Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a rest day. It is DH's birthday and we are going out to dinner tonight.

Belinda - Happy you were able to sleep better:) I remember that workout from a long time ago it was a good one!

Kristin - Good luck with your race tomorrow!! We look forward to hearing about it:)

Have a great weekend:)
Hi everyone,

I ended up doing LM Pump.It was a lot of fun. DH wanted to do a weight workout after work. Had that set for years and it was the first time me doing it.

Today I did LM step. Love those workouts. I will play around with LM for a while.

Deb - Happy birthday to your husband. You should pull that workout out and give it a try. Very fun. Got lots of steps too.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I did the treadmill. I also slept alot:) still catching up from traveling.

Belinda - I love the LM workouts!

Kristin - I have to go check facebook and see how it went for you today:)

Hey guys! Well I did it! I ran the marathon. In my head I wanted to get between 4:30-4:40, I thought I could. I kept a 10 minute Pace for 19 miles and then the struggle began. I stopped to refill my water and my legs tightened up big time. I continued to run but my pace slowed down. I walked a little in between miles 21-22 and then 23-24 and then 25-26. I didn’t want to but I had to. I ended up finishing in 4:49, which I’m still proud of. That’s a good time for a first marathon and I still beat a bunch of men, lol.

So now I have some new goals for my training for the next marathon. Not sure what or when it’ll be. Definitely next year.

It has been a journey. Running gave me a focus in a time when I was struggling to get motivated to work out. I love it for so many reasons. I’m resting up the next few days. May hit weights for upper Tuesday. Yoga Wednesday. Maybe jog a few miles Thursday/Friday.

Thanks for all your encouragement. I truly appreciate it.

Deb- the weather was beautiful. Sunny, breezy 70 degrees in the afternoon. A great day for a run!

Belinda- speaking of country line dancing, Autumn from 21 day fix did a country dance workout series. My friend did it and really liked it.



I ended up taking a rest day. I did lots of cooking, food shopping and cleaning so did get in all my steps. I’m feeling like I’m coming down with something but I hope not we leave for Florida on Thursday.

Belinda- What were you up to today?

Kristin- Running a marathon is such an accomplishment, and you did it:):):) I think your time was great!! I remember hearing people felt like they had to throw up after the race. Did you?

Good morning,

I did 30 min of Patrick Goudeau Dance Remix before I gave up :( Too complicated this early in the morning. Than I did Plyo Hiit.

Deb - ended up taking a rest day too. Hope you feel better soon. Must be something in the air? I am feeling under the weather myself lately.

Kirstin - congratulations! I am so proud of you. You need to get your ankle checked. How is your mom doing?

Have a great day.

Today I took a TRX class at the gym and did some leg weights while I was there. I am feeling better just didn't sleep good.

Belinda - Everyone is getting sick, just took some Vitamin C and zinc maybe that helped. Some dance dvds have choreography that is too hard.

Kristin - I told my DH your running time and he thought that was really good.

Good morning,

Did a Boxing workout from YT this morning.

Debbie - I always wanted to take a TRX class. Fantastic job! Thanks ! I will start taking VC and zinc. The choreography on that one was tough. I can't remember the last time I did? I probably gave up the first time too :)

Kirstin - I do have County Heat, love it. I may pull it out next week.

This afternoon I have my 10 week check up with my Orthodontist. Fingers crossed my teeth are tracking.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Hallo ladies,

I did my workout this morning. Just getting around to post. Did a JS Strength workout and a walk.

Have a great day everyone.

Sorry I haven't been around, I've been packing and preparing to go away. We leave tomorrow afternoon for Florida. No official workout but lots of steps. Today was a beautiful day, don't want to leave when we are finally getting some nice day;)

Belinda - I bet Country Heat is so much fun, if I do the BOD one day will try it:) I hope your teeth are tracking, how are you doing with them?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I will do a KB workout.

Debbie - safe travel. Have lots of fun. Loving this beautiful weather. Country Heat is a lot of fun. The workouts are short to add on to another workout. I hope I my teeth are tracking again with my old Invisalign. It can happen. I am a pro taking my tray's in and out, lol.

Kirstin - where are you? How is your ankle doing?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I spent the first half of the week doing nothing but stretching and walking. Yesterday I felt up for a run. I did five miles slow. It felt good. My legs were a bit tight after, but nothing crazy. Today DS has a baseball game, so I am hoping to get in a short weight workout before. I am thinking a premix of RWH UB the circuit workout without cardio moves and abs at the end.

Belinda- my ankle has been fine. No swelling, no pain. I think the compression socks and compression brace I wore helped. I ran with both yesterday again. I was even able to wear heels to work with no pain and that is without the brace and socks, lol. I hope you get good news from your orthodontist ;)

Deb- Thanks. . . I am happy with my time. I still want to try to get 4:30. . . next time :cool:;). Have fun in Florida!

Hi girls,

Today walked on the beach a couple of miles and did shoulders and back.

We are in Florida. It is really quiet because of red tide. I really don’t know a much about it but am learning. Lucky for us it’s not on this beach, just around us.
I’m also fighting that cold, fingers crossed I won’t get it.

Belinda- I hope all went well at the dentist today.

Kristin- 5 miles must seem so easy;)

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Had to catch up on work and ran some errands. I did ended up doing a weight workout from YT.

Debbie - I saw my Orthodontist on Tuesday. I don't have another check up until November unless I have a problem. I wouldn't mind walking on the beach.

Kirstin - I agree with Deb! 5 miles must be so easy for you. Glad your ankle didn't give you anymore problems. How is your mom doing?

Today I i will do a cardio. BBL!

We walked on the beach . I’m trying to pace myself with eating and drinking. It just seems to add up so much quicker sine I am older:;)

Belinda - good job with your workouts!

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Friday ended up being a rest day. By the time I got home from work, got the house in order and had dinner, it was time to go to DS's baseball game. I did do RWH UBC on Saturday, I did the Upper body and abs mixed in with no blasts premix. Today I ran six miles with my running friend. The weather today is gray skies and misty out. Just a gloomy day, I don't feel like doing much of anything.

Soooo. . . my neighbors got a new dog a few months ago after their boxer died. They cannot have kids and treat their dog as if it were their child. They decided to baptize the dog and being as though my younger DS loves to walk the dog and play with the dog, they are making him the Godfather. I am not making this up, lol. So today at 5, we are going to the baptism. I bought a cake to celebrate afterwards. My DS is very excited about this. I know this sounds crazy, but I am glad he gets to be a part of it. It makes him happy, lol.

Deb- I've only read up a little bit about the the red tide. . . very disturbing and sad. Why can't we do things to help our planet? Instead we make it worse. I was very upset over what has been in the news the last few weeks. I feel numb. I think part of the reason I feel so blah today is that I turned on the news after my run. I need to step away. . . and then vote in November.

Belinda- I have to say running the 5 miles, and today the 6, was pretty easy. We talked the whole time and it seemed to go by very fast, lol. I want to possibly look into getting a running coach for training for the next marathon I do. Not sure when it will be. . .



Today walked the beach. Ugh, pulled something in my lower back:(. I’m taking Alleve so far helping.

Belinda- How was your weekend?

Kristin - Too funny about your neighbors dog, but it actually makes sense to have someone that would take care of their dog in case:). I’m in shock thought that he would never have been voted in.

Good morning,

sorry for not checking in. I pulled/pinched a muscle in my lower back on Friday. Saturday we had a company celebration dinner in DC. We had the dinner at a famous French restaurant. The food was amazing. Had an amazing evening.

Debbie - I pulled something in my back too:( I hope yours gets better soon.

Kirstin - that is funny about your neighbors dog :) I hear you on the planet. I don't get it. People are fighting for Rockwool to be build her in our area. If that happens I will move.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. today I took my son to a Cross Fit gym that my friend goes to. She goes with her daughter and she's been going for about a year. We had been looking for a place to help DS train and get stronger for next year. Anyway, my friend talked me into going and trying it out. They gave us a free trial class. We worked out with a bunch of people and it was very cool to workout with my son. We did a warm-up and then 10 rounds: 10 calories on the rower, 10 air squats (squat down to med ball), 150 meter run, then repeat. We both finished as a sweaty mess. DS really liked it. I am going to sign us up to do it together. I'll probably be going 3-4 times a week and DS will come probably 2x a week until the season is over.

The trainer said he will help me get leaner (something I have struggled with a bit of weight gain) and faster for races and help DS work on endurance and speed and agility.

Very excited. This will probably mean I am not doing many Cathe DVDs for a while, but that is okay. I think I need more of a change. I will definitely keep posting on here though. I love you guys!

Deb- Hope your back is feeling better. I can't believe he is in either.

Belinda- WOW! I checked out the link and that is CRAZY! I would sell too and get the hell out of there. Why would they do that? Is 150 jobs worth the health risks to the community?


Hi everyone,

I did a barre workout and a walk today.

Kirstin - isn't crazy! The bad part is they also will build the factory near an elementary school. I am surrounded by wineries. We have lots of horse farms around us. We have a huge race track. Also a lot of organic famers. People are fighting it. I hope they win. I am so excited for you going to do Cross Fit. Heard really good things about it. My son and his wife are doing Orange theory. They both love it! My son is ripped. I don't get the results with dvd's either :( Please, don't stop posting. I want to hear what you are doing. Change is good!

Debbie - how is your back doing?

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.

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