Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

My friend came over this morning, we did a Cathe Live PHA together. I really liked the workout. I was a sweaty mess. Cathe really flies through the exercises. There was no warning on what comes next, Cathe was always a few reps ahead of everyone including myself. I did like the workout, wished she slowed down and give better cues on what comes next. Maybe I didn't had enough coffee, it was very easy when we did the workout. I really liked the workout especially the hammer curl/overhead to triceps extensions and the front raise/side raises. Got a nice burn! The ab workout was tough one, but good.

Debbie - nice job on the Burn sets. Glad you had fun taking your nephew to the movies. Once in a while we go with our kids to the movies. They always pick the seats.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

Hey guys. Yesterday was a CF workout. We did a cardio portion- 15 calories on the bike, 1 minute rest x4. Then a push-up tabata (8 rounds) and a sit-ups tabata (8 rounds). We finished off with an AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 10 minutes, 10 kb clean and presses, 10 step ups or box jumps (I always stick with step ups). I was sweating from head to toe because it was very humid. Today I did a 4 mile run. It started to rain on the last mile, but I got it done.

School is crazy. . . cannot wait for it to be over at this point. Less than a week to go now.

Belinda- nice job on your workout. It must be nice to be able to do a "live" workout with a friend. It adds to it, I think.

Deb- I want to see Aladdin, but I am looking forward to the new Lion King even more.



Today I did X-train Hardstrikes. DH's father is in the hospital for possibly cellulitis. We took my MIL to the hospital and a bite to eat. She is really getting bad, she needs to be in a nursing home but I try and stay out of it. DH has 3 sisters so there is enough of them to make that decision.

Belinda - I like the PHA workouts, haven't done the live one yet just the dvd. It must be fun doing it with a friend:)

Kristin - You almost there, it's hump day:) Will you do more CF during the summer months? I really want to see Lion King in the movie's but we won't have a child to bring;) It is DH's favorite movie and we named our dog after Simba.

Hi everyone,

I did my workout awhile ago, got distracted with packing and unpacking my suitcase, lol :) I have a feeling I still bring way to many clothes. Anyway, I did the RT 2015 Kickboxing today, it was a lot of fun. I recognized a lot of the RT'ers. There was a lady on a small rebounder, I met her on one of the RT. It was fun seeing familiar faces. This one was really fun. I kept everything low impact.

Debbie - if I am not mistaking..I think I saw you in the workout today :) You wore a pink shirt? Maybe it was your Doppelgänger? Do the Live PHA workout, I really liked it. Actually I thought it was better than the dvd. It's fun to have someone to workout with once in awhile. Great job on your workouts.

Kirstin - it sure adds to it. I am glad my friend and I like the same workouts. She wasn't always active. One day I showed her all my dvd collection, I actually gave her some to try out. I gave her all the Cathe dvd's I had from Aleisa. Alesia doesn't use dvd's anymore. She doesn't have or own a dvd player. Alesia thinks I am old still having a dvd player. She streams everything. I am happy my friend likes the dvd's and uses them instead they all collection dust. Your workouts sound brutal.

That's it for me today. Not sure, if I will get my walk in or not? I get a weight workout in the morning with my friend.

Today I did a workout on the treadmill. It rained again, can't wait for the sun to come out this weekend:)

Belinda - It may have been me, I remember DH telling me he saw me. I haven't done that workout since that day. I probably missed it are you going away? Yes, most young people stream:)

Wave hi to Kristin, 1 more day!!

Good morning,

I just finished my workout. We did Live High Reps. It was amazing. I can't believe she did chest work after triceps, that was brutal. I used the mini loops instead of the band. My triceps were on fire. The workout was probably one of the best so far. Loved it! It moves fast, got a really good burn in my upper/lower body. The ab workout on the end was very good too. I had to drop to 5's, couldn't hold my arms up anymore, lol Loved it! The workout was a little over an hour.

Debbie - DH and I will fly to Fl on Saturday. We will stay 7 day's. Looking forward to a vacation. I will still post my workouts daily. The hotel has a gym, we also will bring our bands just in case we want a short workout in the hotel room. I believe it was you in the workout, lol. Looked just like you.Nice job on the TM yesterday. I probably will use the TM at the gym in FL.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Yesterday was a rest day. It was my younger son's moving up ceremony for elementary school. I cannot believe he is starting middle school next year. Today, I had to take off for the awards ceremony, which was separate. My DS got an outstanding attendance award and Nurse's helpers award. Then there was a pizza party. I took him out of school early and he went to his friend's house. That's when I got in an 8-mile run. Tomorrow morning, I will do another 3-4 miles and then it is off to baseball. I have three days left of work next week. . . I hope I can make it, lol.

Belinda- the live workout sounds intense and different! Good job! That's so cool how you got your friend into fitness.

Deb- on my shorter run days I will probably double-up and go to CF as well. They post the workouts in advance, so I can decide based on how intense the workout will be. Thankfully, they are not at the same intensity all the time, lol.



Today I took a yoga class. The sun came out after so much rain this morning:) Tomorrow going to visit my friend to meet her new granddaughter with my SIL.

Belinda - Have fun in Florida! It's nice that your hotel has a gym:) It looks like you are enjoying the Live workouts I sometimes like them better.

Kristin - It's hard to believe your son will be in middle school next year:eek: Time goes by too quickly:( Congratulations for your son getting the awards! That is good that they vary the intensity of the workouts.

Have a great weekend:)
3 mile run done. Have to get to baseball, of course. Hoping I will get to enjoy my pool at some point today.

Deb- Yes, one is starting middle school. . . the other high school :eek::(o_O:eek:. I am having a harder time with the high school, lol. My run started out in the rain yesterday and ended with the sunshine. It was actually pretty cool.

Belinda- Have fun in Florida!



Today we went to my friends dd's house in Binghamton, NY it was 2 1/2 hours each way. I didn't get a workout in but we did a lot of walking. It is amazing how the new generation are raising their children so different from us.

Belinda - Have fun in Florida!

Kristin - It must have been a cool run I remember yesterday when it changed from rain to sunshine:) High School is a big step.


Today I did X-train Supercuts. It was a nice day and we went in my in-laws pool.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

i Heveryone
Saturday we went for a long walk on the beach. Sunday we walked on the beach, the rest of the day we released on the beach. Today DH and I went to th gym, I did a full body pyramid style weight workouts, than we walked on the beach. Relaxing on the pool today

Debbie- sorry I couldn’t check in . I logged my self out a few times today. Couldn’t remember my password.

Today I went to the gym and did the elliptical. I was happy to hear they are building a Trader Joe's real close to my house. We have one but it isn't as close.

Belinda - Walks on the beach sound nice! My SIL and her family are in Florida too. They are near Clearwater Beach at my in-laws condo. Are you by Clearwater Beach too?

Kristin - I thought Friday was your last day, almost though:)

Good morning,

DH and I walked on the beach for over an hour. Getting ready to lay on the beach and relax the rest of the day.

Good job everyone on your workouts. I will do another full body workout tomorrow. The gym has a leg machine.

Debbie- we are in Naples, Florida.

Have a wonderful day and workouts.

Today I went to the gym and took a ballet class and did some exercises on the leg machines. The class was ok but the instructor was complaining she was sore so it took away from it.

Belinda - My neighbors go to Naples in the winter and love it. We visited them and it was really nice. Enjoy your walks on the beach:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I went to the gym I went to the gym today. I did another full body workouts .

12,l 10, 8, 10,12 reps each exercise:
Leg press ( in, our, in)
Dead lifts

Outer thighs
SS with
Kick backs on the bully machine

Reverse lunges

Cable triceps press down

Biceps curl w/ sweeper curl

Shoulder on the cable machine

I did forgot to work my chest and back. I was too busy chatting with a lady in the gym. She seas German. I will work my chest and back later.

Debbie- it’s our first time here. Love the ocean but wouldn’t recommend the resort.

Waving Hi to Kirsten!

Today a year ago Brawler passed away . Feeling sad today. BBL!

Today I did X-train bi's & tri's. I guess summer is here it was hot today! I have to remember to drink a lot more water, I keep getting headaches:(

Belinda - You put together a really nice workout! The hotel we stayed at in Naples was too expensive but we only stayed 1 night. I would pick another one also.

Kristin - I hope your vacation has started:)

Good evening,

DH and I walked for over an hour this morning.

Debbie - thank you! It kicked my butt too. We are right by the ocean. Yes, it’s very expensive. We are at a resort. It’s beautiful here. The Mosquito are another story. For some reason they like me. Good job with XTrain yesterday.

Kirsten- hope you doing well.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night!

Today I did X-train Chest and back, skipped shoulders because my left one is injured. It was so hot today even the ice packs in my cooler were getting warm :confused:

Belinda - An hour is a long time to walk with the heat. I've heard mosquito's prefer some people more than others and I'm one of them too:) I think we were only in Florida 2x in the summer, so not sure what it is like.

Kristin - It was a day to spend in the pool, hopefully you were able to.

Good morning,

I also did Sydney Cummings 50 minute full body strength workout.

Debbie - we workout/walk early in the morning. The rest of the day is beach or pool.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after m

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