Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did a yoga class, the instructor was ok but only 3 of us in the class. Today my in-laws would have been married 60 years. That is a number that is hard to achieve LOL.

Belinda - The x-ray should help the Dr. figure it out. I'm sure you upper body is sore:)

Kristin - You should have great running weather this weekend;)

Hallo Debbie and Kirstin,

I just finished the last workout in Drop Sets. I did Triceps. All those workouts are a winner in my book. My upper body is super sore this week. I can't wait to do all the lower body Drop Sets once my knees are better. I have to look through all my upper body downloads and see what I can do sitting down.

Debbie - wow, that is amazing your in-laws are married 60 years. Congratulations to the couple! What is their secret ?

Kirstin - what are you up too these day's?

Good morning,

Jeni DelPozo Fit and Flex: Full Body Pilates (FabFitFun) = 20 min is done. DH and I will go for a short outside walk later. While I am resting my knee this week, I stumbled across a lot of great YT channels with amazing workouts. I will incorporate more of the workouts I own dvd's + downloads, YT, free workouts like on FabFitFun this year. More bodyweight workouts. I may change my mind in a few weeks, lol

I will be back later.

Yesterday I forgot to check in but did a treadmill workout. Today I did Legs & Glutes and added some walking lunges. It was beautiful today 65 degrees! It is a nice winter gift:)

Belinda - You are doing a great job of getting in your workouts even though you have knee issues:) I'm not sure what I will do this year for workouts. Weight training will be in there for sure.

Kristin - You must be enjoying this beautiful weather!


Today I went for a 2.5 mile slow walk. The sun was out, it was beautiful outside. It's in the 60's.

Debbie - I try to stay active. I will look through my dvd collection, maybe I can find something I can do next week.

Kirstin - the weather is perfect for a run.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

Today I took a long walk, it was beautiful out. I also spent over 2 hours doing fall clean-up the landscapers missed. We have a big hill in our backyard and my glutes are sore from walking up and down it. It was nice to be outside.

Belinda - I bet you'll find a bunch of things you can do next week;)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did Lite Stacked UB. I wrote all the exercise on paper and played my own music. I also modified as need especially those push ups she did on her knees. I also did BARLATES Grace & Strength Arms. This one was high reps light weights.

Debbie - I am still going through all my dvd collection. Wow, you did a lot of work yesterday. Yard work is a workout. Today it's in the 30's.

Kirstin - how are you doing?


Today I did a treadmill workout. I am prepping for a colonoscopy which is tomorrow afternoon. My last meal was Sunday night and only clear liquids & the awful drink you must drink tonight:( Tomorrow no liquids at all. I am starving can't wait to eat after the procedure:)

Belinda - The temps dropped here too:( I thought Spring was around the corner LOL. It's a good idea to change up the music on the workout it must feel like a different workout.

Waves hi to Kristin


Saw my doctor today about my knees. I pulled my hamstring. Whatever I did irritated my knee as well. He still wants me to do 10 min walks 3 times a day and no lower weight workouts. He wants me to do light short lower body stretching, no kneeling. My knees are still swollen.

I did a light walk, I need to get my steps in. I also did some SBF lower body stretches.

Debbie - it's rainy here. Aww...not liking the colder temperatures. You are not alone I thought Spring was just around the corner. Good luck with your colonoscopy today. The stuff they make you drink wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I wasn't hungry at all after drinking all that stuff before the procedure.

Have a great evening.

I walked on the treadmill today. I was really tired but wanted to do something. I was bummed about my colonoscopy. The Dr. ran real late and it took over 4 hours. He also had a problem a part of my colon wasn't clean but I followed prep and it was clear. He wants me to come back in 3-4 months. He also found some polyps but results don't come back for a couple of weeks. I researched it and sometimes this happens. He plans to give me a stronger prep next time (ugh!). I also read some tips for an easier colonoscopy so will try them as well.

Belinda - A pulled hamstring is tough but it will heal nicely. Many years ago my DH pulled his hamstring. Maybe no hills or incline with your walks will be helpful.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

KCM Muscle Up Workout One: 28:40 min is done. I like the workout. I did all the exercises sitting down.

Chest & Back: 8 reps/3 sets
Bent Over Rows (palms facing forward)
Chest press

One Arm rows (lawnmars - switch sides - 8 reps/3sets
Chest Flies

Pullovers - 8 reps/ 2 sets
Push Ups

Shoulder & abs - 8 reps/2 set
Alt. Arnold press - 8 reps (16 reps total)
V sit ups - 16 reps

Standing lateral raises - 8 reps/ 2 sets
Ab toe touches (boxer toe touches) - feet up

Rear Raises palms up - 8 reps/2 sets
Supermans - 1 up/hold for 3 count

Debbie - I am so sorry about colonoscopy. With all the prep you should have been clean. Maybe they didn't give you enough. They made me drink so much of that stuff I wasn't even hungry. Have you seen Cathe's new series she will release this summer? I am undecided about the new series. I am not interested in the yoga or the HiiT. I will hold off too.

Kirstin - where are you, girl?


Today I did some bi & tri exercises. I didn’t sleep well last night because of pain in my leg. Coffee was very helpful though :)

Belinda - Your Dr. must be impressed that you do your upper body exercises sitting. I didn’t see about a new series, I will check it out.

Kristin - It’s crazy that there hasn’t been snow days. I guess if you don’t use you will get out of school sooner.

Goodnight :)
Good morning,

Went for a 30 min walk outside, plus SBF core.

Debbie - my hamstring needs to heal. I am sure my doctor is impressed. I will not get Cathe's new series. I am burned out on HiiT workout. I don't reach for Cathe yoga dvd's. I use other instructors for yoga which I enjoy. I will wait for reviews first.

Here is the link to Cathe's new series.

Kirstin - hope all is well.


Today I took a yoga class and was the only student who showed up. She is new and I think her class is ok but maybe everyone was busy :oops: She did still teach the class so it was like having a private lesson.

Belinda - It is starting to get colder here so you are lucky to be able to walk outside. Did the Dr. say how long it will take for your hamstring to heal? I think I will preorder the series it has workouts I would like.

Good morning,

I did KCM Build + burn = 26 min. Like the workout a lot. She really packs a lot in 30 min.
If I have time I will write down the workout.

Debbie - that is so awesome you got a private lesson. Alesia takes yoga + pilates classes a lot of times she got a private lesson. Who knows how long the hamstring will take? My mistake was, I worked out with pain in my hamstring for weeks. I will pass on the new series. I am not interested in the HiiT or yoga workouts. Hope you like the new workouts.

Have a great workout and day, everyone.

I did the elliptical today. Today I went to my gym that switched locations and do not like the new location at all it is only $10 a month but will cancel it soon anyway. I did do the ellipitical today.

We are getting snow tomorrow but not too much.

Belinda - Sounds like a good workout!

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

Yesterday I lost my voice, coughing. I can't hardly talk. I am falling apart. My husband has been sick for the last 2 weeks, it finally caught up with me.

I just finished Linda's Stretch Sculpt Freestyle Arms = 28 min. That one was brutal! I decided to switch up my workouts this year.

Debbie - I hope you find a gym you like. Great price for a month.

Hallo Kirstin!

I will try to be back later.

Today I took a rest day. We didn't get a lot of snow but it was messy and slippery so stayed in today:) It's going to be cold the next few days:(

Belinda - This year my cold was really bad and seemed to last forever. Maybe it's this way for a lot of people. I hope you feel better. Kudos on getting your workout in.

Kristin - Hopefully you have a 3 day weekend:) More institutions are observing Martin Luther King Day. Years ago my kids didn't get off for it.

Sorry I feel off the radar. Work was crazy this week. I did go to CF a few times, but Thursday, Friday and Saturday were all rest days. I have 3 boys who were suspended. . . hopefully long term. Two were suspended for jumping another boy in the hallway during passing time. They knocked him out unconscious! :eek::eek::eek::mad::mad::mad::confused:. The violence in my school is out of control. Mostly because there are no repercussions. Now I think the principal is "woke" and is trying to rein it in. . . too little too late. The other boy is a Mexican immigrant. . . not sure if he is here legally or not. . . there are papers from Homeland security in his file. . . anyway. . . he tagged his desk in my classroom with a gang tag related to MS-13. I reported it and it turns out he was doing this on all his desks. . . he denied it and then when the principal went through his notebook. . . all MS-13 drawings and tags. My principal thinks he will be suspended long term. . . I hope so. . . this kid scares the crap out of me. AND he knows I am the one who reported him. . .

Anyway, I guess the stress of it all got to me. I did go for a 6 mile run today and it felt great. I maintained a 9 minute mile without trying to, I thought I was running easy, lol. It helped me get out of my funk too, I think.

Deb- we didn't get a lot of snow either, but there were a ton of accidents yesterday. I am glad it was a weekend and not a work day. I hate driving in bad weather, mainly because I am always surrounded by morons on the road, lol. Are you going to switch to another gym?

Belinda- I am sorry you are not feeling well. Something is definitely going around. Kids were coming in sick ALL week. I ran out of hand sanitizer. Rest up.



Today I did a treadmill workout. I am thinking of checking out another gym in the area it is only $20 a month. The gym I currently belong to the parking doesn't seem safe, it is underground, lighting is minimal and I need to take an elevator which I was the only one on which made me uncomfortable.

Belinda - I hope you are feeling better.

Kristin - That is pretty scary stuff about the student:( I've heard in the news about the MS-13 gang and it saddens me that it even exists. I can't imagine the stress you are going through. Do the police get involved? I'm wondering if they could have a police present at the school everyday. Kudos on your CF workout and getting your run in.


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