Cathe and/or Hammer and Chisel.


Good morning,

Cathe Fit Spits Boxing/BC/Legs + Glutes is done.

Debbie - the workout yesterday was tough :) Glad I didn't get rid of his workouts. Good job on B&G. I probably will pull that one out next week. Haven't done that one in a long time.

Kirstin - Aleisa is running the Army 10 miler. She only ran twice so far, lol. She hardly trained for her last 10 miler. The Army 10 miler is next week, lol. She is a nut! I think you gonna be fine. Ice/rest your ankle as much as you can before your race. Good luck!

That's it for me today.

Today I took a hot yoga class. It was hard my hands and legs were shaking. Tonight I am packing, I need to get up at 3:30AM to go to Nashville for my nephews wife's baby shower. It's my 3 SIL and my niece so it should be fun:)

Belinda - It funny that your DD and Kristin are running a race next weekend! I wish her luck:)

Kristin - I did not think that you would taper off before a race but that does make sense. I'll wish for no humidity for you too:)

Hey everyone,

This morning I did Janis Saffel Strike Zone. Just getting around to post. We are renovating our kitchen.

Debbie - I will pass it on to Aleisa :) Aleisa is a nut. Have fun at the baby shower. How long are you staying?

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Hey guys. Been busy this weekend with baseball and my own training. The marathon is SATURDAY!!!! Friday I ran 4.3, I wanted to go to five but I had to use the bathroom. The place I ran at when I run alone has a bathroom. My plan was to stop to go and then continue. When I got to the bathroom it was d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g, gross, gross, gross. Literally SH*T on the seat and flies everywhere. . . I went home, lol. I have used porter potties that were nicer and cleaner. Saturday I ran 3.5 and did ICE Chiseled Upper Body. Then spent the day at the baseball field, because what else do I do on the weekends, lol. Today this morning I ran 10 miles with my running friends. That was the last long run. Tuesday I will do 4, Wednesday 3-4 miles. Thursday and Friday rest and eat carbs. Saturday is race day. I cannot believe it. If it is as cool outside as it is today, I will be very happy.

Belinda- renovating your kitchen! How exciting. I love seeing kitchen renovations. You have to post pics. I'd love to see it. Alesia can run a 10 mile race without doing really any training, that is impressive! One of my running friends does crossfit and she was telling me a few people at her gym are doing the marathon but not really training. I am scared I haven't trained enough, lol.

DEb- have fun at the baby shower! Do you know the gender of the baby?


Good morning,

FS Mixed Impact Cardio / Pull Day is done.

Kirstin- the previous owner put self stick tiles l under kitchen ceramic tiles. I been wanting to take it off since we moved into our house. They put so much clue on the ceramic tile we had trouble getting it off. Why would anyone cover nice kitchen tiles with self sticky tiles? We believe on one side there were tiles. They cover a huge hole with the sticky tiles and left the hole :( We had to fix the hole and put new dry wall up on two sides of the kitchen. At least it's getting done right. I may have to paint my entire kitchen? I will leave it alone for a week and see how I like my current color with the tiles before I do another project. Awww.....cross! I wonder if people leave a mess in their bathroom? I have Germaphobic:oops: I brush my teeth in public, lol. Public bathrooms gross me out:oops:

Debbie - how was the baby shower? Hope you had lots of fun.

Have a great day and workout.

I'm home! We were home by 9AM today, it was 2 days but felt like 2 weeks LOL:) We had a lot of fun. My nephew and niece are having a girl. She looks like she will have the baby any day but it is due the middle of November. We didn't sleep much because of the 6AM flights. We went to Nashville one night which was fun but it was pouring rain most of the trip. We stayed at an Arbnb (1st time for me) and I was impressed, very clean and nicely decorated.

After getting home fell asleep for almost 3 hours:eek: Afterwards ran some errands and went to the gym and did the elliptical and did bi's & tri's at home. I can't even think about how bad my eating was:( Also for the 1st time in 20 years, I was in so had so much ear pain upon landing. It still hurts slightly.

Belinda - My SIL is renovating her kitchen too. It's amazing what people do for a quick fix. It will looks so nice when you are done:) Great job with your workouts!

Kristin - How exciting your race is less than a week away! Carb days should be fun, permission to have them with a purpose;) So far the weather is looking good for the weekend!

Good morning,

Did a HiiT workout from YT this morning.

Debbie - welcome back! Glad you had lots of fun. No kidding :( it's amazing what people do for a quick fix. DH and I were like....why did they do that? The original tiles look a lot better than those sticky tiles.

Kirstin - what workouts did you do today?

Have a great day and workout everyone.
I got three miles in today. . . in the rain. Getting very nervous and excited for Saturday. Trying to eat lots of carbs starting tomorrow.

Belinda- Why on Earth would they put sticky tiles over real tiles? That is very bizarre. Are you putting in new tiles? I think it is wise to let the color sit for a week and see if you want to stick with it or change it.

Deb- Cannot wait to eat a bagel for breakfast, lol. I usually have a bagel on Sunday morning, haha.


Today I did ICE shoulder meltdown also did lots of walking. It's scary to say but we actually put the heat on this morning for a little bit to take the chill out of the air!

Belinda - I always like the DIY shows where they take an old piece of furniture and strip it down and find amazing designs covered with paint.

Kristin - I look forward to hearing about your race!

Good morning,

FS Shred Cardio Push Day + Barlates Fit in 5 Band Upper body is done. I wanted to do a little extra triceps workout since Monday workout Fit Split Mixed Impact Cardio / Pull Day didn't had triceps? Wonder why she left triceps out? Weird? My Tricpes are fried :)

I am glad I tried all the Fit Splits and didn't buy the series. I still have to do the ab workout. Couldn't wait for the cardio to be over. Maybe it was the music that put me to sleep :) Not to mention I had too modify every cardio workout in this series. The cardio in this series wasn't for me :( As far as the weight workouts go. I thought it was ok. I still prefer ICE and XTrain over Fit Splits. I think next up I will play with the Fit Tower workouts. They are still in shrink wrap, lol.

Deb - I still watch those shows once in a while. They do a great job. I had to turn my heat on too. It's too cold.

Kirstin - good luck with your race.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
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Hey guys! I got 3 miles in yesterday. 3.5 today. Had a bagel for breakfast and now I am eating pasta with tomato sauce and garlic bread. Think the carb-loading is my favorite part of the marathon, lol.

Today when my husband came home he surprised with a tank top he had made for me for the race. I had bought iron-on letters from Michaels and was going to put "I run for Nilda" on my shirt. Well he had one made for me. Love him. The pic is on facebook. Belinda saw it :).

Belinda- thanks for your honest review. I skipped out on the Fit Split series and do not really regret it. I agree Xtrain is one of my favorites for weights. I also like ICE. Wonder when her new series will have updates. It's been a while since the announcement.

Deb- we haven't put the heat on. We still have the air on. It got humid again. Hopefully the humidity is gone for the race.



Today I did my own leg workout with free weights. So today we were back to putting the air on. I just hope we have a mild winter with very little snow.

Belinda - X-train and ICE are my favorite weight workouts as for oldies it's Gym Styles.

Kristin - I'll have to go check it out on facebook. It was so sweet of your DH:) I'm jealous about the carbs;)

Good morning,

Didn't get much sleep last night. Needed something easy. I did Dance off the Inches Country Line Dance workout.

Debbie - I hope we get a mild winter too. Good job with your leg workout.

Kirstin - you are welcome! We didn't miss out on anything, lol. Nothing new, IMO! I am not interested in her new series. I have more than enough workouts, lol. I like the older stuff over all the HiiT workouts.

Have a great workout and day, everyone.

Today I did so much walking and added abs. It seems like every elevator and escalator was broken so stairs all day.

Belinda - It's tough when you don't get enough sleep. I like your workout, when we were in Nashville, we wanted to go to a bar that had Country Line Dancing but everything was so crowded. Apparently, Nashville is the "in" place for bachelor and bachelorette parties.

Kristin - Looks like the weather will be cooperating:)

Good morning,

Ilaria Montagnani Powerstrike Millennium is done.

Debbie - that's funny! County Line Dancing must be in. I did had a lot of fun yesterday. Got much better sleep last night.

Have a great Friday everyone.

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