Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

6-mile run done. I am going to do my long run tomorrow morning because it is supposed to rain all day on Sunday.

So today I had two parent meetings scheduled. They got coverage for my class so I could attend with the rest of the team. Both parents for both meetings did not show up!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: One of them is in freakin' Haiti. Haiti? Waste of my damn time. And btw, both kids are failing. . . shocker. . . I'm sorry I am venting. The job gets to me sometimes. I have my period today so that is not helping.

Belinda- I am glad your finger is healing. You must be relieved.

Deb- have fun at the RT.


We drive for over 12 hours yesterday, actually DH did. Lots of roadwork. It was a long day, we stayed overnight and headed to Daytona this morning it was a 4 hour drive not too bad. Today was a kickboxing class and stretch class both were fun:)

Belinda - Happy to hear your finger is healing and no hospital stay! I will let Cathe know you said hello.

Kristin - Good job with your runs, the CF class sounded fun :) I remember my DH saying how so many meetings a waste of time.

Hey guys. 12-mile long run done. Glad I got it in today. Heading to my son's baseball game in a bit. The run was hard, but I pushed through and kept a 9:30 pace. I am thinking my period is making me feel sluggish. . . and being as though the marathon is a month away, I am a little worried that I will have my period around the same time. I hope it comes early :oops:

Deb- saw some pics of the RT already. Everyone looks like they are having fun.

Waving hello to Belinda!


Today was a long day but lots of fun. We had free time so it was nice to relax between classes. We needed to eat inside tonight because of the winds. Tomorrow’s class will be on the beach.

Belinda - I think I saw on fb you are visiting your dd.

Kristin - I reread what I wrote about meetings I meant the ones with your principal not the parents LOL. Hopefully you don’t have your period on race day.

Goodnight :)

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Alesia is visiting us, we had a fun day yesterday. Today we meeting up with DS and my DIL.

I didn't get a workout in yesterday. I made up for it today. I did All Out Low Impact HiiT. DD worked out with me today.

Debbie - DD is visiting us. Hope you had lots of fun this weekend.

Kirstin - thank you. I am glad my finger is better.

I will be back later.

Last class was on the beach which was fun! We are back in Clearwater and ready to start our vacation. I’m tired and sore.

Belinda - I let Cathe know you said hello, and liked the new rotations, she remembered you. Great picture of you, DH & DD.

Kristin - I let Paulette know you said hello & she remembers you.

Good morning,

Today I started week 2 of Cathe October rotation. I did Tabatacise on the rebounder.

Debbie - thank you! Enjoy the rest of your vacation. You deserve it!

Kirstin - how are you doing? Are you still in those meetings?

I will be back later.

Today we walked on the beach. It is so quiet here in Florida, not too many people on the beaches. It is really hot, but should get better on the weekend.

Belinda - The October rotation looks good!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Muscle Max is done.

Debbie - a nice walk on the beach sounds lovely. That's good that it's quit in FL.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Hi to everyone that follows. BBL!
Hey guys. Yesterday I ran 4 slow miles and went to CF. We worked on push jerks and then did a workout of 3 rounds: 20 side step overs and 20 wall balls. Today I ran 10 miles. I was supposed to have another dept meeting today. . . I took a 1/2 day so I could skip the meeting and get my run in. Is that bad? Work is getting to me. Not the kids. . . just all the other BS. I want to scream "Leave me alone and let me teach!" I took a 1/2 day instead, lol. My training plan called for one more 10-mile mid-week run and with it getting darker out earlier, this would be the only way to fit it in. I had no desire to go to another meaningless meeting.

Deb- I didn't realize your husband had been a teacher! With 21 years in this profession, the meetings seem to be getting worse and worse. Just administrators trying to justify their meaningless, overpaid jobs, IMHO. My director taught for 5 years before being an administrator. I've been doing this for 21. . . who should listen to whom?

Belinda- I skipped the meeting this week ;). Tabatacise on the rebounder is the way to go. That one is so high impact. The one I hated the most was the one from STS. . . Cardio Core Circuit? Ugh!


Kirstin - your workout yesterday sounds brutal. No, it's not bad :) I would have skipped an entire day :p I hear you on all the BS. I don't blame you for getting your run in early. Good for you. WOW, you been doing this for 21 years. That's amazing! I agree, they should be listing to you not the other way around.

Today we took a long walk. The heat and humidity are tough hoping for a break soon. We are watching the World Series my son’s favorite team is in it.

Belinda - Muscle Max is one of ny favorites.

Kristin - Oops I meant my Dad was a teacher;). I think you did the right thing your mental health is important too! Belinda is right you should have taken a full day:p

Good morning,

Today was a bike workout scheduled on the rotation. I don't have one, ended up doing Cathe Cardio Fustion All Step Cardio Premix. Fun workout.

Debbie - enjoy those walks on the beach. It's very cloudy outside today. I like MM too.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

Have a great workout and day today.
Happy Halloween everyone,

I just finished my workout before I am heading to DC to celebrate my DD's birthday. Today's workout was Intensity Pyramid Lower Body. Great workout. Should pull that one out more often.

Have a great day and workout everyone. I will not be around much today. I will check in tonight or tomorrow.
Hey guys. Wednesday and Thursday were rest days due to weather, field trip, and Halloween. Today, refreshed, I did 6 fast miles. My average pace: 9:06. Marathon is 22 days away and I am getting hella nervous. I hope the weather is good. I don't mind cold. I just wind and rain.

Belinda- Happy birthday to DD! I loved the pyramid workouts that Cathe put out. They were tough, but great, even though the music was meh.

Deb- your dad was a teacher. . . that makes more sense now. I thought you would've told me your DH was a teacher years ago, lol. I am going to take a mental health day if I need it. The day after the marathon I am taking a personal day. We are staying in Philly to see the sights.



DH and I decided to stay a few day's in DC. I just finished Intensity Pyramid Upper Body. I used the gym at my kids apartment. Had a great time in the gym. Glad I took some workout clothes and my portable dvd player.

Kirstin - thank you! The pyramid workouts were scheduled in Cathe's October rotation. Haven't done those in a while. The music was meh but better than her newer workouts, IMO! Had lots of fun. Need to pull them out more often.

Debbie - I hope all is well and you having lots of fun.

Good night.

Yesterday was our Anniversary, I didn’t feel good so we will celebrate this weekend. I eat poorly on vacation and it really doesn’t agree with me. Normally I eat lots of vegetables but when we eat out not crazy about how they are prepared so don’t get enough of them. We have been walking a lot though.

Belinda - Happy Birthday to your DD:) it sounds like you had fun. I’m sure the gym was lots of fun.

Kristin - My boys said we had very few trick or treaters because of the weather. I was in Philly once and thought it was a nice city, smaller version of NYC. The architecture was really nice.

Hi everyone,

Today I did I did Cathe Live #44 Step Sweat. Very fun step workout.

Debbie - happy Anniversary! Sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.

Kirstin - when DD and I went to Cathe last RT we went to Philly. Beautiful city and very nice architecture.

Good night.

Today we took a long walk. The days are going quickly.

Belinda - Cathe mentioned step may be making a comeback in gyms. I remember when they took steps out of my gym how upset some members were.

Kristin - Have a great weekend!

Hey guys. Got my last long run in today. 18 miles with a 9:23 pace. I am ready for this race! Now I am watching the NYC marathon (I DVR'd it). I have my legs up and I am resting for the rest of the day. There are days when I feel nervous and wonder if I will bonk on the marathon. Today's run was tough with a strong headwind during the hilly part of the run, and I maintained a good pace. I just have to keep telling myself I can do this and I can achieve my goal of getting under 4:15. My original goal was 4:30 or less. I think I am more capable of getting 4:15 or less. Still some more training runs to do, but I think I have this. Next Sunday I am running 12 miles.

Deb- happy anniversary!

Belinda- I haven't been to Philly since my 6th grade trip there back in 1989. I am excited to see the sites and take a picture with my medal by the Rocky statue!



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