Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today we did lots of walking. One of our friends that we visit had some heart issues not sure if she is up for a visit yet.

Belinda - I hope your internet problems are worked out.

Kristin - Hope you are enjoying your break.

Good morning,

L4 Week 7 Day 3 Shoulders & Arms – Circuit is done.

Debbie - I hope your friend feels better soon. Good job on that walk

Kirstin - what are you up too?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. We got hit with snow yesterday. Today it is 50 degrees out and all the snow melted. WTH is going on? lol. I ran today, 6 miles. Yesterday I did CF. Our final weigh-in is Friday. I definitely did not win. I think I lost 10 pounds, but I am going by my scale, not theirs. Some people lost over 20. This diet is definitely not for me. I was eating the same thing every day. Now that it is over tomorrow, I plan on continuing to eat clean and making sure I get enough veggies and protein every day, but I look forward to having a bagel on a Sunday morning or pizza without the guilt. I am also looking forward to not weighing my food anymore.

After lunch my younger DS and I are going to take the dog to the doggy beach. If no one else is around, I am going to let him loose, lol. He will enjoy that.

Belinda- Thanks for the info on the new workouts. Between CF and running, I just don't have time for the dvd workouts. My dvd player broke too, lol. I hear you about the old crew. I miss seeing their faces too.

Deb- I am glad you are going on the RT again. I know how much you enjoy them. You'll have to tell Paulette I said hello.


Kirstin - we had lots of snow here too. Today it's in the 50's. These weather is making me super tired, lol. Congratulations on your final weight in yesterday. Even though you didn't win, you won anyway for sticking with it. You are doing fantastic with CF and your eating. I wouldn't be losing 20 pounds either, I like food. Life is to short to worry about every morsel I put into my mouth, IMO! I wrote all the exercises down, if you want to give them a try one day. Or just copy them of here. I'll be honest, I am not into dvd's anymore. Never though I would say that.....but I haven't bought any in years. Wished Cathe would bring back the old crew. Oh well!! I like streaming, youtube or downloads these day's. Have fun at the dog park today.

Today we walked the beach and I did L4 W4 Back & Bi’s. I’m going to bed early, I have been eating too many carbs and making me tired.

Belinda - Wow it must be nice to be in the 50s after the snow!

Kristin - Everything Belinda said is true about your weight loss:) The dog beach sounds like fun!

Good morning,

L4 Week 7 TB HiiT + 30 min walk is done. After I am done with L4, I will do 80 Day Obsession with the meal plan.

Debbie - it was nice yesterday. DH said we suppose to get snow next week again :( The snow is almost melted. I am so done with the snow/winter. Need sunshine! Great job getting your walk in and L4 W4 Back & Bi’s.

Kirstin - what are your plans today?

That's it for me today. BBL!

Today took a long walk and did abs. Not much else going on.

Belinda - I didn’t check out the eating plan with 80 day obsession, not sure why. It must be hard you are probably used to Texas weather. The winters seem to be longer in the North. I’m hoping March will show signs of Spring.

Waves hi to Kristin

Woke up this morning with a sinus infection. Taking a rest day.

Debbie - we only lived in TX for a few years. Don't like extreme heat/or cold. I hope you right about March getting warmer. Looking forward to warmer weather. Nice job on that walk.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a long walk & L4 W4 shoulders. DH thought he lost his wallet but TG he found it in the condo. Years ago when my dis was an infant we couldn’t find the rental car keys. It was the morning we were going to the airport. We checked everywhere from the garbage to his diaper. We took a car service to the airport and didn’t find the car keys till 2 years later, it was on the bottom of an artificial plant.

Belinda - I hope you feel better:(

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Yesterday ended up being a rest day, I wasn't feeling well. The weather is messing with my sinus. My nose was all stuffed up, couldn't breath. My head was killing me. I am glad I rested.

DH and I started L4 Week 8 Day 1 Chest & Back – Circuit today. He has to go into work early, no time to get a workout in. We also walked 4 miles.

Debbie - nice job on the long walk and keeping up with L4. Glad your husband found his wallet. Those things happened to us too, lol.

Kirstin - I miss your daily check ins :(

I will try to be back later. Have a great Sunday everyone.
Hey guys. Friday was a CF workout with a final weigh-in. I was right, 10 pounds. I probably gained them back already, lmao. I've had pizza and candy and five guys burgers. I'm making a Puerto Rican pernil (roasted pork with skin) with Spanish rice for dinner tonight. BAck to the clean eating tomorrow. Saturday I ran 5 miles. I ran a warm-up mile, then three tempo run miles (my times for each mile was under 9 minutes: 8:42, 8:43, 8:48). Then a cool down mile. It was a great run. Today, I went to CF then ran 2 recovery miles after.

Tomorrow it is back to reality. Why can't I be a housewife? I would be waking up, putting the kids on the bus and then I could go for a run or go to a CF class, and take my time, lol. Instead, I am going to be waking up with the moon still out and rushing through my day, lol. Why can't I be rich? haha.

Belinda- I am sorry I haven't been regularly. I forget. Friday after CF, I had errands to run and friends over for dinner. Saturday was shopping. . . I needed to get new running sneakers. I had been running in the same pair for over 6 months.

Deb- I would be freaking out if I couldn't find the keys and had to be at the airport. How stressful that must've been and with an infant!



Today was a long walk. We went to a tiki bar today, the music was good but the food and service terrible.

Belinda - I could see how the weather would mess with your sinuses the temps are all over the place.

Kristin - We lucked out when my son lost the key because it was before 9/11. The security was minimum and you could get to the airport and plane last minute. Your run was great and your dinner sounds yummy!


I did a 5 mile walk + Barre Interval. I been cleaned out my mudroom today, got rid of a lot of stuff. I still have to take everything in my car. It looks like we are moving this year. Our town will build a toxic installation factory close by (right to an elementary school too) I didn't move in the country to suck up toxins :(

Debbie - the weather always played a roll with my sinus. I can't remember the last time my noise was so stuffed up, I couldn't break. Alesia is dealing with sinus problems too. Sorry about the service and bad food.

Kirstin - we miss you :( Your pork roast sounds so yummy. How do you make it? I hope you found the perfect running shoes. Get back on track and you should be fine. You inspired me to clean up my eating.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach and L4 W4 Legs. Both of you are motivating me to eat better when I get back. I’m going to take out my portion containers!

DH and I have been down the 3 couples we visit while in Florida, one of the spouses is hospitalized dealing with either heart problems or cancer:(. They are only in there 60s.

Belinda - Barre sounds like fun! I agree living near a toxic factory can’t be good. I’m wondering if your town can fight it.

Kristin - Easter is so late this year, will your spring break still be around Easter?

L4 R2 Week 8 Shoulder & Arm Circuit plus Barre workout (core mostly is done). Two more workouts I am done with Lift 4.

Debbie - I wished I could walk on the beach. Good job on your Lift leg workout yesterday. I posted an article on FB, maybe you have time to read it. My town is fighting it, Rockwool is multimillion $$ cooperation from Denmark. I wasn't gonna move this year, but I I have too I will.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Good night.

Today it rained really hard all day. I did a Cathe Live total body workout. We ran errands and I started cleaning the condo.

Belinda - I will read the fb article tomorrow, sounds interesting. Awesome job for being so close to finishing L4.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did a short walk + SBF TB Barre.

Debbie - since you cleaning the condo, does that mean you leaving soon. Hope the weather is better today. I am almost done with L4.

Hi Kirstin - check in, girl!


Today we walked the beach, the weather was good till late afternoon but it worked out. We leave Florida on Friday.

Belinda - I read the article on fb, it’s sad that these companies get away with this :( Good job with your workout today! How are you feeling?

Hi Kristin

Good morning,

L4 Shoulder & Arm Circuit + 3 mile walk is done. It is cold outside.

Debbie - it is very sad that sees companies getting away with this. I live in the country, small town. No way, I am staying here with this going on. They building the installation factory a half a mile from a elementary school. Take about fresh air. I am preparing to sell my house. I am going through my house, everything that I don't want to move is going out. Enjoy your beach walks. It's so cold here.

Kirstin - how long have you been doing CF? Do you plan on revising your dvd's or will you stick with CF?

I will be back later. need to clean my house out.

Today we went on a long walk. Tomorrow we go home. We also had lunch with our Canadian friends and caught up. When we were talking the US gun laws were brought up, and they can’t believe how easy it is to get a gun in the US. It is not like that in Canada.

Belinda - The good thing you have been decluttering if you move. It’s just ashame you would have to move unexpectedly.

Waves hi to Kristin


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