Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Today I did ICE BootCamp Circuit plus Icy Core 1. I did the basic premix #1 instead, which had the main workout + icy core 1 + stretch. I didn't wanted to cool down than do abs.

Debbie - I hope you enjoyed the late dinner. I would have been starving by that time, lol. Glad you had fun in NYC. What did you see? Your husband is a keeper :) Great job on Rock 'm Sock 'm. I enjoy the September rotation. I hope Cathe comes up with a another good one for October.

Kirstin - how are you doing today after that 16 miler?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!
Hey guys. I decided to get in my tempo run today because I won't be running tomorrow. I booked a flight for after work tomorrow so that I can attend my aunt's funeral on Wednesday. Knowing I still need to keep the mileage up, I ran 3 miles at tempo pace and 1-mile recovery. To tell the truth, I did a lot of stretching and elevating my legs yesterday, that my legs did not hurt at all today. Tomorrow will be a rest day. My friend is going to drive me to JFK airport after work so I can catch my flight. I will be leaving Florida Thursday morning and then coming back to work to do Meet the Teacher Night. Because it is so last minute, I have a ton to do. I still have to pay my bills, pack and plan my sub lessons for Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday I will be showing a 9/11 documentary and having the students respond in writing. That should not only keep them occupied, but be a worthwhile assignment.

Deb- I would've caved and bought candy at the intermission of the show, lol. What show did you see?

Belinda- nice job on your workouts. I am glad you guys are enjoying the rotation.

BB Thursday.


Today I did Lift it Hit It Back, bi's & shoulders. It felt like a new workout because I haven't done it in a long time:)

We went to go see Bat out of Hell (Meatloaf), I think it was a traveling show because it was the last weekend for it. At 1st we both didn't like it but in the end we did. There was a family in front of us and the Mom and son (about 12-13 years old) left in the beginning of the show the husband and older daughter stayed. In the beginning of the show there was some dancing that was inappropriate but there was a lot less of it as the show went on. Not sure why they would have even put that it in the show:confused:

Belinda - I was looking at the premixes in Lift it and they were very good. I always forget to check them out. Good idea to do the Premix so you can get abs in:)

Kristin - Your plate is full, but it will mean a lot to you and your family that you are going to the funeral. Kudos on getting your workouts in and not being too sore:) Was your Aunt sick? Safe travels.

Good morning,

GS Legs is done.

Debbie - I been wanting to share this with you a long time on how I keep track with Cathe's workouts. I write every single Cathe workout on a piece of paper w/all the premix # and time, date. Nothing fancy :) Like I said, I had the folders and I have a ton of paper. Maybe I will go back one day and write them out a little neater, lol. Here is an example what I been doing. I still need to fill in the dates. Noting fancy. It allows me to see how often I do some of her workouts, or not at all. Maybe once I have more time I will type it out on a computer and print out the paper. Like I said, so far it's been working for me to track when I did a Cathe workout.

Kirstin - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. Safe travels!


Today I did RWH Plyo Hiit #1, I modified the best I could. It seems like my FIL has stabalized.

Belinda - I like how you write everything out, it doesn't take much time and you have a good reference on the workouts you have done:) At one time, I thought I could use our check-in to remember my workouts but that would be too much work;) I really like GS legs, good job!

Kristin - I wanted to mention that it will be interesting to see the viewpoints of you students on 9/11. They weren't even born so I wonder what it means to them. I will never forget that day and where I was. Of course how so much has changed with security at the airports.

Good morning,

Rockout Knockout is done. Had a great workout this morning.

Debbie - thank you! The way I track Cathe's workouts is working for me. I don't have to search in the WM. I got everything in one place. I don't always write the premixes out unless there are only a few otherwise I write the # premix = time. That's it. I tried the check in too. GS legs is no joke! Especially the floor work.
Good job on RWH Plyo Hiit #1. That one is a tough one. I wished Cathe wouldn't jump so much in her workouts. I am glad I did the workout on my rebounder. My knees can't handle high impact anymore.

Kirstin - thinking about you and your family today

Off to get some work done. BBL!

Today I did Lift it Hiit Chest, tri's & shoulders. I have DOMS from yesterday's workout and I modified.

Belinda - I can't jump as much either but I do workout on carpet so it helps a little. The rebounder is a great option:)

Kristin - I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

Good morning,

XTrain Bi’s and Tri’s Plus Core 1 is done.

Debbie - I am glad I have my JumpSport, it's gentle on my knees. Nice job on your DOMS and workout.

Kirstin - hope you got in and out ok.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

Today I did a treadmill workout, it was supposed to be a rest day but may take it tomorrow or Saturday instead.

Belinda - I have to start adding some core:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Tabatacise on my rebounder is done.

Debbie - are you skipping the abs in the Sep rotation? I am glad she adds them in, lol. Get your abs done, girl.

Kirstin - are you back?

I been organizing all my photos in photo containers I bought on Amazon. Been researching it for month. I finally found a solution for all my photos. We have a lot. Photo albums take up a lot of space, plus mine are very old, plus they are not BPA free, acid free, PVC free, lignin free. I am taking them all out of my photo albums except a few. I will scan them digital and store all my photos in those containers. I bought these containers with holds a lot of photos. They don't take up a lot of space either. This is one task I been holding out for a long time.

I will be back later.

Today I took a rest day, but plan to do abs:)

Belinda - I keep skipping abs:oops: but maybe will just try and get them done in the morning. I have been thinking what I should do with my photos. Let me know how it works for you.

Kristin - I hope it worked out for you.

Good morning,

Week 2 of Cathe Sep rotation is done. This morning I XTrain Chest Back Shoulders. Love XTrain workouts, they are a lot of fun.

Debbie - did you get your abs in yesterday? Maybe try to do your abs first before you do the actual workout. I will share with you my finish product once I am done with my photos. I really like it. I don't have to search for my pictures. Plus they protected.

Kirstin - hope all is well.

I will help DD with her move today. Cleaning her new place today. Tomorrow is moving day. BBL tonight.

Today I started Week 2 of the September rotation, ICE Bootcamp Circuit + ICY Core . I did my abs earlier in the morning and the workout later. It worked out better for me.

Belinda - Congratulations for finishing Week 2:) When you are finished you will have to share your finished product. You sound very busy helping DD with her move.

Waves hi to Kristin

Debbie - thank you! I really like the Sept rotation :) It's a lot of fun going through my dvd's. Yesterday DD and I cleaned her new apartment. She is moving into a brand new apartment, they are still not finished with some of the apartments. We had a tour yesterday. OMG, it's beautiful. The gym is amazing with all the technology you can think off. They peloton bikes, a yoga room with programs. You name it :) I can't wait to use the gym. Who needs dvd's if you have a gym like that.I am so excited for DD. I would't mind moving into those apartments, lol. So pretty, light and modern.Today is the actual moving day. DH and I will be in DC again today to make sure everything goes smoothly with the movers.
Hey guys. I know I went off the radar again. It was a crazy week. I was not able to go to Crossfit all week. However, I did get all of my training runs in :). I flew down to Florida right after school on Tuesday. I stayed with my cousin, who ran with me Wednesday morning at 5 a.m. It was already 80 degrees with 100% humidity at that time :eek:. We did a little over four miles, but he was a bit slow for me. We hung out during the day and attended my aunt's funeral that night. Then Thursday I took a morning flight home, took a Lyft by myself and rested for an hour before I had to go to work for Meet the Teacher night. I was exhausted the next day, but I did get my 8-mile run in. Saturday I did a 3-mile easy recovery. Last night I ate a lot of pasta and today I did my 17-mile long run. I struggled during this run. Started crying at mile 14 that I did not want to finish. My son was with me on his bike. He convinced me to keep going. I ran out of water. He rode back to the car to get more as I ran back. I had two miles left when he had more water for me. All this and my pace was exactly the pace I want to run in the marathon. So I am on track, or maybe even better than on track.

My aunt's funeral was nice. I was glad to say goodbye and see my cousins. I know my mom would have wanted to be there. I went there for her and for my aunt. It's been a whirlwind week, that is for sure. Now I am trying to catch up on lesson planning.

Belinda- your photos project sounds like fun. I love going through old photos. For my aunt's funeral, they had a television screen that did a slideshow of photos. I had a few photos on my phone. Some from my photos and some from facebook that I was able to upload on the spot. They were happy to have pictures of my mom with their mom displayed. I hope the move went smoothly this weekend.

Deb- my students really liked the video. It was also on HBO on 9/11. They said they always wondered why the terrorists chose the World Trade Center. The video explained why it was a target nicely. Definitely worthwhile.



Today was Gym Style Legs. It was a nice weekend:)

Belinda - My neighbors daughter has Peloton and loves it. Your DDs new gym sounds awesome and no travel time! Good Luck with the move tomorrow.

Kristin - You had such a busy week! Kudos on getting your run in and how sweet of your DS to help you out! It was nice that you were able to spend time with your family in FL.

Good morning,

I am still in DC. DD moved this weekend, Rest day for me today. I will double up tomorrow. If I have time later, maybe I will use her gym .

Have a great Monday.

Today I did Rockout Knockout, I forgot about this workout but it was fun. I’ve been enjoying the nice weather.

Belinda - You must be real busy helping DD with her move. It’s nice that you are getting to see her place and the area.

Kristin - Running in the FL heat must have been tough bit good to prepare you for the race.

Good morning,

Cathe original BC is done. If I feel up to this afternoon I probably play catch up and do RWH Legs this afternoon.

I decided to cancel my Cathe dvd preorder. My DD's new apartment made me think long and hard. Who needs dvd's if you have a gym like that? I would live in her gym, lol. Her gym is huge and comes with everything you need to work out. It's a dream come through, lol. If DH and I move next year, I wan't a gym like that. My goal is to downsize by next year to 75% to what we own. I really don't want to move with all this stuff anymore.

Debbie - came back last night. I was exhausted from the move. We are 99% done. The only thing needs to be done is hang up pictures. DH and I will be in DC on Saturday again. Her place is so beautiful, with all the technology you can think off. Her gym has TRX/ weight room, exercise machines you can think off. The Peloton+yoga room comes w/subscription. I am super excited about that :) I can't wait to workout in her gym and use the pool. Her place is so cool and modern. Good job on Rockout Knockout yesterday. Fun workout.

Kirstin - I am glad you got to spent time with your family in FL. High fives on getting your runs in too. How did you do with the humidity in FL? That is so sweet your son is helping you out :)

I will try to be back later. Now I need to catch up on work and my house.
I am back: I also did Lift It HiiT It Legs. I am back on schedule. I only like the upper body workouts in RWH as far as lifting. Not a fan of all those plyo/high impact jumping. Of course, I did all the high impact on my rebounder. Now I need a nap :(

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