Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did a Low Impact Hiit workout with DD.

Debbie - most people don't like it when people grunt or moan at the gym. It's annoying. You should try one of the PHA workouts. I really like them. I went to Costco this morning. They were fully stocked besides disinfecting wipes. They had pallets of toilet paper. Although it made me happy to see them fully stocked. I agree, it just feels like a bad nightmare!

Kirstin - hope you had a great run and CF today.

Have a great day.

Today was a walk outside and STS D22 Chest & Shoulders. I am saving Tri's for tomorrow, I was really tired today.

Belinda - Did you do your workout with facetime with DD? I hope to get in a PHA workout next week:) I have to go to Costco next week but hoping no wait to go inside and short lines. Happy to hear they are fully stocked:)

Kristin - It seems like people love the samples at Costco especially if they want to try a product. I hope the company could come up with an alternate way to distribute the samples for your DH's job.

Hi everyone,

I did CL 136 UB Challenge w/ball. Great workout.

Debbie - yes, I did. I hope your Costco is fully stocked like mine was. DD just told me her pilates studio is opening up May 9th. They only letting 6 people at a time to take the class plus they all have to wear a mask. I couldn't workout with a mask on. DD isn't happy.

Kirstin - I don't think they doing food samples at Costco anytime soon :( In some warehouses they only let 1 member enter the warehouse. It's becoming ridiculous. You also can't enter the store without a mask. They said yesterday they will not let people enter unless they wear a mask.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today was an outdoor walk & STS D22 Tri's. It was somewhat of a rainy day but it did clear up by dinner time.

Belinda - I couldn't imagine working out with a mask:( It's bad enough at the food store. My SILs wear gloves for work, I don't think I could do that either. I would rather wash my hands more.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Yesterday was a rest day. I was going to do a short workout, but told myself I earned a rest day. Governor Cuomo called it, schools closed for the year. We will continue with online learning. It is weird because this was my toughest year as far as the students I had and yet I was sad when he said the words, schools will remain closed for the year. I don't know. I have such mixed feelings about it. I am up and down on everything lately. One minute I am fine, then I am full-blown crying with this intense sadness. Did I tell you guys that my mom has not been cremated yet? There are so many dead bodies in the morgue from Covid-19 that they are backed up. It might be another week or two, they told us. They have refrigerated trucks in the back for the bodies. So crazy. I feel like maybe my mom is not at peace? We could not have a proper memorial and now her body is still not cremated?

I woke up depressed today, but I made myself go for a run. 3 miles. I made my son ride his bike while I ran to get him outside too. Then I did a 21-15-9 workouts with burpees, kettlebell swings and step-ups, and closed it out with 100 sit-ups. I used to hate burpees, but I've been incorporating them so much in my workouts, they were not that hard today. My first set, I told myself to do 7-7-7, but instead I pushed through and didn't stop until I got to 12, took a quick break, and banged out the other 9. The 15 reps I did 10 and 5, then 9 straight through. I would not have been able to do that a few weeks ago. I am going to make sure to force myself to do burpees in more workouts, lol. I feel much better after these workouts.

We plan on going to a beach later just to get more sun and the ocean always makes me happy. I am lucky to live on Long Island, so many beaches less than 1/2 away.

Belinda- I know, this is what scares me. He actually spoke to an executive at the company. In Australia, they are starting up demos, but just a few a day. It will be a long time before we can even do that here, especially in NY.

Deb- my husband is hoping the same thing. It is sad. I know a lot of people who shop at Costco to get the free food samples, like lunch and shop, it is a very popular program and part of what makes Costco, Costco. But if we never return to "normal"? What happens? It scares me.



Quick check in: I been organizing my digital downloads/files/picutes. Deleting data on my phone. Learning a lot about my phone. Hopefully it's all still here tomorrow, lol. It's a nightmare. Been deleting/moving files since this morning. I did manage to walk outside for an hour.

Sorry, I will keep it short today. My head is spinning working on the PC/phone today. I will catch up on perusal tomorrow.

Today we walked outside, it was a beautiful day:) When the weather is nice it makes it harder to believe/understand what is going on. The walks sure do help, I felt so moody today.

Belinda - I agree organizing my phone makes my head spin. I usually give up but kudos on getting in done!!

Kristin - You did some nice workouts today! I would have liked to see school go back for at least 2 weeks so everyone could have a plan, closure and say goodbyes. I'm sure that is easy for me to say but difficult to implement. I'm so sorry about the situation with your Mom's memorial:( It is terrible and heartbreaking for families to go through.

Hey guys. 9 mile run done. I wore the wrong underwear :(. my butt is chafed. I have to jump in the shower and I am dreading it because it is going to burn. Sorry if that is TMI. The weather is beautiful. I love it.

Deb- I agree it is hard to believe what is going on when it is nice out. Then you get a reminder when you pass an overpass sign that reads, wear a mask, save lives :oops:. I cannot believe this is our reality.

Belinda- I hear you about working on the computer and being drained/overloaded. I freakin' hate it.



Today I walked outside, nice day again!! I also did a YT barre workout. I also cooked my monthly sauce. I dropped a roasting pan with hot oil and it burned my hip. I iced it up and it doesn't look too bad. I think my clothes helped:oops:

Kristin - Ouch, chafing hurts, we will both be walking funny tomorrow:) The last couple of days I see more cars on the road.

Waves hi to Belinda

Hi everyone,

Ended up taking a rest day yesterday. Still playing around with my phone, lol

Today DH and I did CL 229 Awesome UB + Step Boss stacked abs. I will go for a walk later. Today is my birthday. I am sad I can't see my kids on my bday or mother's day.

Debbie - great job on that walk yesterday. I went grocery shopping yesterday.

Kirstin - sorry to hear about your mom not getting cremated right away. It's a awful situation. I am so sorry you have to go through this.
Hi everyone,

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Today was a walk outside & STS D23 Legs. I went to Costco and Trader Joe's today. Costco wasn't crowded and no wait which was great. They were also pretty stocked. At Trader Joe's needed to wait outside because they only let a few people in at a time. It's amazing how tired I was afterwards. I still think it's stressful wearing masks & wiping everything down.

Happy Birthday, Belinda!!!
Belinda - I'm sorry you couldn't spend time with your children on your birthday. It's crazy how this virus is turning everything upside down. Hopefully you can celebrate later on:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

It turned out the problem on my phone was a system problem. Had nothing to do with what I did. I spent hours yesterday with a supervisor from Apple via screen share on my PC to restore my phone. I lost all my photos off of iCloud which had to be restored in iTunes/iCloud than back on my phone. It took over 7 hours to deal with this system problem on my phone. The system on my phone was so jacked up it kept all the recycled/storing the cache. I couldn't do anything on my phone anymore. I was maxed out on storage, therefore I couldn't even receive the verification code you need in order to upload/transfer anything from my phone to iCloud or iTunes. Somehow the system deleted everything off my phone and everything off the iCloud. I didn't care about the phone. I was more upset about all the photos I lost. I told my husband I am getting another phone with more storage space. The supervisor on the phone must have heard me, lol. I forgot he was listening, he was working and to figure out why my Other was 3 times the size of my actually storage. The system kept collecting and keeping the caches which build up all my storage on my phone. Why the system took up all my storage? Nobody knows. The guy was amazing..heck with spent my birthday on the phone & computer talking to him for over 7 hours, lol. He took on my case, in case I run into more trouble with iCloud or my phone. He also had me do a lot of crazy stuff on my computer. I had no idea all this devices are somehow all connected. I learned more about phones/computer systems than I wanted to know. I do have to say screen sharing was cool. At one point he drew a picture on my computer screen to explain how all this is connected and how they all communicate and how everything works. Pretty neat. I learned more than I wanted to know.

Hell of a birthday, hah? I was freaking out when I lost all my photos :( I was very sad. I am so glad I got all my pictures back. I also got ALL the pictures I deleted a long time ago off my phone.
He recommended to back everything up on a hard drive especially the ones you you don't want to lose.

The only thing didn't restore was my Apple watch. The guy will call me today to restore my Apple watch back to Wednesday. Otherwise I start from scratch.

Debbie - thank you! It was defiantly a different birthday. It was actually a very stressful day for me. Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - hope you doing well.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside and STS D24 Back & Bi's. I am done with M2, I will take an active week + a few days before I start M3. We are having our lawn reseeded and trees removed, hopefully it will look better.

Belinda - Wow, that is a long time but worth it to get your photos back:) I have a large "other" file too. Never knew what to do with it. It's good that you learned so much, it can be so confusing. Hopefully on your next birthday you can have a nice celebration!

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. I've been keeping up with the workouts. Yesterday was a speed run workout. Today I did a 3 mile run, then later I did a CF style workout followed by an upper body circuit. My arms are fried. Anyway. . . Yesterday we did a Zoom Cinco de Mayo party with my neighbors. It was fun. I miss parties and seeing people in person.

Deb- Are you going on the RT this year? Is it still "on"? I wonder if they will have to postpone it.

Belinda- Happy belated birthday. WOW, I am so glad you got all your photos back and then some. I honestly, don't know how the cloud works, lol.



Today I walked outside and did a yoga class. The cold weather is back and my heat is back on:( This is a crazy year. DH saw a joke about the movie "Back to the Future" and it said whatever you do don't go back to "2020" :)

Belinda - Is your phone faster now?

Kristin - Nice workout & great idea about zoom/Cinco de Mayo! I could go for a Margarita:) I am going to the RT. I read that as of right now it is on. I think it will depend on the guidelines they make for gyms. I'm guessing they may split classes. The tri-state area is a mess not sure how it is in South Jersey.

Good morning,

Today I did Pyramid upper body. I will go for a walk later today.

Debbie - I also went for a walk and did yoga in the evening. Yes, my phone is running faster.

Kirstin - thank you! I am glad they recovered all my pictures too. I am so happy. What a great idea about zoom/Cinco de Mayo :)
Today I did a 6 mile run. I took it easy and slow and it felt good. I went at around 8:30 this morning. Not too many people on the paved trail I go to at that time, which was good. I hate it when it is crowded and I have to weave around people, especially with this virus. I had a few Zoom conference meetings today as well. Oh, and for the first time ever, I colored my own hair. I was holding off until the salons are reopened, but I couldn't wait any longer. Too many grays!

Belinda- The weather has been perfect for nice walks. Now they are saying we might get snow in NY? SNOW! In May?!?! It better be a hoax.

Deb- I saw that on Facebook I think and it is funny. . . any kinda sad. What a miserable bitch this year has been!



Today was a walk outside and I did some calf exercises. We dropped off some things for my Mom and had a facetime Dr. appointment for my MIL. Everyday seems strange:confused:

Belinda - Do you think I should attempt to delete the "other"? My other thought is wait till the Apple store reopens and have them look at my phone. Pyramid Upper is a good one:)

Kristin - I wasn't sure if it wasn't as crowded walking because we were early or it was so cold! We are expecting snow tooo_O With all this craziness, do you have a last day of school?

Good morning,

Debbie - The OTHER is the system Data. You can't deleted it. It runs all your system Data. You can deleted/clear your caches/reset your documents & data.Mine OTHER was over 65 GB. I cleaned up my phone I had hardly anything on it, it still was that high. Like I said, I couldn't do anything with my phone, got a warning my storage was full. The OTHER shouldn't never get that high. The system Data includes caches, logs and other resources currently in use by the system. How high is your OTHER storage? Mine was over 65 GB. Three times higher than my other storage (pictures, apps) Your OTHER (system Data storage) should be around 2 GB or a little higher but never 3 times higher than your all your other storage. The OTHER can fluctuate. You OTHER should never take up that many GB's.Try googling how to clear your caches on your phone/PC/ FB and any other apps your are using first. How much storage (pictures a.s.o) are you using? All your apps are collecting data/caches.

It sure is strange how we live these day. My Ortho is going to open up again soon. Wonder how that will look like? Crazy times.

Kirstin - thank goodness we don't have a lot of people walk/run in my neighborhood. My DH mention about the cold yesterday too. WTG on your run yesterday.


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