Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Kirstin - thanks for clearing up the circle, lol :) I was thinking yoga instead, lol. Are you thinking getting Cathe new workouts?

Today I went to the gym and did TRX and 20 min. of cardio. I'm not sore but when I get up from sitting it hurts.

Belinda - Kristin explained the circle better than I could;) I'm not sure if we did the circle when you were on the RT. They also do not break us up in groups anymore and it is all of us in every class (over 100 of us) if that makes sense.

Kristin - You have been going on long runs:) I love doing upper body workouts. I was happy Cathe included at this RT.

Five mile run done. I actually meant to do 4. I stopped at 4, walked a mile, and then decided to run one more, so it ended up being 4 with a rest and then added 1 for good luck, lol. I have been very lazy around my house. It needs a good cleaning. I just don't have it in me right now.

Belinda- I'm not ordering the new series. . . at least not until I see clips. I was curious though if Cathe previewed any of the routines at the RT. She sometimes does do that. I am curious about the cast and music too. I hardly reach for Strong and Sweaty workouts. I think the one I do the most is PHAT, and mostly because it is under an hour, and I like the concept of getting your heart rate up while lifting weights.

Deb- I'm impressed you did a workout yesterday after everything you did over the weekend! Way to go!


Good morning,

JS Indoor jog/power walks is done.

Debbie - I am also impressed you did a workout yesterday after the RT. Fantastic job!

Kirstin - I am hear you on the new workouts. I am assuming the cast were at the RT. I will wait until more info/reviews are out before I buy. I really doubt I will get that set. I have so many Cathe dvd's I haven't used in ages. I still haven't open 2 of the Adv. Fit tower workouts. Great job on your 4 miler today.

Have a good one, everyone.

Today I did Gym Styles Back, shoulders & bi's. I forgot to answer your question, during Q&A no one asked about the new series. So it was never mentioned. A lot of people asked about how Cathe started in fitness. One person asked if Cathe would ever do a step tape again. She mentioned she would probably do one more and include everything (old and new) so that it could be a go to for people who are always asking her for step dvds. It seems like a lot of step people really like her old stuff as well as her new stuff. I know around here it is very difficult to find any step classes.

Belinda - Good job with jog/power walk:)

Kristin - I bet the break and another mile turned out to be good! Like that it was one for good luck:)

Good morning,

JS KB/Ballet & Tank Top Arms is done.

Debbie - I am surprised no-one ask about the new workouts? I would ask that question, lol. I agree, I rather do an older step workout than the newer stuff. Not that I am buying more dvd's. I have more than enough dvd's.

Kirstin - have fun with your run today?

That's it for me today. Gotta run.
Hey guys. Just finished my workout for today, Xtrain Chest, Back and Shoulders disc 1. I am planning on going to hot yoga tonight. Well, to be honest. . . it's 50/50 right now. I might not go. I haven't signed up for the class yet. I am in a blah mood, probably due to the weather today.

Belinda- no run today. I think I do better when I run every other day. I guess we will wait and see when the new series comes out. It is strange no one asked about it.

Deb- I think her core following started with her doing step. I for one love PRS 1 and 2. I guess the demand for it is not what it once was. . . I like those last two because the routines are fun, but the music is fun too. With running, I barely do cardio with Cathe anymore. Just the weights.



Today I did Gym Styles Chest & Tri's. We are getting too much rain, the only good thing (I think) everything is growing. The bushes by our window may cover it soon:oops:

Belinda - I like the name of the workout you did today;)

Kristin - I'm sure the weather this summer is tough for your runs. Hopefully it will break soon. I would rather do weights everyday but have been including cardio in more.

Hey girls,

Forgot to post my workouts this morning. DH and I went for another walk this morning. Glad we did, it's raining right now. I also did JS Stride and Strength II Summer Leg Shapers.

Debbie - glad you still enjoying the GS's.

Kirstin - I agree running every other day. Your legs need a break after your long runs. Very strange no one ask about the new workouts,lol. Maybe they afraid to ask? LOL!

I have some errands to run. I will be back tomorrow.
Five miles done this morning. It is getting cloudy now, but it was a hot and humid day for most of the day. We went to my dad's house and swam in his pool, played cards. I did not go to yoga last night. Instead I went to a team meeting about DS's Cooperstown tournament. We go the week of the 17th-24th. DH and DS will be staying in the team barracks. My other DS and I are renting a cabin in a resort that allows us to take Baxter. I will bring his crate with us and crate him while we are out and at the games.

Belinda- Nice job on your workout today. I wonder when we will start seeing pics/videos of the new workouts.

Deb- the humidity has been challenging during my runs to say the least. I am hoping it will mean I have improved. When the humidity is gone, will I run faster/longer/easier? I hope so!



Today we took DH's godchild to the zoo and park. He has so much energy, we are exhausted. I clocked in a lot of miles today and did some ab work. He is going to live with his Dad in TN and leaves this weekend. My nephew will be a single Dad, he will have his hands full but it will be good that he will have his son.

Belinda - We were caught in the rain today, so it's a good thing you were able to get your walk in:)

Kristin - That is a good point, I bet you will have a faster/longer/easier run once the humidity is gone:)

Good morning,

Walk and JS Ballet burn is done.

Debbie - I'll bet your godchild enjoyed the zoo and park. How old is he? Boy's have lots of energy, lol.

Kirstin - I'll be honest, I haven't checked for any updates :( Not really interested. Looking at the clips of the CL workouts...I didn't see anything new. My friend wants me to do a CL workout with her? Maybe I will do one next week with her. She can't get motivated to do the workouts alone :( I don't know what her problem is? Oh well!

That's it for me. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Good morning,

Jessica Smith Cardio Boot Camp Boogie + Cardio Abs is done.

DH and I will visit our kids in DC today. We will be back tomorrow.

Have a great Saturday and workout.
Hey there,

Yesterday I had no motivation to do anything, so I took a rest day. Today I did Lean Legs and Abs. Later, when the rain clears up, I plan on doing a track workout (400s fast). The weather has been so weird here. It was pouring before, now the sun is out, but rain is supposed to come back and then break around 3-4 o'clock.

Deb- It is funny you mention your DH's nephew moving to TN. I know three other families that are in the process of moving there or moved there this year. What are they giving property away? I know people talk about leaving NY, especially Long Island, all the time because of the cost of living being so high. I just cannot imagine living anywhere else though. . . maybe when it is time to retire.

Belinda- I'm with you. . . not that interested in the newer workouts. I am sticking to running and doing weights.



Yesterday was a rest day. Today I did YT video leg band workout. We went to my Mom's to celebrate my son & brothers summer birthdays. It was a nice time. We hit beach traffic but at least going home wasn't bad.

Belinda - Have fun with your kids:) It must be hard for your neighbor to not be motivated to workout alone. Sometimes working out alone is great LOL.

Kristin - The cost of living is much lower in Tennessee. My SILs and I just booked a very short trip in September to go to my other nephews wife's baby shower. I haven't done lean legs and abs in a long time but that is a good one!

Hey guys. Yesterday I did a speed workout on the high school track while the boys played catch with DH. I did half mile warmup then 1min fast, 1 min slow X 8, then half mile cooldown. Total miles: 2.7 in 24:35 minutes. Not bad at all. This morning I did Burn Sets Bis and Tris.

I have been planning on lifting heavier, especially for upper body, this month. It just dawned on me though, that I will be gone for a full week the week we are at Cooperstown. Now that I am not staying at a hotel, I don't have gym weights. I guess I can take Travel Fit and Turbo Barre and just squeeze those two in, maybe yoga as well. I can pack my five pound weights and yoga mat.

Deb- If I ever go to TN, I want to see Graceland. I am a big closet Elvis fan!

Belinda- I agree with Deb, I like working out alone, lol.



Today I did ICE Metabolic total body workout. We also went swimming in my in-laws pool, this month work is real light so hope to do more swimming.

Belinda - I hope you are having fun with your family:)

Kristin - Good run today:) I like running on a cushioned track. DH & I plan to go to Graceland one day it is about 3-4 hours from Nashville so someday. At Daytona RT one of the ladies said she has done both Graceland and Prince's museum she said both were fun. She said Prince's included a tour of the area.

Hey guys. 12 mile run done. We started at 6:30 and it was already hot and humid. I drank two 16 oz. water bottles mixed with electrolytes during the run. When I took off my clothes, they were soaking wet, as if I had been swimming with them on! Speaking of swimming, I am heading in my pool as soon as I finish writing this.

Deb- I love the cushioned track. I get my best times on it, lol. I didn't even know there was a Prince museum. Where is that one located?

Waving hello to Belinda!


Good morning,

We just got home from DC. Dinner with my kids in DC was amazing and fun. Sunday my husband ended up getting 2 root canal at Walther Reed. The ER had to call in a surgeon to do the root canal. He was there for 7 hours :( The infection was in his bones, they needed to get it all out. He had problems with pain in his mouth since Friday, saw his VA doc. He gave him some oral cream and told him to come back Monday if the pain doesn't go ways. The pain got so bad he couldn't take it anymore on Sunday.

I will get a workout in shortly. Need to unpack and eat lunch first. BBL!

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