Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. I hope you had a good fourth of July. We stayed home and swam in the pool all day. BBQ'd London broil for dinner and made smores. Yesterday I did a track speed workout. 12 X 200 meters fast, 200 meters slow, plus 1/2 mile warm up and 1/2 mile cool down. Today I ran for 3.5 miles. The humidity and heat makes my pace slower. I also did To the Mat Legs. I am going to straighten up a little bit and then take a dip in the pool. DS has a baseball game later, of course.

Deb- it was very hot inside the stadium. I was tired from my long run and the heat, we left after the seventh inning.

Waving hello to Belinda.



Today I did ICE Pull premix. It's a short workout but it does do the trick. I'm looking forward to the break in humidity so my headaches get better.

Belinda - ((((HUGS))))

Kristin - I'm sure running in this weather is tough, when I saw people running outside in this weather, I was impressed! I love anything smores almost made a smores dessert for the 4th but ended up with cupcakes;)

Hey guys. Today is a rainy day, but I’m not complaining. We are making it a live day at home. I just did a quick weight workout, SandS TBGS upper body premix plus my own stability ball abs (50 on ball crunches, the 50 pulses, oblique twists, the. Ball exhanges, the. Side crunches with 5#).

Deb- it is hard to run in the humidity. When I get out of my car after a run, there is a puddle of sweat left, literally. I’m glad the heat wave is breaking today. Tomorrow’s run will feel so easy, lol.

Belinda- please check in and let us know how you are doing.



Today I did warm yoga (80 degrees), I was sweating like crazy. They had the windows open and it was so humid. We are going for a bite to eat, the sun came out.

Belinda - We miss you and are worried about you, I agree with Kristin please check in.

Kristin - I like your stability ball workout:) This weekend they are saying it's supposed to be San Diego type weather:)

Hi everyone, sorry for not checking in since Brawlers passing :( I am having a tough time since he passed. I didn't care about working out or getting any steps in. I have a lot of guilt for putting Brawler down. I couldn't sleep or eat for day's. I had no energy to do anything. Brawler passed away June 26 on a Tuesday and that Friday DH and I picked up Brawlers paw prints from the Neurosurgeon they made for us. Although I didn't have an appointment on Friday the surgeon took the time to speak to me. He ensured me I made the right decision and I had done everything humanly possible for Brawler. He even said, I have done more for Brawler than most dog owners would do for their dogs with DM :( He hadn't seen a dog with DM living for over 2 1/2 years. We had Brawler cremated. We picked up his ashes on Tuesday exactly a week after he passed on Tuesday :(. On Tuesday I went through Brawlers adoption papers, we adopted him from Pet Guardian Angel Pet rescue in El Paso. TX. Brawler was only 7 weeks old when we adopted him. We adopted Brawler 13 1/2 years ago exactly at 2:15 pm, and Brawler passed away at 2:15 pm :( Crazy, huh? I miss Brawler so much. I still can't move his dog bed from the living room. I left everything the way it was the day Brawler left us. Everything feels so unreal to me :( I still can't wrap my head around it that he is gone. My husband and I talk a lot during our walks outside (he makes me walk). My husband been on my side the entire time. Both my sisters from Germany have been calling me daily since Brawlers passing. When I first found out that Brawler had DM, I knew what to expect. No one really can prepare you for this :( I miss him dearly. I miss him watching/looking for me when I work out. I am so grateful for Brawler coming into my life, he showed me nothing but love. I will always miss him, he will always be in my heart.

If you lost a pet before what helped you to get through the loss?

I will check in later. Need to catch up on personals.

Today I took a rest day. I had so much pain in my leg not sure if it is a pinched nerve. I try and take an alleve before bed which really helps because otherwise I can't sleep. I did go out for awhile today and it was beautiful.

Belinda - That was so nice of the surgeon to speak to you and he was right you did so much for Brawler. You were such a good mom to Brawler. You did so much to keep Brawler comfortable and made the right decision to put her down when you felt it was time. I guess in our hearts we always want another day, week or year. It's unfortunate our pets are here for such a short time. We also needed to put our dog down at 13 1/2 years. I didn't put some of her things away for a few months. Now looking back maybe I should have done it sooner. The hardest part for our family was not being greeted by our dog when we came home. It was a sad feeling expecting her to be at the door that lasted a long time. Honestly, I think time will lessen the pain. I know family/friends who will go get another pet and find that to be very helpful. It is really good your DH is by your side and taking walks is really good for you. When you are ready you will start exercising. You should not feel guilty at all, think of all the good times you had with Brawler and in time your grief will be less. Keep checking in and let us know how you are doing:)

Kristin - Now today must have been perfect running weather (at least compared to last week):)

Hey guys. Yesterday was an 8 mile run with a few running friends. Today I did SandS PHA Training. I did the premix where you do a round of 2A then 1A, then 2B, then 1B, 2C and then 1C. I like it better that way than doing the same round 3X each in a row. It makes the workout seem less redundant to me.

Anyway. . .

Belinda- I am so sorry it is so sad and difficult right now. I only know from my own experience with my cat, Duke. I had Duke since I was 14 years old. He was my cat. When I got married, he came with me to my new apartment and grew to love my DH. When my first son turned 1, Duke was 15, but very skinny and frail. He had always been a big cat. One day I found him breathing heavy in the nursery, a room he never went in. I took him outside for fresh air and it didn't help. I rushed him to the Vet. They did all kinds of testing. $5000 later (and a new credit card) I found out he had heart disease. His heart was 9X the size of a normal cat heart. They said I could possibly manage it with medicine. I took the medicine, brought him home. He refused to eat for two days and would not take the medicine. . . not even in a treat. I'll never forget this. . . he was lying on the floor and I picked up gently, held him in my lap, and petted him. He just looked at me, and I swear he was telling me he wanted to go. I took him back to the vet, said goodbye, and watched as they gave him the shot and his soul left. I am crying even writing this now. Hardest thing I ever had to do in my life, quite honestly. I had him cremated. I took some of his ashes and said a prayer and read a poem I had written about him, and I spread them in this spot in my parents' backyard under some bushes. That is where he would go when he would "escape" when I had lived at home. The rest of his ashes are on my nightstand. He was my baby. He would sleep on my head in the middle of the night. Sometimes I would be sleeping and feeling like someone was watching me. . . open my eyes and he would be staring at me, lol. He was comical. He would hide under the dining room table at night, waiting for us to go from the den to the kitchen to get something to eat, and then run out and trip us. I loved him with pure love. As much as I loved him, my relationship and bond with Baxter is even greater and stronger. Baxter is so loyal and loving and playful and always wants to be in the same room with me. I cannot imagine what that day will be like for me or the aftermath. What got me through my grief with Duke. . . I did put his stuff away. I kept his hairbrush. . . still have it with his fur in my nightstand. Each day gets easier. Just try to start getting back into your routine. Like Deb said, remember the good times.

Deb- I hope your leg is feeling better today. Running yesterday was like running in the fall. No humidity. . . The sun was shining, but not too hot. It was excellent!



Today I walked on the treadmill. My leg still hurt earlier in the day but by the afternoon was much better. My SIL grandson is in town so went to see him today.

Belinda - Even if your not exercising stop by and let us know how you are doing.

Kristin - That was a really touching story about your cat, Duke. The S&S premix you did sounds interesting, I will check it out. Yesterday you went on a long run!

Hey guys. I did a five mile run on my own today, tempo run. So the first mile was a slow warm up, then 3 miles at a tougher pace, then a 1 mile cool down slow pace. Here are my splits:

mile 1- 10:18
mile 2- 8:58
mile 3- 9:19
mile 4- 9:34
mile 5- 10: 06

Then I went on a 3.5 mile bike ride with my boys and dad. We are now heading into the pool.

Later DS has a double header, of course.

Deb- I am glad your leg is starting to feel better.

Belinda- I feel the same as Deb, even if you're not back in your workout routine, just stop by and let us know how you are doing.

I will be back tomorrow,


Today I did ICE shoulder meltdown & walked on the treadmill. I didn't sleep good at all last night:( I'm still not feeling 100% but go for my physical this month so will wait to see Dr. I stayed home today and organized my paperwork which felt good.

Waves hi to Belinda:)

Kristin - That was a good run! You had a very busy/active day:) When do you go to Williamsport?


Today I took a rest day. I had so much pain in my leg not sure if it is a pinched nerve. I try and take an alleve before bed which really helps because otherwise I can't sleep. I did go out for awhile today and it was beautiful.

Belinda - That was so nice of the surgeon to speak to you and he was right you did so much for Brawler. You were such a good mom to Brawler. You did so much to keep Brawler comfortable and made the right decision to put her down when you felt it was time. I guess in our hearts we always want another day, week or year. It's unfortunate our pets are here for such a short time. We also needed to put our dog down at 13 1/2 years. I didn't put some of her things away for a few months. Now looking back maybe I should have done it sooner. The hardest part for our family was not being greeted by our dog when we came home. It was a sad feeling expecting her to be at the door that lasted a long time. Honestly, I think time will lessen the pain. I know family/friends who will go get another pet and find that to be very helpful. It is really good your DH is by your side and taking walks is really good for you. When you are ready you will start exercising. You should not feel guilty at all, think of all the good times you had with Brawler and in time your grief will be less. Keep checking in and let us know how you are doing:)

Kristin - Now today must have been perfect running weather (at least compared to last week):)


Debbie - thank you for your kind word. It was very nice from the surgeon to speak to me a few day's after Brawlers passing. He and his team of doctors and assistance sent me a nice condolence card. Everyone wrote and signed the card. Brawlers surgeon wrote a sweet note in the card. You are right in our hearts we always want another day, week or year. I wished he would live forever. Your dog was Brawlers age. I am so sorry you had to go through this with your dog. Today marks week 2 of Brawlers passing. I am still not ready to move anything. Like you said, the hardest part is not to get greeted by Brawler. Brawler couldn't greet us at the door anymore, he couldn't walk. But he was on his dog bed in the living room waiting for me to come over. He always greeted me with a kiss. He has been right my side since a baby. I miss his so much. Alesia is here to keep me company. She and my husband are making me workout again.
Hey guys. Yesterday was an 8 mile run with a few running friends. Today I did SandS PHA Training. I did the premix where you do a round of 2A then 1A, then 2B, then 1B, 2C and then 1C. I like it better that way than doing the same round 3X each in a row. It makes the workout seem less redundant to me.

Anyway. . .

Belinda- I am so sorry it is so sad and difficult right now. I only know from my own experience with my cat, Duke. I had Duke since I was 14 years old. He was my cat. When I got married, he came with me to my new apartment and grew to love my DH. When my first son turned 1, Duke was 15, but very skinny and frail. He had always been a big cat. One day I found him breathing heavy in the nursery, a room he never went in. I took him outside for fresh air and it didn't help. I rushed him to the Vet. They did all kinds of testing. $5000 later (and a new credit card) I found out he had heart disease. His heart was 9X the size of a normal cat heart. They said I could possibly manage it with medicine. I took the medicine, brought him home. He refused to eat for two days and would not take the medicine. . . not even in a treat. I'll never forget this. . . he was lying on the floor and I picked up gently, held him in my lap, and petted him. He just looked at me, and I swear he was telling me he wanted to go. I took him back to the vet, said goodbye, and watched as they gave him the shot and his soul left. I am crying even writing this now. Hardest thing I ever had to do in my life, quite honestly. I had him cremated. I took some of his ashes and said a prayer and read a poem I had written about him, and I spread them in this spot in my parents' backyard under some bushes. That is where he would go when he would "escape" when I had lived at home. The rest of his ashes are on my nightstand. He was my baby. He would sleep on my head in the middle of the night. Sometimes I would be sleeping and feeling like someone was watching me. . . open my eyes and he would be staring at me, lol. He was comical. He would hide under the dining room table at night, waiting for us to go from the den to the kitchen to get something to eat, and then run out and trip us. I loved him with pure love. As much as I loved him, my relationship and bond with Baxter is even greater and stronger. Baxter is so loyal and loving and playful and always wants to be in the same room with me. I cannot imagine what that day will be like for me or the aftermath. What got me through my grief with Duke. . . I did put his stuff away. I kept his hairbrush. . . still have it with his fur in my nightstand. Each day gets easier. Just try to start getting back into your routine. Like Deb said, remember the good times.

Deb- I hope your leg is feeling better today. Running yesterday was like running in the fall. No humidity. . . The sun was shining, but not too hot. It was excellent!



Kirstin - I am so sorry you went through this with Duke. I had no idea cats get that old. He sounded like a sweet cat. I am glad Baxter got you through the grief. I know you will always miss Duke. He was special. I also have hair clippings from Brawler. The vet clinic gave me some. I had some saved the day Brawler passed. I put it in the bag I always had Brawlers stuff in it. When I came home that day I put the bag on the floor in the hallway, forgot about it the next day. Alesia wanted to go out of the house. When we came home the entire bag was empty. All the other dogs got into the bag. I feed Brawler before he passed an entire dog treat bag. I had only a few treats left. The other dogs got into it and finished it off. They also somehow ate Brawlers hair? We couldn't find it, we all looked. I was so sad. My husband called the clinic and ask them go get my some hair samples. I am so glad I have some from Brawler. I know it sounds weird. Today 2 weeks ago Brawler passed away. I miss him so much. You are a good mommy to Baxter. He is a special boy.

Today I did ICE Triceps meltdown. I actually fell asleep for a couple of hours today. I guess catching up from losing sleep from walking the floors with leg pain. DH said it is like I was pregnant :eek: I do see an improvement and hopefully will not get up tonight.

Belinda - I'm happy to hear your DH & DD are talking you into working out again:) It will help keep your mind off of your sadness. I hope each day gets better for you.

Kristin - Hope you had a nice day!

Hi everyone,

Yesterday and today DD and I took an hour walk outside. Keeping it light for awhile.

Debbie - thank you. I am still taking it easy, but at least I am doing something. What's wrong with your leg? Maybe take some rest day's. Hope you feel better soon.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I did ICE biceps meltdown and the treadmill. I was outside throwing some garbage away and a deer startled me, it was so close. It's funny they aren't even scared of people anymore.

Belinda - It's great that you are walking! It's good exercise for your body & mind.

Kristin - Are you busy enjoying the summer days?

Good morning,

DD and I did another long walk this morning. DH and I are going to stay with Aleisa for a few day's. We probably will come back Saturday.

Debbie - I agree, walking is a good exercise for your body and mind. Still not in the mood to do anything else.

Kirstin - what are you up too?

I will try to be back later.
Hey everyone. Yesterday I did a fartlek run. I did a 1 mile warm up, then 1 min fast 1 min slow, 2 min fast 2 min slow, 3 min fast, 3 min slow, then 1 min fast 1 min slow, 2 min fast 2 min slow, 3 min fast 3 min slow, then 1 mile cool down. total miles was 4.6. I also went to hot yoga last night. I was dripping from head to toe with sweat and forgot to bring my towel :oops::eek:. Today I did LIS Turbo Barre. I have not done that workout in ages, probably because of the length. I remember it being boring and repetitious, but it did not feel that way today. I feel like I got a good total body workout in without lots of equipment and my abs are going to ache tomorrow for sure!

I am supposed to do a 12-mile run tomorrow morning, early morning, with my friend. Then I am heading to Maryland for DS's Ripken tournament. Not sure if I will be able to check in over the weekend.

So get this. . . My son had to go to a different elementary school this year because he was placed in an ICT class (special education). I was very nervous about it, and so was my son. I ended up loving the school, especially the principal. He was very supportive of the parents AND the teachers. I noticed every time I saw him how complimentary he was to his staff and how supportive he was of them, even to the annoying old woman who worked the door. Anyway. . . I said to my husband at least a dozen times that I wished I could work for someone like him. . . You won't believe this. . . I found out yesterday who my new principal is. . . and it is HIM!!!! I am ecstatic and elated and relieved. I feel like everything in my building is going to be okay now because we will have a real principal who has leadership skills and will care about his students AND staff. I cannot believe my luck!

Deb- I am noticing deer a lot on my runs by the water, and you are right. They stare at my friend at I and stay put. The week it was wicked humid out we had a deer stare at us as we passed by, inches away, and I told my friend, the deer is thinking "Who is chasing these two ladies? Why else would they be running in this heat?" LOL.

Belinda- Walking is good for the soul, indeed. Do you have scenic roads? When my friend and I do our long runs, she takes me to the north shore (very scenic, wealthy area). It is beautiful there. We see deer (see above), bunnies, chipmunks, and the Long Island Sound. So gorgeous I don't feel the pain of running all those miles, lol. I am glad you are starting to get out and about. Each day will get a little easier.



Today I did 30-day butt lift. I tried a new farmer's market it was small but really nice and so much quicker than the Sunday market. They do have a lot of baked goods at this one along side the vegetables;)

Belinda - I think getting away (change of scenery) to dd's will be good for you:) Enjoy your time and relax.

Kristin - Your deer story is funny:) Did I miss something, what happened to your principal? It looks like next year will be a good one for you:) It must be nice fun by the Long Island Sound.

Hi everyone,

I walked for over an hour this morning.

Kirstin - we do have scenic roads all around our. I usually walk in our neighborhood which is surrounded by a golf course with lots of pretty ponds. DH and I usually walk very early in the morning before anyone is on the course. Or we walk alone the Patomoac/Shenandoah river. I live near Harpers Ferry National Historical Park is located at the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers in and around Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. I am surrounded by scenic roads.

Debbie - thanks Debbie! I am having lots of fun with my kids. Eating out a lot too. Alesia and I will go to Georgetown tonight. We will have dinner by the water. I got a hair cut today. I usually go to that expensive place. Alesia and I wanted to give the place my daughter in law goes too. I only payed a fraction what I usually pay :) I am very happy I found a good and cheap hair dresser. My hair looks really cute. I only payed $49 instead of $200 I usually pay. I was in and out in 30 min. I didn't get my hair colored. I colored my hair the other day, well Aleisa did :)

i will be back tomorrow.

Today I went to warm yoga. DH's Dad just found out a lot of damage to his heart and may not be able to do anything about it. DH is so upset. Not sure how to support him.

Belinda - It sounds like you have beautiful scenery to walk in:) Wow, that is a good price for getting your hair done. I keep saying I need to find a cheaper place too.

Kristin - Enjoy your weekend:)

Have a great weekend!

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