Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did an Muscle Max upper body premix. It was a beautiful day, nice not to have to use the a/c in car & house:)

Belinda - When I see you do a barre workout it reminds me must do one!

Kristin - My family is disappointed Staten Island is out of the LL world series:(


JS Concentrated Abs + walk at the river is done.

Debbie - I love barre workouts. Especially lower. Great job yesterday.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today I walked on the treadmill. We are going to grab a bite to eat.

Belinda - Walk at the river sounds nice!

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend:)
Hi Debbie.

walk and abs is done.\\

Debbie - the walk was fun. Alesia did the walk with us. We walked 3.5 miles. nice job on the treadmill walk.

Have a great weekend.
Hey guys. I am back!

Cooperstown was amazing. The team started out on a losing streak. I started to think they would lose every game. They lost the first three games. We thought there was no way in hell they would get into the playoffs. However, they rallied and won the next three games, giving them a shot. They made it all the way to the quarter finals and then lost. The playoff games were INTENSE. The first playoff game they were tied, bottom of the 6th (the games are six innings, unless you are tied, you go into extra innings). We are at bat. First batter strikes out. My DS hits a double, gets on second, then steals third. The next batter strikes out. The last batter hit a single. My DS scores a run, game over, we won, we move on. The second playoff game, they were losing in the first inning 7-2. We thought this is it, it is over. However, it started to pour. They had to delay the game. When the rain cleared and the field was ready to play, the boys rallied and scored 15 runs. The final out of the game, my son in RF catches a ball over his head to get the final out. The last playoff game was a heartbreaker. We were tied 4-4. Went into an extra inning. A kid on our team hit a homerun. We just had to hold the team, not allow them to score and we win. Unfortunately, the other team had a kid hit a grand slam. The game was over. The boys were heartbroken. My DS came out in tears.

They played so well, and never game up. I was so proud of them and of DS. Overall, it was an amazing experience.

I did do some runs while I was there. The place we stayed at was in the middle of the Catskills. The roads were extremely hilly. I ran 4 miles Saturday, 5 miles Monday, and 6 miles Thursday. My legs and butt were killing me from the hills. The All Star Village is also extremely hilly. I burned a lot of calories there!

We drove home Friday. Saturday was my anniversary, and I was way too tired from the drive to workout. DH and I went out to dinner and had a great night. Today I ran 3.5 miles, plus I did Xtrain Bis and Tris plus core #2. Tomorrow I am running 20 miles, :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:. Then I have a meeting at school and I want to set up my room. I need lots of energy for tomorrow.

Belinda- I ended up running on the streets by the place that we stayed. No cars on the road, just tractors, lol. At some moments I would think of Rocky movie scenes. Other times, I would think of Deliverance :eek: and get a little scared because I was in the middle of nowhere. I ran past run down farms and houses. I realized I was all by myself with a water bottle and a cell phone with no service. Then I would start running back to the cabin.

Deb- We were watching a bit of the series at home. DS and DH are really into it.



walked with DH this morning and did TOTAL BODY GIANT SETS premix # 1 (LB)).

Kristin - congratulations on your son and anniversary. Great job on your runs.

Debbie - hope you had a great weekend.

That's it for me. I will try to be back later.

I thought I checked in the last couple of days:confused: On Saturday, my SIL and I went to meet 2 of our friends at Long Beach, NY it was the 1st time I was at that beach and it was nice:) On Sunday I did upper body workout and went in my in-laws pool. Today I did walking lunges and a you-tube band workout.

Belinda - That is nice that you walk with your DD:) Are things getting easier for you with regards to Brawler?

Kristin - Wow, the games sounded exciting, it will be a nice memory for your family:) My DH used to run in the Catskill mountains when we visited, it does have it's pluses and minuses. I hope you aren't too sore from your 20 mile run! Happy Anniversary:)

Hi everyone,

Sorry for been so short lately. Just found out my nephew from Germany is coming this Saturday. It's suppose to be a surprise, lol. I found out about it when my brother in law called the other day and kinda gave it away talking to my husband. DH had no choice but to tell me. Getting ready for him. I am super excited he is coming :) He is gonna be here for 2 weeks. Not sure, what I will do workout wise while he is here?

Today I walked and did Stopwatch abs with SB.

Debbie - my husband needs knee and back surgery soon. Walking is the only cardio he can do at the moment. I am not doing great regards to Brawler. I miss Brawler so much. He sure left his paw print in my heart :( It's been 2 month since his passing :( I feel like it was yesterday.

That's it for me today. Have a great evening.

DH and I planned a last minute trip to Atlantic City we arrived later this afternoon and will stay a couple of days. It seems pretty crowded so far:(. We don’t gamble too much but will do lots of walking.

Belinda - That is exciting about your nephew visiting:). It is sweet what you said about Brawler leaving a paw print on your heart. It’s been almost 10 years since our dog died and DH is still sad about it.

Kristin - Be careful running the next couple of days supposed to be dangerously hot.

Good morning,

Walk and S&S premix 2 is done.

Debbie - have fun in Atlantic City. I am super excited to see my nephew :) I miss my Brawler :(

Kirstin - where are you?

I will try to be back later.

We did so much walking today, we walked on the boardwalk and it was surprisingly nice breeze. We didn’t lose too much feels like we are eating a lot.

Belinda - Is this your nephews 1st time in the states?

Waves hi to Kristin:)


Forgot to post this morning. I walked and did SBF UB + abs.

Debbie - it's my nephews 2nd time in the states. He came when my son got married 2 years ago.
your walk sounds lovely. Enjoy your vacations.

I will be back tomorrow.

I did an upper body workout when I came home. I'm so tired so hope to get a good night sleep. Ugh, on the fact they allow smoking in the casinos. There are some non-smoking sections but they are right next to the smoking sections:rolleyes:

Belinda - Your nephew is coming at a nice time of year:)

Kristin - The weather man said tomorrow will be a nice day for running:)

Hey guys. Sorry I fell off the planet this week. Monday morning I did my long run with my partner. We did 20 miles :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:. I was so proud when we were done. Then I went to my school to set up my room and meet with my new principal. DH and my younger DS came along. It was nice. The principal really listened to our concerns (the other rep and I). But then, I started to feel as if I was getting an ear-ache. Sure enough, Tuesday morning I woke up with a wicked head cold. I was very congested and miserable. I rested Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday I felt a little better, but not enough to work out. I went school shopping for myself and the boys and I was exhausted when I got home, so rested again. Friday I went to see my mom and continued to get ready for school. I think the cold was the result of the change in weather at Cooperstown. I would wake up to 55 degrees.

I finally felt good enough to run yesterday. I did 4 miles, easy pace. This morning I did a 5K run on my own, and finished in 27:19, not bad. I am feeling better every day.

Tomorrow I am supposed to do another long run. The longest of them all until the marathon. . . 22 miles. Hoping I feel up to it.
We will be spending our day at the baseball field, of course. DS is in a Labor Day tournament.

I am planning on doing a quick weight workout. . . maybe Push and Pull, or something with a premix. I will update later.

I will be back for personals later.

Happy Labor Day!

I ended up doing Flex Train. A bit of metabolic, a bit of high reps, a good ab workout. Anyway. . . it is done. I need to jump in the shower and get ready.

Belinda- I am so sorry about Brawler's passing and how it has affected you. I can only expect I will feel the same devastation when it is Baxter's time. Dogs are so special. They have qualities that are so hard to find in humans: unfaltering loyalty and devotion, living in the moment, being happy with simplicities in life. No one and nothing can replace them. It is exciting that you are having your nephew coming to visit.

Deb- I hate going to casinos for that reason- the smoke. I used to smoke in my teens and early 20's. Sometimes when I am really stressed, I still feel the urge to smoke. I cannot stand to be in smoke-filled rooms though. In casinos, smoking sections get filled with so much smoke, it is inevitable it seeps into the nonsmoking sections.



It's been a busy weekend (it was my birthday Saturday) my eating has been terrible, workouts not good either. Tomorrow that will change! I really don't feel well when everything is not balanced.

We have been going to my in-laws pool which is nice and tomorrow is a BBQ.

Belinda - I hope you are enjoying the weekend!

Kristin - You are knocking out of the park with your runs:) It's hard to believe school will start soon:( the summer just went by too fast!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend:)

Happy Labor Day!​

Today I went to yoga class. My nieces finance was there trying out the class. It was warm yoga studio but he likes the hot yoga better. I like to mix it up. Afterwards we went to my in laws for a BBQ. I didn’t get a chance to go in the pool with the cooking but maybe during the week.

I hope you enjoyed the weekend!


Today I did the treadmill. I ended up going to the motor vehicles 2x because I thought I had the wrong insurance card for the inspection but the inspector said it wouldn't have been a problem:rolleyes: Geez, the one time I don't ask questions:)

Belinda - You must be busy with your nephew:)

Kristin - School started here today, so I'm sure you are anyday;)


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