Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did Metabolic Blast. My Cathe Live still doesn’t work will send them an email tomorrow to see if they can help. Christmas songs are back but it is so cold it feels like Christmas:)

Belinda - I’ve been wanting to do that workout;)

Kristin - If you run the next couple of days I’m sure you will need to bundle up!

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

This morning I did Party Rocking Step #2 is done. Very fun step workout and music. Need to pull that one out more often.

Debbie - I hope it's fixed by now. MB is a good workout. You should pull out STS TB, so much fun.

Kirstin - good luck with your race.


Today I did a treadmill workout. I'm so tired now that it gets darker earlier. I need to hibernate for the winter;)

Belinda - I will pull that workout this week:) Party Rocking Step #2 is one of the step tapes I like, also Rhythm.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Lower Body Blast.I am in week 4 of the Oct rotation. I have no idea what I will do next week?

Debbie - that one is a lot of fun. I will pull that one out this way I remember to do it. I hear you on the winter. I am right there with you, lol.

Hi Kirstin!

Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.

Today I did Lean Legs. I was so tired feel asleep in the couch after dinner:oops:

Belinda - Good job with your workout! It's hard to believe we are 1/2 way thru Novembero_O Not sure what I will do either next week, maybe October rotation?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Chiseled Upper Body plus BarreAmped Lower body + Pretzel is done.

Debbie - I can't believe we are half way through Nov either. I think you would like the October rotation, it's a lot of fun plus you run through some dvd's you haven't done in a long time. Great job on Lean legs.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will be back later.

Today I took a yoga class:) We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - What is Pretzel? Is it a floor exercise, I did it in one of my workout dvds. I will try the October rotation:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

RWH Low Impact HiiT Two Plus abs 2 and BarreAmped Bounce Int-Adv (21 min) is done. The bounce workout was a lot of fun.

Debbie - this is a pretzel, lol. It will fry you butt
. You can do a pretzel standing too. I prefer the standing one, my knee sometimes can't handle it. Have fun with the October rotation. It's a lot of fun. Is your Cathe Live working?

Kirstin - are you ready for the race?

I will be back later to catch up on personals.
I compared the premixes in Lite PHA2 and Step Boss PHA3, the premix format is the same. They identical! The premixes are all just strung together, I really don't need to buy dvd's anymore, I can do the premixes with just the downloads, IMO. I am still waiting for Step Sync premixes. Hopefully the step workout looks better before I cancel my dvd preorder. The only reason I ordered dvd, I was hoping for more complex premixes instead of just strung together.

Today I did a treadmill workout. Not much going on today but it was cold!

Belinda - Thanks for the pretzel you-tube video. The exercise I did was similar but the video you sent is more detailed:) I have to try some troubleshooting steps for Cathe Live, it seems others are having similar problems. I will do that over the weekend.

Kristin - Any plans for the weekend? You race is coming up soon:)

Hey guys. Got an 8 mile long run in today. This week I will run 4-6 miles between tomorrow and Tuesday and then that is it until race day on Sunday. I cannot believe it is a week away. I am feeling excited, nervous, worried, confident, all of the above, lol. I am hoping the weather is nice. Cold I don't mind, but I don't want rain. I had to run in snow flurries today. What made it bad was the wind, but I survived. About to have some chicken soup now and relax for the rest of the day.

Deb- I have definitely bundled up this week during my runs. I like running in the cold though over running in the heat. I'll take the cold any day. After a mile or two, I am not cold anymore.

Belinda- Did they show any video clips of the new workouts yet? I haven't seem any updates.



Today I cooked all day, went on the treadmill just to get my steps in. It was so cold at the Farmer's Market but next week is the last week till next year:(. Tomorrow I will start the October rotation.

Belinda - What are you up to today?

Kristin - The wind was tough today, went right through you! I'm excited for you, can't wait to hear all about the race. I find the training very interesting. I just assumed training was a gradual increase of miles till the day of the race.

Good morning,

Today DH and I did Chest & Triceps = 25 min plus 10 min abs. I will try to post my workout later.

Debbie - I ended up taking a rest day yesterday. I was tired. Needed to rest. It's cold here too. Have fun with the October rotation.

Kirstin - I haven't seen any clips. I used like running in the cold too. You always can take some layers off if you get too hot.

Have a great Monday, everyone.

Today I started October rotation and did Athletic Training. I went to the Dr. today for an eye infection, ugh it looks terrible and hurts. It is an infected stye it isn't contagious but people must be scared when they see it:eek: They only gave me eye drops, hopefully it works.

Belinda - For some reason I like rest day's in the winter better;)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today I worked my Quads & Calves. I also did D2 UB of SBF Gratitude Challenge 2019.Yesterday I started SBF Gratitude Challenge 2019, I did Day 1 Interval 7. My triceps are sore from yesterday's workout. I like those short workouts. I will try to post my workout later.

Debbie - me too. WTG, with D1.

Hi Kirstin!

Have a great workout and day, everyone.
I just canceled my dvd preorder after seeing the last step premix. The premixes are just strung together. I am done with buying dvd's.
Good morning,

I forgot to post my workout yesterday. Went to a backing class last night. I did Shoulders & abs plus barre workout.

Debbie - how are you doing with your eyes? I hope all is well. Please feel better.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Today I will do lower body and planks. BBL!
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Good afternoon,

I am still in DC. I went to a backing class in DC with DD, DIL and a friend of my DD. We had a blast making a cake and truffles. Our cakes turned out amazing. I will freeze mine for TG.

Had a monster migraine since this morning, hadn't had one like this in a long time. The meds finally kicked in. I went to the gym, worked my booty, hamstrings & outer tights. I also did SBF Stopwatch Planks.

Debbie - I hope you ok.

Kirstin - what are you doing.

I will try to be back later. I hope I don't get caught in traffic driving home.

Sorry I didn't check-in yesterday. When I went to the Dr. on Monday my feeling was I needed antibiotics but she only gave me eye drops with antibiotics. My favorite/usual Dr. is on maternity leave:( So yesterday, my eye double/tripled in size, the side of my face was swollen, along with a headache and pain. I called at 9AM and the receptionist said they could see me at 8PM. I explained how could I possibly get medicine after 8PM o_O I insisted they either call in meds or see me sooner. After 3 hours they still didn't call me back or call in meds. I was so :mad:. I insisted they give me an appointment. I think when they saw me they realized they made a big mistake because my eye looked terrible. They did give me meds but said I would need surgery to remove cyst if the meds don't work. I'm happy to say at it is getting better and hoping it continues to.

Today I did a treadmill workout instead of Cycling dvd.

Belinda - Great workouts for you! Do you think you would ever move to DC? A baking class sounds like so much fun:). I wonder if they have anything like that in my area. What kind of cake?

Kristin - Do you leave Friday or Saturday for your race? It looks like the weather will be good here.

Good morning,

Woke up with another monster migraine. My head/noise is stuffed up too. I am skipping my planned workout, which is biceps. I took some meds, maybe this afternoon I can go for a short walk outside. Maybe do a stretch.

Debbie - I am so sorry what are you going through with your eye. I can't believe they gave you a 8pm appointment especially if you need antibiotics. I would have been :mad: too. Poor thing! I am so glad to hear you don't need surgery. I hope you feel better soon. Great job on the TM workout. I picked any cardio instead of the bike dvd. The rotation is a lot of fun. We made pumpkin dulce de latch layer cake and truffles. The backing class is called MomoMilk LLC (“MILK BAR” or “Bakery”). Apparently they are very famous for their pumpkin dulce de latch layer cake. You can buy the cake they will ship nation wide. I will post a picture of the cake later. I went with DD, my DIL and a friend of DD. We had a blast. It wasn't cheap for a backing class but so worst it, IMO!

Kirstin - have you ran the race yet?

I will be back later.

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