Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Yesterday I took a rest day. Today DH and I went hiking around Murphy's Farm overlooking the Shenandoah River. We also took our other dog Chu Chu with us. He is beat. It was a little over 3 miles.I will do a stretch later.

Debbie - I am so sorry to hear about your husbands dad :( I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers (((HUGS))) Just be there for your DH. That's all you can do. So sorry to hear this. We do have beautiful scenery to walk/hike. We also have the Appalachian Trail at the National Park. lots of hiking.

Have a great Sunday, everyone.
Good morning,

DH and I walked 60 min early this morning, I also did Jessica Smith 2 in 1 YT weight workout. That's it for me today.

Great job everyone.

I didn't realize I didn't check in:( I had a stomach bug on Saturday (rest day). Yesterday I cooked most of the day and did the treadmill. It ended up raining all day yesterday so last minute I decided to cook my sauce.

Today I took a TRX class at the gym and hopped on the elliptical for 30 min. Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Belinda - I'm happy to see you back:):):) Hiking the Appalachian Trail is on my bucket list. It is great that you can do it. We have a trail called Patriot's path (mostly flat) which runs throughout our county but it is broken up a lot (meaning you have to cross streets) but I do like to walk it.

Kristin - How was the baseball tournament this weekend?

Hi everyone,

Today 3 weeks ago I had to put Brawler to sleep. Having a rough few day's :( I miss him so much.

I managed to walk and did JS Core Stretch + I started the 21 Day Yoga Challenge that I did before Brawlers passing. I did D1.

Debbie - for the last 3 years we couldn't go hiking. I couldn't leave Brawler home to long for too long. Your trail sounds amazing too. I am not crazy hiking up very steep hills. Love walking on flats. Everything here is very hilly :( I hope your stomach feels better today.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today we took DH's godchild bowling. It was a lot of fun. I even won a game, which is never LOL! The only downfall was I hurt my hip but hopefully it isn't anything. Geez, this aging thing:rolleyes: I did Gym Styles shoulders only today.

Belinda - Even though it's 3 weeks it must feel like it happened yesterday. Happy to hear you are going back to your rotation:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Sorry I have not checked in. The tournament this weekend was exhausting, but we had fun. My son's team made it to the semi-finals. They were 4th out of 22 teams, not bad! I ran 8 miles on Friday. I did 4 mile fartlek on treadmill Saturday, Sunday and Monday were rest days because I was utterly exhausted. Tuesday I ran 12 with my friend. Now I just came back from a short recovery run of 3.5 miles.

I now have to clean and pack for Florida. My younger DS is coming with me. We leave early in the morning. I rented a car. We are going to stay with my aunt, she is my mom's sister. She lived in Puerto Rico until the hurricane hit last year. Her granddaughter helped her to relocate with her daughter and other grandchildren to Florida. I cannot wait to see them. I am not sure if I will be able to check in from down there. I come back on Tuesday late, so you might not hear from me until Wednesday.

Deb- So sorry to hear this about your FIL. That is sad. I will say a prayer for him. My principal left at the end of the school year. None of us were sad to see her go, lol. The rumor is she was told she would not be given tenure and that she should look elsewhere. She did and got a job as an assistant principal in another district (step down, yes).

Belinda- I am happy to hear you are getting back into your routine.

Well, gotta clean and pack. This is my first time flying without another adult with me, wish me luck. Did I mention I HATE flying?

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

DH and I walked outside this morning. Got over 7000 steps in, not bad. I also did D2 of the Yoga Challenge, it was core/arems.

Debbie - it does feel like it was yesterday :( I still feel him around me. Weird? I am keeping it simple, workout wise. Like walking, yoga or Jessica Smith. Getting lots of steps in. DH and I used to go bowling. It was always fun. I hope it's nothing serious with your hip. Be careful!

Kirstin - enjoy your stay with your family in Fl. LOL, about your principal :)

That's it for me today. See you all tomorrow. I have a dental appointment with my dentist about the tooth the other surgeon wanted to pull. If my dentist wants me to pull that tooth I will have a second 3D image done and get another option from another dentist.

Today I did the rest of Gym Styles Back & bi's (yesterday I did shoulders). I think I will always love the Gym Styles! My hip was tight all day, tried to stretch it out, maybe will do the foam roller tomorrow.

Belinda - Good luck with your dental appointment. It's good that you are doing walking, yoga and JS they seem like good workouts to do while you heal:)

Kristin - 4th place that is impressive! It is great that you are going to FL to see your family:) I'm sure it will be scary to go on the plane alone but it will feel like an accomplishment once you do it. Will your older son stay with your Dad? That worked out nice with the old principal, I bet there wasn't a party. Well maybe without her:p

Good morning,

JS Sole Sculpt + walk is done.

Debbie - hope your hip is feeling better with the rolling. There a lot of great hip stretches on YT. So far, I am loving JS YT workouts. Perfect for me right now.

Kirstin - how was the flight? Have fun!

Gotta run. I will be back later.

Today I did Gym Styles Chest & tri's. We took my older son out for his birthday tonight. It was a really nice night to eat outside.

Belinda - It's amazing what you can find on YT, today needed to change my watchband and found a YT video! My hip feels better, thank you:) I hope everything went well with your dentist appt.

Kristin - Enjoy your trip:)

Hi Debbie,

My dentist said I made a wise decision not getting that tooth pulled. He can not see a crack in that tooth and he said you can always see a cracked tooth with a 3D image/ X - rays. He said, I seen patients who got 3 - 4 teeth pulled and they still had pain. He said it could be neurological? As long as, I don't have an infection I should be ok. The pain comes and goes. Weird! I am glad, my dentist agreed with my decision instead of sticking up for the other dentist.

I think, when I had the root canal done 4 years ago...I still have a active nerve .Sometimes they can't reach that far from my understanding. I just have to suck it up :)

Today I did JS Floor Barre + plus a short stretch. I also love the GS workouts. It was my first Cathe set I bought. Are you going to the RT this year? Can't remember.

Waving Hi to Kirstin! I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day!

Today I took a yoga class. It wasn't as humid today so a really nice day:)

Belinda - That was a good decision, sometimes I feel they pull teeth too soon. I am going to the RT, this is one year I wish I would have skipped because so much going on with DH's Dad. I know when I get there I will have a good time.

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I did JS dance and yoga.

Debbie - I am glad I got a second opinion on my tooth. I agree on them pulling teeth to soon :( I am sure, you have lots of fun at the RT. I will keep your DH's dad in my thoughts and prayers.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took a rest day but did a short YT band workout for lower body. We finally bought outside table after our glass one broke. We still need to put together:oops: hopefully it will be easy.

Belinda - Good job with your workouts! Thank you for your thoughts & prayers on DH's dad.

Kristin - It's a good time to be in Florida, not sure if it's by you but parts of NY expecting a Noreaster this weekend!

Hi everyone,

DH and I took a long walk with our other dog Chu Chu. I also did the 21 Day Yoga Challenge Arms and abs.

Debbie - I know you have a lot going on right now. Please, be kind to yourself too. Love YT workouts. Finding all kinds a great workouts.

That's it for me today.

Today I did Cathe Live Jab, Punch Kickboxing workout. Unfortunately, we are supposed to have thunder storms everday until next Sunday. I hope the Cathlete's coming from out of town don't have delays.

Belinda - Does Chu Chu show signs of missing Brawler? It must feel good to do yoga:)

Kristin - I hope you are having a good time!

Good morning,

21 Day Yoga Challenge Lesson7: Metabolic Booster + JS Circuit workout is done.

Debbie - yes, he does :( Especially when we go shopping. He sits in front of the door waiting for us.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Today I went to the gym and did TRX workout, it is every Monday and instructor seems like she is building up & changing things up so will try and go on Mondays.

Belinda - That is sad about Chu Chu when my SIL put needed to put her dog down, her other dog followed her all day/everyday. I'm sure they just don't understand.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

It's been raining nonstop here. Instead of walking outside, I did JS Core walk and standing abs.

Debbie - it is sad about Chu Chu. Chu Chu was never alone before, it will take some time for him to get used to it. It's hard to believe, today marks 4 weeks since Brawler passing :( I miss him so much :( Are you packed for the RT?

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today I did Gym Styles Back, Shoulders & Biceps. It's been raining here on and off with some sun and heavy downpours. Crazy weather LOL.

Belinda - It's hard to believe it's been 4 weeks:( I have pulled out some clothes I will bring but haven't packed yet.

Kristin - Safe flight back:)


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