Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

i everyone,

Rock Steady Step w/ with Season Zieger is done.

Thanks Debbie on STS :) I didn't even realized I have done STS for over a year :) I am glad I did the rotation without any major injuries but also looking forward doing something else. Now I have to figure out what I will do next? Good job on your yoga yesterday.

Have a great workout and Saturday.

Today I took a rest day. I wasn't feeling well today but sleeping extra seemed to help. Tomorrow I have a busy day, a baby shower with my SILs in Long Island.

Belinda - I didn't even think about that but your right completing the rotation without any major injuries!

Kristin - The baby shower is in Bayshore, hopefully not too much traffic.

Today I did 10 min. Butt Lift. We sat in the car for too long the total travel time was over 5 hours, the shower was only 3 hours:rolleyes: I was able to run to the farmer's market this morning:)

Waves hi to everyone & hope you had a nice weekend:)

Good morning,

Took a rest day yesterday. I decided to do a 21 Day Ultimate Tabata Yoga Challenge. You work 4 day's on 1 day off. Today I did Lession 1: Beautiful Booty Blast. I also did SBF Adv. Cardio Barre Fire D15 of 56 Day plan.

Debbie - sorry you got stuck in the car for 5 hours. Thank you about STS. I am glad I did it, but will take a break from heavy lifting.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey guys.

I survived the last week of school. It was a crazy week. I barely got in workouts. I ran 5 miles Wednesday morning, then did hot yoga at night. I ran again on Friday, 5 miles. Saturday I felt so sluggish, probably due to the weather (rain all day) and the stress I had been under to finish everything for work in time. Yesterday, I still felt sluggish, but forced myself to do Xtrain Supercuts. Those sit outs did me in! Then TOTM arrived and it made sense why I felt so crappy. This morning I met with my friend and we did 5 sllllooooowwww miles. At least I got it done.

So the drama at work continued right to the end this week. I told you about the teacher that came to me because I'm a union rep and wanted to get another teacher fired for his opinions about illegal immigration at a PD she ran. Well, after weeks of investigating her claims that he is a bully and she is scared of him, they determined that he did not harass or bully her. They advised her to mediate with him, which is what I had said to do from the get go as the union rep. Anyway, the mediation took place Friday (last day of school) in the morning. Many of the male teachers knew that this man was coming back and waited outside for him to return after the mediation. When he returned, they clapped and cheered for him. Now this chic was walking in the building at the same time and saw this. Then they took him to the 6th grade hallway (which is below the hallway this crazy girl works in) and had a cake for him. Well, this chic kept walking by and looking in, which is weird because she has no business being in that hallway. Long story short, she ran back to central office to complain that they were cheering for him and gave him a cake and she feels uncomfortable being in the building. Really? how freakin' old are you? You tried to get the man fired and clearly, your charges were false. Now you are upset that his friends celebrated him returning to his job? On top of all this, this girl is not even tenured. They could fire her at their will without any reason behind it at all. I would think that central office would think she is a bit of a snowflake at this point and get rid of her. If they look at her attendance record, they'd see she takes a lot of 3-4 day weekends during the year too. I hope they either fire her or move her out of the building. I cannot even look at her.

Anyway. . . I'm officially on summer vacation. I got up early to run, but now I am relaxing by the pool for the rest of the day. This is living!!

Deb- traffic on Long Island, especially Sunday afternoon/evening heading west is bad. Everyone is coming out to the Hamptons every weekend now. Westbound traffic on a Sunday is going to be bad. You're a good SIL, lol. Bayshore isn't even too bad because it isn't that far east compared to where I live. I live at exit 62 on the LIE.

Belinda- WOW! STS for over a year! I don't think I could ever do that. My last few attempts at doing STS ended in failure to complete the full rotation. Maybe after the marathon I will try it again. Maybe, lol.



Today I did Fit Split Boot camp. We are having our roof done and a couple of skylights replaced so noisy and messy. The one good thing is they have a large crew and hopefully will be out of here in a couple of days!

Belinda - I like the sound of your new yoga challenge it should seems like a perfect thing to do after your rotation:)

Kristin - I'm happy for the male teacher:) You wonder what the female teacher is thinking:rolleyes: but it's good that admin didn't cave. Now I hope the fun is beginning for you:)

I am typing this with a heavy heart and tears running down my face.. Brawler crossed the rainbow bridge :(

This morning my DH and I wanted to take Brawler for a short walk, Brawler was walking really funny/crossing his front paws. He had no strength in his front legs. We rushed Brawler to the Neurosurgeon he saw when he got diagnosed with DM 2.5 years ago :( when Brawler started too lose control in his back paws. The Neurosurgeon ran a few tests on Brawler/s body too see how fast the DM processed over the years. Brawler had no feelings in his left front paw or down his spine. The Neurosurgeon began to describe the advancement of the DM and when he did, he explained that the next evolution for the disease was for his lungs to begin to fail. Until now there had been no pain, but this would be extremely painful. My DH and I always agreed that we would do anything for Brawler, but we did not want him to suffer. At that point we called our kids and they dropped work and drove straight to the clinic. The Family discussed everything and decided that it was Brawlers time. The Doctor and his staff gave us all of the time and space we needed. When we were ready they helped us help Brawler. I cradled him in my Arms until he passed peacefully! I was so afraid of this moment, but I didn't wanted him to suffer or whatever was coming next. I can't stop crying. I miss him so much already.
Belinda- I am in tears over here. I’m so sorry for your loss. A dog’s spirit and the love and loyalty they give is so pure. Nothing can compare to it. Sending you hugs and prayers.


Belinda - Your story also brought tears for me too:( Brawler had a beautiful life with you and your family and even at the end it was a beautiful goodbye. My thoughts will be with you and your family as you grieve the loss of your furry family member.

Thank you, Debbie! It means a lot to me. I miss my Brawler baby so much :( he was my baby. I can't eat, sleep or stop crying. Alesia is coming and staying a few day's.

Today I did ICE meltdown bi's & yesterday was ICE meltdown shoulders. Yesterday my FIL was put in the hospital, they are running tests to see what is wrong with him:(

Belinda - It must be so hard, it's really nice Alesia is coming to stay for a few days. Feel better:)

Kristin - It must be nice to sleep in late;)

Hey guys. Yesterday I did an 8 mile run with my friend. Then last night I went to hot yoga. I was dripping all over my mat, lol. I needone of those yoga mat towels. I was slipping on it, lol. Today I did Lean Legs and Abs. It is a rainy day here. I plan on taking my younger DS to the library and then going to Kohl's for some shopping.

Deb- It's funny, I slept in today. I woke up at 8. Normally with work I wake up at 5. With running though, and the heat wave coming, I am going to have to get up early to get out there and beat the heat. I am planning on doing a four mile run tomorrow at 6 a.m.

Belinda- I am so sorry you are going through this. I am also glad Alesia will be with you the next few days. Lots of ((((HUGS)))).



Today I did ICE triceps meltdown. We had bad thunder storms so didn't sleep well last night. My eyes are almost closing as I type this;)

Belinda - I hope you are starting to feel better, it will take time.

Kristin - It seems early in the summer to have a heat wave, smart to run early in the morning:)

Hey guys. I got a four mile run in early. My friend that I run with tends to run a 10 minute mile, which is slower than me. I like her company, especially for the longer runs and she is a seasoned marathoner. I just feel I'm losing my pace though. She crossfits, so when so does run a race, she runs faster. I think I am going to tell her that I am good to run 3X a week, but then I want to work on my speed for the other two runs. I like running with someone else, but I want to finish the marathon in under 4:30 if possible. It was really hot this morning when we ran. I am going to be in my pool for most of the day, I predict, lol.

Deb- Any news on your FIL? Is he doing any better? Did you get any test results back?

Belinda- hoping each day is getting easier for you. Like Deb said, it will take time.


4.5 mile run done early. I went by myself today and got in a faster pace. It is already very hot and humid out. I was dripping all over, but I got it done.

Now I am heading out to DS's baseball tournament. What else would I be doing on a summer weekend, lol.



Today I did ICE To the Mat Legs & Glutes ball & band premix. My FIL came home yesterday but still not well. DH's family looking into getting visiting nurse for my in-laws. It is sad to see them age so quickly and struggle.

Belinda - I hope your days are getting better. Are you working out yet? Do you have another dog (can't remember)?

Kristin - I think that is a good idea to run with your friend and a couple of days by yourself. Today (this week actually) is a pool day, DH & DS went to his parents pool:) It must have been tough to go to a baseball tournament in this weather.


Today I did ICE To the mat Legs & Glutes Floorwork premix. We went to our friends 50th birthday party at the race track. It was the 1st time I was at a horse racing track. It was fun but just toooooo hot!!!

Belinda - I hope your feeling better . . . worried about you:)

Kristin - I hope you were able to spend most of the day in the pool:cool:

Hey guys. Yesterday was a rest day. Spent all day in the heat watching my son's team play baseball. I also needed to rest up for my long run today. I ran with my friend, 12.33 miles. We took it slow and steady with this humidity and started very early, 5:15 to be exact. I plan on just cleaning my kitchen and being in my pool until later, we are going to the Yankees game.

Belinda- Deb- We went in the pool last night. I actually felt like I was getting sick in the stands, and I was drinking plenty of water. I even drank a full gatorade. I was sweating profusely. I made sure to eat well for dinner and go to bed early for my run.

Belinda- waving hello and sending you (((HUGS)))). Hope your grief is easing a bit with every passing day.



Yesterday was a rest day for me, the heat gave me a very bad migraine. It finally went away mid-day today. I did ICE push premix. Tomorrow is BBQ & pool and another hot day!!!

Belinda - I can't imagine what you are going through:(

Kristin - I remember the lights making the stadium so hot! It still must have been fun:) Kudos on getting a run in:)


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