Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I didn't get an official workout in but I did walk a lot. I was up last night with leg pains even Alleve didn't work. This happens a couple of times a year, need to figure out what is causing this.

Belinda - It's good your MIL is doing better. When we are in Florida, we are about 3 miles from Clearwater beach closer to the state park but we go to eat around Clearwater beach.

Kristin - I'm wondering if you are putting on muscle. The diet sounds interesting and a great way to get on track. I like to add a little bit of spices/seasonings and olive oil to cauliflower rice.

Good morning,

I am home again. Yesterday we didn't get home until late evening, we had a late flight out. Glad to be home again.

This morning I started round 2 of L4 D1 Chest/Triceps 50/50.

Debbie - I love Clearwater beach. DH and I needed a break from the rehab center my MIL is staying. My MIL is moving from this center, that place is nasty/very smelly :( I don't blame her for not staying and changing places. The smell was so bad, I had to go outside while DH was visiting his mother. After we visit my husbands mother we spent all day at Clearwater beach. We even watched the sunset and ate dinner at the beach. So beautiful! I wouldn't mind living there, lol. That is nice you family lives that close to Clearwater beach. We took an Uber, it a 40 min ride from Tampa.

Kirstin - I hear you on the weight :( Would you mind posting about the diet you are doing on here? Maybe I can do it with you. I sure, could lose a few pounds myself.

I will be back later.

Today I did BOD Autumn's A Little Obsession. The site was giving me problems yesterday and again today. It was so frustrating. They are having issues but during a chat the girl reset my password and it worked.

Belinda - The sunsets are beautiful on Clearwater beach. DH would really like to move their in the future, I am warming up to the idea too:) It's good that your MIL switched if she didn't like the place. It must be nice to be home and workout at home too!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

L4 Round 2 D2 Back & Biceps Circuit is done.

Debbie - when did you sign up for Beachbody On Demand? Sorry the site is giving your problems. I hope you got it all figured out. I wouldn't mind moving to Clearwater in the future, lol. I will find out today if my MIL got switched to another facility? Need to call this morning.

Kirstin - what are you doing today? Check in, girl :)

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Hey guys. CF yesterday and today. Too cold and windy to run outside. I need to get miles in, but I cannot bear to run when it is cold AND windy out. I was able to do negative pull-ups today. I am hoping to one day be able to do real pull-ups, but it is a step up for me. I usually do ring-rows instead of the negative pull-ups. This week is going very slow. . . cannot wait for the weekend!

Belinda- the diet is called the zone diet. Depending on your weight, height and body fat you are allotted a certain amount of "blocks." I have 13 blocks. I get 3 blocks for each meal (3 meals), and 2 blocks for each snack (2 snacks). You need to have the same amount of blocks for protein, carbs, and fat. So for example, my dinner was 3 blocks: 3 oz. steak, 1/2 cup of brown rice (1.5 blocks of carbs), 15 asparagus spears (1.5 blocks of carbs), and 9 cashews (fat). Most proteins are 1 block per ounce, so 3 blocks mean 3 oz. It's day three. I am starting to crave sugar, lol. Last night I had a dream that I was at a party, late, got home and forgot I was on a diet, and ate an entire bag of Swedish fish. I woke up mad at myself, lol. The truth is I am a candy fiend. It's been three days with not even a Hershey kiss, lol.

Deb- maybe I'll give the cauliflower rice another try tomorrow. . . maybe, lol. I'll add some of the spices you suggested.



Today I took a hot yoga class. The instructor assisted me in a handstand against the wall, I didn't feel comfortable doing it. It was his idea:rolleyes: This month is going so slow, wish the summer would feel this way;)

Belinda - I joined BOD around Thanksgiving but just getting around to doing it. I wanted to try a couple of the series. I'm looking forward to trying Lift after I try a couple of others.

Kristin - My biggest problem is sugar too, I've been having the occasional dark chocolate when I crave sugar. Is the challenge a contest? My family doesn't like cauliflower rice or cauliflower gnocchi (Trader Joe's). I love the cauliflower gnocchi.

Good morning,

L4 Shoulder Interval is done. Doing another purge :) Need to get it out of the house today, lol

Debbie - that is wonderful you joined BOD. You should do L4 with me, lol. How are you liking Autumn's A Little Obsession?

Kirstin - you can do it! Thanks for the breakdown on your diet. I hear you on the sweets. I have a sweet tooth. I am cleaning up my diet too. Just trying to eat healthier. I love anything with cauliflower.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. CF class was awesome. We had three rounds. First round was 12 minutes- 30 double-unders or 60 single jump-ropes, then 10 deficit push-ups, as many rounds as you can fit in 12 minutes. Then second round was 6 minutes as many clean and presses you could do with the barbell (I used 65# BB). third round was 10 calories on machine and 20 rollouts, as many rounds as you can get. I burned over 300 calories in 30 minutes. Not bad! And it's day 4. . . sticking to the diet.

Belinda- My trainer suggested sauteeing the cauliflower rice in olive oil and adding spices. It was a little bit better that way. . . I will keep trying to incorporate it.

Deb- It's not a contest, but everyone is very competitive. . . and so am I. I like to be in the top, lol.

BB tomorrow,


Today I did A Little Obsessed, Booty w/o. The workouts are short 30 min. but I do like them.

Belinda - I should do Lift, it sounds like I would like it. I'm trying to purge too!

Kristin - Awesome workout! I think it will make it help that you are doing the diet with others:)

Good morning,

L4 Round 2 Week 1- Workout #4 – Legs LIIFT 50/50 = 40 min is done.

10 reps/ 3 sets
Front squat - 20's
Dead lifts - 20's

SS 2:
Goblet Squat with 1 DB - 25's
back lunges - 20's

SS 3:
Hip bridge with DB's - 15's
Calf raises straight/ angled in/ angled out) - 20's

HIIT: 60 sec/45 sec/30 sec/rest 15 sec each set. I did all the HiiT workouts expect the bear hop on my JumpSport.
High knee runs
Bear hop
Squat jumps

Abs – 30 sec/ 3 sets
Prayer crunches
Planks on your elbows w/ alternating leg lifts


Debbie - do L4 with me. Than we do A Little Obsessed together. It's always fun doing it together.

Kirstin - I agree sauteeing the cauliflower rice in olive oil and adding spices. I usually add a little fresh garlic too. WTG, keeping up with your diet. Would you mind posting your food daily? This way we can join you :)

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today I took a hot yoga class. We are going to grab a bite to eat. It is really cold here!!

Belinda - I will start Lift this weekend:) It looks like fun!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did a walking workout this morning.

Debbie - yeah!! I think you like L4. Plus, the workouts are short. Great job on your hot yoga class.

Hallo Kirstin!

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Yesterday I started L4 Chest & triceps. I really liked it but think I should have picked lighter weights. Today I took a rest day. It was so cold today, spent most of the day catching up on paperwork.

Belinda - I like that the workouts are short, also his cuing is very good! I did do the modifications for Hiit.

Waves hi to Kristin

L4 Round 2 Week 2 Workout #5 Chest & Triceps Circuit = 39 Minutes.

Round 1:
4 exercises/10 reps/3x
Decline chest - 20's
Skull crusher - 15's
Rotating chest press - 20's
1 Arm triceps extensions - 15's

Round 2:
Chest press - 20's
Close grip tricep press - 20's
Chest fly - 20's
Tricep kickbacks - 12's

Burnout round: 30 sec/ 3 sets
Wide pushup
Tricep pushup

Abs: 30 sec /3 sets
Flutter kicks with crunches w/ DB
Windshield wipers


Debbie - fantastic job yesterday. Glad you like L4. I went lighter the first few weeks. You get familiar with all the exercises.

Kirstin - where are you?

I've been going to CF for the last three days. Sticking with the diet.

Here is a sample day for me:

This morning I had 1 hard boiled egg, and 2 egg whites, 1 ounce of Canadian bacon and 3/4 of an English muffin, a little butter and 3 almonds.

Lunch was 3 ounces of grilled chicken, 4.5 tablespoons of brown rice and 18 asparagus spears, plus 1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter

Snack: 1 hard boiled egg, 1.5 graham crackers and 1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter

Dinner: 3 ounces of chicken 4.5 tablespoons of brown rice and 18 asparagus spears (same as lunch, didn't realize I microwaved same meal, lol).

Now I am having 1 scoop of protein powder with coconut water. If I am hungry after I will have 2 egg whites, 1 rice cake with 1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter.

I will be back tomorrow with personals.


Today I did L4 W1 Back & bi's. I like that they add a short ab workout at the end. It forces me to do them;)

Belinda - It felt like I went a little light on some exercises today. I'm sure your right in a few weeks it will bet easier to figure out:)

Kristin - It looks like you are eating a lot but really healthy! I never thought to have protein powder with coconut water.

Good morning,

L4 D2 Round 2 Back/Biceps Lift 50/50 is done.

SS 1:
Rows - 20's
Reverse Flys - 12's

SS 2:
Wide Rows - 12's
Hammer Curls - 15's

SS 3:
Full Curl - 15's
Wide Curl - first set 15's, dropped to 12's. My biceps were fried at this point.

HiT: 3 rounds/ 30 sec. I started using my rebounder for the the high impact the 2nd round.
Single Leg Plyo jumps - on the rebounder
Twisted Mountains Climbers
Squat Jumps - on my rebounder

Side Reachers
Planks with shoulder taps

Kirstin - how many cal do you eat in a day? Looks very healthy. WTG, on your workouts and eating.

Debbie - you get used to the workouts and what weights too use. Sometimes going heavy just not happening, lol. Like today :) I fatigued very quickly. Thank goodness, tomorrow is a rest day. I been doing the workouts back to back. I will take a rest day from lifting tomorrow. Your muscles need the rest.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Back from CF today. The workout was called Death By 2X. There were five exercises on the board. We had to pick two to do. You do one rep the first minute, then 2 reps the second minute and so on. I chose to do goblet squats and plate sit-ups.For goblet squats I used a 35# DB and got to 14 rounds, total of 105 squats. For sit-ups, I used a 25# plate, you complete the sit up with the plate up. I did 15 rounds for 120. It was a great workout and my abs and legs are sore already. Oh, and I went on my home scale just to see how I am progressing. . . I am down 5 pounds. Not bad!

I forgot to tell you yesterday the protein powder/coconut water is a freebie. I do not have to log it in unless I have more than one a day.

Deb- I don't like coconut water by itself. My trainer insisted I use it instead of regular water for the protein shake. I scoop with 28 oz. of coconut water gives me a 2P 4C (freebie) for recovery. I am supposed to drink it after the workout. It tastes pretty good, I must say.

Belinda- I am not counting calories, so I am not sure what that amounts to. Here's today's meals/snacks:

BF (same as yesterday)
Snack: 1 hard boiled egg, 1.5 graham crackers, 3 almonds
Lunch- 3 oz. chicken 4.5 tablespoons of brown rice, 18 asparagus spears, 6 almonds
Snack- 1 HB egg, rice cake with 1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter, milk (skim)
protein powder scoop with coconut water after workout
Dinner- 3 oz. flank steak, 2 cups of green beans, 3 tablespoons of rice
I can have 1 more snack today. Will probably opt for an ounce of ham for protein, 1.5 graham crackers and a 1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter, lol.



Today I did Lite Rev'd Up Rumble. I really liked this one it reminded me of KPC. I'm going to combine L4 and the new Lite workouts for the next month. I prepared some food for the rest of the week (egg cups and protein muffins).

Belinda - At first I was going to do L4 everyday but I realized I would burn out too quickly so decided to mix it up with Lite workouts. I do like that you lift slower in L4 because I tend to go too fast.

Kristin - I love graham crackers, is there a reason you would eat them over another cracker? I don't like coconut water on it's own either, will have to try with protein powder. Great job with your workout!

This morning I did JS 2 mile Power walk. I also did SBF Butt Lift.

Debbie - great job yesterday. Are there any new moves in Lite? I think mixing the cardio workouts from Lite is a great idea. I wouldn't mix the Lite weights with L4. You probably overtraining mixing 2 lifting styles, IMO! I ask that question when I started L4. I was advised to follow L4 as written or I wouldn't see the results. Your body needs to recover from L4.

Kirstin - thanks for the breakdown on your food. It looks super healthy. You doing an amazing job with your food and training. Keep up the good work. How is your mom and dad doing?

That's it for me today.

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