Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today we went to the HS track, you need to go over a small fence. A set-up is available to go over easy. We were the only ones on the track, a few were in the middle doing workouts. DH wanted to run and I walked. I also did 1/2 of STS W2 Squat Legs.

Belinda - I'm happy CL was postponed, hopefully my new router will be here tomorrow. Nice workout! It's nice that you DD is staying with you it must be good for all of you:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I went with DD to her doctors appointment in DC. I stayed in the car. Than we stopped at Whole Foods. We don't have a Whole Foods in WV. They were fully stocked expect hand sanitizers (go figure) and I didn't see any TB. Stocked up on fresh vegetables, they always have a great selection on fresh produce.

I did Barre Amped TB barre. Lots of core and stretching in that one. That one was a newer one I haven't done. Really liked it.

Debbie - I saw it it was postponed until the 9th. I hope your new router come today. It's great having DD here. We workout together and do our walks together. Great job on walking the tracks yesterday.

Kirstin - I hope all is well. Miss you, girl.

I will try to be back later.

Today we walked outside and I did some YT barre work. I did get my new router and it seems to be working really good:) I just can't believe how many wires I have attached my computer it took awhile to figure it all out. I should have labeled them somehow:confused:

Belinda - It must have been nice to go for a car ride and Whole Foods. Whole Foods vegetables always look so good:) I'm ready to go out more and be careful about social distancing & sanitizing. NJ is opening slowly in 2-4 weeks.

Kristin - Hopefully you are winding down with school. This must have felt like the longest year.

Good morning,

L4 W3 D3 Shoulder Intervals is done. DD and I did Adriane Yoga for sensitive knees.

Last night we took a 2 mile walk. Hopefully we will get another walk in. It's suppose to rain today.

Debbie - DH and I went Bethesda (Walther Reeds) they have a PX. I wanted to look for new sneakers. Ended up not buying any, lol. It was nice just to get out of the house. We went to Costco Sunday they letting everyone in the warehouse, you must wear a mask. No more standing in line outside. You have to be carful about social distancing and keep your hands clean. Of course, wear your mask. Yeah, on the router and barre workout. I do enjoy doing more barre workouts again.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a wonderful day and workout.

Today I walked outside & DH went to the track to run. It is cooler and some shade when I walk in the neighborhood, the track is full sun. I also did STS D31 Chest & Back. We have been getting thunderstorms at night but I sleep right through it:oops:

Belinda - It's nice that you have your daughter with you to workout:) It brings some normal to your life. I hope our stores are letting everyone in too. I guess we have to live with the mask but it makes me appreciate the fresh air when I'm walking.

Kristin - I heard on the news above ground pools are sold out along with bicycles.

Good morning,

SBF Tabata + L4 Legs is done. I also did 10 min seated yoga.

Debbie - amazing job on your workout yesterday. They are starting to reopen again. I hate wearing the mask. Hopefully we don't have to wear them much longer. Although I doubt it.


Today was a walk outside. I also caught up with some laundry. We really are just wearing comfortable clothes, it makes getting dressed in the morning easy. Sometimes it looks like I am walking in pjs.

Belinda - Nice workout! Lately when I do barre & yoga my hip has been hurting, I must be doing something wrong.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Bounce TB = 36 min is done.

Debbie - what is the name of the instructor you do barre on youtube ? You shouldn't have hip problems doing barre. Be carful. I wear comfortable clothes mostly workout clothes or dresses. No PJ's.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will be back later.

Today we walked outside. In the afternoon my SIL and I went to Long Island to visit our friend, stay over so we can go to the beach early tomorrow morning. They limit the amount of people on the beach for social distancing.

Belinda - Sounds like a fun workout. I’m starting to think my hip pain has something to do with something pressing on my nerve it seems to get worse at night.

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I did STS D32 Plyo Legs. I modified and substituted some exercises to make it work for me. My friend, SIL and I went to the beach early it was cool (for me) but I wore a sweatshirt. It was a nice day!

Waves hi to Belinda

Kristin - We went to Long Beach in Smithtown, it is a scenic beach. Not everyone was social distancing but it was very windy so hopefully that helped those groups. They were young people.

Good morning,

Yesterday we went for a 3.5 mile hike. It was beautiful day outside.

Today I will do L3 W4 D1 Chest & Triceps.

Debbie - if you have a pressed nerve be careful. Sounds like you need to see a doctor. Hope you feel better. People do not keep social distance around here too.


Today I walked on the HS track, not a lot of people but fun seeing the different workouts going on. I still am spending a lot of time decluttering. It is going to take a long time, but I need to be patient.

Belinda - A hike sounds good especially when the weather is nice:) I need to talk to my Dr. during my physical and see who she thinks I should see. It doesn't hurt all the time but when it does:(

Kristin - Today they decided to open public pools here in NJ, which is nice.

Good morning,

L4 Week 4 D2 Back & Biceps is done. I will go for a walk soon before it gets too hot. I may do a nice stretch later.

Last night I took a live 60 min yoga class with DD's instructors out of DC. She will offer every Monday live classes. I plan on signing up for a few. We also walked 3.5 miles yesterday. I been walking daily. Need to get my steps in.

Debbie - I am still decluttering my house. Good job with your workout and decluttering.

Kirstin - what are you up too?

Hey guys. I am sorry I have not been checking in. School is almost over and then I will be a regular on here again. It is just too much time on the computer every day. I am over it. I am sick of it. I hope to God we do not go back to digital learning in the fall or have a second wave of Covid and have to do this crap again. I don't know how anyone sits at a computer all day. I could never do it.

I have been keeping up with my workouts. I have run 100 miles so far in the NYSVR 434 run. I am doing my own mixes of Crossfit workouts I find online. Today is my younger DS's birthday. We are celebrating by the pool today. Anyway. . . sorry I have not been checking in.

Deb- There is a personal trainer who trains these two women in the morning on the paved trail that I run. They do some interesting movements when I pass by them. The one good thing about this whole thing is when the weather got nice everyone wanted to go outside and workout. Even I have been doing some of my CF style workouts in my backyard. I love it.

Belinda- I miss my yoga classes. I haven't gone in two years. The studio I used to go to is still closed. Maybe when they open, I'll go back.



Today I walked on the track, DH ran. I prefer walking outside because there is some shade, track is full sunlight. I also tried the FB Cathe Live, it was a nice mix of kickboxing and lower body. I did it in my living room too distracting, should have done it in my bedroom.

Belinda - The yoga class sounds good, especially after your long walk. I guess I didn't expect the decluttering to take so long but happy I started it:)

Kristin - You need the break especially this year:) Kudos on keeping up with your workouts! Happy Birthday to your DS.

Hi everyone,

I walked this morning. I will do a yoga or stretch later.

Debbie - great job yesterday. I was going to do the Cathe Live ran out of steam, lol. It's still up maybe I do it today.

Kirstin - I hope things will get back to normal. Looking forward to your daily check ins. Great job keeping up with your workouts.

I will check in later for more personals.

Today was a walk outside and STS D33 Shoulders, bi's & tri's. I can't believe I am almost done with STS. This time it went fast, I think it was because of COVID-19.

Belinda - Nice workout! I didn't realize you could do the FB Live workouts anytime. I thought I heard Cathe has done a few of them on FB.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Got four miles in yesterday and today I ran 6 in the humidity and wind for a bonus, lol. It is supposed to be raining and thunderstorms all day, so I plan on helping my kids with their school work, getting caught up with my work and then making it a movie day.

Yesterday we went to the beach. We had to wear masks on the boardwalk and in the bathrooms/concession stands, but we were allowed to take them off on the sand. Still feels weird to me wearing a mask in public. I will never get used to it.

Belinda- Nice job listening to your body and backing off when you need to. I need to do that more!

Deb- I saw Cathe posted a live workout on FB with some kickboxing coach. I may check it out when I have the time later. I think you watch it anytime.


Good morning,

Walked 2.5 miles and I did L4 Shoulder.

Debbie - the live workout is still up on FB. I probably will do it tomorrow. Looks good.

Kirstin - wtg, on your runs. I will never get used to wearing mask in public. I hate wearing them. Glad you had fun yesterday.

I will be back for personals.

Today was a walk outside and it was humid! It was nice when it rained a little bit:) I didn't know how to make the Cathe FB workout larger on the screen. I wish I could have. Maybe you can't?

Belinda - I agree I will never get used to the masks! If I would have to wear at a gym not sure if I could.

Kristin - I can't imagine running in this humidity;) We had rain but the sun did come out later. I'm sure you and the boys are counting the days when home school is over! Hopefully no masks in the water when we could go in.


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