Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a rest day. I have been doing a bunch of Christmas set-ups so I am worn out. I did get all of my steps in at least:) The next 2 days will be easy and to get my workouts in.

Belinda - Have fun on your road trip. The weather was nice today too! I miss walking on the beach:) Kudos for bringing your workouts with you.

Waves hi to Kristin:)


Today I did ICE bi's & tri's meltdown. I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday and I'm off:)

Belinda - I hope you are having a good time:)

Waves hi to Kristin:)


Today I took a warm yoga class. It was hard but good:) Going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin:)

Good morning,

DH and I are back home since last night. DH and I decided to break up our RT due to all the rain, everywhere. We had plans to drive to Nashville it will pour rain. Wednesday we spent walking on the beach, I added up with 18K steps. The weather was perfect for a beach walk. VA beach is very nice, the beach is only 2 hours from DC. We definitely plan to come back. We noticed a lot of dogs on the beach and the hotels, they allow dogs in the hotels and the beach, they were well mannered. Thursday we went to Williamsburg, it was a lot of fun to experience how they lived in the old day's. We spent all day walking around, every enactor actually works for, builds, designs, and makes everything they need to survive in the town, and everything the they sell in shops. The food was authentic and delicious, many of them live on the property as well. It is impossible to put into words, well worth the trip. The weather wasn't to bad a little chilly at times. Friday we went to Williamsburg VA, Jamestown and Yorktown, amazing interactive museums in each town, all of the sites were well designed and maintained. DH and I have to come much to see and not enough time. It was pouring yesterday we did 2 museums which were inside/outside. It was fun to see but not in the pouring rain.

Today's is my DH birthday. Not sure what I will do today?

Debbie - sorry I haven't checked in since Wednesday. Good job keeping up with your workouts.

Kirstin - where are you?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Well, I did go to CF Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Today I ran 5 miles. Tomorrow I am supposed to run 10. It has been a hard week at home. My older DS is 13 and his attitude and nastiness at home has just been driving me to the brink. I truly hate this age. He is so well-behaved in school, but has just been the biggest, brattiest, PIA at home. I took away his phone and video games for the week because of it and every day was a fight because he wanted to get them back and was upset that I would not cave in. Then my other DS is still having problems in school, so it has been just a tough week as a mom. These are the times when I want to call my mom and just vent to her and have her tell me that it is all right or remind me what I was like at that age. . but I can't. :( On top of that, grades are due and I am backed up with what I need to get done.

Belinda- I love Williamsburg. I went when I was a senior in high school. I would love to go again. Maybe a trip this spring or summer for the family.

Deb- I know I say this every year but I cannot believe how all the stores are set up for Christmas already. Even the park where I run. . . they do a lighted Christmas set up and you can take the kids to take a pic with Santa. . . all the lights are up already. It's November 10th people!

Today I took a rest day. I've been so tired lately but today did start to feel better and more energy.

Belinda - Our class trip Senior year of HS was to Virginia Beach, I remember really liking it and wanting to go back but haven't. My Mom has been to Willamsburg and loved it but haven't made it there yet. It sounds like you had a lot of fun:)

Kristin - I could just imagine how hard it was for you this week. Also you are around kids all day so when you don't get a break at home it must be tough. In time it will be all right. Ugh, on the Christmas everywhere even before Halloween! I love fall so it would be nice if I saw pumpkins longer!


I cooked most of the day today, so I didn't get my workout in:( I'm home tomorrow so will try and make-up for it;) How sad is it about the wildfires, the weatherman says part of it can be blamed on global warming:(

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin:)

Good morning,

Yesterday I did a SBF lower barre workout with my DD. I am thinking signing up for BB.

Debbie - I defiantly have to come back to Virginia Beach when the weather is nicer. It was a very nice few day trip. Good job on your workouts and cooking.

Kirstin - my son drove me bunkers that age. Now he is a sweetheart :) It will pass. Hang in here. I miss those day's when I called my mom for any advice :(

I will be back later to report my workout. BBL!
Hey guys. Yesterday I did a 10 mile run with two girlfriends. The one girl I was running with is doing a run/walk training plan for a marathon, so we walked some of it. I ended up going alone the last two miles because the pace was too slow for me and it was cold. I wanted to get it over with and go home. Plus, the place we ran was a bit creepy. It was out east and it was a paved trail in the woods. Well it is hunting season here and we would hear gunshots in the distance. Then we came across three hunters and their dogs. All I could think was we were three women with nothing to defend ourselves but water bottles and these men had guns and dogs. I felt very uncomfortable. And the woods were creepy by themselves, lol. I don't think I will run there again, especially during hunting season.

Anyway, CF only has one class today at 9 a.m. I don't feel like going in and working out so early, so I am going to go for another run today. It works out better this way because the weather is supposed to be crappy tomorrow. Plus, I felt like the run was not that challenging yesterday.

Belinda- thanks. I know this age is a terrible age. I think part of it is I teach middle school, so I deal with it all day. I really don't want to deal with it with my own son, lol. It is different when it is your own child. Most of my students would never pull half the crap this kid has tried to pull the last week. As if once I punished him it was open to negotiations (every day). I don't want to fast forward time, but I want to get passed this part, lol. Not even sure what my mom would tell me. I just would love to be able to talk to her about it.

Deb- wildfires, hurricanes, red tide. . . we need to do something about climate change before it is too late. Imagine if things continue to get worse what our planet will be like for our children and grandchildren!


Lift4 W1 D1 chest/triceps is done. DH and I liked it a lot. You can go as heavy as you want. He does weights first, than Hiit cardio ( he has a modifier) + abs. The weights workout was slow and controlled. Can't wait to do D2 tomorrow. Workout time was 40 min. Not bad!

Kirstin - kids are something that age. Sorry you are going through this at school and at home. Hang in there. You have no idea what my son put me through that age :( Plus, my husband was deployed. It wasn't fun. Great job on your 10 miler.

Waving Hi to Debbie.

I will be back later.
5.50 mile run done. I did mile repeats. So I did one mile slow as a warm-up, then one mile fast, the 1/2 mile slow, and repeat. Here are my pace times:

mile 1- 10:20
mile 2- 8:41
.50 mile recovery- 10:08
mile 3- 8:49
.50 mile recovery0- 10:50
mile 4- 8:32
.50 mile recovery- 11:02

Not bad, my average pace overall was 9:33.

I am going to finish grading and then make dinner.

Belinda- You had to go through this stage with your husband deployed? Ugh! I cannot imagine. That is like being a single mom, so difficult.


Kirstin - yep, I had to go through this stage when my husband deployed to Iraq. DH was deployed for over 17 month. I was a single mom for many years. Kids defiantly test your strength. Great job on your run today.

This is the breakdown of the workout I did today. D1 W1 Chest & Triceps 50/50:
10 reps/3 sets
Chest Press
Skull Crusher

10 reps/3 sets
Chest Fly
Close Grip Tricep Press

10 reps/3 sets
Rotating Chest Press
Tricep Pushups

Cardio/HiiT: 60 sec/15 sec rest
Soccer Ball Kicks
Mountain Climbers
Catcher Squat (burpee to a catch squat)

abs: 30 sec/3 sets
Rope Climb
Windshield wipers

Today I took a hot yoga class. Thursday ends my 1 month unlimited special, so will try to get a bunch in to try different instructors.

Belinda - Was it a BB workout you did today? It sounds like fun:)

Kristin - Great times for your run today! I'm always scared to walk in the woods during hunting season. I always think a bullet could ricochete off of a tree.

Good morning,

Lift4 D2 Biceps & back Circuit = 35 min is done. He packs a lot in 35 min. I was a sweaty mess.I also did SBF abs.

10 reps/ repeat all 4 exercises 3 x
Wide Double Arm Row
W Curl
Double Arm Row
Hammer Curls

10 reps/ repeat all 4 exercises 3 x
Bottom Curl (like the crazy 8's but bottoms only)
Reverse Fly
Top Curl (like in crazy 8's top curls only)

Burn out set: 30 sec/ 3x
Bicep Curl

Abs: 30 sec/3 x
Setup with a twist and alternating legs twist
Plank hold


Debbie - yes, it was :) Really liking them a lot. Great job getting the best out of your unlimited special. Great job!

Kirstin - what are you doing today?

I will be back later.
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Today I did ICE meltdowns for shoulders and back. I'm so bummed we are getting snow on Thursday, on the brighter side I do like the 1st snow fall because it doesn't stick around for long.

Belinda - Good workout today who is the instructor for that workout?

Waves hi to Kristin

Yesterday was a CF workout. We had 30 minutes to complete a pyramid of rounds. I gout through 5 out of 8. Not bad. I used an 18# KB. It was the first time I ever used a KB and it me some time to get accustomed to it, which was strange in my mind.

Here's the rounds I completed: 300 plate jumps (jumping up and down on a 25# plate, 80 KB swings, 40 burpees, 60 KB snatches alternating arms, 75 sit-ups. I burned over 300 calories.

I don't have time for personals, but wanted to check in quickly. I will bbl.

Today is a rest/recovery day on Lift4. I did ended up doing SBF LB circuit.

Debbie - the instructor is Joel Freeman. He is also in Core de France. Great workout yesterday.

Kirstin - your workout sounds interesting. KB are fun.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took a yoga class. Working my schedule around the snow/ice tomorrow:(

Belinda - I never heard of that instructor, will check him out.

Kristin - KB do seem awkward but they do give you a really good workout.

Hey guys.

Last night at CF the workout was called Death by deadlifts and burpees. Oh my! So first we did 15 minutes of clean and squats, which I could not get the hang of, even with lower weight, but whatever. I gave it my best. Then the Death by. . . started.
Each round is a minute. First minute you do 1 deadlift one burpee over the barbell, then rest. Then second minute 2 deadlifts and 2 burpees over the BB. You have to complete each round within the minute, if you do not complete all the reps in the minute, you've hit failure. Then you rest one minute and start again at one until failure again. I got to round 8 the first time, and then round 7 the second time. That means I did a total of 128 deadlifts and 128 burpees!!!! Crazy!

Deb- I see on the news you might be getting a number of inches of snow. Luckily for me, LI is getting rain mostly. Is this a sign that it will be a long winter? :confused:

Belinda- Your workouts sound interesting too!


Good morning,

Lift4 Week 1 Day 3. Shoulders – LIIFT Intervals = 34 min is done. I still have DOMS from Monday and Tuesday. Tomorrow is leg day.

Round 1: 10 reps/3x do all 3 exercises than rest 30 sec.
Shoulder Press
Upright Row
Single Leg Squat Jump (switch after 15 sec)

Round 2: 10 reps/ 3 x - do all 3 exercises than rest 30 sec
Front Raise
Side Raise
Burpee no jump

Round 3: 10 reps/ 3 x - do all 3 exercises than rest 30 sec
W front Raise
Shoulder chest Press
Alternating Jump Lunges

ABS: 30 sec each exercise, 3x
Flutter Kicks
Sit ups w/ arms extended

Kirstin - holy crap on your workout sound brutal. I never get the hang on clean in press. I think Cathe does it on AF? Fantastic job! I couldn't do CF :)

Debbie - do the workouts I listed and see if you like. All you need is s timer. Did you get snow?

Have a great workout, everyone. It snowed here in WV :) We have about 2 inches so far. Brrr....

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