Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

I just got home from Ohio. We caught bad weather driving home, it took us a little longer. I am beat!! Had a lot of fun meeting can catching up with DH's Italian family. Boy, do they party :( The place they had the wedding was so hot, not convinced they had the AC on. The church was hot too, the groom almost fainted. They bride and groom wanted to get married in an old church without AC, the did had a few fans blowing. Luckily I got some air from one of the fans in the church. Everyone else was miserable. We did had a lot of fun with spending time with the family. Sunday we visit my husband aunt, she will be 90 years old in January. Boy, did she put a guilt trip on us, lol. After a few hours DH wanted to leave to get ready for dinner, we met up with all his cousins. His aunt said I may not be here next year stay a little longer. We both felt so bad for her :( She is staring to have a lot of problems seeing. So we ended up staying all afternoon with his aunt. We still made it to dinner on time. We are thinking visiting his aunt again soon. Maybe in a few month.

The car is running fine. Maybe it was only the battery? Next week DH will have the dealer run a complete check on the car.

Debbie - we never had any trouble with DH's car. I think it was the battery. They heat can drain the battery I was told. We made it home just fine, except we got caught in a lot of rain. Great job keeping up with your workouts.

Kirstin - we did ended up having a lot of fun. Your workout sounds like a killer. Great job on your run today.

I will be back tomorrow. I am so beat. Good night!

Yesterday I did x-train shoulders only and went swimming in my in-laws pool. Today I did the treadmill. I also hit some bad storms today. The rain coming down so fast and so much was the problem:(

Belinda - DH has had trouble with the battery in FL because of the heat. I'm happy you had a good time. It sounds like DH's family enjoys seeing and spending time with the both of you. It is sad to see our relatives getting sick and older. No a/c must have been tough!

Kristin - Sorry about your a/c, but better the upstairs is working for you. It was a good weekend to take a rest day:) I'm having trouble sleeping at night so I have been tossing and turning too. I guess because of the storms we weren't able to get the Yankee game tonight.

Good morning,

My workout this morning was upper body. My upper still shaking. Had a great workout. Workout time was under 29 min.

Latter Down:
10 Push Ups
10 Dips
9 push Ups
9 Dips
8 Push Ups
8 Dips
7 Push Ups
7 Dips
6 Push Ups
6 Dips
5 Push Ups
5 Dips
4 Push Ups
4 Dips
3 Push Ups
3 Dips
2 Push Ups
2 Dips
1 Push Ups
1 Dips

10 reps/3 rounds
Chest flies w/leg lifts -12's
Skull Crushers w/glute brigde -12's
Alternation knee ins - 20 reps

Giant Sets: Shoulders: 10 reps/3 rounds
Lateral Raise - 5's
Front Raises - 5's
Rear Delts Raise -5's

Back: 10 reps/3 rounds
1 Arm row Right - 20's
1 Arm row Left - 20's
Biceps curls - 15's
Plank Holds - 10 sec

Burn out:
Hammer curls - 1 min

I probably will do a quick cardio workout later, since I haven't workout this weekend. We shall see how I feel later. I will catch up later on personals. Need to do laundry and catch up on work a little. BBL!
Hey guys. 5- mile run done. It rained all night into the morning. I ran at 10:30, the skies were cloudy, but it felt good to run in cooler temps. Then I came home and did a little bit of abs and arms:

3 rounds: 25 sit-ups, 25 plank shoulder taps, 25 toe taps, 25 Russian twists, 25 bicep curls, 25 tricep extensions.

Now I am heading out to my son's baseball game.

I will be back later with personals, I am in a bit of a rush. I thought I had more time to write than I did.


Today I did a treadmill workout. It was cooler today, rainy but nice:)

Belinda & Kristin - I like the workouts you both did! I don't do it often but I do like to just do my favorite exercises.

Hey guys. 3- mile recovery run done. I took an easy pace, which was hard for me to do. I kept looking at my watching thinking I should go faster, but I am sticking with the training plan and it says these easy run days are necessary, so I got it done in 31 minutes as opposed to the usual 25-27 minutes. I am going to Crossfit at 10 o'clock as well.

Deb- I am glad the heat broke too. It was unbearable. Are you excited for the RT this weekend? You are going, right?

Belinda- love your workout!!!! No a/c in the church had to be tough. July is a hot month to have a wedding in an old church with no a/c. Glad you had fun with family regardless of the heat!


Good morning,

I did KPC this morning. Very fun workout.

Sorry I didn't came back yesterday, last night I had to pick up my dog from DC. I am so tired from all that driving and running around. I also playing catch up with work, lol.

Debbie - glad you like the workout. Give it a try! Nice job on your TM workout.

Kirstin - like the workout you did too. Great job on both workouts. The church wedding without AC was crazy. Great job this morning.

Great job, everyone. I will try to catch up on personal if I don't fall asleep later today.

Today I did Cathe Lite body weight & bands, it was a fun workout. We also spent the day at the beach. It was really nice day. I didn't go in the water but DH did. My favorite yoga instructor showed me a rash she had shortly after going in the water at the beach. She said the Dr. said it wasn't from that but I think she isn't convinced.

Belinda - I'm sure all the driving this weekend knocked you out!

Kristin - It must be hard to stick to the training plan but I bet it will payoff in the end:) I'm excited and nervous. I just saw they are having a Hawaiian luau Saturday night which sounds like fun.

Hey guys. Today's workout was an interval run: 1 mile slow warm-up, then 1/2 mile ast, 1/4 mile slow, 1/2 mile fast, 1/4 miles low, 1/2 mile fast, 1 mile slow. It totalled 4 miles. It was nice out too. 68 degrees, cannot beat that! I have a hair appointment at 10 and then I have the afternoon to relax. I do have laundry to put away, but that is about it, lol.

Deb- THe luau sounds fun and different. If Paulette is there, tell her I say hello! You must be all packed up and ready to go. RIght now the training plan is easy to follow in that I have off from work, so I have no excuses not to get it done. When school starts and the daylight hours get shorter, that is going to be tough. I might have to run in the dark and on the road. Right now I go to this place that has a 1.2 mile paved loop. It has security and is for runners and bicyclists. No cars. . . a principal was killed on Long Island running by himself. Someone hit him and took off. They arrested the guy. It makes me nervous to think of running on streets by myself for many reasons, but as the mileage increases, I am going to have to do it. I won't run with headphones when I am on the street.

Belinda- hope you got to rest and recover from all that traveling.
Good morning,

Giant Sets is done.

Debbie - have lots of fun at the RT. The Luau sounds like fun.

Kirstin - when I used to run, I ran on the opposite site of the road facing upcoming traffic. This way you can jump out of the way if you have too. Please be careful when you run alone. It's dangerous especially as a female. I hope you have peppers ray on you too. You never know :) Great job this morning.

I will be back later. I am still beat.

I took a rest day today. I did so much walking and I am so tired lately. I am on antibiotics for an infection and I think that it is making me so tired. The RT goes by so quickly, I should have enough energy :oops: I am packed but just have to organize my clothes/bags so I am ready for the classes. I do have a mamo appointment in the morning before I go.

Belinda - I haven't done Giant sets in a long time but I like that one!

Kristin - It shouldn't be that way but between drivers and crazy people you have to be very careful. It bothers me that drivers hit & run instead of calling for help because lives would probably be saved:( It was perfect running weather today:)


I’m at the RT, the 1st kickboxing class was fun! We also did yoga flow which I really like. The caterers are new and the food was good. Whoever is above my room has been walking back and forth all night & I can’t sleep :( I might need to change rooms tomorrow.

Enjoy your weekend:)

Good morning,

i thought I posted my workout yesterday? Not seeing it? Anyway, I did Step Blast yesterday.

Today DH and I did Ramped Up UB.

Debbie - sorry you didn't get any sleep. DH and I always ask for a room on the last floor, for the same reason you mention. Hope you get some sleep. Enjoy the RT.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

I will try to be back later.
Hey guys. Yesterday was my rest day. I thought about going to CF, but I was UBER to both boys all day yesterday between baseball and drama rehearsal. I was exhausted when I finally got home at 5:00. Today I did a 10-mile run. I found a paved bike/run path out East. It is about 30 minutes from my house. It is completely paved, and for pedestrians only. Perfect for my long runs!!!! I was not counting laps or getting bored passing the same scenery over and over. It is also in the woods for the most part, so all shaded. Ten degrees cooler there than in the sunny areas. I really loved it. Now that my long runs will range from 10-20 miles, this is where I will be going.

Deb- I spotted you in the group photo! You look great! Sorry to hear about the noisy people upstairs. Hopefully, they change your room for you.

Belinda- nice job on your workouts! I always prefer the top floor in a hotel too.



Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. I didn't change rooms the next night was so much better. We had a lot of fun at the RT it went by so quickly. On Friday we met Lisa who was in some of the older step dvds and will be in the new ones. I remember her and someone told me she is in a lot of Cathe Live workouts. We also did a lot of leg workouts on the RT so much DOMS. Our electric/cable was out for a couple of hours tonight, strangely the storm came after the lights came back on:confused: I'm going to get a good night sleep now:)

Belinda - I wonder if Lisa is in the Step Blast dvd, she actually looks the same.

Kristin - It sounds like you found a really good path to walk on. We have a few paths like that but haven't been on them in a long time.

Good morning,

XTrain Burn Sets is done.

Debbie - glad you had lots of fun at the RT and got some sleep. I didn't realized it was Lisa in Step Blast? Now I have to check it out. Will report later. Looks like Cathe will use the same crew she did in her last series, right? Did Cathe talked about the new series? Is it gonna be high impact? How different will Step Boss be compared to all her other stuff? I am thinking about canceling my preorder. I probably will cancel by the end of the week if not sooner, lol. Been struggling keeping it my preorder :( Maybe it's the crew/music? Cathie's workouts are not the same without the old crew. Any chance Cedie, Lorraine and Amanda are in the new Series? Who will be in the new series besides Lisa.

Kirstin - the running path sounds great. Please, be careful :) We learned the hard way not to use the first/middle floor in hotels :)

I will be back later.
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Hey guys. This morning I slept in and then went to Crossfit at 10. We did barbell floor presses. I was able to bench 85#. Then we did 4 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 3 times of the following:

100m run, 10 ring dips, 10 knees to bar.

I was able to do 2 rounds in each 4-minute segment.

I waited until the sun began to set to do my tempo run. 3 miles. My times was 26:02, 8'41 pace.

I plan on running 5 miles tomorrow. So far I have been following my training plan to a T. I am feeling good that I will be ready for the marathon if I stay on this track.

Belinda- I feel the same way as you about the newer workouts. I think that's why I stopped doing dvds.

Deb- I'm glad you had a blast at the RT. I bet the DOMs are setting in more so today. I remember driving home and not being able to get out of the car, lol, my legs were so sore and tightened up on the ride home.



Today I have so much DOMS and fell asleep on the couch the minute I sat down. I took a rest day today. I'm washing up and going to bed.

Belinda - Great job with X-train burn sets. The step videos were requested by a lot of people so that is why they did the series. I met someone at my neighborhood gym and it is really hard to find step classes in our area. I'm guessing it's for people who want step dvds and can't even go to a gym anymore for them. I'm not positive but I think Jai, Jenn, Lisa and Cathe will be the crew. No one asked questions about the step dvds, she did preview some material in the class and the steppers did really like it. There have been a lot of new people at the RT's so they don't have a lot of the old tapes so I think it works for them. It looked like the majority of the people at the RT still do step. I hope I explained that right. I personally enjoy Cathe Live.

Kristin - You are doing great with following your plan to a "T". It worked out really good for you to have this time to train for it.

5-mile run done. It was very hot and humid at 7 a.m. They are saying that we will be in the 90s today, but the feel like temps will be over 100. I think I will be in my pool.

I just started watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix. I know, I am late to the party. I am really loving the show. I cannot watch it in front of the kids, so I have to wait until they are either sleeping or not home. It's killing me, lol.

Deb- after this weekend you deserve a rest day. Heck, you deserve a rest week, lol. ;). I am glad that the timing of the training began on summer break. By the time I go back to school, it will be a habit, and I will have an easier time sticking with it, I hope!

Waving hello to Belinda!

Hi everyone,

I did Cardio Core Circuit this morning. I changed things up a bit, I did all the high impact jumping on my rebounder. Instead of doing core on the floor I did standing abs different like side bends w/DB's, wood chaps. I hardly do CCC mainly of the core work. It hurts my back. Had a fun workout today.

Debbie - thanks for the update! I was hoping the old crew would come back :( I wonder what happened to the old crew? Glad you enjoy CL :) Do you do her step workouts on CL? You deserve a few day's rest.

Kirstin - great job with your run this morning. I never watched Orange is the New Black on Netflix. A lot of people like it. I will check it out. I am watching Money Heist right now. It very good!

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. That's it for me today.

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