Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a long walk outside. It's funny how I am noticing things in my neighborhood I didn't before:oops: It was a nice day!

Belinda - I'm going to start STS M2 tomorrow, I forgot about the double wave load:) I haven't been able to find any masks, I sanitize by spraying rubbing alcohol that I put in a spray bottle. I did notice lots of people using bandannas for masks. A Dr. on TV said if you have material that's not thick enough you could put a paper towel inside and it would offer you the protection you need.

Kristin - I saw they extended the time for schools closed to April 30th. The good thing is a possible end date before May (fingers crossed).

Hi everyone,

Today I did Cathe Live #255 KB Plus Core = 50 min. My knees are bordering me again, brrr... Still keeping everything low impact. Maybe I need to back off walking so much?

Debbie - have fun with M2 today. I love the extra break. I usually walk around my basement to get more steps in during the break. Great tip about the rubbing alcohol putting it in a spray bottle. You also could use a coffee filter/tissue in between the bandana.

Kirstin - hope you have a great workout today.


Today I took a long walk outside it was really nice! More people walking but we were keeping a good distance. I also did STS D13 Chest, Shoulders & Tri's. I like that you do each body part to completion and move on to the next.

Belinda - I bet the walking could be doing it because both DH & I said our left knee was bothering us today. I do like the breaks in M2:) Coffee filter/tissue good idea!

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi girls

I went to Costco early this morning. I will get my workout in shortly. Well, my knees are so swollen right now, I can't hardly walk up stairs. I am suppose to do D20 Legs today. No way, I can do lower body. I can't bent my knees not even a little bit :( Having a hard time walking too. Hopefully in a few day's the swelling goes down again. Or I will take a rest day today? Haven't decided yet?

Debbie - I been walking up hills, not a good idea for my wonky knees. I been resting/icing my knee. Should feel better in a few day's.

Happy Hump Day, everyone and stay safe!
I am back:

I ended up doing STS D21 Back & Biceps. I didn't use the stability ball. I am having trouble getting up and down of the floor. I used my weight bench in an incline position, worked out great. I also did most exercise sitting in a chair.

See you all tomorrow. Have a great evening.

Today I took a walk outside. My favorite yoga instructor who moved to Hawaii has been offering a few classes a week on Zoom. I didn't really know about Zoom but tried it today, not bad it was $10 per class. I'm still not sure if I understand everything about Zoom, but it worked.

Our Governor just issued you must have a mask on in all public places and management has the right to ask you to leave if you don't comply. Also only allowing 50% of the people in the stores at a time.

Belinda - I'm sorry your knee is acting up:( You were smart not to do Legs and ice it. Would you even be able to get a Dr. appt. at this time? Hopefully you can or maybe the icing it will help. Kudos on getting your workout in:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I went for a walk. Glad I went early, it's starting to rain.

Debbie - we are also on lockdown. I don't get why they didn't issue wearing a mask from the beginning? Didn't make any sense to me. Glad to see people actually following wearing a mask. I refuse to get an doc appointment with that virus floating around. Unless I absolutely have too. I get all my medications sent to the house, so is DH. Most instructors are going on Zoom these day's. I am so glad I have my dvd's. I may as well do a free youtube workouts instead. So many instructors are offering free weekly workouts during this time. It's almost overwhelming, lol.

Kirstin - hope all is well.

Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.

Today I took a walk outside before the rain. We took food to my Mom's since she won't be coming for Easter dinner. We talked briefly to her through the door, it just seems crazy. I went to Trader Joe's this morning and they were turning people away without masks. They also were disinfecting carts thoroughly and only letting a few people in at a time. The stores are getting very strict with the 6ft rule. I can't blame them a number of workers in this area are testing positive.

Belinda - I don't blame you for not wanting to go to the Dr.:( I just pray this will get better soon. I prefer doing dvds over zoom and we have so many;)

Kristin - I saw on the news they are considering giving teachers a Spring break, wasn't sure if it was definite.

Good morning,

Cathe Live #61 RT Kboixing = 44 min is done. This one was very easy to modify. Had a great workout today.

Debbie- I had a visual appointment with my Ortho yesterday. My teeth are not tracking, meaning once this virus is over I have to get rescanned. Yeah, more tray's :) I will not make an appointment with anyone unless I absolutely have too. Everything is on hold right now. I keep praying too this is over soon. This instructors are charging a lot of $$ for an hour class. I understand they trying to make money. So many people can't afford $15 a class just to workout. I am so glad I kept all my dvd's. I only got rid of the ones I absolutely don't click with. Still not missing those, lol. Every grocery store here in WV/VA & DC have those strict rules on not letting so many people in the store, they also wipe the carts for you and have disinfecting wipes through out the stores. They also will not let you in the store without a mask. Totally agree with this one.

Kirstin - how are you holding up?

BBL for more personals. Great job everyone.

Today I took a walk outside, with snow flurries:) I did abs too. It's hard to believe it's Easter but will have a small dinner with just DH & DS's. I don't even have the urge for chocolate (at least not yet).

Belinda - Nice kickboxing workout! I was thinking I wonder if they ever cleaned the food carts prior to Covid:p

Kristin - Hopefully you have a break from teaching this week.

Hi everyone,

This morning I did CL #282 Cardio Core Challenge. This one was really high impact, I keep everything low impact. I didn't get any workout minutes on my Apple watch, maybe it was too low impact, lol. I ended adding STS D20 Legs I couldn't just skip it. I used lighter weights.

Debbie - what? Snow flurries? It was freezing cold here yesterday, no snow. DH and I are alone this Easter :( We probably will do a Zoom dinner with the kids. We did that last weekend. Costco always had sanitizing wipes, you had to wipe the cart down yourself. Martins (Giant) also have wipes for you to use. They probably didn't clean the carts before the virus, lol.

Happy Easter everyone.
Happy Easter!!


Today was a long walk outside. It was warmer today. I was tired today so put Legs off until tomorrow.

Belinda - It's good that you did low impact. A Zoom dinner is a great idea:) Our stores haven't had wipes for months now but I just bring my own.

Kristin - I see the Mayor and Governor of NY are trying to decide if schools will be closed until September. I feel bad for the HS seniors it should be a fun year.

Happy Easter everyone!!

Debbie - it's a good idea bringing your own wipes.I always have some to wipe down my groceries right away.

Kirstin - hope all is well.

Happy Easter!
Hey guys. Sorry I have not been checking in. I have been overwhelmed on all fronts. Online teaching, plus both my boys need help with their online learning. My mom is not doing well at all. The home called my dad to say we should go there to possibly say our goodbyes, which we did on Wednesday. She is still alive, but it does not look good. It was the first time I saw her in weeks and she looked so thin and frail.

I have been keeping up with my workouts. I will try to get on tomorrow to catch up on personals and tell you more.


Kristin - I am so sorry your Mom isn't doing well:( (((HUGS))) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as well. Take care of yourself.

Today was a walk outside and STS D14 Legs. Easter was quiet.

Belinda - I hope you were able to Zoom with your family:)


Today I walked after the wind and rain stopped. Also did STS D15 Back & bi's. The sun actually came out but it was the end of the day.

Belinda - You are getting through STS quickly!

Kristin - My thoughts are with you.


Today was a walk outside. It was cool but in the sun not too bad. I did my big food shopping and it wasn't too bad. I feel safer with everyone wearing masks.

Waves hi:)


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