Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey everyone,

I am still in DC. I mention last week that my nephew from Germany came to visit. We are showing him DC. He never seen DC in the summer only in the winter. We will stay in DC until Friday, than we will all drive to WV. He likes outdoors and wants to do some hiking and see some black bears. Maybe we drive up for a day or 2 to NY? Besides walking I haven't done anything else. Hopefully I will get a workout Friday. Today we will go to the zoo. Tomorrow he wants to see the National Aquarium.

Keep up the good work. I will be back later and try to catch up on personals.

Today I did a upper body workout with free weights. Not much going on but have the rest of the week off:)

Belinda - It sounds like you are getting lots of exercise sightseeing with your nephew:) It's nice that he gets to see the city and the outdoors!

Kristin - Good luck with the start of school:)


I walked on the treadmill today. I also went to the farmer's market and now I need to cook it up:) It was so hot but the rain this evening helped cool it off.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Good morning,

Yesterday we walked/hiked at Great Falls. It was so HOT. The heat is killing me the last few day, especially walking around at 100's.

Today I will try to get a workout in.

Debbie - good job on your TM walk.BBL!

Today I walked on the treadmill. We couldn't go in the pool today because of the rain and it's the last weekend before my FIL closes it:(

Belinda - The Great Falls sounds beautiful, I love waterfalls:) The temps dropped here so hopefully by you.

Kristin - How is your new class this year?

Good morning,

Yesterday it rained all day long. We went to a Flying dogs a brewery in Fredricks. Marc really liked it. He also got a free tour. I only had water. Marc likes all the fast food restaurants like Wendy's, Popey's....He loves it.

Debbie - Great Falls is beautiful and it was a HOT day. Around 100's. I was beat running around for hours in that heat. It's raining and cold outside. Great job on your TM run. I will be back later.
Good evening,

Today I did 30 min full body workout and lots of walking. It's raining and I am already tired of it.

Debbie and Kirstin - hope you all well.

I will be back tomorrow.

Yesterday I took a hot yoga class it wasn't too bad since it was cold & rainy outside. Today I went to the gym and did legs with weights. It was raining all day today too:(

Belinda - I'm tired of the rain too! You have been doing a lot but it sounds like fun. Do they have fast foods in Germany? It sounds like you & DH are showing your nephew a good time:)

Kristin - Your race must be coming up soon?

Hey guys.

The last week has been crazy and very frustrating. Monday I set out to do my long run with my friend, 22 miles. I didn't get beyond mile 16. My ankle had been hurting me slightly,but the more I ran the more it hurt. By mile 12 it was pretty painful. I kept going thinking I was more than halfway there, at 16 I shut down. I had to walk 4 miles back to my car too.

Went to work Tuesday after icing and resting my ankle the rest of Monday. It was so swollen when I got home, my foot looked like a football. I went to the doctor. They did an xray. Nothing is showing up on it. They gave me steroids and told me to stay off of it for a week. The swelling eventually went down. It felt better.

I went for 4 miles today. My ankle is not swollen, but there is a dull pain there. I iced it immediately and plan on resting it. I won't run again until Thursday.

I am frustrated because I have trained so hard all summer in this sweltering heat. If I end up having to back out of the race, which is September 29, I will be very upset.

On top of my ankle issues, it has been a crazy week of being back to school. I have not had time to check in because I have been so busy with work and getting my boys what they need as well.

Deb- I am hoping that I can still run and finish this marathon. I am actually kind of scared I cannot do it.

Belinda- I love me some Popeye's chicken. It is my weakness. Love the spicy chicken. I am glad you are showing your nephew a good time.


Good evening,

I am still around. My nephew is still here until Saturday. We been doing lots of walking and hiking even in the rain. Today I did BC and lots of walking. We also visit Gettysburg, PA. More walking.

Debbie - we do have fast food in Germany no Wendy's or Popeye's chicken. He thinks the meat is different in the US too. It's better than Germany.

Kirstin - sorry to hear about your ankle. Hope it will heal very soon. Maybe it's from the heat? I love the spicy chicken too. I am eating a lot of stuff I shouldn't be eating. Oh well!


Today I did ICE shoulders and back. My 2nd cousin is expecting her 1st baby in 2 weeks (high risk because of her age) and it took a long time to conceive, she lives in Wilmington, NC. We are so worried about her, my Mom suggested she get a hotel right near the hospital so hopefully she takes the advice.

Belinda - I wonder if they add more salt to the food in US:eek: I have never tried Popeye's chicken just KFC but have heard people do like Popeye's. You and DH are good tour guides:) & you are getting in your exercise too!

Kristin - I really believe you can do the marathon, the only thing that will hold you back is the injury. I'm wondering if you should research what others may have done with an injury before a marathon. I know this is a tough month for you at work. I will keep my fingers crossed you heal quickly.

Good morning,

I did a 2 mile walk and weights for 30 min on YT.

Debbie - Germans don't use a lot of salt. They use something different (healthier than salt) in cooking. I hardly use salt in cooking. If I do very little. Our self life isn't as long as you see on some of the products here in the US.They use German beef at Burger King or Mac D. The beef is much leaner than in the US. Pork on the other hand is tastier in Germany than the US. I haven't had Popeye's since we left Germany. We had one on base. I am not a big fan of fast food or hamburgers or junk food. I rather have a nice German/European bread with good lunch meat and cheese. Or a nice salad with grilled chicken or fish. When Brawler got sick I picked up a Wendy's cheese burger for him. He loved it :)

I will try to be back later.

Today I did ICE meltdown bi's & tri's. My SIL and I are supposed to go visit a friend on vacation in Ocean City, Maryland for the weekend. The plans are up in the air because of the hurricane.

Belinda - That was a nice treat for Brawler:) I don't use very much salt in cooking but I do wish the US had shorter shelf life for our products. I don't think of bread when I think of German food. Did you ask your nephew to bring you anything that you can't get in the US?

Kristin - I hope your ankle is getting better.

Hey guys. My ankle is getting better, but I haven't been running much. I did 4 miles Tuesday, and then 4 miles yesterday. Tomorrow I am going for 12. I hope I feel good doing it. Thursday I did Flex Train. Today I did ICE Boot Camp, I did the low impact modifications for the cardio moves.

I am sorry I have not been on here regularly. September is always crazy for me. I need to get myself in gear. I feel like I have been back for months and it's only been two short weeks (with days off), lol. Going full speed right now.

I am getting nervous because the marathon is in two weeks and I have not ran much the last two weeks because of my ankle. I am afraid I won't finish. I need to get my mind right.

Deb- Did you end up going to Maryland?

Belinda- Sounds like you had a great time with your nephew. I bet Brawler loved that cheeseburger!


Good evening,

DH and I drove my nephew to the airport a while ago. He is flying out of Dullas airport at late this evening. We had a blast with him. He had a blast here in the US and the loves all the fast food restaurants :) Especially Wendy's hamburgers. He wrote me a message telling me he ate another hamburger, lol. Those 2 weeks went by so fast. He wanted a turkey, so I made him a Thanksgiving dinner today. Found a turkey at Walmart a few day's ago. I am beat from all that cooking and cleaning.

I been keeping up with my workouts. Yesterday I did a full body weight workout plus a walk. Today I did 30 min yoga with Jessica Smith.

Debbie - Brawler loved hamburgers and steaks. Every time we made steaks he ate more than half of my steak, lol. Brawler always wanted to eat what I ate. He loved bananas, blueberries, tangerines and oranges. I agree, on the self live. I try to stay away from that stuff. All our plans changed too with the hurricane. We had a lot of rain here. Did you end up going to the beach?

Kirstin - we all had a great time with my nephew. He is a lot of fun to be around. He works and lives in Munich. I think you will be fine marathon. Keep resting your ankle. Brawler sure did loved hamburgers, lol

I will be back tomorrow. Need to get some sleep. Good night!

We did go to the beach it wasn’t too bad today but not sure about tomorrow. It’s only 3 of us 2 friends cancelled. So far having a lot of laughs and walked a lot.

Belinda - It sounds like you and DH were really good hosts and had a really good time too:). Your nephew will have lots of good memories.

Kristin - I’m happy to hear that your ankle is healing. Take care of it and you will do great at the marathon!

Hey guys. Today I got up late, went for my run. I was hoping to get 12, but I only got 10. It was too damn hot and humid. Plus I was running all by myself. Hard to stay motivated in this humidity. I am really hoping we cool off before the race. I had wrapped my ankle for the run. It ended up hurting me at the end. I am icing it now. and keeping it elevated. God, I hope I can do this race. Thanks for the encouragement. I am beyond nervous.

Deb- I saw a pic of you and your friends on facebook. You girls look like you are having a blast.

Belinda- glad you had a good time with your nephew. I make myself hard boiled eggs for breakfast during the week. I always make an extra one for Baxter. He looooves them. Lol. We eat breakfast together early in the morning before I got to work. If I don't make the eggs he looks so sad, lol.


Good morning,

I am back. We had a lot of fun with my nephew. I ended up cleaning my house yesterday and taking it easy yesterday.

Today I did Patrick Goudeau - Play Ball + a short indoor walk. It's raining here. I forgot how much fun Patrick Goudeau - Play Ball was. I need to pull that one out more often. This week I will play with Patrick's workouts.

Debbie - glad you having fun with your friends. I hope my nephew have good memories :) He is planning to come back in a year or so.

Kirstin - Brawler loved hard boiled eggs too. He ate pretty much everything, lol. It's nice you all eat breakfast together. Don't see that every often anymore. Have you seen a doc for your ankle?

I will try to catch up on personals later. BBL!

We are back from Maryland, it was really fun. Even though 2 friends cancelled it was still nice. The weather turned out really nice. We walked everywhere. I need to get my eating back on track. Today I did ICE Meltdown Shoulders and treadmill.

Belinda- The dvd you did sounds familiar. It’s nice your nephew will come back. Do you get a lot of visitors from Germany?

Kristin- So about that humidity, I can’t imagine how you run in it. My hair does not do well with it, hopefully by your race it will be gone!

Goodnight :)
Good morning,

Since I still have the FS workouts from my friend, I decided to give them a shot. Today I did Fit-Split-Sow-Impact-cardio-metabolic-conditioning. I had to modify the crawling on the floor exercises and some jumping jacks. I did liked the weight workout in that one a lot. And NO, I will not run out and buy the dvd/or download, lol. I also did some 20 min pilates. Pilates always helps strengthen my back.

Debbie - the workout was only 30 min. Lots of fun! No, I don't get a lot of visitors from Germany :( My nephew is the only family member that visits us. My sister said on Monday, her and husband plan on coming next year. We shall see! My nephew told all his friends to visit WV :) He loved it! Glad you had fun with your friends. I hear you on getting your eating under control.

That's it for me today. Have a great workout and day, everyone.

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