Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did Tabatacise. I'm not sure if I'm happy about the snow the next 2 days. I could start decorating for Christmas:)

Belinda - We are still eating leftovers from Thanksgiving! Did your cake taste as good as it looked?

Kristin - So sorry about your week and Dad. It must be so hard to juggle your Dad, Mom and your own stuff:(
It must have felt good to run 4 miles:)

Good morning everyone,

Can't believe it's already December. Yesterday DH and I took our dog for a long walk, it was cold outside. I thought my ears gonna fall off, lol Need to remember to bring a hat or something for my ears. Got up early to get my workout in before DH and I headed out for today. Today is my 36th Anniversary :)

I did a 20 min SBF stretch.

Debbie - we are eating leftovers from TG :) Since we cooked everything twice we have a lot of leftovers. Of course my kids took a lot of leftovers too. The cake was so good. We didn't noticed it was dairy free and gluten free. I will defiantly make that cake again. I still have the one I make in the freezer, lol. My neighbor is having a xmas cookie party coming up soon. I will bring the cake :) it's too much just for DH and me. I haven't started decoration, maybe I will do it tomorrow. Have fun.

Kirstin - thinking about you :)

Have a wonderful day, everyone.
Hey guys. Last night I slept over my dad's house again. I went to CF in the morning and then went back to my dad's for breakfast. He was feeling a little better, so I left to get some laundry done. I put up my lighted Christmas garland around my staircase and banister. We will be getting our tree this week.

Belinda- did you preorder the new Cathe dvds? Are there video clips yet? I am curious to see if there are any new moves or music.

Deb- I wanted to get the snow. . . we got rain. Teaching in December is crazy, as you can imagine, lol. I have a lot going on this week too between work and my parents. I am already starting to think about what race I want to do next.



Today I did Muscle Max. I went out early but when I was home before ice started. Tomorrow is snow so will be staying home unless that changes.

Belinda - “Happy Anniversary”. It must have been a tough walk, my ears get so cold too. The cookie party sounds like fun, the cake will be a big hit! I’m getting tired of turkey but running out;)

Kristin - You could have used a snow day! You never know what can happen before Christmas. It is so nice of you to be there for your parents. I love putting up Christmas decorations, taking them down not so much.

Good morning,

Gym Style Chest & Triceps Superset premix - 31 min is done. I will go for a short walk shortly.

Debbie - thank you :) It was a tough walk. We suppose to get snow too today. It's sunny outside. Great job on MM.

Kirstin - yes, I did preorder. I tried canceling but I ended up keeping it. The clips look good. Haven't bought anything new in a long time.

Have a great workout and day everyone.
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Today I did a treadmill workout for the cardio workout in the rotation. It was a snowy/icy day, hopefully tomorrow will be better. It was so cold too:(

Belinda - I always forget to look at the premixes for Gym Styles but it sounds like a good workout.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Gym Style Back & Bicep premix #2 = 35 min is done. I also did SBF abs.

Debbie - I have to admit I am getting a little sick of turkey. I made a Shepard Pie with all the leftovers we still have some for today, lol. That should be it. If you short on time, try some of Cathe's older premixes. They are great.

Kirstin - I forgot I also have SBF subscription.

I will be back to catch up on personals.
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My friend is here to visit and pick up some workout dvd's I no longer can do. She is going to be here until next week. We did CL #272 Love Me Some Kickboxing. It was very fun, did all the high impact jumping on my rebounder. Worked out great. Really liked the kickboxing combos a lot. Got a high cal burn on that one. BBL!

I just found out that my sister and BIL from Germany are coming to visit us next year. It's their first time coming to DC area. Every time I talk to my sister on the phone she kept asking when are you guys coming to Germany :) I told her first they have to come to the US and visit us, lol. Last time I visit Germany was 3 years ago. They will stay for 2 weeks. My nephew is also planning on coming around the same time. He will let me know by Feb 2020. I am going to have a full house next year. I am so excited!!
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Hey guys. Yesterday was a CF workout for me. We worked on Power snatches, overhead squats, which I could do with 30# BB and then a 12 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of DB snatches and knee raises from the bar. We started with 2 reps, then 4 reps, then 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. I got all the way to 20 in 12 minutes. I was faster than the guys and I was using a 25# DB. My lats and shoulders are beyond sore today, along with my quads and butt, lol.

Things are work are crazy. I don't know if I have 12 years left in me. . . the behaviors are out of control. There was another fight today and a teacher got hurt. . . I am lucky that I have only one bad class. . . but I can handle them. The question is, do I want to handle them? I am scared of the answer. . . I don't know if I will make it to retirement. I might need to look for a new career.

Deb- I am the same way with decorations. I love to put them up, hate to take them down.

Belinda- Happy Anniversary! Well, I meant to say that before, but I forgot. . . The clips do look good on the new dvds.



Today I did Intensity Pyramid Lower Body. Lots of snow still around but the roads were clean:)

Belinda - That is great that your family will come and visit next year! So I made Shepard's pie tonight too with leftovers it was a good comfort food:)

Kristin - It sounds like a tough CF workout! If you leave teaching will you still get part of a pension? Teaching has changed so much:(

Good morning,

My friend came over and we did CL #118 Long & Sculpted legs. This one would be great for a travel lower body minus the stability ball. Although on second thought you probably could do it on a chair/table. The stability was very repetitive. She kept doing a ton of leg lifts on the ball, after that she did 8 sets of 8 reps. I feel like my legs are going to fall off. I do a lot of barre workouts, I had to take a break by set 6. I did lower body barre yesterday, lol.

Woke up to snow this morning :( Awww...

Debbie - I am excited to see my family soon. We had some Shepard's pie last night, no more leftovers for us. Very good comfort food.

Kirstin - thank you. It's sad what teachers have to go through and have to put up with. I don't blame you for wanting to leave. I am sure you will find something better and pays better too. WTG, on your workout yesterday. Sounds tough.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!

Today I did Intensity Pyramid Upper Body. I went to the Dr. she gave me 2 choices for my eye wait it out & use hot compresses or remove it. I chose to wait it out it is getting better but at a snail's pace LOL. It's still better than surgery;) I really like that this Dr. pushes for alternatives and gives me choices.

Belinda - What does CL stand for? I like the sound of your workout!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

This morning my friend and I did CL #78 Power Step. This one was a lot of fun. This one would be worth buying if you like step. I need to write down all the workouts I like and either buy or revisit them when I sign up next year. I also did SBF UB Fire, it was mostly planks and abs.

Debbie - CL stands for Cathe Live :) Sorry about that. If you like barre workouts give this one a try. Nice job yesterday. My friend will be until next week, I will continue and take advantage of the CL workouts, lol. After that I will go back to my dvd's.

Kirstin - how is your dad and mom doing?


Today I did RWH Plyo Hiit One. This week is flying by!

Belinda - LOL I didn't get that one. I can't do Cathe Live because of problems with my cable company Optimum (all people that use this service), but it should be fixed in a couple of weeks.

Kristin - Hope everything is ok.

Good morning,

CL Circuit Crush # 198 is done. The workout was 6 rounds no repeats, upper/lower/core and cardio. I did most of the high impact on my rebounder. Their wasn't nothing new, the workout was fun.

Debbie - I didn't get that one either at first. A lot of people just type CL instead writing it out. Sorry to hear about your internet problems. Hope it get fixed soon.

Kirstin - hope you doing well.

I will be back later.

Today I took a yoga class. Happy it's the weekend:)

Belinda - The workout you did sounds good. They recently numbered the workouts. It is easier to keep track. In the past I haven't wrote down the workouts I like or did, but now I don't have an excuse;)

Kristin - Can you believe it's been a week since your race? Also how cold it has become!

Good morning,

Not sure what I will do today? My friend is coming over later. I will do a nice stretch today.

Debbie - the workout I did was a lot of fun. I like it. I do have to admit numbering makes it much easier. Great job on that yoga yesterday. I am happy it's the weekend too.

Hi Kirstin!

Good morning,

Workout is done. My friend came over early, glad she did. Have lots to do today. Anyway, workout for today was CL #192 Adv. Step Choreography. What a fun step workout. I will buy this one. Loved it! Now I am looking forward to Cathe's new step workouts. I will miss the Live workouts, but at the same time I miss my dvd's.

That's it for me today. Have a great weekend everyone. I still need to get a stretch in.

Today was a rest day on the rotation so I took it;) I have been making a photo book for DH but having so many problems getting to upload. Calling it a day will try tomorrow. Tomorrow getting up early to go to the outlets with my SIL. I don't really need anything but going for the lunch LOL.

Belinda - It's nice to get your workout in early:) I saw clips the step workouts do look good.

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a Great Weekend!
Good morning,

SBF D21 Stretch 4 is done. I needed that stretch.

Debbie - I like getting my workout in early, this way I have no excuse to skip it later in the day. CL #192 Adv. Step Choreography is a lot of fun, more complex than her other ones. Loved that one.

Kirstin - how are you doing, girl?

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone. See you all tomorrow.

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