Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I went to the gym and took a TRX class and did some leg weight workouts at the gym. I was doing a calf machine and the girl next to me was surprised I wasn't using any weights. So I throw on a 25lb weight the machine itself is heavy but I laughed to myself she shamed me into adding weight. It wasn't too bad LOL.

I also went to dinner with my SILs, neice and family friend it was fun but I am so thirsty.

Belinda - 7 hours :( that is tough, happy your DH is better though.

Kristin - I could imagine how much you sweated on a day like today;) The Prince Museum is in Minnesota, I think it's called Paisley Park.

Hey guys. Today's workout was Xtrain Burn Sets, Chest, Back and Shoulders. I am about to run out to get DH a birthday present, as well as a cake. DS and DH have the same birthday, I am sure I told you guys this before, August 9th. It happens to be the same birthday as Lorraine's (I miss her in the videos). Anyway, I am taking DS and his friend to the waterpark tomorrow and then we are going to have pizza and ice cake. We are celebrating a day early because DS has a double-header on his birthday, of course!

Deb- Too funny about the girl shaming you into adding weight. Hey, you survived and probably challenged your calves a bit more as well, lol. I don't know if I'll ever make it to Minnesota to see that Prince museum. I am a fan but I like tropical places for vacation, lol.

Belinda- that is crazy about your DH and his emergency root canal! I hope he is feeling better!


Hey guys,

I done my workouts this morning, just getting around to post.
I did JS Ball blast and flat ab walk.

Debbie - it was tough on him and us :( He said, he never been in so much pain. I am glad the worst is over. I had one root canal 4 years ago. It was very painful. Can't imagine having 2. Never took a TRX class. They sure look interesting.

Kirstin - thank you! DH still needs to go back to finish the root canal. They put some stuff in to deaden the root first. In about 4 weeks they will finish. He got lots of meds, lol.

Have a great day, everyone.

Today I did High Reps Upper body premix. We went to my in-laws to see DH's cousin who is in town. We haven't seen her in a long time but it's funny how I can see similar features in DH and my SILs.

Belinda - Wow, that's sad that he isn't finished yet, hopefully he will be comfortable. It must be keeping you busy but kudos on getting in your workouts:)

Kristin - I always think how amazing it must have been the day he was born on your DH's birthday:) At the time it must not have meant much to you if you were in pain;) but afterwards:)

Good morning,

JS Total Body Chisel + Burn + Cathe S&H Triceps is done.

Debbie - when I had a root canal, maybe they should have done the same...make sure the nerve is dead before finishing the root canal. I still have problems with the same tooth :(

Kirstin - happy birthday to your DS and DH :) I agree with Debbie :) That is amazing.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. I got up early for my run, 5 miles. The humidity is killer today. My pace stunk, but at least I got the five miles in. It was hard to keep going today. I was dripping sweat everywhere.

I am taking DS and his friend to the waterpark today for his birthday, even though his birthday is officially tomorrow. We are celebrating today because tomorrow he has a double-header. Tomorrow I will be the mother of a teenager! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: How did that happen, I wonder.

My new principal started yesterday. He sent me and the other building union rep an email stating that he would like to meet with us to discuss the upcoming school year. The other rep happened to be in the school building yesterday and he saw her. He told her about the email and he said that he knew me, that my son went to the school he worked at before coming here. I hope it's a good thing that he remembers me, lol. The other rep told him that I had said that getting him as principal was karma for all the hell we had been through with the last principal, lol. She told him that I said he was great and that I had faith he could turn things around in our building. Anyway, we are meeting with him the last week of August.

Deb- My DS's birth was a miracle. First, being born on my husband's birthday, but the fact that he was a preemie, 3 pounds 9 ounces and they told me when he was born he would not be able to breathe on his own, but he came out breathing. . . every birthday I think about how afraid I was for him as I was giving birth and the relief I felt when I heard him cry because it meant that he was, in fact, breathing on his own. It's a day I will never forget. I think of it when he is driving me crazy these days, lol.

Belinda- I have had two root canals and I hated both. I also hate the dentist, so there's that, lol. Good job on your workouts!



Today I did ICE Rock & Sock Kickboxing. My arms were fried. Tomorrow we are thinking about going to the beach, hopefully not too hot. Ugh, the humidity is giving me migraines:(

Belinda - I see your back to doing lots of workouts:) I'm not crazy about the dentist either but do like the cleaning. They use a paste that tastes like baking soda & salt. DH doesn't like it but I do.

Kristin - Wow, that is a nice story, I didn't realize you son was a preemie. My godchild was 4lbs 3oz and I thought he was smallest but your son was under 4lbs. A teenager:eek: It sounds like you will have a good year, it's nice your principal wants to meet you before the school year begins:)

Good morning,

JS Floor Barre + Barre abs, buns & thighs is done. I also did S&H Back.

Kirstin - wow, on your son's birth. I had no idea your son was a preemie. So glad he was ok :) the tooth I had the root canal still bordering me. I think the nerve is still active.

Debbie - how are your arms today? Have fun at the beach. The workouts I am doing a short workouts. I try to keep it at 60 min or under.

That's it for me today. Have a great day.
Hey guys. DS and DH are enjoying their birthday. Yesterday I took DS and his friend to the waterpark. We were lucky in that it wasn't so crowded, plus I got a deal on the tickets online. Came home and had pizza and ice cream cake.

I was lazy this morning and didn't feel like running. Well, I decided at 1 o'clock that I had to get it done, so I did a speed workout, 5 minute warm up, 1 min fast, 2 min slow 7X, and then a cool down. Man, was it hot. I drank electrolytes while I did it. When I came home I topped it off with To the Mat bands only premix and then icy core #2.

Belinda- If the tooth is still bothering you it could that the nerve is active. I had the same thing though for the first year after my root canal. My dentist told me it was normal. It doesn't bother me now. I would talk to your dentist about it.

Deb- How many weeks was your godchild when he was born? Nikolas was 31 weeks. It was a crazy time in our lives.



Today, we went to the beach it wasn't too crowded but lots of traffic. It seemed like everyone was eating or getting ice cream:) I did some lunges, squats & calf raises today.

Belinda - I agree with Kristin maybe you should talk to your dentist. I like shorter workouts too;)

Kristin - I think my godchild was 7 months. Will your DS's game be televised? My DH & DS's love to watch the Williamsport Little League games. Wow, on all your workouts today:)

Good morning,

3 mile walk is done. I will do a weight workout later. Running out of time. I did talked to my dentist about that tooth. He thinks it could be neurological? It's not worst with the Invisalign, it actually got better.

I will be back later for personals.
Hey guys. 5 mile run done this morning. I went with my water bottle and Apple watch. No music. Just focused on the sound of my breathing and footfalls, and I loved it.

I am going to the teacher store later, as well as the running store to get new sneakers.

Not much else to report.

Belinda- Nice job on your walk this morning.

Deb- I don't think the games will be televised. I am getting excited to go.



Walked outside for 3 miles + JS Fusion Walk + Rise & Shine.

Debbie - hope all is well. Have a great workout today.

Kirstin - great job with your 5 miler this morning. Have fun shopping. I have to go and get a new phone case for my new phone.

I am done for this week. Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

Yesterday was yoga and today I walked on the treadmill. It was rainy here today so hoping tomorrow will be nicer. I saw 2 baby foxes run past my car today, so cute.

Belinda - LOL about running out of time, I feel like that everyday;)

Kristin - Sometimes I like to walk and just listen to the outside sounds, so relaxing. Do you buy new sneakers after a certain amount of miles?

18 mile run done!!!!!!! This is the longest distance I have run to date. My legs were starting to feel like lead. We did a 6 mile loop, then refueled with electrolyte water. We did another 6 mile route, then refueled one last time before doing another 6 mile route. I am trying to keep my legs elevated and stretch. I am wiped out too. I got up at 4 to meet my running group at 5. I definitely will be napping today.

Deb- My friend says I should buy new sneakers every 300 miles or so. Mine are really worn out. You can tell on the soles. I got a new pair, Brooks Glycerin. I did not try them out today, as I did not want my first run with them to be the 18 miles, lol. Very cute seeing the baby foxes. We saw a bunch of chipmunks today. They are daring, fast creatures, lol.

Belinda- You got a new phone? What kind? I have an iphone and always thing about switching.


Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

This morning DH and I walked outside for almost on hour.

Debbie - I had to get ready to go shopping :) I did find a cute Kate Spade phone case at Best Buy's. Amazon wanted $50 for the same case, at Best Buy I found it for $42 with tax. Not bad! It has white flowers and a touch of rose gold. Very cute!

Kirstin - I bought the new iPhone 10 X plus. I have 2 weeks to decide if I like it. The iiPhone 10 is a lot bigger than my iPhone 5 :) Yes, I still had an iPhone 5 :) It still works, except it drops calls. Alesia wears Brooks, she really like them.

BBL! Belinda

Today I did a shoulder workout with free weights. We also went swimming because the summer is winding down:(

Belinda - I hear that the new iphones take really good pictures. Great job with your walk:)

Kristin - Wow, 18 miles is a lot but it's good that you stop for electrolytes. I think that is the mileage DH changes his sneakers too.

Good morning,

Susanne Bowen started a new TB barre challenge. I did TB Cardio Hiit + walked with DH this morning.

Debbie - it suppose to take great pictures. Haven't tried it yet. Great job with your free weights.

Kirstin - what are you doing today?

Hey guys. I slept the best I have ever slept last night. I actually woke up after 9 this morning. I guess that 18 miler did me in, lol. It was a rainy day here. We spent the day cleaning and then we went to the mall just to get out of the house. I didn't feel like working out, but I did my scheduled workout. I just finished Xtrain Chest, Back, Shoulders, and core #1. My upper body is feeling fried, lol.

We are leaving for Cooperstown on Friday. I still have to do laundry and pack. I also need to plan my runs. The place we are staying at has trails. I am going to use the trails to get my runs in.

Belinda- I had an iphone 5 and would still have it if it weren't for the fact that I dropped it and it cracked the screen cracked into a million pieces. The amount I was going to have to pay to repair it was not much less than getting a new phone. I know the iphones are getting bigger, lol. My 13 year old son wants the 10X. I told him to start saving his money, lol.

Deb- does your husband run races too?


Hi ,

Today I took a kickboxing class at the gym. It was rainy here today and just made me tired LOL. There has been so much flooding in towns near us it’s scary.

Belinda - I have been having problems with my phones battery but read they may be giving a special since it was a mistake on Apple’s part. I need to do some barre work too.

Kristin- That is nice that you’ll have trails to run on:). DH doesn’t run races anymore but running is his preferred cardio. He no longer runs outside because of the high impact so just the treadmill and occasionally outside in Florida.


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