Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

D50 cardio is done.

Debbie - thank you! My day is already starting out nice :) Glad you made it. Have lots of fun.

The rain and wind didn't stop me from achieving my goal. . . 1:50:03. I also came in 25th out of over 115 women in my division. It was tough to stick with it mentally. . . but I did it. I am sneezing up a storm now. Hoping it's allergies and not the start of a cold from the rain. The start had a lot of bottle-necking. When you run a race like this, it is the polite thing to do to head to the back of the pack if you know you are slower. . . many people crowded the front because of the rain, I guess. The first two miles I was zig-zagging around people. Then I was able to get to the right pace. Here are my mile times:

Mile 1 9'10
mile 2 8'28
mile 3 8'45
mile 4 8'55
mile 5 9'07
mile 6 9'02
mile 7 8'59
mile 8 8'59
mile 9 8'54
mile 10 8'52
mile 11 9'30 (don't ask. . . I peed my pants. . . without realizing it at first. . . had no idea I even had to go. . . apparently, this happens to women runners, especially in the rain. . . so happy I chose the black army leggings, lol)
mile 12- 8'54
mile 13 9'00

I plan on taking a rest day tomorrow, of course. Maybe going to CF on Tuesday and then running for recovery (slow). My sneakers are muddy and soaked!!!!

Belinda- hope you had an awesome birthday!

Deb- saw a pic or two of you at the RT on Cathe's facebook page. I saw Paulette was there too. Hope you had a blast!


Good afternoon,

I had a great birthday yesterday. I ate way too much food :) Today I am back on track with my eating.

Today I did SBF stretch. I will rest of the day, I am very tired, we didn't get home until midnight. I guess I am getting old, lol.

Debbie and Kirstin - thank you for the birthday wishes.

Debbie - I hope you had lots of fun at the RT. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Kirstin - LOL, you peed in your pants :p Wow, on your run! Kicking butt, girl!

Great job everyone with your workouts.

Have a great Sunday! I will be back tomorrow.

It’s been a long day. It’s 10:00pm we landed but stuck on the tarmack waiting for a gate to open up. Will be back tomorrow to let you know about the RT.

It sounds like we all had lots of fun things to do this weekend:)

Belinda - You deserve to eat good on your birthday, you work hard all year!

Kristin - Congratulations for reaching your goal, awesome! You also worked so hard for it.


Good morning,

D51 AAA is done.

Debbie - thank you! Saw some pictures of you on FB. You look great. So did everyone else. Sorry you got suck on the tamarack. I am sure, you were excused last night. Maybe take a rest day today.

Kirstin - we are so proud of you! Hope you are resting today too.

I will try to be back later. Have lots to do today. BBL!

Today I took a hot yoga class it felt good to stretch everything out. The RT was a lot of fun. There were a lot of new people and it was fun to see their excitement. Cathe announced she will filming a step series soon it is a small series and will consist of 2 step tapes + IMAX 4. I’m not sure of the details but a lot of people really requested her to do more step tapes.

Belinda - Wow, you are really getting 80 days done!!

Kristin - I wanted to say your place in the race is very impressive!!

ood morning,

D52 Cardio is done. Everything was done in giant sets of 8 exercises, 8 rounds. The exercises were the same as in last week but in different oder. Doing 8 rounds was tough.

Debbie - I'll bet that hot yoga class felt good last night. You should take a few more day's of high impact workouts.. Glad you had lots of fun.Thanks for the announcement on the new step workouts. Will it be high impact? I know IMAX4 will be :( I wished she do more low impact and different moves. All her workouts starting too look the same . Do you know what happened to Cedie and the old crew? I wish she would bring them back. Who of the crew member were at the RT?

Kirstin - how are you feeling after your race? I agree, your race time was very impressive :)

That's it for me today.

Today I did Pyramid Pump upper body. I'm still tired from the RT.

Belinda - 8 rounds is tough! The crew members don't really come to the destination RT's only the NJ RT's. Cathe mentioned it's difficult to keep the same crew members because they all have other jobs. It is difficult to schedule rehearsals with everyone's schedules so she picks who will be available. They said IMAX 4 will be low impact, it would be the one I would consider. I'm not very good at step so not sure what I will do.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

D53 Legs is done. I liked all the other leg workouts, I am not sure if I like this one.

Debbie - it was tough doing 8 rounds. The old crew members had jobs years ago too? That's sad. Oh well! I really doubt Cathe will put out a real low impact workout. The RT Low impact wasn't really low impact, Cathe's feet were of the ground :( I stopped doing high impact step workouts a long time ago. I am not into IMAX 4. I have a dread factor for these workouts. All those jumping jacks, plyo knee hurts just thinking about it. I will pass :)

Kirstin - how are you doing?

That's it for me today. BBL! Getting ready for my walk.
Hey guys! I took two rest days. Monday night we went to the Yankee game. It is about a 2-hour ride to get there from my house with traffic. When we got out of the car, my legs felt like lead. It was painful to walk, lol. We parked 5 blocks away, so we had a longer walk too. I had not sat down like that since before the half marathon. I had been on the go visiting my mom, getting ready for work, actually working and then going home and getting ready for the game. My legs were super sore again yesterday, but today they were much better. I went to CF today. We did a jump roping and sit-ups tabata. Then we did 5 rounds of 8 cal on bike, 8 cal on rower, 8 burpees with 1 minute rest in between rounds. . . after the 5th round we did 5 rounds of 8 KB swings (35# KB), 8 knee raises on bar, 8 burpees with 1 minute rest in between rounds. It was tough, but fun. I am glad I went. Not sure what I will do tomorrow. . . a run or another CF workout.

Things are crazy at work. I will be glad to be done with union rep at the end of the month that is for sure!

Belinda- Thanks! 8 rounds of 8 exercises sounds tough to me too! Good job! I agree with you I miss the old crew in the videos.

Deb- so glad you had a good time. I saw you in the some of the pics on facebook. If I was still doing dvd workouts I would definitely buy this step series. The idea of IMAX 4 has me intrigued.

BB tomorrow!

I forgot to husband gifted me with a pet painting class. I took it last night. I painted Brawler :( I painted him after a this picture. The painting class was super fun. a lot harder than I thought it would be. I had trouble painting Brawler at first, after while I just got into it. I didn't wanted to paint him with his harness on. I did a lot of adjustments


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    Brawler painting.jpg
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Today I did Pyramid Pump lower body. It was a beautiful day. In our neighborhood last night cars were broken into, both my boy's cars were parked outside and their wallets taken:( The police said the other side of town was being hit and now they are on our side of town. I feel bad because both boys leave their wallets in their cars, I guess because they don't have handbags:confused:

Belinda - You picture is excellent!! Have you ever done any other paintings? It was a great gift.

Kristin - It was good that you took some rest time, I would need a week;) I wonder how your next run will feel like (easy or hard).

Good morning,

Day 54 TB Core is done.

Debbie - I am so sorry about your son's wallet :( I hope they catch who ever broke into your son's car. What about putting his wallet into his jeans pocket? Thank you :) No, I never done other paintings except once, I painted a flower. That was years ago. Alesia loved it so much, it's hanging in her bedroom. The painting wasn't even finished, lol.

I will try to be back later.
Hey guys. Went for a slow, easy 3 mile run today. Felt good. The weather is changing now. It looks like rain all day tomorrow, so I am glad I was able to get out there today.

Belinda- love the painting of Brawler. So beautiful!

Deb- running felt good, but I wasn't pushing myself. Really focused on how my legs were feeling and form. Sorry to hear about your sons' wallets. That stuff happens a lot over here and I leave nothing in my car because of it.

Tomorrow is Friday!

Kirstin - thank you! Great job on your run today. Looks like we having the same weather. I have zero energy today. Not sure why?

Today I walked/sprints on treadmill and did Cathe Lite abs. Tonight we are grabbing a bite to eat at DHs friends restaurant.

Belinda - That is nice Alesia wants the picture, it really came out nice:)

Kristin - The weather isn’t nice here either. It’s sounds like a nice run,

Good morning,

D56 Cardio is done.

Debbie - I hope you enjoyed your dinner with friends last night. Great job today.

Have a great day and workout. BBL!

Today I took a rest day. We went to go to DH's friends restaurant and he sold it :confused: DH will meet up with him next week and find out the details. It was one of our favorite restaurants.

Belinda - I felt like you yesterday, zero energy today.

Waves hi to Kristin


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