Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

STS M3 Week 3 + SBF LB barre is done.

Debbie - great job as always. I have so many unused dvd's I can't hardly remember :) Clearly we have way to many DVD's.

That's it for me today.
Hey guys. The last two days were rest days. I was just too tired from the trip and the bus ride did me in. I felt so nauseous at the end of the ride. The Lion King was amazing. We were able to take pictures with my student after the show. He was amazing.

Today I ran 5 miles doing a speed workout. 1 mile slow warm up, .50 mile steady, 400 m. fast, 1 min slow repeat 3 x. .50 mile steady, 400 m fast 1 min slow, repeat 3 times, .5 miles slow. I was a sweaty mess at the end of the workout.

My pool was supposed to be opened Wednesday, but it rained. Now we have to wait until Tuesday and this weekend it is supposed to be gorgeous.

Deb- One week to go!

Belinda- How is your knee doing these days?



Today I went to the gym and did the elliptical. I also picked up some things for Father's Day.

Belinda - Looks like you are real close to finishing STS!

Kristin - Today was a beautiful day for a run:)

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

Amy Bento Ramble is done. I also did the heavy bag workout. It was a good workout without all that jumping.

Debbie- yes, I have one more week left with STS. Great job on the elliptical.

Kirstin - my knee is great since I keep everything low impact. How is your mom and dad doing? Good for you for listen to your body. Enjoy your pool this weekend.

That's it for me today. Have a great Saturday.
Hey guys. I went for an early morning recovery run and covered three miles. We had breakfast and then I hit the upper body with High Reps upper body premix, thanks for the idea Debbie, lol.

Today is my birthday. Yesterday my team at work surprised me with cupcakes. Very sweet. Today DS has a doubleheader in a tournament. I am running to the mall to get a father's day gift for my dad. He loves this weather. The yard work keeps him busy. He has the most beautiful backyard.

Deb- It was a beautiful day. Not too hot either. What are your plans for this weekend?



Today I took a rest day. It was a beautiful day, didn't do much. Tomorrow, we will go to my in-laws for a BBQ and pool:)

Belinda - It's good that you knee is feeling better and you can still do low impact!

Happy Birthday, Kristin!!!

Kristin - You had a beautiful day for your birthday:) Nice job getting your run in and High Reps upper body.

Good morning ladies,

Going for an early morning long run in a few.

Belinda- my post yesterday. . . I switched pages in the middle of writing it and I guess it lost what I wrote for you. I’m glad you are doing better with your knee and keeping it low impact.

Thanks for the birthday wishes,


Today I did FIT Split Metabolic Conditioning premix.

It was a stressful night/day around 4AM saw a message from my SIL on the answering machine. My FIL was rushed to the emergency room around 1AM but when I texted my SIL if I should wake up her brother she said no because they were letting him go after they stopped the bleeding. I'm not sure what is going on with my FIL's health but it's not good. I think the Dr.'s have to find a solution for this blood situation. Their bedroom looked like a crime scene, my SIL said even the police looked horrified with the amount of blood he lost. We went there for lunch and tried to help with what we could.

Belinda - What were you up to today?

Kristin - Looks like you were up early on a weekend too! I hope you were able to get your run in before the humidity kicked in.

Good morning,

Ended up taking a rest day yesterday.

STS Week 4 D34 + Barre workout is done.

Debbie - so sorry about your FIL. I hope the doc and find out what is going on.

Kirstin - no problem about your post. Glad you had a great run yesterday.

Have a great Monday, everyone.

Today I went to the gym and did the elliptical. It was nice and cool at the gym. I saw someone in the sauna today, was thinking she could just step outside for that;)

Belinda - I hope so too. Great job with your workouts:)

Kristin - Your classroom must have been HOT! I saw some schools had 1/2 days, hopefully yours.

Hey guys. Sunday morning I did a 10 mile run with two running buddies. We went very early and beat the heat. Monday was a rest day. The heat was getting to me. My room has an air conditioner at work, but I was proctoring in a room without one :(. THree more days. Friday is a half day, so it doesn't count, lol.

Deb- I am sorry your family is going through this with your FIL. It is so scary how much blood he loses when he gets a cut. Fro the cops to be stunned. . . that says something.

Belinda- Nice job on your workouts.


Hi everyone,

Stepping Up with Season Zieger is done. Very fun but tough workout. This workout had real music :) Love the music. It also has a a few pre mixes on it. I will play around with Season this week.

Debbie - it was hot yesterday. The humidity was very high too. Do you have a gym near by or do you have to drive? Great job yesterday. I miss going to the gym and using the different equipments.

Kirstin - you are almost done with school :) What? without an AC. I would have died of a heat stroke :( Make sure you stay cool. Is your pool open yet?

Hope you all having a great workout today.

Today I did a booty band workout from YT. I can't believe it's summer tomorrow and the longest day of the year:)

Belinda - Your workout and music sounded good! The gym is about 10 min. away from me and away from the traffic area.

Kristin - School is almost over:cool: Nice run on Sunday, sorry about no a/c at school.


This morning I did STS M3 Week 4 D40. One more workout and I am done with STS.

Debbie - I love good music when I workout. That one was very good. That is great that you gym is only 10 min away.

Kirstin - are you counting the day's yet? School is almost over.

That's it for me today.

Today I took a rest day. I did a long day at work so we can go to the beach tomorrow. Oops, today wasn't 1st day of summer tomorrow is:)

Belinda - That is a great accomplishment with STS rotation!

Kristin - It's getting close;)

Good morning,

BOSU BLAST- with Season Zieger is done.

Debbie - how is your FIL doing? Great job yesterday.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today I did Fit Split Legs and Glutes premix. We went to the beach it was a nice day. So many HS kids must have been senior cut-out day. They seemed like good kids too!

Belinda - I haven't used my bosu in years, your workout sounds like fun:) We stopped at my FIL so DH can change his bandage and his coloring looked better and not as out of breath.

Kristin - Are you celebrating the last day of school;)

Good morning,

Did my last workout in STS M3 :) I did the Pyramid up/down rotation first. Than I did Cathe's Bodybuilding rotation. I started June 5, 2017 - June 22, 2018. By far this is the longest rotation I have ever done. Next I will take a recovery week or two. Not sure yet, what I will do next?

June 5, 2017 - June 22, 2018
STS Pyramid up/down rotation DONE
STS Pyramid up/down DONE
Do STS in its entirety DONE
Take one week off DONE
Do Gym Styles for one month DONE
Do the low impact series for two weeks DONE
Do Four Day Split for one month DONE
Do Shock Cardio Series for two weeks DONE
Do STS Meso two DONE and Meso three DONE

Have a great Friday and workout everyone.

Today I took a warm yoga class:)

Belinda - Awesome job completing the rotation!!!! You deserve a recovery week or two:)

Kristin - Now your summer begins . . .

Have a great weekend;)

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