Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did Lite Stacked Sets: Upper body. It was a beautiful day wish it could stay this way for a couple of months;)

Belinda - I hope your having fun with your friends today:)

Kristin - It must have been nice to get your workout in early yesterday. Your son sounds like he likes acting. You have a busy weekend.

Hey guys. Got a CF workout today that was mostly upper body and then a 3-mile run (1 mile was the ending of the CF workout, I added 2 more). The weekends go so fast.

Deb- I love this weather too! He does like to act. I am putting him in a drama camp this summer.


Quick check in. Had a lot of fun with my friends yesterday. Today I am taking a rest day.

Debbie - we did had a lot of fun yesterday. Today I am dragging. Great job yesterday. I hope the weather stays that way too. Loving it. We sat outside until late evening.

Kristin - that great your son likes acting. He may be famous one day. Great job with CF. You are doing great with your workouts.

Have a great evening, everyone.

Today I did a treadmill workout. For years DH and I have talked about him teaching me how to drive a stick shift car. One time we tried when we were dating and today he decided to start giving me lessons:eek: We were only in an empty parking lot but it was tough! We both said we should have showered after the lesson since we were both sweating:)

Belinda - I'm happy you had fun with your friends! Enjoy your rest day:)

Kristin - Drama camp sounds like lots of fun! It good that both boys have different interests too. Great job with CF today.

Good morning,

D63 AAA is done. The countdown begins...17 more workouts to go :)

Debbie - LOL, I tried to learn to drive a stick shift, felt the same way you did, lol. I stick with automatic. I don't care for stick shift cars. I have no desire to learn either.

Hi Kirstin - what are your plans today?

Have a great Monday, everyone. BBL!
Hey guys. Six-mile run done. I ran in shorts! It is hot and humid out, lol.

Deb- I have never driven stick and don't understand the purpose of it, lol. Years and years ago in high school, I had a boyfriend who drove stick. The car was always jolting when he shifted, lol.

Belinda- woo hoo! Counting down to the end of the series. Did you follow the meal plan too?



Today I did Lite Stacked Sets: Lower body. It was hot and humid here too. It is crazy we had the heat on, opened windows and air conditioner on all in one week.

Belinda - The countdown has begun;) It must be nice to be almost finished.

Kristin - I was jolting the car a lot too:) Do you have any other races planned?

Good morning,

D64 Cardio Flow is done.

Yesterday I got a phone call from my doctor. I have arthritis in my hip :( Boy, I feel old! He wants me to take the medication he gave me last week. I need to find another alternative, more natural approach. I am not great with meds, nor do I want to take them long terms.

Debbie - the countdown has began. I see the end. Although I really like the program, phase 3 was my least favorite. I can't wait to the finish line. Nice job on Lite Stacked Sets: Lower body. Did you pre order Cathe's new step workouts? Did you get dvd's, downloads or both?

Kirstin - no, I didn't. Had good intentions at the beginning. I did really good following the eating program. I don't think I am eating really bad. I eat a lot of vegan food, fish. We don't eat a lot of red meat. I try to eat more vegetables. I still like meat :) Isn't it nice to run in shorts? I hope it stays that way. Great job yesterday.

Have a great day and workout. BBL!

Today I did KPC, it was nice to do a kickboxing workout. I'm looking forward to the weekend!

Belinda - I hear a lot of people have arthritis even young people. I haven't researched it but they have said my DH has it too. Hopefully you will find something that works for you and are comfortable with.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

D65 Legs is done. She is very chatty in this one :rolleyes:

Debbie - Arthritis is very common in people. I just have to adjust a little more, absolutely no impact anymore. Haven't done KPC in a long time. Great job!

Kirstin - how are you doing? Perfect weather for a run outside.

Getting ready for my walk. I will do a nice stretch later too. BBL!
Yesterday's workout was CF. We did deadlifts and push-ups. I did 125# barbell for the deadlifts. My push-ups were weak at the end, lol.

Today I did a 3 mile run. My pace was under 9 minutes, 8'51 per mile. I also did sit ups.

Tomorrow is my last day before the short Memorial Day break. I am dying for school to be over at this point!

Belinda- I can imagine the 3rd section of that series is hard core! She is tough! Her meal plan is too strict, I feel.

Deb- no races in the immediate future. I might do the Hamptons half marathon and then I signed up for the Philly Marathon, which is in November. I would like to focus on training for the summer and doing it in November gives me a lot of time to train and increase mileage the right way.



Today I did Muscle Max upper body. DH and I did a lot of driving today so tired. We asked the person DH had a meeting with for lunch idea and it was really good. The restaurant was on the show Diners, Driveins and Dives.

Belinda - I’m sure you did a lot of high impact through the years so low impact is a good way to go:). I do like some of Autumn’s recipes but I agree with Belinda about her diet.

Kristin - I’m sure as the weather gets hotter it is so hard to go to work. I always feel once Memorial Day is over the days fly by before Fall. It’s great that you can train all summer for the Phiillie race!

Good morning,

D66 TB Core is done.

Debbie - I sure did :( Now I am paying for it :( I do agree, about her diet. Way to strict.

Kirstin - Autumn is a swimsuit model, she get payed to look amazing. She has to be strict on her diet. Great job on your run. Great plan for this summer.

Have a great workout and day everyone.

I took a rest day today. I did close all of my circles, a lot of walking. I tried to get so much done today so I could have a long holiday weekend:)

Belinda - Do you have any plans for the weekend? The weather is supposed to be beautiful:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

D67 Cardio Core is done.

I am running late this morning, Getting ready for my walk. I will be back later for personals.
Hey guys. Yesterday was a rest day for me. I am off today for Memorial Day weekend. I just came back from a 3.5 mile recovery run. I plan on going to CF for 10:30, then clean up, maybe wash my car. DS has a baseball tournament this weekend, of course. His first game is tonight at 9.

Belinda- Yeah, I guess when you are a swimsuit model you have to be strict with your food. I'd rather be a regular person and eat pizza, lmao.

Deb- the end of the year is like the last mile in a marathon. You're exhausted, everything is giving out and you still have to keep going, lol. This year because my district f@$%ed up, we have the students up until the very last day. We have classes AFTER finals. How stupid is that?


I am back from my walk. Today was a community yard sale in my neighborhood. I found the Zumba Fitness Exhilarate set still in shrink wrap for $1:) I also found 3 P57 still in shrink wrap for $0.50 each. I have the Zumba set, but for that price I couldn't pass it up:p Still in shrink wrap!!!

Debbie - Aleisa is coming this weekend. Not sure when? Do you have any plans this weekend? I just want to relax this weekend.

Kirstin - I love pizza too. Wouldn't give it up. Great job getting your workout in early, you have a lot going on today. Enjoy! Great job on your run.

Today I took a hot yoga class it wasn't the perfect day for that but when I came out it was nice and breezy so not bad;) We have a bbq on Monday but can relax this weekend! The news said the traffic was crazy going to the beach today, but we don't always have nice weather on Memorial Day.

Belinda - Those were good deals! I guess we aren't the only one's who have workouts still in shrink wrap:oops: You should have a nice weekend with your dd visiting:)

Kristin - It will be a nice weekend for baseball. I was just thinking I need to wash my car but need to get a hose because ours broke last year. That is crazy the kids will still be there after finals:confused: They will be off the walls:(

Have a great weekend:)
Got in a 10 mile run early this morning. Having breakfast and then heading to my son's baseball game at 10. Gorgeous weather outside!!!!

Deb- off the walls indeed! Should be fun, lol, o_O:eek::mad::confused::rolleyes: Craziness. If I survive this year, I can survive anything, haha!

Belinda- Those are excellent deals you found and still in the shrink wrap!!!!


Good morning,

D68 Booty is done. We are going for a hike shortly.

Kirstin - fantastic job on your 10 miler this morning. Have fun at the basketball game. I still can't believe I found this deal on Zumba and P57 :)

Debbie - I believe the lady who sold the Zumba and P57 dvd's probably got them as a gift, had no idea. I am still pinching myself :) The Zumba set was marked at $5 :) I ask her if she would take a $1 :p and $.50 for the P57. She wanted to get rid of them quickly, she agreed :) Aleisa worked out with us this morning. Plan on going for a hike soon. Should be fun.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone. BBL!

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