Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Five miles done. It is cooler out this morning, in the mid 70s, but humidity is still at 100%. I am longing for the days when the humidity will go away, lol.

Deb- The rain always makes me tired too, lol. I saw the flooding in NJ on the news. It is crazy!

Belinda- What workouts are you doing today?


Good morning,

JS Stability Ball Sculpt + SBF UB is done.

Debbie - you have a iPhone 10X too? The only problem I am having right now....when someone calls me, I can't hardly hear them. Unless my hearing is going out, lol. I haven't tried the camera yet? Not sure, if it takes great pictures.

Kirstin - fantastic job on your 5 miler. Have you tried your new sneakers? Please be careful when you run on those trails while you on vacation.

That's it for me today.
Can back on to say I did Xtrain legs disc 5. I forgot I was supposed to add legs today, lol.

Belinda- I wore my new sneakers today. I don't know if they had anything to do with it, but my pace was faster, lol. They were like running on air. Love them.


Today I did 4DS tri's and bi's. It was a little cooler today:) I just wish this month would slow down;)

Belinda - I have the iphone 6 but my battery is going. My ds bought the new phone but not sure which one it is? Maybe bring the phone back and see if there is something wrong with it.

Kristin - I love the way new sneakers feel:) I saw in the news that PR finally has all of it's electric. It's hard to believe it took almost a year:(

Good morning,

Slide & Glide is done. I also did D3 SBF Feel Good TB Tabata.

Debbie - I agree about the weather. I will bring the phone back this weekend if I can't figure out the sound.

Kirstin - your new sneakers probably did help your run. WTG, yesterday.

That's it for me today.

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
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Hey guys. I just finished Xtrain Bis and Tris plus core #2. My legs are sore from Xtrain legs yesterday, especially the glutes. Tomorrow I plan on going for a run early to try to beat the heat. We are leaving for Cooperstown in two days and we are not packed at all. I guess it will all get done tomorrow, lol.

Belinda- Hopefully they can fix the sound on your phone easily for you. It is annoying when you buy something and it doesn't work the way it is supposed to right after you get it.

Deb- I saw that on the news too. If the hurricane season is bad again, the power will not last long, unfortunately. I am glad my family is out of there.



Today I went to the gym and did legs. I was home today and felt like everything I did just didn't work out:( We are having problems with our internet provider (spent 36 min on hold just to reach someone) so thinking about switching to Fios but have to pick bundles for TV just not easy. I guess it's good for people who want select TV, what happened to the days of only having 6 channels:eek:

Belinda - I hope you can get your phone to work, maybe a you-tube video? Slide and glide a fun workout:)

Kristin - Tomorrow will be hot so maybe a good day to pack;) Early run good idea for tomorrow:)

Good morning,

3 mile walk + B&G is done. I will do SBF later.

Debbie - DH figured the phone out. YT is my go to place if I am lost with technology, lol. You find everything on YT. I did that to modify some moves in S&G. Let me know how Fios works. We been having internet problems off and on. It's very frustrating!

Kirstin - we bought our phones in Costco. When DH bought his phone 2 years ago, the girl that workouts their set up his phone. She said they are not allowed to set up phones anymore. Someone stole a customers info of the phone while setting it up :( She did give us a print out with instructions. The sound we figured out. I am not sure if it's normal, but I have to charge the phone daily? Didn't had to do it with my old phone. Have fun packing and be safe in that heat when you run. DH and I go for our walks early in the morning. It's getting cooler outside :)

That's it for me today. Have a great day.
6-mile run done this morning. I was aiming for 5, but decided to add one more. We leave for Cooperstown tomorrow. I am hoping to get a run in early before we leave. I will only do 3-5 miles tomorrow.

Not sure if I will be able to check in up there. The place I am staying at has spotty wi-fi. I will try to check in when I can.

Deb- I wish I could get Fios. The town of Brookhaven won't allow Fios in. . . I think the local politicians have been bought by Cablevision over here. If they every allow it, I am switching immediately. I like the premium channels, especially HBO and Showtime. I am hooked on the show The Affair on Showtime. HBO has so many great shows too.

Belinda- I have to charge my phone daily, I have the iphone 7whatever. When I am running in this heat, I always run with a cool water bottle. It has a handle on it, so it is like wearing a glove with a water bottle at the end of it. I use Skratch, it is a powder you put in the water to add electrolytes and fuel longer runs, especially in the heat.

Okay guys, I seriously have to get motivated. I have not packed a single thing!



Today I took a yoga class. I also went to the farmer's market it was so hot:)

Belinda - That is amazing about finding modifications on YT. I also constantly use Google for ?'s I need answers to. You could check with the Apple store to see if it is normal for the phone to need a charge everyday.

Kristin - That's crazy about not having the option for Fios. Your water bottle sounds cool, will have to check it out. Have fun in Cooperstown! Hopefully you were motivated to pack;)


Today I took another yoga class it was different and harder more cardio based. Going out to grab a bite to eat.

Belinda - What are you up to this weekend?

Kristin - Have a nice time!


Today I took a rest day:) I was outside for a while but it was so hot.

Belinda - I hope everything is ok.

Good morning,

I forgot to post yesterday :( Yesterday and today DH and I walked 3 miles. I also did a stretch today.

Debbie - it's very hot here in WV too.

Kirstin - hope you having fun.

That's it for me today. Have a great Sunday.

I took another rest day. We went to DH's business to clean up and it was exhausting. Also did a lot of cooking. On the plus side I will sleep good:)

Belinda - That's a lot of walking but it must feel good:)

Kristin - My family has had the Little League world series games on, wondering if you go see them too?

Good morning,

SBF D8 Lower Barre Sculpting Circuit + walk is done. Next 2 weeks I will do whatever floats my boat. I need a break from Cathe's workouts. I think I am a little burned out. My plan is to do RWH after the 2 week break?

Debbie - good for you for listen to your body. I feel a little excused too these day's. Taking a break from long workouts. I still will do short walks.

Kirstin - hope you having fun.

Have a great Monday and workout, everyone.

Today I did 4DS shoulders and a lot of walking. I didn't sleep very well last night, hopefully tonight.

Belinda - I like your idea to do whatever floats your boat, sometimes we just need a break:) and we come back stronger.

Kristin - I hope you are having a good time.


Today I did JS Sole sculpt + SBF TB barre is done.

Debbie - after taking a break I will come back stronger :) Great job on 4DS.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Last minute DH and I took a trip to Letchworth State Park, New York. Thought it was 3 1/2 hours but was 5 hours. We hiked/walked through the park today. It is beautiful lots of waterfalls known as the Grand Canyon of the east. It rained for part of the day but not too bad. We leave tomorrow to come back.

Belinda - Yes, you will come back stronger! It was nice for me to get my workout outdoors today:).

Kristin - I forget when your coming back, will check earlier posts:)


walk + TB barre is done.

Debbie - good job on that hike yesterday. The weather is perfect for outdoor walking.

Have a great day, everyone.

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