Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

JS 60 min HIIt Mash Up is done.

Got the Invisalign yesterday. Thought the Ortho would show me how to put them in and out. NOT.....she put some stuff on my teeth so the Invisalign stay in place. It's not easy to get them in and out. They are tight. I guess practice makes perfect. Having 2 snacks a day is out of the question. It's the Invisalign diet :)

Debbie - I can't believe it's been 4 weeks :( I miss him so much. Had a dream about him last night :( I still have his bed in the living room. You better start packing :p

Kirstin - glad you had lots of fun in Fl.

That's it for me today. Happy Hump Day!

Today I did Gym Styles Chest & triceps and lots of walking. I did a lot of laundry today so packing tomorrow;) The rain may be gone in time for the weekend.

Belinda - I remember dreaming about my dog after she passed, it seems so real. I wonder if the invisalign will get loser as time goes on.

Kristin - Hopefully you brought the sun back with you:)

Debbie - after dreaming about Brawler I couldn't go back to sleep. I was tired yesterday. . I have Invisalign attachment( is bonded on the tooth with the use of a composite resin) all over my teeth. This is what keeps the retainers in place and move your teeth. They are tight in there with the attachments.Those attachments are sharp. No-one told me about those attachments or that I need them :( You don't want to take the Invisalign's out too many times. You have to wear the Invisalign's a total of 22 hours a day. You can leave them out for a total of 2 hours a day. That includes three meals a day with brushing/flossing/cleaning your Invisalign's. I stopped snacking in-between meals. It's a little of a hassle to them them in and out. I guess over time I will get better getting them in and out, lol. I don't mind losing a few pounds :) LOL! Good job yesterday. Safe travels and have lots of fun at the RT.
Hey guys. I got back from Florida late Tuesday night. I was so exhausted from the whole airport process, returning the rental car, going to the shuttle, security, etc., I did absolutely nothing yesterday! It was good to see my family, especially my aunt. We went to Typhoon Lagoon, a waterpark in Disney. I also treated my aunt and cousins to lunch at the Rainforest Cafe in Disney Springs. We had a bit of a family reunion Sunday, which was great. I managed to get in a few runs as well. I ran five miles with my cousin Saturday morning. We ran at 5:45 and we were still dripping with sweat from the humidity.

Today I ran 7 miles. My pace sucked. . . I need to clean up the eating and eat better to fuel my runs, especially with longer runs coming up. It was also 100% humidity today. That might have something to do with it, lol.

Deb- I bet you are excited for the Cathe road trip. If you see Paulette, tell her I said hello!

Belinda- It sounds like the Invisalign takes a bit of time to get used to. I laughed at you calling it the invasalign diet, haha.


Kirstin - welcome back! Glad you had fun visiting your family in FL :) My husband family lives in FL too. I had no idea about the progress that goes into Invisalign :( I thought they would go in and out with no problem. Well, they would if I didn't had attachments on my teeth. I thought I would retainers that's it :( Wished I known before. Here is what those attachments look like.

Today I did a lot of walking and abs. I can't believe the RT is here, it's amazing how fast time is passing:eek: Tomorrow morning I will try and downsize what I am bringing and put it in the suitcase and head out. They are calling for afternoon thunderstorms so hopefully I will be in Glassboro before that. I'm so glad the hotel is so close now. I'll miss you guys but will check in:)

Belinda - I didn't realize what is involved with invisalign. I could use them so I don't snack so much or eat mindlessly;) The attachments look like they blend in with your teeth which is nice.

Kristin - It's nice that you were able to spend time with your family. Do they miss PR? The humidity has been tough, hard to run in. I will tell Paulette you said hello:)

Hey guys. Got an early 5 mile run in this morning. I am contemplating doing some weights in a bit. I haven't done weights in two weeks. The humidity is killing my pace when I run. I feel like I am doing 8 min miles and I then I look at my watch and realize I am doing 10 min miles, lol.

Deb- So excited for you today.I hope you get there in time or better yet, early. Have fun!

Belinda- I agree with Deb. At least the attachments blend in with your teeth. I guess they would look like braces otherwise. I am sure you will get used to it.


Good morning,

Walked outside this morning. Already got all my steps for the day.

No pain in my mouth today. Hope it stay's that way.

Have a great Friday, everyone. I will be back with personals. Gotta run.
Hey, me again. Came back on quick to say I did RWH UBC, no blasts premix. I need to incorporate weights more, lol.

BB tomorrow.

Nice job getting all your steps in already, Belinda!
Kirstin - those attachments are sharp. I have cuts inside my mouth. It's worst when you eat. Like I mention before, I had no idea I was getting attachments. I should have watched youtube videos on invisalign. I didn't realize what is involved with invisalign. I joined the Invisalign support group on FB. Lots of helpful tips. Great job on your run today.

Debbie - neither did I :( Day 2, I was like what have I done :) LOL! I hope it's all worst it on the end. Have lots of fun at the RT.
Good morning,

Walked this morning.

Debbie - hope you having lots of fun at the RT.

Kirstine - what are you up too today?

Nora - hope you had a great workout yesterday :)
Hey guys. Today I did a weight workout from Hammer and Chisel: Max Hammer Strength. My legs are shaking now. I hope I can do my long run tomorrow, lol.

Belinda- not much going on. I had booked a hotel for Cooperstown in August. . . my son is playing in a weeklong baseball tournament there. Anyway, DH is an assistant coach and he will be staying with my son on the grounds. The hotel is quite expensive. I told DH I would consider renting a cottage if I could take Baxter with me. I don't feel comfortable being alone without any protection. He said no at first, but now he is reconsidering. So now I am trying to find a place that does not look like it is a something out of Deliverance to rent for the week.

Deb- I am looking at the RT pictures as they appear on facebook to see if I can spot you or Paulette. I hope you are having a blast.


Hi girls,

The RT is fun! I made it here with even time to grab lunch. Kickboxing & yoga flow yesterday. I didn’t do step first class but did some sprints and walked with Jessie’s Mom which was nice on the indoor track. The next class was spin & Cathe Live was upper body & core. For that class I wa picked to be in the front which was a lot of fun! It also was a class that I had a better chance of not messing up

I’ll be back tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

Belinda - I hope the worst is over for the Invisalign. It’s good you are getting tips. Great job with your walking!

Kristin - Have you considered Airbnb for your trip? Paulette has a knee injury, her bones are rubbing together. She is doing holistic instead of surgery. She decided to come but is modifying, taking it easy and icing whenever she can.

15 mile run done. My legs are killing me. I plan on lounging on a float in my pool today.

Deb- Tell Paulette I hope her knee heals quickly. I tried a few places at Airbnb. There is a farm that rents out cabins that I think I am going to go with. It is about 40 minutes away from where DS and my DH will be staying.

Waving hello to Belinda!

Good morning,

Yesterday DH and I went to Shenandoah National Park Skyline Drive. The scenic route was over 100 miles. We saw 3 black bears just walking on/or right on the side of the road. A small bear was crossing the road and climbing a wall like it was nothing. Not sure where the mama bear was? DH and I stayed in the care watching them. It was so cool seeing not one bear but 3 along the scenic route and we didn't had to get out to the car. When we left the park it was already around 5 pm. Drive home was almost 2 hours away.

By the time we would got home it would have been to late to cook/eat. We ended up eating at the at a little town by the park. We found a really nice, little place. Great food and service. I don't like using public bathrooms. I decided to take my retainer out in the car. Great place to eat. They had a ladies and a man's bathroom with no sink. They had one very small sink outside the bathrooms. Everyone in the restaurant would have watched me take out my retainers and cleaning my teeth, lol. Plus the sink was so small, there wasn't any place to put all my stuff. That didn't happened. Our car was parked right outside the restaurant. Once the food arrived, I took my retainers out in the car :) After we were done eating, we drove to an empty parking lot near by :) I cleaned my teeth/flossed and cleaned my retainer :) No problem! I can't do public bathroom. They are just cross, IMO! I carry a little travel kit with everything I need to keep up with my oral hygiene. I am more confident eating out. I was afraid I couldn't pull it off :)

Kirstin - wow, on your 15 miles today. Hope you plan on relaxing the rest of the day, lol. Glad you found a place to stay.

Debbie - I am glad you had a lot of fun at the RT. That class sounds like fun. The worst is over for the Invisalign until I start a new tray, lol. Pain is movement. I will change my tray's every 7 day's. I am getting lots of good tips on FB. There is a tool that's called Ouchie which will help to get the aligner out quicker without breaking your nails. I have non left, they all broke. I will look at Walmart/ CVS today to see if the carry them. You need nails to get the Invisalign. Otherwise you screwed :)

This morning DH and I rode our bikes outside for over an hours. It was the first time riding my bike since I bought it. I couldn't ride my bike Brawler got sick couldn't leave him home for too long.

That's it for me today. Have a great Sunday, everyone

Today we did Cardio Leg Blast and the circle, it seems like a lot of people pick Cathe's hardest move, wished we did that on the 1st night:) LOL. There seem to be a lot of people on the RT, but Sunday's class and breakfast was light. I am exhausted and can't wait to hit the pillow;) I flew home "No Traffic"

Belinda - Your day at the National Park sounded like fun! I would love to watch bears from afar too:) I don't blame you for not wanting to use public bathrooms, it looks like you are figuring it all out.

Kristin - Perfect pool floating day! So do you have a swan float? I always laugh when I see some of the famous people on them . . . just doesn't seem comfortable:oops:

Good morning,

Walk with DH and Chu Chu is done. We walked 4 miles. I also did JSFusion Sculpt.

Debbie - what is the circle? Is that to open up your hip flexor like in pilates or yoga? It did looked like a lot of people at the RT. Looked very crowed :) I need room when I work out, lol. Glad you had fun and didn't hit traffic.

Kirstin - how many miles did you run today?

Have a great Monday and workout.
Hey guys. Today's workout was weights. I did Xtrain Bis and Tris, premix of round 1-6, plus bonus abs #1. I think this month I will be doing split weight workouts with my running to regain some definition in the upper body. With it being so crummy outside and running 15 miles yesterday, I did not feel like working out, but I am glad I did.

Belinda- the circle is something Cathe has done on the last few RT's with the last workout class. She does a routine and then the last portion of the workout we form a circle and she calls on volunteers to do a favorite Cathe move (ice breakers, squat jumps, whatever). I agree with Deb, people pick the hardest ones, lol.

Deb- Glad you had a great time at the RT. I saw you in the upper body workout clip, :cool:. Did Cathe mention when she would be filming the LITE series?



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