Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I walked on the beach and did a YT booty workout. Everyone is saying the weather wasn’t good prior to us coming to Florida. The locals were happy they could wear sweaters and boots :)

Belinda - Are her workouts too high impact?

Kristin - I’m always sad when a favorite instructor leaves. Any chance she will go to another CF close to you?

Good morning,

Cathe Lite Strong UB stacked sets is done.

Debbie - your walk sounds lovely. I wouldn't mind walking on the beach. Which booty workouts on YT did you do? I am always looking for good workouts. Yes, she throws in a lot of high impact. My knees can't handle her workouts.

Kirstin - sorry your favorite instructor is leaving. LOL, yes it is :) I have canceled so many preorders in the past. I am pretty sure once I see clips I will cancel. Plus, I really have enough high impact workouts laying around.

I am getting ready to leave for DC spending time with DD. Tomorrow will not be a fun day, it's a work day.

Have a wonderful day and workout.

Today I took a long walk on the beach. Tomorrow it will be rain cool day so we will run errands.

Belinda - I searched Booty Band workouts and found a bunch of short 10-15 minute workouts. Awhile back on Amazon I bought material bands and really like them for band/loop workouts. I hope you can get your work done quickly in DC.

Waves hi to Kristin :)

Goodnight :)
Happy Valentines Day!

I took a 6 a.m. Pilates Reformer class with DD. It was my DD's favorite instructor, she was amazing. I felt more confidence on the reformer. Felt every muscle in my body. I guess in live classes they can play real music. The music was recognizable, upbeat music. I wished I had a pilates studio near by, I would take more reformer classes.

Debbie- great job yesterday.

Kirstin - do they play great music in CF too?

Off to get to work. I will try to check in later today.
Happy Valentines Day!
Today we walked on the beach. We went to a small town to a farmers market, I bought some strawberries that are really good.

Belinda - The class sounds awesome I need to try the Pilates studio that opened up by me. It is a chain, maybe they will open one by you.

Waves hi to Kristin

Goodnight :)

Today was a long walk on the beach and abs. We are having some plumbing issues in the condo and having someone looking at it on Monday.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin


Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Had a busy day yesterday. We went car shopping.

Yesterday I did SBF Feel Good TB Tabata. Today I did Jessica Smith Walk Strong Cardio Party. Played my own music and muted her off :) Had a great workout.

Debbie - enjoy the walks on the beach. I want to walk on the beach. How long are you staying in FL?

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will try to check in later.
Good morning,

I doing another round of 3.5 STS rotation. I will be done the day my sister and my BIL are coming. Perfect timing :) I am going to go lighter on leg day. See how that works out? We shall see! I will throw in different cardio workouts from different Cathe series.

STS D1 is done.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Today we took a long walk on the beach. We went to lunch with our Canadian friends it was fun.

Belinda - STS sounds like a good idea! You must be looking forward to your sister and BIL visiting. We will be back home on Thursday.

Kristin - I hope you are enjoying winter break :)

Good morning,

IMAX4 + bonus abs #2 is done. Finally took IMAX4 out of the shrink-wrap. Glad I did. The workout was a lot of fun. I didn't use the step, I was afraid of my hamstring acting up. Still had a great step count. Almost 6 K. Not bad. I also did do anything on the floor kept everything standing. I marched in place instead. Too me the workout didn't feel low impact, there were still impact. I kept everything low impact. IMAX4 is a lot of fun. Can't wait to do it on a step once my hamstring feels better.

Debbie - I am glad I started STS. STS is one of my favorite Cathe series. Plus, it takes the guess each day on what to do. I will just do any cardio I feel like doing. Glad you having fun in FL. Enjoy the rest of your stay.

Kirstin - where are you, girl?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!
Hey guys. I am alive. My mid-winter break started on Saturday and I have been doing a lot of running around. Saturday I went to the city with two of my girlfriends from work and my younger DS. We saw Chicago. The lead playing Roxie was Eryka Jayne from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She was good, but you could see the difference between the professionals and the housewife, lol. Then we went to a Brazilian steakhouse. It was my first time going to one where they bring out steaks on a stick and you can eat as much as you want. You get a card that has green on one side and red on the other and green means keep the food coming, lol. It was great. Yesterday I took my younger DS and dog to the beach. It was cold, but a beautiful day. The dog loved it. He did start limping when I brought him home. He was wiped out though and so he rested the rest of the day. Salty air always knocks him out.

Sunday I got my long run in, 10 miles, with my dad and brother on the bikes. I was slow and didn't understand why I could not push faster. . . got my period yesterday and that explains it, lol. Yesterday I did a 3 mile tempo run and today I just got back from Crossfit.

It is a rainy day. After doing some cleaning and laundry, DS and I plan on doing a puzzle together.

Belinda- I always loved the IMAX workouts. Is IMAX 4 supposed to be low impact? Nice job starting on STS again. It is such a great program.

Deb- glad you are enjoying your time in Florida. Going to the beach for me was great yesterday, but I would have loved warmer weather to go with it, lol.


Kirstin - Alesia would love to see the real housewives. She loves watching them. The Brazilian steakhouse sounds amazing. Although I probably couldn't eat all the meat. Once we went to some place similar. They kept bringing out meat after meat. I ate one plate and I was done. There were people eating their 3 plate, lol. The food was very good. Your walk on the beach sounds lovely. It was sunny here yesterday. Today it's cooler. Yes, Imax 4 is suppose to be low impact. She does squat thrust. Some of the moves were not low impact. I am loving STS. Great job on your runs and workouts.

Debbie - have fun with your workout today.

Today was a lot of walking, trying to burn off my bad eating habits ;) Parking is difficult with all the people here so we are forced to walk LOL.

Belinda - I agree what you said about STS. You did get in lots of steps with IMAX 4!

Kristin - You are doing a bunch of fun things on your vacation! Your day in NYC sounds fun:)

Goodnight :)
Good morning,

STS D2 Back & Tric is done. I also did the bonus stretch from Lite.

Debbie - great job on all that walking.

Kirstin - have fun with whatever you decide to do today.

Happy Hump Day.
Hey guys. Today I did a speed run workout. 1 mile warm-up, then 1 min fast, 1 min slow for 8x. Then 1 mile and a 5 minute cool down. I ran a total of 4.10 miles. It was sunny out, but windy. Glad I got it in early. The wind has picked up even more as the day goes on. I also did a quick bicep/tricep/abs workout on my own. I did 50 alternating bicep curls with 12# dumbbells, then 40 Russian twists with a 10# plate, 30 tricep extensions, then 25 bicep 30 bicep curls, 20 Russian twists, 15 tricep extensions, 15 bicep curls (double arms), 15 Russian twists, 10 tricep extensions. It was a good burn and a quick workout to add on to the running. I feel that at CF we do not do enough work on our biceps and triceps. The powerlifts are more shoulders/traps.

Going out to dinner with a friend later. Just getting some bills done now.

Belinda- I love meat so the restaurant was right up my alley, lol. I didn't fill up on the salad bar, haha. My favorite was the bacon wrapped filet mignon, delicious!

Deb- NYC was fun, but crowded. What else is new, haha.


Kirstin - I love bacon and flies mignon. Match in heaven:) Sounds delicious. Great job on your run and your home made CF workout. Looks great!

Today was a long walk on the beach. Also did lots of laundry. It will be so cold when we land tomorrow and of course I didn’t pack a winter coat:oops:

Belinda - You are giving me the urge to do STS:)

Kristin - Can you use CF to do weight workout on your own or is it just classes?

Good morning,

Lite Rev'd Up Rumble is done. I probably will do a short stretch later.

Debbie - safe travels. It's freezing here today too.

Kirstin - what are you doing today?

I will be back later.
I also added BARLATES Traditional Outer Thighs = 22 min. Holy Crap, what a butt burner. I also did SBF Stopwatch 2 planks = 15 min. I am done for today.
Hey guys. Just came back from Crossfit. Today's workout was simple but tough. Here is the breakdown:

10 dumbbell snatches/15 burpees step over the box
20 snatches/15 burpees over the box
30 snatches/ 15 burpees over the box
40 snatches/15 burpees over the box
50 snatches/15 burpees over the box

I used a 20# dumbbell and finished in just over 21 minutes. My shoulders are completely fried!

Deb- Crossfit usually is just classes unless they have "open gym" hours. The new owners are talking about having open gym hours, which would be great. I would love it to work on some movements, plus do weight work we don't normally do.

Belinda- The temperature dropped up here too. Very cold. I cannot wait for spring!



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