Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was mentally and also physically draining. 1 down 1 to go LOL. It was sad, but so nice to see family and friends. I feel like I worked out and have DOMS but I didn't o_O

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Good evening,,

DH and i walked along the beach this morning.

Debbie- my finger is still infected. I don’t get it? I am soaking it in epson salt a few times a day. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in some. I wonder why Cookie stopped posting. If I remember correctly she moved than she stopped posting. I always enjoyed reading her posts. I hope she is doing well.

Kirsten- how are you doing? How is your mom?

I will be back tomorrow. Good night

Today was just as hard. My FIL has a cousin who is a priest and he did the Mass which was a nice touch. My MIL isn't doing too well so hopefully that turns around.

I'm looking forward to getting back to working out and eating better tomorrow. Also catching up on some sleep:)

Belinda - I hope the meds start working for you, usually the drainage helps too:confused: Your right Cookie was posting right after she moved. I know she had a flare-up of Lupus, but I really don't know enough about it. Hopefully she is doing ok, I messaged her through the forum about 1 week ago but haven't heard anything.

Kristin - I know the Jewish holidays are coming up, hopefully you have a couple of days off.

Good evening

No walking today. It’s been raining here in Hawaii. Hasn’t stopped raining. My eating isn‘t good since i am on vacation.

Debbie - i feel so bad for all of you. I hope your MIL turns around soon too. How long were they married? I contacted Cookie a few months ago. I hope she is okay. Have not heard from her back.

Kirsten- we miss you.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.
Hey guys. I am sorry I keep falling off the radar. It gets a little crazy between school, training for the marathon, and then my sons' activities between baseball and theatre club. A lot going on right now.

I have been doing really well with my training runs. I did my longest run on Sunday, 20 miles. My goal for the marathon is to do a 10 min pace, but now I am rethinking it because I really feel I can go faster. I kept a 9:32 pace on my 20-mile run. That was with wind and hills. The break in heat and humidity allowed me to go faster. I made sure to fuel properly and stay hydrated and although it was not easy, I felt good and I could have gone on. I almost wish it was the marathon, lol. I am wondering if it was a fluke, or if I can keep that pace again.

My long runs fluctuate now. Last Sunday was 20 miles. This Sunday is 12 miles, then 20 the next week, 12 the next week, 20 the next week and then tapering :eek:. There are 46 days until the marathon. Less than 2 months to go!!!!

Deb- I am so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I am going to say prayers for your family and your mother-in-law.

Belinda- I often wonder about Cookie too. I met her on my first RT and she convinced me to join this group. I hope all is well with her. I hope the rain lets up and you get to enjoy Hawaii in the sun!


Hi Debbie and Kirsten,

Went to the hospital this morning again. My index finger is still infected swollen and blue. The antibiotics did not do anything. The doctor had too cut and drain my finger again. He did 2 Inzisions. I really hope this is it. I had it . He also gave me a different antibiotics, pain medicine, antibiotics cream. I am glad there is a huge Military hospital in Honolulu. Doctors are great.

Debbie- you’re in my prayers.

Kirsten- glad you doing well. Wow on your runs. You are ready for your run.i had no idea Cookie ask you to join this group. I just hope she is doing well.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I did 4DS Bootcamp. I was off today so helped DH with some things he needs to do with regards to his a Dad passing. My MIL has a Dr.’s appointment soon so at least we can see how her health is.

Thank you for your prayers.

Belinda - Sorry you have to go through so much with your finger:(. Nice that you like the military hospital. Honolulu is where my neighbors daughter/fav yoga instructor will move to next year. How long are you in Hawaii?

Kristin - Excellent time with your run! I can’t believe it will be here before you know it. Do you know if the course will be flat or hilly? I forgot that Cookie introduced you to the group:). That was one of the years I didn’t get in.

Hey guys. I got in a five-mile run today despite the rain. I am going faster with my pace and yet it is feeling easier. I guess all the training is paying off.

Deb- the course is mostly flat except for around mile 13, by the Philadelphia Zoo. They say there is a high incline there, but then that is it. The 10 mile trail I run has lots of hills, so I think I will be prepared for it.

Belinda- I hope your finger is doing better.


Today I did X-train legs, my balance was off. I didn't do bonus barre work, but plan to do as an add-on tomorrow.

Belinda - We have rain here for the next couple of days, but we needed it.

Kristin - It's great that you found the training plan, it is working for you. It must be so helpful knowing the course and what to expect for the race:)


Today I did FitSplit Boxing bootcamp. I'm thinking about doing the October rotation.

Belinda - I hope everything is ok with you and just enjoying the beach days:)

Kristin - I'm wondering if you will run past the famous steps from "Rocky"


Today I took a yoga class. Looking forward to the weekend:)

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Have a great weekend!
Good evening,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I am still having problems with my finger. I decided not to go back to the hospital today, I didn’t wanted them to cut and drain my finger again. DH and I will fly home tomorrow afternoon. We will be home on Sunday. I didn’t wanted to travel for 14 hours with my finger freshly cut and run the risk of another infection.

Debbie- I did enjoy the last few days by the pool . I wasn’t allowed to lay or go into water. I still had a lot of fun.

Kirsten- unfortunately my finger is still very infected . As soon as the doctors cut/drain my finger the infection comes right back.

I will check back in as soon I get home Sunday.

Today I took a rest day:). Hoping to catch up with things tomorrow.

Belinda - Safe travels home. I don’t blame you better to wait till you get home to have your finger checked.

Kristin - Nice weather for your runs. Are you still doing CF?

Hi everyone,

I am back home again. Couldn't sleep on the plain, I am I am up for the last 24 hours. I will be going to bed soon. I am so tired from the long flight. My finger is still pretty infected. Those 2 weeks flew by fast. I will be back tomorrow and catch up on personals.

I am so tired.

Today I did a treadmill workout. We had a dinner at a friends house and it was very good it was a Columbus Day celebration.

Belinda - I’m sure you are exhausted, hopefully you feel better tomorrow.

Kristin - The schools are open in NJ for Columbus Day, I think they are closed in NY.

Good evening,

I slept 12 hours through last night. I was exhausted after being up for 24 hours. I feel much better today.
DH and I took our dog for a 30 min walk. I have a Otho appointment tomorrow. My refinement tray's are finally here, took almost 2 month. My Ortho probably will take off some/or add more attachments. We shall see?

Debbie - glad you had fun at dinner with your friends. I had to go grocery shopping today. I am not sure what workouts I will do this week? My finger is still infected. I can't put any much pressure on it. I feel my pulse in my finger. I probably will do some walking and lower body workouts with bands? I am trying to make an appointment with my doctor about my finger.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

Today I did Lite Strong Body Upper Body Stacked. My computer is giving me trouble so frustrating :mad:

Belinda - 12 hours sounds good! I would have needed more LOL. You sound busy catching up. I hope your finger feels better.

Waves hi to Kristin

Today I walked 30 min and did STB standing lower body barre.

I called to make an appointment for my finger today, my doctor is on vacation until Friday. I didn't wanted to wait until Friday so I scheduled an appointment tomorrow morning with another doctor.

Debbie - I guess I needed that sleep. Finger is still not better. It's been a week since the last time I got cut open. Don't get it.

Kirstin - where are you girl?

See you all tomorrow.
Hey guys. Keeping up with my runs. Sunday I did 12 miles. Then we went to a Food Festival. It was pretty cool. I had a beef kabob and potato on a stick (pretty cool) plus a funnel cake (gotta have a funnel cake at a Food Festival). Yesterday I ran 3 miles recovery and slow. Today I did a five-mile tempo run.

Trying to balance everything. The marathon is 39 days away. I am getting more and more excited for it.

Belinda- Back from Hawaii? I hope you had a good time despite your finger.

Deb- We were off yesterday. What did I do? Catch up on work, lol.



Today I did Athletic Training. We are expecting a bad storm tomorrow, so going to try and get home as early as possible. Tonight we went to go see my Mom.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts! It’s good you are going to the Dr. sooner than later to find out what is causing the infection.

Kristin - Your Sunday sounded fun and the funnel cake was the best part;). With all the miles you are doing it was a easy burn off.


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