Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

D8 TB Core is done.I like how she changes things up each week. Today everything was done in 10 reps/3 rounds. That was tough. I have to admit, time flies on those workouts. Doesn't feel like I am work out for an hour.

Debbie - hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday. I can't believe it's string this week either :( It's so cold outside. I watched the Tiny house show before. Love how little they own and survive. DH and I lived in an RV, it was 35 long. That was tiny. You wouldn't believe the crap I stuffed in there. I also had my gym area. I should have a picture somewhere. Need to look for it this week.

Kirstin - how is Baxter doing?ChuChu started to get scared walking down the stairs, out bedroom is upstairs. It took me awhile to get him down. Maybe he can't see the stairs well anymore, his eye site isn't that great anymore. He has a gray cover over his eye's :( We took him to the vet, he said it's from aging. He is over 14 years old. My husband slept in the living room with ChuChu last night. I guess, we have to take turns sleeping in the living room. So many bad memories are coming back. I slept in the living room with Brawler for over 1.5 years :( I was going to sleep in the living room with ChuChu, but DH insisted I sleep upstairs.

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Hey guys. This weekend went by so fast. I was able to get in my workouts on top of a lot of cleaning and grading. Saturday I did my long run of 7 miles. Sunday I went to CF. We did a circuit workout with partners. I crushed 270 calories in 35 minutes. Not bad. Today, despite the wind, I went for a 5 mile run. I am happy with my split times. My goal for the half marathon in May is to get under 2 hours. In order to succeed, I need a 9:10 min mile pace. With the wind today, I had a 9:23 mile pace. I am so close to getting there, lol.

Anyway, I am pretty much all caught up with work. I am looking forward to Easter break. Once that comes, the year flies.

Baxter seemed to be doing better, stepping on his leg. Then yesterday, he started hobbling on it again, lifting it up and walking on three legs instead of 4. I am so nervous he is going to need to the surgery. I really hope that is not the case. I have been putting the peppermint oil. I upped his pain pills from 2 a day to 3. I am hoping this helps him. Today he is walking on all fours again, but you can tell the one leg is bothering him.

Belinda- My boys have been sleeping with Baxter in the living room. Yesterday, he followed me around. He stayed in the office with me the entire time I graded essays, which took hours. I felt so guilty. All he wanted was me. So I slept with him in the living room last night. Tonight I will let the boys sleep with him again. I did n't sleep well on the couch. I guess we will be taking turns until he gets better.

Deb- I have seen Tiny Houses. It always intrigues me. The thing is, we had a tiny house, well 850 square foot house. It was too small once we had the boys. If we didn't have kids, it would be perfect for us, lol. The mortgage was cheap too. Now we rent it out. We were underwater when we bought our house we are in now, so we have rented it out ever since. We are actually replacing the carpet in it and splitting the cost with the tenant. You want to know the cost to carpet the living room and two tiny bedrooms, $950. That is how small it is, lol.



Today I did L4 W6 Shoulders. It is taking me a long time but I will finish L4;)

Belinda - 1.5 years is a long time to sleep on the couch with Brawler but I'm sure it was worth it. I'm sure living in an RV is harder than the tiny houses;) Do you still have the RV?

Kristin - Great job with your race time, look forward to hearing about your May race:) Living in a small house with the boys and Baxter would be tough. I'm keeping my fingers crossed everything will work out with Baxter.

Good morning,

Day 9 LB is done. I will do a nice stretch later today.

Debbie - you are almost done with L4 :) Two more weeks. Doesn't matter how long you take, you are finishing it. WTG! I hope I make it through my rotation without any problems.Yeap, I slept with Brawler in the living room that long :( You get so used to it, I almost forgot how long it was :( Actually living in the RV wasn't hard at all. We had a bedroom, full kitchen and full bathroom with a huge shower and living room. We lived in the RV for over 8 month with 2 dogs until we could move into our current house. No, we don't have an RV anymore. The RV got damaged (totaled) when DS got married 3 years ago.

Kirstin - wtg, with your race time. Your next one is just around the corner. You will get there with your pace :) Running against the wind is never fun. It was very windy/cold here too. cute your boy's slept with Baxter. It's hard especially if they that young to keep them still. It's for his own benefit. This time will pass, before you know it he will be running again. It may heal on it's own. It may take some time. Dogs are not different than humans. The X-rays didn't show anything broken, right? Sending positive vibes that all workouts out.

That's it for me. Need to shower than get some work done. BBL!

Today I walk/ran on the treadmill. My boss is trying to get a replacement for NYC, she asked me and I said no way. I'm trying to cut down on work, DH is just about retired.

Belinda - You will finish 80 day too:) I haven't been in an RV since the 70's when my Uncle owned one. I am sure they have changed since then. The table would turn into a bed and the bathroom was tiny like an airplane:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Day 10 Cardio is done. Great cardio workout. I modified for the most part in the cardio I still was sweating like crazy. Time went by fast. 70 more workouts to go!

Debbie - I am loving these workouts. They are so much fun. We had so many problems with the RV, we decided not to get one anymore. They are a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. I rather fly these day's and check into a nice hotel :) RV changed a lot. Our RV, had a huge bathroom/w a huge shower. The table did turned into a bed in ours too, but it was too small for an adult to sleep on :( maybe for kid, lol. It was very roomy. Maybe we will get on in the future? Who knows? Right now we enjoy traveling by plan or car.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I went for runs yesterday and today. Yesterday was a recovery run of 3 miles. Today I was going to go to CF, but the weatherman is predicting we will rain the next two days, and I have to up my mileage to prepare for the half marathon, so I went for a run instead. Today's run was a speed workout: 1-mile warmup, then 1-minute fast sprint, 1 minute slow 8 times, then 1 mile slow. I ran a total of 4 miles. So far this week I have run a total of 12 miles. Saturday I will go for a long run of 8-10 miles. I just hope it isn't so windy, lol.

Belinda- We haven't done x-rays yet. The vet said to give it two weeks. If it isn't better to go back for x-rays. I think we will be going back. He stands on it, but I can tell he is not 100% better.

Deb- It must be exciting for your DH to be getting ready to retire. Will you keep working when he retires or will you retire too? I am trying to pay down my debt so that when it is time to retire I can really enjoy myself. Of course, if Baxter needs surgery that is going to be hard to do now.



Today I did L4 W6 Legs. It supposed to rain all day tomorrow and I have a lot of errands to run:rolleyes:

Belinda - It seems like a lot of workout but it does go quickly, great job! I can't even imagine how much gas costs for an RV:eek:

Kristin - The last 2 days seemed like good ones for running:) I have cut down on working a lot and like it. Covering for NYC store is just wearing me out. It's 3 1/2 hours work but 3 1/2 hours traveling, just doesn't make sense. Fingers crossed we find someone to take the job.

Good morning,

D11 UB + SBF stretch is done.

Debbie - gas for an RV is expensive :( especially if you drive cross country. Great job yesterday. It's raining here. Wow, you are spending lots of hours just getting to work. Fingers crossed someone will take over. I also cut back on my workouts. Once my SBF subscriptions ends I will cut even more.

Kirstin - got you :) Brawler strained his leg a once, it took almost 2 weeks before we saw an improvement. The vet did x-rays but couldn't see something. Sometimes it's better to give it some time. Nice job on your 4 miler. Did I mention Aleisa signed up for another 10 miler? She signed up, didn't think she would get in. Guess, what? Now she is training for another 10 miler. LOL!

I will try to be back later. Have a great day and workout, ladies.
Hey guys. CF workout today. It was with a partner. One partner works, the other planks. We had to do 900 single jump ropes, 200 feet over penalty box (burns core and quads), 100 calories, and then 10 rope climbs. After, we did deadlifts 3X RM. I took it easy with my back and worked up to 125#.

Tomorrow, I will probably do CF again and then a long run on Saturday.

I decided not to do the NYC marathon through charity. I am scared I will be stuck having to pay a lot of money if I don't raise the required $3600. Instead, I found out the Philadelphia marathon is in November and is $110 to register. No qualifying time needed. I am trying to talk my friend and cousin into doing it with me. I am going to do it either way, but it would be fun to do it with someone else.

Anyway, that's it for me. Happy tomorrow is Friday!

Belinda- that's awesome about Alesia doing a 10 miler. Now that I am running regularly again, I realized how much I missed it over the winter. It gets dark too fast and way too cold to run regularly. Now I feel so much better begin able to run in sunlight and the weather is warmer, even if it is 40 degrees out. I am hoping that Baxter's x-rays will show he does not need surgery.

Deb- I hear you on commuting being tiring, especially to the city. DH gets really burnt out when he has to commute to NJ or NYC for more than one or two days a week.



Today I didn't get a workout in because I needed to get my taxes done. It is such a relief to have them finished:) I did do lots of walking today.

Belinda - Will you go watch Aleisa's race?

Kristin - Your CF workout sounded tough! In sounds silly but every night it makes me so happy it is lighter later:) I hope someday they do away with changing the clocks. They are trying to do that in Florida.

Good morning,

Day 12 leg day is done.

Debbie - we plan on watching her race. We defiantly will watch her through an app the race provides if we don't get into DC that day. It's gonna be very crowed. Hope you got all your taxes done.

Kirstin - very impressive weights :) WTG! That's a lot of weight if you have back problems. Be careful! That's a lot of $$ for a raise :( Good luck, if you decide to go. I have to admit, I do miss running once in awhile :( My knees can't handle it anymore. Alesia, signed up not thinking she would get in :D She got in, lol! I hear you on the weather. Yesterday it was raining nonstop. I can't wait for warmer weather. It's freezing cold outside. Fingers crossed Baxter's x rays will come out normal.

Have a great Friday and workout. BBL!

Today I did Cathe Lite PHA2 for the 1st time and really liked it. It was a stressful day, happy it the weekend!!!

Belinda - I forgot you told us you can watch the race on an app that is awesome! I like leg day w/80 day:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

D13 Cardio is done. This one is probably the toughest workout so far. I probably will do a stretch later today.

Debbie - I like the leg workouts too. Great job yesterday. You doing L4 and Cathe live?

Kirstin - hope you having a great weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Tomorrow I will do a nice stretch. My body needs it.

It was a busy weekend, I didn't get my workkouts in:( Yesterday my friends came from Long Island, I had lunch with them but needed to leave early. DH had bought me play tickets for Christmas to see The Temptations Saturday night. It was a really good play:) Today I spent the day making me monthly sauce and laundry max.

Belinda - I am doing L4 and Cathe Lite and some Cathe Live workouts. A stretch should be really good for you today:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Took a rest day yesterday. DH and I went out for dinner to a vegan restaurant. No I am not a vegan or vegetarian. I like to eat a little heather and the food is amazing. Don't even miss the meat.

Week 3 D1 TB is done.

Debbie - wow, doing L4 and Cathe live. That's tough. I never got the stretch in either. Need to get better at it.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Have a wonderful Monday. BBL!

Today I did L4 W7 Chest & tri's. DH was next door visiting my neighbor and ran into his daughter (my favorite yoga instructor) and she mentioned I haven't been there:eek: It's been hard getting to yoga while going to NYC. This should be my last week in NY before we leave for Florida:)

Belinda - I like eating vegan or vegetarian but don't think I could do it all the time;)

Kristin - How is Brawler doing this week?

Good morning,

W3 D16 is done. Used double bands.

Debbie - same here. I do like once in awhile a vegan or vegetarian meal. Sometimes I get sick and tired of meat. At our vegan restaurant I had a vegan buffalo cheese dip, it was so yummy! I made it on Sunday from scratch :) OMG! It was so good. It's a matter of fact, mine was better than the vegan restaurant. Even my husband ate it, he loves his meat. Easy and quick dip! How long will you stay in FL? Sorry you can't make it to yoga. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - how is Baxter doing?

I will be back later.

Today I did intervals on the treadmill. I've been so tired lately and have been eating better, maybe it's NYC:(

Belinda - Yum, that does sound good:) It's great that healthy meals can taste good! I never thought to do double bands until doing 80 day, but it is a great idea!

Kristin - Oops, I meant Baxter?

Good morning Debbie and Kirstin,

W3 D17 Cardio is done. I like the cardio a lot in this one. The core exercises are tough.

Debbie - hard to believe healthy meals can taste so good. My husband started using double bands. I was like I should do it too. What a difference :) My booty hurt walking up the stairs. I am using the strongest bands too.

Kirstin - I hope all is well. Let us know how Baxter is doing?

Happy Hump Day, everyone.

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