Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

D75 AAA is done. 5 more workouts to go :)

Debbie - so far, I haven't come up with anything. Lots of ideas. Glad you took another rest day. You are so good cooking for the week. I cook every day. Maybe I need to start prepping for the week.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

That's it for me today. Have a great Monday and workout.
Hey guys. Got in a 6.12 mile today. Did a 60 minute run with my Nike app, running with eliud Kipchoge. He is an elite runner from Kenya. He has broken all kinds of records in marathon running. This year he will attempt to break 2 hours in a marathon. No one in the world has ever done this, but if anyone can, it is Eliud. He ran a marathon in 2:00:25, very close!

Deb- I love CF too. Definitely addicted to the group dynamic of it. With my school, if things continue this way I will request a transfer to the high school. I am not guaranteed to get it though. Wish it worked by seniority. I could pick what I want then.

Belinda- I think I will hold on to them. Maybe on days I cannot run or go to the gym, I will pop one in and work out at home again. Who knows?


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Today I did intervals on the treadmill. It was a really nice day hopefully it stays for awhile.

Belinda - The countdown has started;). I cook mostly lunch meals and Sunday dinner but cook the rest of the nights. It is helpful because I never like to cook lunch.

Kristin - 2 hours is quite a record. I bet if he breaks it, it will be a long time before anyone else does. I wouldn’t think it would be that difficult to transfer:(. Hopefully you won’t have to.

Good morning,

D76 Cardio Flow is done. The workout was 10 exercises, 4 reps,10 rounds. 4 more day's to go!

Debbie - wow, you cook lunch for the week? What do you cook for lunch? Need ideas. Countdown as began :) Nice job on the interval on the treadmill. I miss doing intervals on the treadmill.

Kirstin - 2 hours? That is fast. Sorry they make a transfer so difficult.I hope everything will work out for you. I am glad you holding on to your dvd's. One day you may want to use them again. A few years ago, I did that with Cathe's workouts. I was burned out on her workouts. Glad I kept mine. Like I said, you probably will not get much for them anyway. Amazon marketplace has a lot of Cathe's dvd's some as low as $5, they are not selling. Most people don't use dvd's anymore. My kids think I am crazy for buying/keeping my dvd's, lol. They stream or go to the gym.

Have a great day and workout.

Today I did ICE Metabolic workout. I was home and did a lot of decluttering but it was exhausting.

Belinda - I usually start with 1lb ground chicken or turkey, 1/2 onion, cauliflower rice or quinoa, and add vegetables this week was red pepper, kale and mushrooms, chili seasoning and cumin seasoning (I sometimes add 1/4 cup of beans). It is good and makes a lot (about 3-4 days). I also made egg muffins which are scrambled eggs (not cooked), spinach (sauteed 1st), sundried tomatoes and a little bit of shredded cheese. I put them in cupcake/muffin pan and cook for 20 min. and refrigerate for the week. I always switch the vegetables, seasoning, types of beans and cheese around for both recipes so I don't get bored.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

D77 Legs is done.

Debbie - I really need to start cooking my lunches for the week. Thanks for the meal ideas. Looks amazing. I usually eat something quick.

Kirstin - hope you having a great day and workout today.

I will be back after my walk. BBL!

Today I did ICE To the Mat. I planted a bunch of herbs outside today.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

D78 TB is done. Two more day's left :)

Debbie - I will get my grocery list together and start cooking my lunches for the week next week. Great job with ICE To the Max. I have that workout never done it :( I should plan herbs too. Have the seeds.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

That's it for me today. Have a great workout and day, everyone. BBL!
I am thinking about preodring Cathe's new workouts? Can't decide if I want the dvd's? I have until tomorrow to decide. I am hoping to see the old crew. Miss them. I always can cancel :)
Hey guys. Quick check in for me before I go to bed. I am sooooo tired. Tuesday was a CF workout. We did back squats and then 2 min of burpees, 2 min of jump rope 3X. Yesterday I chaperoned the Great Adventure field trip. I was at school at 6 am and home at 9:30, so no workout for me. Today I ran 3 miles. I had to cut it short to get to DS's baseball game.

I will be back with personals tomorrow.


Today I did ICE Boot Camp. I was in so much traffic today, 2 accidents and electric wires down on a road, and it was the middle of the day! I was only going 15-20 miles away:mad:

Belinda - Wow, 2 days!! I haven't decided if I will order dvds but will decide by tomorrow. The only bad thing is my herbs need to be watered so much if it doesn't rain.

Kristin - You are so busy, but I know it is that time of the year. My DH & his gf bought season tickets to Great Adventure for $65 in February. It sounds like a good deal if they go more than 1x. The parks are so expensive. Great job getting your workouts in!

Good morning,

D79 Cardio Core is done. One more workout and we are done.

Debbie - I thought you already preordered a long time ago? So what did you end up buying? I am pretty sure I will cancel once I hear more details. Haven't kept a preorder since the Fit Tower dvd's. I regretted getting those :( Like I said before, Cathe's premixes are so easy to put together with just the downloads. Figuring out what chapter B2 is, is easy...just look it up in guide :) What really stops me from buying anymore dvd's is, there isn't a difference in the premixes. Downloads are cheaper too. I really hope Cedie, Amanda and Lorraine are coming back. I wished Cathe would announce the crew/music before the price goes up :(

Kirstin - nice job on your workouts. You are doing amazing. Not sure why I preordered Cathe new step workouts? I hope to see Cedie, Lorraine and Amanda again. Probably not gonna happened :( Wished Cathe would give more details on the crew/muisc before the presale price goes up.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout.
Hey guys. Went to CF today. The workout was pretty intense. It was one round: 25 KB swings with 35# KB, 20 jumping pull ups, 15 on the toes push-ups (I did 2 at a time, but all 15 on toes), 10 bos jumps/step ups, and 1 mile run. I smoked this guy on the mile run, haha! Then we had a choice of what to work on. I chose negative chin ups. My arms are FRIED!!!

Belinda- I think you should lock in the preorder price and then if you don't like what you see when the video clips come out, cancel. What can you lose?

Deb- the park was so expensive foodwise. We get food vouchers for the students and chaperones, but still. . . it is hot. . . you want a water, 5.25 for a bottle. Insane! I would rather go to Disney for that price!!!



Today I went to yoga class. It was a good class. I decided to go to the food store tonight, couldn't believe how crowded it is on a Friday night :confused:

Belinda - I didn't pre-order because I'm not good at step and rarely do it. I thought you could order them individually but not yet.

Kristin - Kudos on smoking the guy on the mile run;) You would think they buy water/drinks in bulk and would not overprice for it!

Good morning,

I just finished D80 Booty. I am done with the program. Next week I will not take a rest week. DH and I will go on a short vacation on the 22nd of this month. Maybe I will take a few day's off.

Got great results even though my eating wasn't always 100%. In phase 1 you do the same exercises each week for each workout, she does change the reps/pattern up each week. It didn't feel like I was doing the same over and over again. You also do a different workout each week. Phase 2 was different exercise, again each week she changed the reps/ pattern or through in a bonus at the end. Phase 3 was different exercises with a lot of Plyo thrown in through the the workouts. She worked your abs/booty a few times a week. Sometimes she did a giant set of exercise, on the end you work your abs. It wasn't like endless of ab workouts. I did like the format working your abs at the end of a giant set. A lot of people subbed Cardio Flow for another cardio workout. That one was always the same workout throughout the program, each week she did change it up by doing, 3 exercise 4 reps run through them 3 times or she added another exercise and run it through 4 or 8 rounds. This one was probably the toughest workout. I think it was over 10 different exercises just in Cardio Flow. The first exercise was inch worms than she layered them until she reach 10 different exercises. I had to modify the inch worms, I did them on my step with 2 risers. I couldn't go all the way down on the floor with my back. It worked out really great. Most of the high impact I did on my rebounder, which worked out great. Their is a modifier through out the program, she does a great job. My favorite workout in the program was Phase 1 & 2 booty. I really felt each workout. Phase 3 wasn't bad, just a lot of Plyo thrown in there. Wasn't a big deal, I used my rebounder. Like I mention before, wished she talked less and kept the program moving. DH and I standing abs in-between her chatter/breaks. I had my loops on through out the booty workouts, we also worked in leg raises/firewalkers a.s.o. I also really liked the upper body workouts, she used the loops in ways I have never seen in any other programs, which I really liked. It made me realize the loops works better than the bands.

Debbie - I am really not sure if I will keep the preorder. Really wished Cathe would give more info on the crew and music. Let me know if you are interested in any preorder before I cancel.

Kirstin - I did lock in the preorder. You are right I am not loosing anything. I always can cancel once I see clips and get more details. High fives, on smoking the guy!

I will be back later.

Today I did a quick premix of upper body work from Cathe boot camp workout. It was my nieces bridal shower which was really nice. The only bad thing was it was outside restaurant with a pretty pond but there wasn't any shade or umbrellas :( I only had sunscreen on my face, but didn't put it on my body because didn't realize we would be sitting in the sun. Needless to say I am sunburned along with everyone else.

Belinda - Awesome for finishing 80 day!!! Great idea to do other exercises to pass the time when she talks/breaks. Even though I did 80 day last year, you did a great job of breaking it down. I should have taken notes to see which workouts I like best so I could do them individually.

Kristin - I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weekend:)

Good morning,

Rest day for me today. I may do a stretch later.

Debbie - thank you! I can sent you my notes, just let me know with workouts you like best. Sorry about the sunburn. I get burned easily too. I always carry bug stray and sunscreen in my Invisalign back bag, lol. I have a back bag with a small bottle of liquid soap, small hand towel, a warm water bottle washing my hands and for rinsing my mouth after I am done brushing my teeth. I refuse to brush my teeth in any public bathrooms, lol. I added sunscreen and bug spray. You never know when you need it. I am getting ready to prep my lunches for the week. I will make Honey Sriracha Chicken with Broccoli. Unstuffed Cabbage Bowl and egg muffins/veggies for breakfast. What are you making for next week? Thanks for the ideas :)

Kirstin - hope you having a great weekend.

I will try to check in later. Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today I did Low Impact Cardio. It felt like I was trying on clothes all day trying to get some Goodwill bags together. I’m off tomorrow so I will continue.

Belinda - You have a great bag put together! I like your lunch and breakfast meals. I will go to the food store tomorrow and cook up some things for next week:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Push Pull is done. My plan is to run through all my Cathe dvd's, I also will add some youtube workouts.

Debbie - good job on LIC and donating to goodwill. Instead of prepping for my lunches/breakfast DH and I ended up in a vineyard :) It was a rainy day.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will try and check in later. Have a great Monday.

Today I did ICE chisled upper body. I had a bad migraine all day so didn’t accomplish much.

Belinda - I went food shopping and didn’t end of prepping. I have extra food from dinner tonight so can use that for some lunches and protein shakes for breakfast. Going to a vineyard sounds like fun, one of these days I will go:)

Kristin - I’m guessing you are doiya countdown till school closes.


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