Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did ICE bi's and tri's. My Dad is having surgery so we booked a trip to Florida in 2 weeks.

Belinda - I haven't used my Bosu in years, I should take it out:) Good job on your workouts.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. I didn't have time to check in yesterday, but I did go to Crossfit. We did Squat cleans. I did 55# barbell. Then we did 3 rounds of 15 shoulder to overhead presses with barbell, I did 60# and 200 single unders for each round. The weight seemed a bit light, lol. I definitely could have done 65-70 pounds. Today I ran 4 miles. I did Yasso's 800s. 1 mile warm-up, 800 meters fast, 400 meters recovery (4 times). My average pace was 8'47. Not bad :).

Deb- What is your dad having surgery for? Whatever it is, I will pray for a speedy recovery.

Belinda- I was thinking of selling my step and other equipment I don't use anymore. . . until last night. My older DS had my step out as a bench and was using my barbell. He was doing his own workout. He says he needs to get stronger for baseball season. I guess I am keeping it all for now, lol.


Hi everyone,

Today I walked and did SBF UB Core = 30 min.

Debbie - sorry to hear your dad needs surgery. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Is your dad going to FL too?

Kirstin - your really amaze me with your CF workouts. Don't get rid of your step, workout dvd's or equipments. You may use them again in a few years, you never know. Glad your step is getting some use.

Good night.

Today I did a treadmill workout. This is my last week of yoga trial package so I will be doing a lot of yoga the rest of the week:)

My Dad had bladder cancer about 5 years ago. They found some polyps on his bladder so they will be removing them. He doesn't seem worried but when I talked to his wife she didn't seem herself. Thank you for your kind words.

Belinda - My parents divorced when I was young and my Dad lives in Florida. Nice job with your workout!

Kristin - You are getting stronger and stronger at CF:) LOL on DS using your step, it's great that he learned from you!


I did Cathe ICE UB and SBF FB workout.

Debbie - that is nice of you to be with your dad. I am sure, he appreciates it.I will keep your dad in my thoughts and prayers. Will you sign up for more yoga?

Kristin - have a great workout today.

That's it for me today. Happy Hump Day!

Today I took a yoga class. By the end of this week I will be tired of yoga. It does have a calming affect on me.

Belinda - Is the swelling improving on your knees? I will buy a 10 pack but not until the end of February, it's good for 6 months.

Wave hi to Kristin

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

I did SBF UB core + walked.

Debbie - I should do more yoga. I agree it's very calming plus you stretching all your muscles. The swelling in my knees didn't improve. Not sure what's going on?

Good night, everyone.

Today I did a treadmill workout. We went to visit my Mom for dinner tonight.

Belinda - Yoga may not be good with your knee swelling right now. I notice if I do yoga 3 or more days my knees act up. I guess I could never be a yoga teacher LOL:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I just finished JS Stepping Strength. All exercises were done standing. No way lifting #25 doing a standing 1 Arm chest press/or fly while you move from side to side or stand on 1 foot, lol. The workouts moves quickly from one exercise to the next, hardly stand still. You are constantly moving. It's more like an insurance workout. I think JS used 5's and 8's through out the entire workout. Her weights looked very light. Either she move or you balancing everything on 1 foot and working your upper body. This one wasn't the best workout I picked to today, it had a lot of lunges, squats, balancing everything on one foot. My knee almost gave out. She worked the upper body w/lower body. First you do 1arm lateral raise/ do the other side. Than you do another round both arms while you do a stationary lunge. Everything was done 16 reps, there were 4 intervals/40 sec thrown into the mix. The music was blah, IMO! Not a big deal. Once I get familiar with her workouts, I play my own. If I have time later today, I will try to post the entire workout.

Debbie - thank you! I will do light stretching. I didn't think about my knees. Great job yesterday. Hope you had a great visit with your mom.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great Friday, everyone.
I am back. i also did Barlates Warm up + Stretch. Great hip flexor and hamstring stretch on a chair. Love her workouts. She is so creative.

Today I took a yoga class. It was the last intro package class an my SIL and I finally ran into each other. This was one of the best classes so far. We are going to grab a bite to eat.

Belinda - Thanks for the link to the workout it looks like something I would really like:). I will try it tomorrow. Your workout today sounded tough.

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend!
Hey guys,

I have been keeping up with my workouts, but it has been a crazy week. Thursday was my rest day. Friday I ran 3 miles and then went to CF. This morning I went to CF again. Tomorrow I am doing a 15k run. It is not a really a race, but a run. Anyway. . . I am down three pounds. Hallelujah! The scale is moving in the right direction. Just have to stick with it. Looking forward to Super Bowl Sunday. I am rooting for the 49ers, how about you guys?

Deb- I can see how having polyps could get your dad's wife upset. It is good that your dad keeps a positive attitude about it. I really believe our attitude towards things make them worse or better, if that makes sense.

Belinda- I miss yoga myself. I had to choose between CF and the yoga studio. Couldn't afford or justify both. Maybe I will do a drop-in class over the next break. Hope your knees are feeling better.

Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF Mat 4 = 35 min. She did different variations of planks, than she did lower body on the mat (inner tights/outer tights). I didn't had to bent my knees, all exercises were done with a straight leg. Worked out perfectly for my wonky knees. I am going to see my doctor next week about my knee again. I shouldn't done that JS workout yesterday. Oh well! I was going to add another workout, but my dvd player wouldn't play. I am done for today.

Kirstin - you already doing a lot of workouts, between CF and your running. I wouldn't have time either to add yoga. Good luck tomorrow with your 15K. Very impressive about your weight loss and 15 K run.

Debbie - I hope you like Linda as much as I do. I love her workouts. She puts her own spin on traditional workouts, her workouts are very fun. She does a lot of bodyweight workouts. Glad you liked the yoga class. That's funny you just ran into your SIL :)

Good night, everyone.

Today I did Barlattes Body Blitz Barre & Floor Express. It was a short workout but it really burned. I bought most of my Superbowl food, just a few more things tomorrow.

Belinda - Nice job on your workout:) I found this on the link you gave above and I really did like Linda's workouts.

Kristin - Good luck with your race! It's nice to see the scale move and your are getting stronger too. I'm looking forward to the 1/2 time show and commercials (LOL). We aren't really rooting for any teams. DH & DS are in some football pools so we will be looking for those scores;)

Hi girls,

I did Sydney Cummings 20 min stretch she posted today. I will go for a short walk later.

Debbie - good job on Barlattes Body Blitz Barre & Floor Express. Glad you like her. She is amazing.

Kirstin - good luck with your race! Congrats on the scale moving in the right direction.

Have a great Super Bowl and Sunday, everyone.
Soooo. . . I came in 3rd place among women participants in the 15k run. Okay, so there were only 7 women, but still. . . I am proud, haha :p. I am going to incorporate more speed workouts this month to really see if I can improve my overall pace. We are going to my friend's house for the superbowl later. Trying to get my work done now, finish up lesson planning and putting away laundry.

Deb- I am looking forward to the halftime show too. I want the 49ers to win. Having them in the superbowl reminds me of how good they were when I was a kid. I lovedJoe Montana.

Belinda- hope your knee if feeling better today. Maybe the dvd player not working was a sign to stop and let it rest. Enjoy the superbowl tonight!

Man, I wish we were off tomorrow, lol.


Today I took a rest day. Ugh, I really ate poorly too! Will do extra tomorrow;) I can’t believe how thirsty I am. I watched on and off but it was a good game.

I loved the google commercial it was so sweet and it brought tears to me.

Belinda - Nice stretch!

Kristin - Congratulations that was an awesome place! We agree too, tomorrow should be a day off:)

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Good morning,

This week I will do Sydney Cummings daily workouts she post. I did her 40 min HiiT Strong this morning. Glad she showed modifications on her HiiT. Really enjoyed the workouts.

Today is my son's birthday. DH and I will meet the family for dinner in DC this evening. I will not be around much today. Need to get everything done before we leave.

Debbie - one day of bad eating poorly is not a big deal. Try to eat healthier this week.

Kirstin - I was thinking the same thing, lol :) it was a sign for me to slow down. Congratulations on your race!! You did amazing, girl!

Have a great Monday and workout everyone.

Today I took a yoga class and a walk outside since it was beautiful. It's so strange but the yoga classes are so light only 2 of us for today's class. I don't see how they make money. Our town just has too much of everything!

Belinda - Great workout! Happy Birthday to your DS and enjoy your dinner with your family:)

Kristin - You must be sore today after yesterday's run!

Hi everyone,

I did I did Sydney Cummings Elev8 D3 30 Min UB Push + Tabata Cardio + bonus 10 Min HiiT cardio.
I decided to do the entire 8 week program from Sydney, maybe I will mix Cathe's workout in. So far, I am like her daily workouts.

Debbie - thank you! We had a great evening. I am dragging this morning. Great job on the yoga. Sounds like you having a private session :)

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout, everyone.

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