Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Today I ran 4 miles and then DH and I did our own CF WOD at home, called Deck of Cards. Basically, you need a deck of cards and 4 movements. Luckily I have plenty of equipment from my Cathe days. Each suit is a movement: spades- push-ups, hearts- dumbbell hover squats, diamonds-burpees, clubs- step-ups. the # of reps is determined by the card. For example 8 of spades is 8 push-ups. Ace is one, Jack is 11, Queen 12, King 13. You go through the whole deck of cards this way. DH and I alternated picking a card for the other person. For some reason, I got stuck with a lot of burpees and hover squats. It was a fun, good workout. We were sweating.



We did go to Florida this morning. We went back and forth and did our research. Well that went out the window this virus is so unknown no one really knows what to expect. When we arrived Florida ordered public beaches, restaurants and bars closed. When we left the governor was allowing 50% occupancy for restaurants but I’m sure he was given a hard time for having so few restrictions in FL.

Tomorrow we will see if they consider the beach outside the condo as public. It is very large but doesn’t have access to the public.

Belinda - Thanks for the info on the free workouts:). I hope your knee feels better. I agree to wait at least a couple of weeks to see the Dr, you never know about the germs:(

Kristin - I thought it must be tough for you learning a new way to teach. It was really nice to hear the students who act out are looking to you for support. Kudos on getting in your workouts, the card workout sounds hard but fun! Also sorry you are unable to visit your mom:(

Take care of yourselves

Hi everyone,

Today I did the Cathe 289 TB Blast. I had to modify all the high impact cardio.

Debbie - I keep everything very low impact, no twisting no jumping. I still have to keep moving. Have fun in Florida. I heard on the news they shutting down everything.

Kirstin - I agree with Debbie about hearing a new to teach. Aww...that is so nice to hear the students are looking to get support from you. It breaks my heart you can't see your mom. Hopefully we get that virus under control soon. So many people are infected daily. Scary! Good job with your workouts.

Stay safe and healthy. I will be back tomorrow
Today DH and I did a CF style workout at home in our backyard. 50 degrees and sunny out, we wanted to take advantage. We used our jump ropes. DH had bought me my own CF jump rope a few months ago. I came up with the workout. I called it the Final Countdown. It went like this. . .

100 jump ropes, 10 dumbbell thrusters, 10 renegade rows (I used 15# dumbbells)
90 jump ropes, 9 dumbbell thrusters, 9 RR
80 JR, 8 DBTH, 8 RR
70, 7, 7
60, 6, 6
and so on. . . all the way to one. We were done in 16 minutes, so we repeated, starting at 50 jump ropes. It was a solid workout. My shoulders and back are so sore now.

It does suck not being able to see my mom. As much as it bothers me, I think it bothers my dad 100X more. I think he is heartbroken that he cannot see her.

Deb- it is overwhelming to try to learn something new to use as a teacher and then use it immediately. Some of the things I do not agree with too. I feel the district should direct us all to use the same digital material, such as Google classroom. This way we are uniform and can learn 2-3 platforms well. Some teachers are doing video-conferencing with students. I don't like the idea of this. I don't want to see inside their homes. What if an older sibling moons us on a video conference with students. . . you'd be surprised. . . then who is liable? I don't know.

Belinda- Nice job on your workouts! This virus continues to get worse here in NY. Everything is closed except essentials. . . luckily, that includes liquor stores. I have been having a glass of wine almost every night because my anxiety level is so high.

Be well!


Today we took a long walk on the beach. We didn’t sit on the beach but saw at times the police were asking people to move further apart which makes sense and easily done. The pools in the area are overcrowded not going near them. The food stores here are also light on everything. We are getting takeout from restaurants and they are so thankful for us supporting them.

Belinda - You are really good at working out and having it work with your injuries.

Kristin - It’s great you and DH are putting together some really good workouts! Too funny about the siblings:). Aww I didn’t even think about how it must be for your a Dad:(

9.3 mile run dad with my dad and brother on their bikes. We couldn't eat our usual after-workout breakfast at the diner we go to, but my dad got his bagel and coffee to go. It was a cold, windy run, but I got it done and maintained a good pace.

Deb- From what I see on the news, Jersey is even stricter than NY with restrictions?


Hey guys,

Took a rest day today. I will start STS M2 tomorrow.

Debbie - I wouldn't mind walking on the beach. I would stay away from the crowed pools.

Kistin - everything is closed except grocery stores and restaurants with cub side pick up. I went to the grocery store today, never seen the shelves that empty. I am having a glass of wine almost every day too.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

Today we did a long walk on the beach. A lot less people so really easy to keep space between everyone on the beach. We are taking it day by day when to come home.

Belinda - Enjoy your rest day! Everyone seems to have anxiety and sadness around us. The airport was depressing I felt like I was at a funeral.

Kristin - Its great you are getting in your workouts with your family:)

Good morning,

I started M2 D13 today. Had a great workout. Loved the longer breaks. I probably will go for a walk later today.

Debbie - I was concerned 2 weeks ago. Went to 2 grocery stores yesterday. Anxiety kicked in with all the empty out of stock items. They also limit only 1 idem per family. I wanted 2 cans of black beans. I only got one. What are you suppose to do with only 1 (8 oz) can if you are a family of 4? I really hope this isn't a norm in the future. Very depressing going through the stores. Produce on the other hand was fully stocked. I wanted pork chops (they had 2 small one in a pack) I was only allowed to buy one, WTH? I understand why they doing this but we live 45 min from Wegmans. I can't drive up there daily to shop.

I will be back later.

Today we took a long walk. We are seeing less and less people it just feels so strange. The days seem so much longer, in other times that would have been great. We did find tp, paper goods in the store today.

Belinda - M2 is my favorite probably for the longer breaks;). I hear you on the limit, can’t imagine what anyone does with more than 2 people in a household:oops: I haven’t seen limits on anything besides paper products and meat. 45 mins long drive to do and not get what you need.

Kristin - Will you still get a Spring break?

Hi everyone,

Today I did CL#272 Love me some cards kickboxing. This one is very high impact, very fun combos. I had to take out all the high impact moves. Still got a great workout.

Debbie - M2 and M3 my favorites. Love the longer breaks. Now I can lift heavier, I am using my weight rack/bench. I really hope they will figure it out on the limit, one small can of beans will not feed a family with lots of kids. I went to Virginia to shop were they put a limit on things. Ridiculous! It must feel strange not seeing lots of people on the beach. Praying they find a cure for this disease very soon. I feel bad for Italy, daily they have over 600 people dying from it :( Makes me so sad.

Kirstin - hope all is well. Check in when you can.

Have a great workout and day everyone.

Yesterday I did my own CF style workout, I called it chipper and 1/2. Here is the breakdown:

100 plate jumps
90 sit-ups
80 lunges (unweighted)
70 shoulder tap planks
60 hover squats with 20# dumbbell
50 Russian Twists with 20# plate
40 step ups
30 dumbbell swings
20 push-ups
10 v-ups, then repeat with 1/2 the reps.

It was an awesome workout. I was a sweaty mess at the end. Maybe I could be a CF coach, lol.

Today I ran 5 miles. I kept a 9 minute pace throughout. It is beautiful outside.

Deb- Spring break is supposed to be from April 9-20 for us. Not sure how this will play out. I am wondering if they will keep us out until the break. Cuomo said today that the number of cases is increasing too fast, doubling every two or three days and we don't have enough supplies and we haven't reached the peak of the curve. He said the peak is coming in 14 days. I am assuming we will be out for the next few weeks. Do we teach online during the break? I don't know. No one seems to know. I hate not knowing. . . I am a planner. How can I plan what I don't know?

Belinda- It's weird we don't have a limit on food here. Some stores put a limit on toilet paper and water. I don't get the toilet paper thing. . . Anyway, as far as food being limited, that is not the case here. I also feel for the people of Italy. So sad.



Today I took a long walk. I found out that someone tested positive in a food store I go to in NJ. Also someone at my SILs work tested positive:(. I pray they will find a cure. I agree it is heartbreaking what is happening in Italy.

Belinda - Nice workout! Wasn’t your family coming to visit from Germany this summer? How are they doing with the virus?

Kristin - You could easily be a CF coach! I also don’t like unknowns. Hopefully if you stay out during Spring Break you get a break from teaching.

Hi everyone,

I did STS D14 Legs today.

Debbie - I will pray the test will come back negative :( This is crazy! My sister is suppose to come in May. We need a miracle. Bavaria is on lockdown just like here.

Kirstin - 2 weeks ago, it started out that they put a limit on toilet paper/paper towels and water. Now they put a limit on everything. Nuts! The # are climbing all over. I pray they get a handle on this.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a long walk also I added some leg drills. It feels strange like it’s just DH and me. We try and stay on the beach as much as possible. Keeping distance from people is easy. The food store we go to in Florida are adding plexiglass between the cashiers and customers. I think it’s a great idea for everyone.

Belinda - Nice job with your leg workout. I hope your sister can come and this will be over soon. I heard on the news NY/NJ may not peak for 2-3 weeks:(

Kristin - I hope your week goes well. It’s crazy that this virus will be a big part of history someday.

Hi everyone,

I went for a long walk outside today.

Debbie - good job on the walk and keeping your distance from people. They starting to put pixy class in some of the grocery stores here and Germany too. I think it's a great idea too.

Kirstin - how are you doing?


Today I took a long walk. My son has been running on the HS track but they closed it today. We started seeing more people today. It seems like relatives of older people here.

Belinda - Its nice to walk outside:). How are your kids doing with the virus?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

STS D15 Back & Biceps is done.

Debbie - DH and I went for a short walk last night. It's very nice to walk outside. Sorry about the track getting closed.

I will be back for personals.

Today we took a long walk. We are driving home on Tuesday, it is nice here but we are anxious to get home. All pools are closed in Florida probably should have been done sooner. We spoke to management and at times they have one elevator running instead of 2. They use one for deliveries and construction and everyone is too close on the one available elevator. Hopefully they will stop closing one.

Belinda - I cant wait to go back to doing STS:). I hope the weather is nice when we get back.

Kristin - My friends BIL who lives on Long Island is in the hospital with Covid-19:(

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

Today I did Step Sync, modified.

Debbie - crazy, how things changed in such a short time. I wonder if we ever going to have a normal life again. Went to Costco today. They only letting so many people into the warehouse. They also have pixy glass at the fast food (pizza) cash registers. They doing a great job cleaning everything and keeping up. Today besides TB/paper towels and sanitizing wipes the shelves were fully stocked. That made me happy to see full shelves again. They did limit the items you buy.

Hallo Kirstin.

Good night everyone.

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